Papers by Safdar Rehman Ghazi
Gomal University Journal of Research, Jun 3, 2016
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2011
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between self-perceived multiple inte... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between self-perceived multiple intelligences of urban and rural schools students. Measurement of central tendency, mean score, SD for the measurement of self-perceived multiple intelligences and one sample–t test was used for mean comparison of urban and rural schools students. Result showed that there is a significant difference between self-perceived verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/ spatial and intrapersonal intelligence of urban and rural students and there is no significant difference between self-perceived, musical, bodily/kinesthetic, interpersonal and naturalistic intelligence of urban and rural students.

This study aimed at to investigate the relationship between parents’ socio-economic status and th... more This study aimed at to investigate the relationship between parents’ socio-economic status and their children academic performance. The main objec tiv of the study was to know about different socio-economic factors which affect stude nts’ academic performance at secondary level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. This study w as descriptive and co-relational in nature. Students of intermediate level (1 st Year) of six districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan comprised the population of the study. Sev en hundred and twenty (720) students were sampled from the selected districts. Pearson P r duct Movement correlation was used as statistical technique. A positive significant relat ionship of total family income, father’s job grade was found with the academic performance of th e s udents. The results of this study International Review of Social Sciences and Humanit ies, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2013), 58-65 59 showed that parents’ socio-economic status is an im portant variable which influence their...

The study aimed to explore students’ opinion of int egrating technology in teaching learning proc... more The study aimed to explore students’ opinion of int egrating technology in teaching learning process at higher education level in Khyber Pakhtun khwa Pakistan. The study was designed with the objectives: 1) To explore students’ percep tions regarding motivation and interaction through technology in teaching learning process at higher education level 2) To compare male and female students’ opinions about motivation and interaction through technology in teaching learning process at higher education level . Students studying in all the public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan constit uted the population of the study. Out of 13 public sector university 5 universities were ran domly selected from which 800 students studying in Master final year session 2008-2010 wer e s lected through proportional allocation technique as a sample of the study. Mean, Standard Deviation and Chi Square test of International Review of Social Sciences and Humanit ies, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2013), 66...

Child Labour has emerged as a serious, widespread and rapid growing problem in many parts of the ... more Child Labour has emerged as a serious, widespread and rapid growing problem in many parts of the world. Child Labour is a socio-economic issue, which not only wrecks the social growth, but also damages the moral fabrics of our society. The in hand paper not only highlights this very issue, but also have a close look at its major inverse effect on Universalization of Primary Education (one of the MDGs). The main reason for Child Labour in many countries, particularly in third world nations is lack of education which is mainly caused by poverty, location, child status, family status and teacher’s behavior etc. This paper attempts to assess the causes and effects of Child Labour and its impact on Universalization of Primary Education at District Bannu. This study was guided by these objectives: To investigate the perception of teachers regarding the impact of poverty on Universalization of Primary Education at District Bannu, To examine the perception of teachers regarding the impact o...

Presence of powerful motivation in the employees of organizations is globally critical and necess... more Presence of powerful motivation in the employees of organizations is globally critical and necessary. Therefore, this study explores staff motivation among academics in a UK and Pakistani university. Based on factors associated with staff motivation extracted from the literature, a self-completion questionnaire was developed for this study. The questionnaire was designed to enable staff to rate various factors associated with staff motivation in order of their importance to them. The questionnaire was pilot-tested for validity and reliability. Data were collected via an i-survey facility provided at the UK university. Both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used to analyse the data. The results of this study revealed that Power and Efficacy needs were most important for the UK academics while Safety and Achievement needs were most important for the Pakistani academics. However, when results were aggregated from both universities, Esteem, Actualization and Social...

This study was designed to the effectiveness of early childhood education classrooms in terms of ... more This study was designed to the effectiveness of early childhood education classrooms in terms of available facilities and practices in Public Elementary Schools of remote district of central Punjab. In this study survey design was used. The target population for this study was all the Head Teachers, ECE teachers and Caregivers constituted the population working in all public elementary schools in district Toba Tek Singh. However, using simple random sampling method 150 head teachers, 150 teachers and 150 caregivers (female) were selected. To collect data from the sampled participants a self-developed questionnaire was used as data collection instrument from the sample. The items set in the questionnaire was based on categories of Facilities and Practices. The questionnaire was also pretested on a small group of teachers from non-selected schools to evaluate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The Cronbach alpha value for reliability of the questionnaire was found 0.71...

