Energies, May 17, 2023
Wind energy production mainly depends on atmospheric conditions. The atmospheric stability can be... more Wind energy production mainly depends on atmospheric conditions. The atmospheric stability can be described through different parameters, such as wind shear, turbulence intensity, bulk Richardson number, and the Monin-Obukhov length. Although they are frequently used in micrometeorology and the wind industry, there is no standard comparison method. This study describes the atmospheric stability of a coastal region of Yucatan, Mexico, using these four parameters. They are calculated using six-month data from a meteorological mast and a marine buoy to determine atmospheric stability conditions and compare their results. The unstable atmospheric condition was predominant at the site, with an 80% occurrence during the measurement period, followed by 12% in neutral and 6% in stable conditions. Wind speed estimations were performed for each atmospheric stability scenario, and the variation in the energy produced was derived for each case. Unstable atmospheric conditions deliver up to 8% more power than stable conditions, while neutral conditions deliver up to 9% more energy than stable conditions. Therefore, considering a neutral state may lead to a considerably biased energy production estimation. Finally, an example calculation indicates that atmospheric stability is a crucial parameter in estimating wind energy production more accurately.
Epidemiology of Substance Use Disorders, 2018
Epidemiology of Substance Use Disorders
Foundational Principles of Allergy and Immunology
General Psychiatric Management (GPM), 2025
General Psychiatric Management (GPM)
Clinical Oncology, 2024
Clinical Oncology

Experimental Brain Research, 1999
The subcommissural organ (SCO) is a brain gland secreting glycoproteins into the cerebrospinal fl... more The subcommissural organ (SCO) is a brain gland secreting glycoproteins into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), where they aggregate forming the Reissner's fiber (RF). By the continuous addition of newly released glycoproteins, RF grows along the cerebral aqueduct, fourth ventricle, and central canal of the spinal cord. At the filum, RF-glycoproteins escape from the central canal and reach the local blood vessels. Despite a century of research, the function of the SCO remains elusive. The aim of the present investigation was to test the hypothesis that RF-glycoproteins, by binding and transporting monoamines out of the CSF, participate in the clearance of these compounds. A protocol was designed that led to the permanent immunoneutralization of the SCO through the maternal delivery of antibodies. This was achieved by transplacental transfer to the fetuses, and through the milk to the pups, of specific antibodies against SCO secretory proteins. The antibodies reached the CSF of the fetuses and pups and blocked the RF formation during the first months of life. Some of these animals died during the first postnatal weeks; those who survived displayed a rise in the CSF concentration of several monoamines, L-DOPA being the one with the highest rise. Adult rats transiently deprived of RF by a single injection of anti-RF antibodies into the CSF showed a transient rise in the CSF concentration of L- DOPA. All these results support the hypotheses that the SCO-RF complex participates in the clearance of monoamines from the CSF.
Three dimensional images were obtained using a single high numerical aperture hologram recorded i... more Three dimensional images were obtained using a single high numerical aperture hologram recorded in a high resolution photoresist with a table top α = 46.9 nm laser. Gabor holograms numerically reconstructed over a range of image planes by sweeping the propagation distance allow numerical optical sectioning that results in a robust three dimension image of a test object with a resolution in depth of approximately and a lateral resolution of 164 nm.
Some field propulsion systems are based on the solution of General Relativity Theory and are rela... more Some field propulsion systems are based on the solution of General Relativity Theory and are related to the connection between gravity and electromagnetic field. For example, Robert Forward proposed a gravity machine working according to the Einstein's General Relativity Theory, which requires ultra dense matter with the density of a dwarf star to produce useful thrust, but the proposed theoretical scheme cannot be realized by conventional technologies. The authors propose several concepts of a gravity machine utilizing an intense electromagnetic field that produces sufficient thrust to propel the spaceship, in accordance with Einstein's General Relativity Theory.
Kavya Vaddadi, V.V.S. Nikhil Bharadwaj, T.V.Vineeta, B.V.Sai Anoop, M. Sai Dheeraj, Uday kiran. P... more Kavya Vaddadi, V.V.S. Nikhil Bharadwaj, T.V.Vineeta, B.V.Sai Anoop, M. Sai Dheeraj, Uday kiran. Poothota, Yarramshetti. Deva Harsha, A. Venkat Sai, K. Sashank, V. Mounika Reddy

Journal of Molecular Evolution, 1993
We sequenced 6,478 bp of mitochondrial DNA from Peking duck (Anas platyrhyncos). Eight protein ge... more We sequenced 6,478 bp of mitochondrial DNA from Peking duck (Anas platyrhyncos). Eight protein genes, 11 tRNAs, part of the small and large ribosomal subunits, and the control region sequences were compared to homologous chicken sequences. The gene organization in duck and chicken is identical but differs from other vertebrates in the juxtaposition of the tRNAG~U-ND6 genes next to the control region and in the lack of a hairpinlike structure between the genes for tRNA Asn and tRNA cys used for light-strand replication. Protein, tRNA, and rRNA genes evolved mainly through base substitutions and small insertions and deletions. Transitions greatly outnumber transversions in the tRNA and rRNA genes, but this bias is not evident in protein genes; the control region has a higher proportion of transversions. The duck and chicken control regions show a high frequency of length mutations. Large AT rich nucleotide stretches dispersed across the region between the bidirectional transcription promoter and the heavy-strand replication origin in the chicken are absent in the duck. Sequence elements for heavystrand replication in mammals are conserved in the duck and chicken control regions. Estimates of divergence for ribosomal RNAs and proteins based on total substitutions, transversions, and amino acid replacements show that all the duck/chicken values are lower than the corresponding mammal/ mammal (cow, human, mouse) values. If paleontological data suggesting that avian and eutherian ordinal radiation occurred at approximately the same time are correct, this suggests that at great evolu

Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 1996
1. There are numerous circumstantial evidence supporting the concept that steroid hormones contro... more 1. There are numerous circumstantial evidence supporting the concept that steroid hormones control cellular function by means other than the nuclear receptor steroid binding mechanism. It is the intent of this report to present evidence indicating that steroids bind to specific sites in neuronal membranes. 2. Some of the criteria to define steroid membrane receptors using steroid-BSA conjugates that can be radioiodinated to desired specific activity have been fulfilled for each of the three sex steroids using crude synaptosomal membrane preparations (P2 fractions) from the CNS of female and male rats. Ligand binding for each of the three steroids indicate high-affinity and high-capacity sites with distinct brain selectivity and stereospecificity. For example, 17/3-E-6-[125I]BSA binds hypothalamic P2 fractions (HYP-P2) with. an estimated Kd of about 3 4-0.7 nM (X 4-SE; n = 3), whereas the cerebellum P2 (CB-P2) fractions bind the ligand with a Ka of 34 4-7 nM and, a Bm~, of 3 and 42 pmol/mg protein, respectively. Estrogen and testosterone binding fit best a one-single site, while progesterone binding sites can be best represented by a two-binding site, one high-affinity (Kd = 1-2 nM) and one low affinity (Kd = 62 nM), in CB-P2 fractions from intact adult female rat brain. Kinetics studies for T-3-[125I]BSA indicate that the estimated Ka of 30 + 2 nM for the olfactory bulb P2 fractions (OB-P2) from
A method is presented for estimating hourly actual evapotranspiration from short natural vegetati... more A method is presented for estimating hourly actual evapotranspiration from short natural vegetation or agricultural crops. The method, which can be used to calibrate remotely sensed evapotranspiration, consists of equating the ET flux equations based on the generalized Penman- Monteith (GPM) combination method and a humidity gradient (HG) method. By equating the GPM and HG expressions, a single unknown parameter,

The topic parallel universe and third eye mystery revolves around the various levels of the multi... more The topic parallel universe and third eye mystery revolves around the various levels of the multi verse or parallel universe and the third eye, also known as pineal gland inside the brain. The Secret Projects of brain are mentioned and abilities of third eye and its functions including ancient religions and cultures are discussed and the recent discoveries regarding the DNA relation with worm holes is explained. The time travel with pineal gland and its examples are described. The relationship between a consciousness and its brain has traditionally been the subject of two competing theories. The older is dualism. This holds that a human being does not just consist of a physical body with its brain but possesses something extra, ontologically independent of the body. The other is monism that holds that a person consists only of a physical body with its brain and that consciousness is in some as yet undetermined way a product of the brain and of the brain only.
Artemis Generation, 2023
In recognition of your support of NASA's Artemis lunar exploration program to send the first wome... more In recognition of your support of NASA's Artemis lunar exploration program to send the first women and next men to the Moon and prepare for human missions to Mars. Humanity's exploration of the Moon and Mars requires all of us, from astronauts, scientists and engineers to teachers and everyone who is inspired by and believes in this bold mission. Your support is essential. Thank you. We encourage you to continue to do what you love with a goal to benefit all of us Earthlings. We invite you to come along with us as we continue to explore at the International Space Station and travel on to the Moon and Mars.
IEEE Access, 2020
In this paper we present a robust trajectory tracking control for a fully actuated marine surface... more In this paper we present a robust trajectory tracking control for a fully actuated marine surface vehicle. The tracking controller is obtained using a port-Hamiltonian model of the marine craft and includes an integral action to compensate for constant disturbances. The proposed approach adds damping into both the position and integrator coordinates, leading to input-to-state stability with respect to time-varying disturbances. We exemplify this controller with a simulation for an unmanned surface vehicle subjected to constant and time-varying wind disturbances. The tracking controller rejects the disturbances achieving global exponential stability for constant disturbances and input state stability for time-varying disturbances. INDEX TERMS Input-to-state stability, integral control, marine craft, port-Hamiltonian systems, trajectory tracking.

Energies, 2021
An Energy Management System (EMS) that uses a Model Predictive Control (MPC) to manage the flow o... more An Energy Management System (EMS) that uses a Model Predictive Control (MPC) to manage the flow of the microgrids is described in this work. The EMS integrates both wind speed and solar radiation predictors by using a time series to perform the primary grid forecasts. At each sampling data measurement, the power of the photovoltaic system and wind turbine are predicted. Then, the MPC algorithm uses those predictions to obtain the optimal power flows of the microgrid elements and the main network. In this work, three time-series predictors are analyzed. As the results will show, the MPC strategy becomes a powerful energy management tool when it is integrated with the Double Exponential Smoothing (DES) predictor. This new scheme of integrating the DES method with an MPC presents a good management response in real-time and overcomes the results provided by the Optimal Power Flow method, which was previously proposed in the literature. For the case studies, the test microgrid located in...