Roger A . Søraa
Roger A. Søraa is a Researcher at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture (KULT), with a PhD in Studies of Technology and Society. He works as a researcher for the DRIVERS-project. He also works as a project manager and EU project developer for NTNU Department of Neuroscience, on the projects eWare – Early Warning Accompanies Robotics Excellence and LIFEBOTS. He's affiliated with RURALIS, where he researcher on SmaT – Smart technology for sustainable agriculture. He is also the Editor in chief of the Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies (NJSTS).
Research Interests:
Robotization of gerontechnology, transport, and agriculture
Automation of work and practices
Digitalization of society and social media
Research Interests:
Robotization of gerontechnology, transport, and agriculture
Automation of work and practices
Digitalization of society and social media
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masterstheses by Roger A . Søraa
articles by Roger A . Søraa