The main objective of the study was to know about the teachers and their teaching methodologies, ... more The main objective of the study was to know about the teachers and their teaching methodologies, and students’ assessment system used by them in the Institutes of Education and Research of universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. For the purpose, relevant information/data was collected from four Institutes of Education & Research randomly selected in public sector universities. It was found that senior staff members were lacking in the universities. However, the junior staff members were working as per the sanctioned posts. It was concluded that lecture method was frequently used by the faculty members and micro teaching method was neglected. As these Institutes are the major contributors to teacher education, therefore the implementation and promotion of modern teaching methods and techniques is the core responsibility of these institutes. So there is a dire need to use the modern methods of teaching in these institutes for their promotion, especially micro teaching method may...

This research was aimed at investigating the teacher’s role in fostering students’ self esteem as... more This research was aimed at investigating the teacher’s role in fostering students’ self esteem as assessed by students with the objective to identify the role of a teacher’s attitude and attribute in fostering the self-esteem of students at secondary level. This study was guided by the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the views of students about the role of teachers’ attitude and attribute in fostering their self-esteem. A self developed questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect the required information, data was collected personally. Validity and reliability of the instrument was checked through a pilot run. The respondents of the pilot study were from the population but were not included in sample. The questionnaire was found reliable with a Chronbach Alpha value 0.83. This study was descriptive in nature. All the students studying at secondary level constituted the population of this study. Keeping in view the total strength of the students...

Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2013
Herzberg (1959) identified two factors namely; Hygiene and Motivator, which is widely used to mea... more Herzberg (1959) identified two factors namely; Hygiene and Motivator, which is widely used to measure job satisfaction of employees in the work place. Hygiene factors include company (reworded as university) policy and administration, supervision, interpersonal relationship, salary, working conditions, personal life, status and security, while Motivator factors are represented by opportunities for advancement (promotion), achievement, responsibility, recognition, Growth and value of work itself. Objectives of the study were to find out the job satisfaction and motivational level of university teachers regarding the Hygiene and Motivator factors as identified by Herzberg and to find out the effect of fulfillment of Hygiene and Motivator factors on motivation of university teachers. The population comprised all university teachers who were working in public sector universities in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (Pakistan). A sample of 300 university teachers was selected from four sampled universi...

Journal of Educational Research, 2014
IntroductionJean Piaget a well-known psychologist belonged to Switzerland. He developed Cognitive... more IntroductionJean Piaget a well-known psychologist belonged to Switzerland. He developed Cognitive Development theory in 1952 and was known as Piaget's Theory. He was concerned with children cognitive learning and proved that how they responded to their surroundings. Piaget's theory centered on a rule that cognitive development starts in a sequence of four separate, universal stages. These four stages work for all time in similar order and each stage constructs on the basis of the prior stage. Piaget stated that cognitive development was a reformation progress of mind as a result of genetic, biological maturation and surrounding practice. Children pass through four stages of cognitive development up to the adulthood (Wadsworth, 2003).Cognitive development process is the formation and composition of thinking processes. It includes particularly identification, recall, solve difficulties, problems, hindrances, and make decisions about something from childhood to adulthood. Piage...

Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 2015
The present study aimed to explore gender differences in self-estimated multiple intelligences. S... more The present study aimed to explore gender differences in self-estimated multiple intelligences. Stratified random sampling technique was used for the selection of 905 (542 boys and 363 girls) secondary school students of Southern Districts, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The age of the participants varied from 14-16 years. Forty five items derived from Armstrong Multiple Intelligence Inventory (1994) and McKenzie’s Intelligence Scale (1999) based on Gardner’s multiple intelligences were used as data collection instrument. The results of the study revealed that female students estimated their verbal/linguistic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences higher than their male counterparts; and male students rated their bodily/kinesthetic and naturalistic intelligences higher than their female counterparts; while nonsignificant differences were found between male and female students on logical/mathematical, visual/ spatial, musical and existential intelligences. It is suggested tha...

Introduction Organizational climate is developed by the organization. It reflects the struggles o... more Introduction Organizational climate is developed by the organization. It reflects the struggles of both internal and external people who compose the organization. Owens (2004) related it to such terms as atmosphere, personality, tone, or ethos. According to Tagiuri (1968), organizational climate is used as notion to express the quality of organizational life. However, Hoy and Miskel (1990) offer a specific definition of school climate, “School climate is a relatively enduring quality of the school environment that is experienced by participents, affects their behavior, and is based on their collective perceptions of behavior in schools”. Kupermine, Leadbearter and Blatt (2001) identified that number and quality of interactions between adults and students is the factor of school climate. Safe and responsive school climate upgrades the school level and also improves the social, emotional and academic learning of the school (Blum, 2002; Osterman, 2000). Similarly the researchers...

