Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas
Diretoria de Ensino
A internet oferece uma ampla variedade de materiais didáticos que podem ser utilizados no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Estes materiais podem ser utilizados em diversas disciplinas e são encontrados em vários formatos. Contudo,... more
Com o frequente uso de Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVA) em instituições de ensino, é necessário que coordenadores e administradores gerenciem efetivamente os cursos de Educação a Distância (EaD), a fim de garantir um bom... more
Atualmente, a tecnologia está presente na sociedade e nos mostra diferentes meios de interação. A Realidade Virtual (RV) é uma dessas maneiras, de modo que sua aplicação tem trazido novas experiências imersivas em diversos âmbitos, como... more
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma forma divertida de conscientizar crianças do 2ª ao 5º ano a respeito da poluição ambiental e dos impactos desta, além de mostrar algumas soluções que podem ser aplicadas para combater alguns tipos... more
This paper presents a methodology for identifying metamorphic malware based on the comparison of dependency graphs stored in a reference. On the strength of the structural differentiation of the vertices and the addition of virtual... more
The development of community support environments requires a big effort when educational context is adopted. In this way, it's important to work with technologies to minimize implementational effort, offers reusability and allow... more
The services that river vessels have provided to Amazonian communities, from the most remote to the great metropolises, are so essential that it is likely that without them the very livelihoods and survival of the peoples of the region... more
Context: Environments of uncertainty and instability force organizations to modify their actions. The reason for this change is that the minimum data and information needed to establish the logic of production cannot be obtained.... more
Context: Environments of uncertainty and instability force organizations to modify their actions. The reason for this change is that the minimum data and information needed to establish the logic of production cannot be obtained.... more
Metamorphism have been successfully used in original malicious code to the creation and proliferation of new malware instances, making them harder to detect. This work presents an approach that identifies metamorphic malware through data... more
Context: External environments of uncertainty and instability force organizations to modify their actions. The reason for this change is that the necessary data and information cannot be obtained to establish constant and reliable changes... more
Metamorphism have been successfully used in original malicious code to the creation and proliferation of new malware instances, making them harder to detect. This work presents an approach that identifies metamorphic malware through data... more
Context: External environments of uncertainty and instability force organizations to modify their actions. The reason for this change is that the necessary data and information cannot be obtained to establish constant and reliable changes... more