Papers by Admiral Musa Julius

Kabupaten Bogor merupakan salah satu wilayah yang rawan terhadap terjadinya bencana tanah longsor... more Kabupaten Bogor merupakan salah satu wilayah yang rawan terhadap terjadinya bencana tanah longsor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil penerapan aplikasi QGIS Processing Modeler dalam menentukan potensi bencana tanah longsor di Kabupaten Bogor. Data yang digunakan adalah data curah hujan harian yang diekstraksi dari citra satelit Himawari-8 dan data area rawan longsor dari BNPB. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan citra satelit dan SIG, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan QGIS Processing Modeler untuk mengekstrak area berpotensi longsor berdasarkan curah hujan, dengan klasifikasi rentang nilai yang berpotensi menyebabkan bencana tanah longsor yaitu ≥120 mm. Geologi wilayah penelitian tersusun atas batu lempung dan batupasir, material tersebut bersifat lepas dan tidak stabil. Berdasarkan klasifikasi kemiringan lereng wilayah ini daerah yang curam dengan kemiringan >40%. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut bahwa wilayah ini merupakan wilayah yang rawan tejadi bencana tanah longsor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penggunaan QGIS Processing Modeler efektif digunakan dibandingkan model pada aplikasi lain. Dengan memahami icon pada aplikasi tersebut maka dapat dibentuk modeler-nya, dan bisa langsung membuat peta untuk menentukan lokasi bencana tanah longsor pada Kabupaten Bogor tanpa eksport script ke aplikasi lain, sehingga modeler tersebut dapat digunakan berkali-kali dengan input data curah hujan dengan waktu dan lokasi yang berbeda.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Fisika
Salah satu metode fisika yang sering digunakan dalam geofisika medan adalah metode gravitasi atau... more Salah satu metode fisika yang sering digunakan dalam geofisika medan adalah metode gravitasi atau gayaberat. Dalam hal ini dilakukan pemisahan anomali residu nilai gravitasi yang diukur di sekitar wilayah sesar Cimandiri Provinsi Jawa Barat, dengan koordinat batas penelitian dari koordinat lintang 6.95°LS – 7.2°LS dan koordinat bujur dari 106.5°BT – 107.1°BT, dengan filter matriks Elkins pada data real-time dari University California of San Diego. Dengan metode ini, ketampakan sesar Cimandiri dapat terlihat dari kerapatan kontur anomalinya. Anomali residu rata-rata yang diukur sekitar 10-20 mGal. Ini membuktikan filter matriks Elkins baik untuk digunakan dalam kajian ketampakan sesar dan anomali residu. Temuan citra Sesar Cimandiri bermanfaat dalam mendukung perencanaan pengurangan risiko bencana gempabumi pada masa mendatang.
American Geophysical Union eBooks, Feb 1, 2016
Quaternary, Nov 2, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Fisika (JPIF) Fakultas Pendidikan Islam dan Keguruan Universitas Garut, 2022
One of the physics methods that is often used in geophysics is the gravity method. In this case, ... more One of the physics methods that is often used in geophysics is the gravity method. In this case, the residual anomaly of gravity values is separated from the area of the Cimandiri fault, West Java Province, with the coordinates of the research boundary from latitude coordinates 6.95°
South Latitude – 7.2° South Latitude and longitude coordinates from 106.5° East Longitude – 107.1° East, with an Elkins matrix filter. on real-time data from the University of California of San Diego. With this method, the appearance of the Cimandiri fault can be seen from the density of its anomalous contours. The average residual anomaly measured is about 10-20 mGal. This proves that the Elkins matrix filter is good for use in the study of fault appearances and residual anomalies. The Cimandiri fault sensing is beneficial to planning support for future Disaster Risk Reduction.