Introduction Job satisfaction is defined as the positive emotional response to a job situation re... more Introduction Job satisfaction is defined as the positive emotional response to a job situation resulting from attaining what the employee wants and values from the job (Locke, 1976, Locke et al., 1983, and Olsen, 1993). There is no one agreed definition, however, Wanous and Lawler (1972) list nine different operational definitions, each based on a different theoretical orientation and each resulting in different measures. The major difference between definitions is in terms of the different ways in which aspects of job satisfaction are combined. When the relationship between job satisfaction for different aspects of the job and overall job satisfaction is analyzed, considerable differences in the extent of the correlation are found. This implies that job satisfaction can be captured by either a onedimensional concept of global job satisfaction, or a multidimensional, faceted, construct of job satisfaction capturing different aspects of a job situation that can vary independently and...

Mediterranean journal of social sciences, 2011
This study aimed at to investigate the relationship between parent’s education and students’ self... more This study aimed at to investigate the relationship between parent’s education and students’ self perceived multiple intelligences.All Students of 1st years in district Bannu constituted population of the study. Using multistage random sampling 379 male and 335female all together 714 students were selected as a sample of the study. A significant correlation was found between Students’ self-perceivedverbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, musical intelligence and their parents’ education, and nonsignificant correlation was found betweenstudents’ self-perceived bodily/kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic intelligence and their parents’ education. There was anegative correlation between students’ self-perceived bodily/kinesthetic intelligence and their parents’ education. On the basis of the findingsit was recommended that children may be provided various opportunities so they may develop properly their multiple intelligences.Government may make such policies regard...

International Journal of Developing Societies, 2012
The main purpose of this study is to explore the facet-specific levels of job satisfaction of the... more The main purpose of this study is to explore the facet-specific levels of job satisfaction of the head teachers. For the purpose, data was collected through a modified version of MSQ from elementary school head teachers. Results were generated according to the objectives of the study using ANOVA and post hoc test in SPSS. It was concluded that compensation, working conditions, social status, and school practices and policies were the facets of job which contributed to head teachers' low satisfaction. The head teachers having minimum and maximum experience seemed to be more satisfied for the dimensions of job; advancement, school policies and practices, social service, creativity, recognition, activity, moral values, social status, as compared to the head teachers having medium experience (6-15 years). The head teachers having different years of experience significantly differed for their job satisfaction level for dimensions; activity, authority, colleagues, creativity, moral values, recognition, responsibility, school policies/practices, social service, social status, supervision human relations, variety and working conditions) of their job. Results of the study provide sufficient bases to frame recommendations accordingly.

International Journal of Elementary Education, 2014
The schooling structure of Pakistan, in terms of quality education and knowledge having the lowes... more The schooling structure of Pakistan, in terms of quality education and knowledge having the lowest ranking position in the globe. Several reasons can be held to blame for this state of affairs.i.e the quality of learning and competency level of both students and teachers in Pakistan is among the poorest in the region. One of the reasons is the low level of educational qualifications required to become a primary school teacher. Another is the quality of teacher certification programs, which suffers from the lack of adequately trained trainers, little emphasis on teaching practice and non-existence of proper support/monitoring system for teachers. Teacher and its role is one of these rudiments. Because teacher is key part of the schooling and learning progression, which faces diverse tribulations owing to which they cannot play their roles efficiently in the education process. This ongoing text is based on a systematic analysis of the on hand text, decisively analyses the tribulations faced by female primary school teachers in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. Conclusion of this present on hand study reveals that teachers are not as much should be provoked towards teaching occupation, due to their appointments, transfers, place of posting and individual promotions, rapid rate of bribery and political affiliations and interference relatively than on merit. In many cases female teachers are appointed in inaccessible areas, where they not only faced with lodging and transport tribulations. The on hand study in additional establish that female teachers are overburdened with additional classes due to lack of teaching staff in primary schools, especially on one side female teachers face huge shortage of teaching and learning resources in schools and on the other side there are smaller amount proficient development opportunities for all teachers especially for female teachers. These few mentioned factors have very much affected the procedure of schooling and education in schools. The on hand study recommends that the problems of female teachers could be resolved to somehow by establishing an atmosphere of faith and intensification the system of answerability, on condition that schooling and education assets to female primary schools, providing ongoing proficient advancement opportunities and incentives to those devoted female teachers, making transparent appointments system and making clear promotions procedure just on merit, making arrangement for providing enough teaching and non teaching staff to female primary schools and rooting out the evil of political interference and involvement.
The general intent of this descriptive study was to document the general job satisfaction of the ... more The general intent of this descriptive study was to document the general job satisfaction of the head teachers working in government elementary schools in context of their school location and size as measured by the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire ( ...
Papers by Safdar Rehman Ghazi