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While there is growing realization that IWRM policy packages are exploited by various actors, there is inadequate understanding of the integration of these in shaping and reshaping water management. This paper contributes to this... more
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    • Integrated Water Resources Management
Complex systems Integrated management India a b s t r a c t
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      Bayesian NetworksIntegrated Water Resources Management
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    • Health Risk Assessment
The increasing role and relevance of institutional structure to manage river basins is gaining prominence, due to failure of large scale centralised interventions in the river basins and with growing concern for community-based approach.... more
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Environment and Human Health gives a comprehensive review of the related literature in order to aid understanding of the (missing) link between the environment and health. Given the exhaustive literature on the subject the paper focuses... more
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    • Research
Community-based watershed management (CBWM) has gained prominence in developing world towards integrated resource management for livelihood enhancement of the poor, due to failure of largescale river valley projects. This paradigm shift... more
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      Watershed ManagementWater Science and TechnologyOrganizational InnovationConservation of Natural Resources
Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) emerged as a popular concept in the water sector in the 20th century. From a highly techno-centric approach in the past, it has taken a new turn embracing Habermasian communicative rationality... more
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      Development StudiesWater resource managementCommunicative RationalityStrategic Action
Institutional responsibilities for water supply and sanitation are highly fragmented, which complicates access. Besides the public health engineering agencies of the State governments, state-level parastatal Occasional paper CSH / Joël... more
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment Studies
The current debate on decentralisation offers a polarised view on the dynamic power relations involved in water resources management. Drawing New Institutionalism as applied in the social and ecological sciences, the paper argues that... more
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      New InstitutionalismIntegrated Water Resources ManagementChange agents
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      Integrated Water Resources ManagementChange agents
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      Bayesian NetworksIntegrated Water Resources ManagementPolicy Making Processes
A B S T R A C T Participatory irrigation management (PIM) reforms are implemented in India to facilitate farmers' participation in irrigation management, through water user groups. Although thousands of user groups have been formed, a... more
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    • Integrated Water Resources Management
"It is well known that water and sanitation are important to address major water-related diseases. Less known is the impact of continuous exposure to poor water quality on human health in fast growing economies comprising about half of... more
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    • Urbanization in Developing Areas
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      Public HealthMdgs GoalsWater Supply and Sanitation
Ahmedabad represents one of the rapidly urbanizing cities in India, where almost all the households in the region have access to drinking-water supply and sanitation, yet it has not been successful in reducing the threat from water- and... more
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      New InstitutionalismUrban HealthUrban Water Management
The cases in this special issue cover a range of water and health challenges in various socio-political and geographical contexts. Past attempts to bring more analytical rigor to the field of comparative water and health research or to... more
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      HistoryIntegrated Water Resources Management
"National and international agencies focus on ‘on-site’ water supply and sanitation interventions targeting households to share costs, and showcase their commitment to the MDGs. This paper reveals that ‘on-site’ interventions in India... more
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      Public HealthWater Supply and Sanitation
• The growing investment in water supply, sanitation and hygiene has not systematically addressed the threat from infectious water-related diseases. • In particular, ‘on-site’ household-based interventions may even increase the threat... more
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    • Water Supply and Sanitation