Jurnal Pendidikan Setia Budhi, 2022
In a fairly short time span, about three years, the Mamasa region experienced two series of swarm... more In a fairly short time span, about three years, the Mamasa region experienced two series of swarm earthquakes. It is interesting because there is a striking difference between the number of visitors to the earthquake and the impact it has. The biggest difference in magnitude is only 0.1, which is between M5.4 and M5.3 respectively for 2018 and 2021. In 2018 there were 535 earthquakes with a duration of 22 days caused damage to 243 buildings, while in 2021 for a duration of 2 months there were 339 earthquakes, without any building damage. From the epicenter distribution and the crosssection of the hypocenter, it can be seen that there are quite striking differences in distribution patterns. In 2018 the distribution of the epicenter is dominant in the north-south direction and the cross-section has a 45 degree slope pattern to the east indicating a fault pattern, while the distribution of the epicenter in 2021 is more northeast-southwest with a random cross-section that does not show a fault pattern, more likely due to hot spring activity. The largest major magnitude occurred in about 12 to 15 days with the number of earthquakes recorded as 289 and 48, respectively for the years 2018 and 2021. Meanwhile, the second largest magnitude occurred almost at the same time in both 2018 and 2021, which is about 30 minutes after the main magnitude. with a difference in magnitude of 0.3 and 1.0 respectively for 2018 and 2021

Jurnal Pendidikan Setia Budhi, 2022
In a fairly short time span, about three years, the Mamasa region experienced two series of swarm... more In a fairly short time span, about three years, the Mamasa region experienced two series of swarm earthquakes. It is interesting because there is a striking difference between the number of visitors to the earthquake and the impact it has. The biggest difference in magnitude is only 0.1, which is between M5.4 and M5.3 respectively for 2018 and 2021. In 2018 there were 535 earthquakes with a duration of 22 days caused damage to 243 buildings, while in 2021 for a duration of 2 months there were 339 earthquakes, without any building damage. From the epicenter distribution and the crosssection of the hypocenter, it can be seen that there are quite striking differences in distribution patterns. In 2018 the distribution of the epicenter is dominant in the north-south direction and the cross-section has a 45 degree slope pattern to the east indicating a fault pattern, while the distribution of the epicenter in 2021 is more northeast-southwest with a random cross-section that does not show a fault pattern, more likely due to hot spring activity. The largest major magnitude occurred in about 12 to 15 days with the number of earthquakes recorded as 289 and 48, respectively for the years 2018 and 2021. Meanwhile, the second largest magnitude occurred almost at the same time in both 2018 and 2021, which is about 30 minutes after the main magnitude. with a difference in magnitude of 0.3 and 1.0 respectively for 2018 and 2021.
Bulletin of Scientific Contribution: GEOLOGY, 2019

On February 25, 2022 at 08:39:29 Local Time an unexpected earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 Mw s... more On February 25, 2022 at 08:39:29 Local Time an unexpected earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 Mw struck the Western part of Sumatera, onshore, and located on the blind fault. It is very likely that the earthquake was from Angkola Fault, but there is still a possibility that there are still other active faults in this area that have not been mapped yet. The areas that were affected by the earthquake are Pasaman, Western Pasaman, Limapuluh Kota, Padang Pariaman and Agam regencies. The focal mechanism from BMKG show that the dominant mechanism of this earthquake was the right lateral (dextral) strike movement. The worst devastation was in Western Pasaman and the damage from this earthquake was wide spread. An estimated 6627 houses have been destroyed and 70 mosques were damaged, 41 offices were devastated, 208 schools and educational institutions, 25 medical infrastructures, and 5 bridges were damaged. An on-site post-event survey was carried out to investigate the effects. We conduct mapping ground ruptures and cracking in an effort to find surface expression of fault rupture. Right after the main shock, a few seismometers were deployed near expected epicenter. By using macro seismic observation, micro seismic measurement, and impact documentation, we also find collateral impact that is flash flood and soil landslide which broken some access points. The destructive earthquake is a reminder expected the serious future seismic threats to comply implementation of the Building Codes.
