Books/Papers (EN) by Zbigniew Floriańczyk
"This volume of "Rural areas and development" has a special character while proving sustainabili... more "This volume of "Rural areas and development" has a special character while proving sustainability of European Rural Development Network idea. We are proud of this 10th volume of the Network's yearbook that documents decade of international cooperation in the field of rural development particularly in Central-Eastern Europe. The effort of network members in investigation of rural processes across Europe provides extensive knowledge needed to understand what is the meaning of agricultural development. The originally agriculture sector orientation is strongly moving towards rural space policies. Thanks to broad multinational and multidisciplinary approach ERDN manages to capture main streams and regionally specific processes related to changing paradigms of rural development and provides solid base for policy and strategic planning formulation.
Papers by Zbigniew Floriańczyk

The sustainability transition of rural areas is a must due to rapid climate changes and biodivers... more The sustainability transition of rural areas is a must due to rapid climate changes and biodiversity loss. Given the limited resources of rural communities, policy should facilitate a just sustainability transition of the EU rural areas. The analysis of EU development policies, past performance and the envisaged scope of reform, presented in this study point to a serious inconsistency between the declaration and implementation of relevant policies. Namely, the marginal role rural areas perform in common agricultural policy and cohesion policy; a result of the lack of a complex approach to rural development. The analysis was based on the concept of good governance and took a multi-level perspective. It advocates territorial justice as an approach that should be at the core of creating a comprehensive policy for rural areas in the EU, including their diversity and empowering local communities to choose the transition pathway that is most in line with their current situation and develo...

The need for sustainable agricultural sector is growing rapidly due to climate changes. As there ... more The need for sustainable agricultural sector is growing rapidly due to climate changes. As there are still knowledge gaps and the need for innovations that support farmers in the sustainability transition, there is a need for determining priority research areas that are vital for the sustainable development of agriculture. The aim of our study was to derive a long-term vision of the desirable agricultural sector in Poland and prioritize research areas required to make Polish agriculture sustainable. We applied the living lab approach and, by conducting a backcasting exercise with the lab members, we identified a desirable vision of agriculture in Poland and the research areas needed to realize this vision. Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Cumulative Voting (CV), we prioritized these research areas. Our results show that adaptation to climate changes is the most important area of research, having 38.6% of the total possible number of points using AHP and 29.7% in the case o...

Cohesion policy has become the key EU policy based on its share in the EU budget. This policy is ... more Cohesion policy has become the key EU policy based on its share in the EU budget. This policy is supposed to help the EU regions to develop and thus increase socio-economic cohesion among them. Yet, given the recent EU crises and still uncertain willingness of all its Member States to continue the common project, there is a question whether it should also support increasing citizens' identification with the EU. The paper is based on the case studies conducted in two Polish regions within PERCEIVE, a Horizon 2020 project, and aims at presenting challenges of cohesion policy in Poland. The results show that Polish case study regions, despite the differences in the level of their socio-economic development, face the same challenges to the cohesion policy. Moreover, these challenges are a clear set of policy recommendation for the reform of the cohesion policy and they all concentrate around trust, both among citizens, between citizens and authorities, and among different levels of ...

This document is a comparative synthesis of the reports on regional case studies written by PERCE... more This document is a comparative synthesis of the reports on regional case studies written by PERCEIVE's partners. Each report is based both on an original data collection and on the analysis of the focus group's section that addresses communication issues. Each partner collected national and/or regional communication plans, which were mostly used for the first chapter of this report: "Communication strategy at different levels and LMAs' organization." Focus group were realized within Perceive's Work Package 1. Part of the data collected in the focus groups have been already analysed in tasks 1.1 and 1.2, and presented in deliverable 1.1. Another part of data collected in the focus groups regards communication issues. This data collection was the ground for the second chapter of this report: "Focus groups and in depth interviews." In particular, the partners of the PERCEIVE consortium realized the focus groups with practitioners of Cohesion Policy p...
Modern Information and Communication Technologies are recognized as a main factor stimulating soc... more Modern Information and Communication Technologies are recognized as a main factor stimulating socio-economic development of urban and rural areas. The aim of this article is to investigate the ICT potential in the process of improvement in competitiveness of rural areas. The classical theoretical development approaches are presented in the context of ICT territorial distribution. On the basis of the case study conducted in Poland the main obstacles to the Internet development in rural areas are analysed. Potential role of the Internet technologies in the process of competitiveness improvement of rural areas is investigated. The analyses have been done with respect to different functional types of rural areas.
In the period of transformation significant changes in the structure of income sources of populat... more In the period of transformation significant changes in the structure of income sources of population in Poland have been observed. The most important ones are a fall in the share of salaries and an increased role of social transfers as a main source of incomes. These tendencies were especially visible in rural areas. Accession of Poland to the European Union creates through Common Agricultural Policy and regional policy new possibilities for overcoming income problems troubling rural population. Total transfers to Polish agricultural sector and rural areas within 2004-2006 under those titles would reach more than 10 billion €. To ensure maximum absorption of available funds, national development plans were elaborated. Authors argue that during the first years of membership there will be no significant changes in the rural population's income structure.