Kami melakukan sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Sulawesi T... more Kami melakukan sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang menerjang Sulawesi Tengah tanggal 28 September 2018. Bencana ini menelan korban jiwa sebanyak 4.340 orang, korban luka-luka sebanyak 10.679 orang, dan korban hilang sebanyak 667 orang. BMKG membentuk tim sosialisasi lapangan pasca bencana ke beberapa lokasi di Kota Palu, Kabupaten Sigi, dan Kabupaten Donggala yang bertujuan menenangkan masyarakat, berbagi pengetahuan dan keterampilan, dan menjelaskan sejarah bencana gempabumi dan tsunami di Sulawesi Tengah. Sosialisasi ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh warga terdampak bencana, terlihat dari beberapa tokoh atau figur yang dituakan meminta agar sosialisasi dilakukan di tempat terbuka dan dihadiri banyak warga.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
The Tropical Depression previously identified on March 3, 2017, at Arafuru Sea has grown to Tropi... more The Tropical Depression previously identified on March 3, 2017, at Arafuru Sea has grown to Tropical Cyclone Blance on March 5, 2017. The existence of Tropical Cyclone Blance gave impacts like increasing rainfall for some regions in Indonesia until March 7, 2017, such as Kupang. The increase of rainfall cannot be separated from the atmospheric dynamics related to convection processes and the formation of clouds. Analysis of weather parameters is made such as vorticity to observe vertical motion over the study area, vertical velocity to see the speed of lift force in the atmosphere, wind to see patterns of air mass distribution and rainfall to see the increase of rainfall compared to several days before the cyclone. Analysis of satellite imagery data is used as supporting analysis to see clouds imagery and movement direction of the cyclone. The results of weather parameters analysis show strong vorticity and lift force of air mass support the growth of Cumulonimbus clouds, cyclonic patterns on wind streamline and significant increase of rainfall compared to previous days. The results of satellite imagery analysis show the convective clouds over Kupang and surrounding areas when this phenomena and cyclone pattern moved down from Arafuru Sea towards the western part of Australia.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
In the 1990s there were 7 (seven) deadly tsunami events due to earthquakes in Indonesia. There ar... more In the 1990s there were 7 (seven) deadly tsunami events due to earthquakes in Indonesia. There are M 7.8 North-east of Flores island sea earthquake (1992), M 7.6 South of Java island sea earthquake (1994), M 6.8 South of Timor Island sea earthquake (1995), M 7.8 North-west of Sulawesi island sea earthquake (1996), M 7.9 East of Biak island sea earthquake (1996), M 7.7 Taliabu island sea earthquake (1998), and M 7.4 East of Banggai Island sea earthquake (2000). Those earthquake and tsunami disasters events affected the number of casualties and damaged houses in coastal areas. Surely those events present a few lessons learned for future disaster preparedness in Indonesia.
Keywords: tsunami disaster, 1990s event, multi hazard, coastal island

<p>Tsunami risk in Indonesia is strongly real and needs serious handling. D... more <p>Tsunami risk in Indonesia is strongly real and needs serious handling. Due to the extremely dangerous, it is important for coastal communities to be prepared and responsive in responding to threats. The recent decade tsunami disaster highlighted the extraordinary gaps and challenges on the development and strengthening of the downstream component on the system. Communities need to be educated, aware and ready to respond to warnings both natural as well as official warnings. For this reason, the Indonesia Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) considers to introduce an Indonesia Tsunami Ready programme that will encourage communities to build, strengthen and develop their capacity and ability to respond to tsunami threats.</p><p>In this paper we try to analyze the community actualization on hazard assessment, preparedness, and response as the result of the Indonesian Tsunami Ready programme. The assessment is based on the 12 indicators of the tsunami ready which had been determined by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC). A field survey of the 12 indicators has been carried out to assess seven communities (Penggarangan, Pangandaran, Gelagah, Kemandang, Tambakrejo, Kuta Mandalika, and Tanjung Benoa) living in the tsunami prone area.