The multifunctional concept became one of the most important directions of EU agriculture develop... more The multifunctional concept became one of the most important directions of EU agriculture development. The success of multifunctional agriculture is based on growing demand for non-commodity outputs. The endogenous values of rural areas that used to be explored mainly by agriculture are turning to be a base for other economic activities. The new paradigm of rural development expands the multifunctional concept and equalises agriculture with other activities. Further it stressed that successful development of rural areas must depend on investment rather than income support and integrated cooperation of all stakeholders. In the article endogenous and exogenous stimulants of multifunctional rural development are discussed. The different channels of knowledge transfer to rural areas are pointed out with the special attention to advisory services. Based on fi eld study conducted in Poland the opinion of farmers that decided to undertake non-agricultural businesses are to be analysed. Aut...
Problems currently observed in Polish agriculture have different origins. Some of them have an hi... more Problems currently observed in Polish agriculture have different origins. Some of them have an historical background, while others are related to systemic transformation and forthcoming accession to the European Union. Most of the problems are common for all the candidate countries and most of them are also observed in the developed economies. Identification of these problems is the main purpose of this article. Special attention is paid to natural, human and capital resources available in rural areas. Possible development paths are pointed out. The article also covers most of the opportunities that may help overcome rural development problems in Poland in the wake of forthcoming accession, and their limitations.
In the article growing interest in transformation of conventional agriculture toward sustainable ... more In the article growing interest in transformation of conventional agriculture toward sustainable is justified. Challenges related with environmental constraints on agriculture production growth are defined as critical. The authors suggest to consider farms applying Norfolk crop rotation system as environmentally sustainable. Comparison of main indicators characterising productivity of these farms with conventional ones proves their handicapped position in other spheres of sustainability. It is therefore justified to retarget agriculture policies to improve their productivity.
The aim of the report is to formulate the policy recommendations on the method for integration of... more The aim of the report is to formulate the policy recommendations on the method for integration of the Cohesion Policy with urban and rural policies. It addresses the problem of how territorial cohesion objectives match the 'real problems' that were compared in current and past programming periods. It also identifies the potential spheres where mixing the EU policy instruments can result in better achievement of regional needs as well as the issues that call for greater integration of different areas of the EU, national and local policies.

This dataset consists of data addressing the relationship between territorial cohesion objectives... more This dataset consists of data addressing the relationship between territorial cohesion objectives and the problems perceived by citizens. In particular a comparative analysis between the case study regions will generate data useful for identifying best practices in mixing the EU policy instruments for a better achievement of regional needs. Data that will be generated via focus groups interviews among representatives of LMA (local management authorities) in 2 Polish regions: Dolnośląskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie . Interview transcripts and report was used to address how territorial cohesion objectives match the "real problems" of regions. The focus groups were built around the following main topics: 1) governance of the Cohesion Policy projects, in order to understand how different authorities at different levels cooperate and share the responsibilities for the implementation of the Cohesion Policy; 2) level of citizen engagement, in order to understand whether a bottom-up ...

The economic theory links the growth of production factors remuneration with the productivity imp... more The economic theory links the growth of production factors remuneration with the productivity improvement. In the case of contemporary European agriculture, among the most important income creators are money transfers, namely direct payments. These transfers are part of the agricultural and rural policy directed at fulfillment of societal goals. The research investigates relations between changes of agricultural productivity and the share of direct payments in incomes from agriculture in the EU member states. The level of direct support and the productivity development were analyzed in the context of programming the agricultural growth policy. / Synopsis. Teoria ekonomii lączy wzrost wynagrodzenia czynnikow wytworczych z poprawą produktywności. W przypadku wspolczesnego rolnictwa europejskiego wśrod czynnikow dochodotworczych istotną pozycje zajmują transfery bezpośrednie. Transfery te są jednym z podstawowych instrumentow polityki rolnej i sluzą realizacji celow spolecznych. W prze...
The aim of the report is to formulate the policy recommendations on the method for integration of... more The aim of the report is to formulate the policy recommendations on the method for integration of the Cohesion Policy with urban and rural policies. It addresses the problem of how territorial cohesion objectives match the ‘real problems’ that were compared in current and past programming periods. It also identifies the potential spheres where mixing the EU policy instruments can result in better achievement of regional needs as well as the issues that call for greater integration of different areas of the EU, national and local policies.
Books/Papers (EN) by Zbigniew Floriańczyk
Papers by Zbigniew Floriańczyk