</p><p>Generally, the results showed the communities didn’t have the updated tsunami hazard map as the hazard assessment indicator. The previous hazard map was not established based on the latest seismological study and tsunami modelling. Most of communities have an emergency operation plan for earthquake and tsunami, even though it doesn’t consider the earthquake information and tsunami warning. In some villages such as Tanjung Benoa and Kuta Mandalika, local potentials are used also to empower the preparedness and response capacity.</p><p>BMKG gave an advocacy to complete and accomplish some the unavailable indicators such as tsunami hazard map, emergency operation plan, and public education materials. The result of this study is expected to be an effective way to build a community awareness, preparedness and response.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> tsunami ready, 12 indicators of tsunami ready, hazard assessment, preparedness, response</p>
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
In the 1990s there were 7 (seven) deadly tsunami events due to earthquakes in Indonesia. There is... more In the 1990s there were 7 (seven) deadly tsunami events due to earthquakes in Indonesia. There is M 7.8 North-east of Flores island sea earthquake (1992), M 7.6 South of Java island sea earthquake (1994), M 6.8 South of Timor Island sea earthquake (1995), M 7.8 North-west of Sulawesi island sea earthquake (1996), M 7.9 East of Biak island sea earthquake (1996), M 7.7 Taliabu island sea earthquake (1998), and M 7.4 East of Banggai Island sea earthquake (2000). Those earthquake and tsunami disasters events affected the number of casualties and damaged houses in coastal areas. Surely those events present a few lessons learned for future disaster preparedness in Indonesia.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
This study aims to denote the possible casualties and damages due to the M<5 earthquake. We us... more This study aims to denote the possible casualties and damages due to the M<5 earthquake. We used the desk study of literatures to explore earthquake disaster reports. The published significant and destructive earthquakes catalogue by BMKG Indonesia along 2015-2019 noted that six events out of them in Java island due to by below magnitude 5 (M<5) earthquakes. Those are sourced in the land and shallow depth focus on the active faults region. Those earthquakes also cause human losses, that is three events out of them induce casualties, and kill two (2) people. Preliminary analysis concludes that the short distance to earthquake source and local site condition was responsible for this unexpected building damages. We suggest this events to be the lesson learned for disaster risk managers to consider the low magnitude earthquake also able to generate the high hazard on the certain seismic prone areas.
Provinsi Riau memiliki Lembaga Adat Melayu Riau (LAMR) guna mempertahankan dan melestarikan adat ... more Provinsi Riau memiliki Lembaga Adat Melayu Riau (LAMR) guna mempertahankan dan melestarikan adat Melayu Riau dan menjadi bagian dari lembaga yang mendukung dan membantu mewujudkan cita-cita Provinsi Riau. Penulis akan membahas optimalisasi pemberdayaan LAMR sebagai upaya bela negara dalam mitigasi ancaman peperangan asimetris menggunakan teori pemberdayaan, teori peperangan asimetris, konsep pertahanan non militer dan konsep bela negara. Pada sistem pertahanan negara, LAMR berposisi sebagai komponen cadangan dalam mencegah potensi peperangan asimetris.
Papers by Admiral Musa Julius
South Latitude – 7.2° South Latitude and longitude coordinates from 106.5° East Longitude – 107.1° East, with an Elkins matrix filter. on real-time data from the University of California of San Diego. With this method, the appearance of the Cimandiri fault can be seen from the density of its anomalous contours. The average residual anomaly measured is about 10-20 mGal. This proves that the Elkins matrix filter is good for use in the study of fault appearances and residual anomalies. The Cimandiri fault sensing is beneficial to planning support for future Disaster Risk Reduction.
Keywords: tsunami disaster, 1990s event, multi hazard, coastal island
South Latitude – 7.2° South Latitude and longitude coordinates from 106.5° East Longitude – 107.1° East, with an Elkins matrix filter. on real-time data from the University of California of San Diego. With this method, the appearance of the Cimandiri fault can be seen from the density of its anomalous contours. The average residual anomaly measured is about 10-20 mGal. This proves that the Elkins matrix filter is good for use in the study of fault appearances and residual anomalies. The Cimandiri fault sensing is beneficial to planning support for future Disaster Risk Reduction.
Keywords: tsunami disaster, 1990s event, multi hazard, coastal island