Papers by Maria-Eulàlia Juvé-Udina

Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP
RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar qué registran las enfermeras en la historia clínica mediante ATIC, s... more RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar qué registran las enfermeras en la historia clínica mediante ATIC, sobre los eventos adversos: úlceras por presión, infección del sitio quirúrgico y aspiración con resultado de neumonía, en términos de precisión diagnostica y exhaustividad. Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, y multicéntrico de 64 unidades médico-quirúrgicas y semicríticos de dos hospitales universitarios de Cataluña, España, durante el año 2015. La precisión diagnóstica se evaluó mediante la correspondencia entre el evento declarado en el Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos y el problema documentado por la enfermera. La exhaustividad se consideró cuando el registro contenía el riesgo del evento, prescripciones de cuidados y registro de la evolución. Resultados: La muestra evaluada fue de 459 registros. Los resultados de precisión de úlceras por presión muestran una elevada correspondencia entre el diagnóstico enfermero registrado y el declarado en el Conjunto Mínimo Bás...
Revista de enfermeria (Barcelona, Spain), 2017
The school comes the second place where children's lives developed. Their ability to learn is... more The school comes the second place where children's lives developed. Their ability to learn is closely related to their welfare and health. this paper aimed to define the roles that school nurses can play in the schools to help the children reach their educational goals through keeping them healthy and safe, and on the other hand, it will help us to evaluate the significance of school nurses and find out whether it is needed in the schools or not.

BMJ Open
BackgroundEvidence about the impact of systematic nursing surveillance on risk of acute deteriora... more BackgroundEvidence about the impact of systematic nursing surveillance on risk of acute deterioration of patients with COVID-19 and the effects of care complexity factors on inpatient outcomes is scarce. The aim of this study was to determine the association between acute deterioration risk, care complexity factors and unfavourable outcomes in hospitalised patients with COVID-19.MethodsA multicentre cohort study was conducted from 1 to 31 March 2020 at seven hospitals in Catalonia. All adult patients with COVID-19 admitted to hospitals and with a complete minimum data set were recruited retrospectively. Patients were classified based on the presence or absence of a composite unfavourable outcome (in-hospital mortality and adverse events). The main measures included risk of acute deterioration (as measured using the VIDA early warning system) and care complexity factors. All data were obtained blinded from electronic health records. Multivariate logistic analysis was performed to ide...
Journal of Nursing Management
Journal of Clinical Nursing

Australian Critical Care
The satisfaction of critical care patients regarding the nursing care received is a key indicator... more The satisfaction of critical care patients regarding the nursing care received is a key indicator of the quality of hospital care. It is, therefore, essential to identify the factors associated with the level of satisfaction of critical care patients. To analyse the level of satisfaction of critical care patients in relation to the nursing care received and to determine the relationship between the level of satisfaction and the sociodemographic and clinical variables. This is a prospective and descriptive correlational study. The population were all patients discharged (January 2013 to January 2015) from three intensive care units of a third-level hospital (n = 200). The data on the satisfaction level were collected using the previously validated Nursing Intensive-Care Satisfaction Scale, and the sociodemographic and clinical data were recorded by means of a questionnaire. Mean participants' age in the study (n = 200) was 65.9 years (standard deviation 13.4 years), with a 66% proportion of men (n = 132). There was a very high level of satisfaction regarding the nursing care received during the patients' stay in the intensive care unit, with a rating of 5.73 (standard deviation 0.41). There is no correlation between the level of satisfaction and the sociodemographic variables collected. However, there were statistically significant differences in the average score of the overall level of satisfaction (rho = 0.182, p = 0.010) with respect to the perception of the state of health. Critical care patients expressed very high rates of satisfaction, for both the scale as a whole and each of the factors. A high level of satisfaction is strongly influenced by the perception of the state of health.

Journal of advanced nursing, Jan 14, 2018
To understand the individualization process of the standardized care plan that nurses design for ... more To understand the individualization process of the standardized care plan that nurses design for hospitalized patients. To apply the nursing process, it is advisable to use standardized care plans to standardize the diagnosis, planning and assessment stages. However, the fundamental element of this methodology is the individualization of the care plan. A qualitative study, framed within the constructivist paradigm and applying the Grounded Theory method, in accordance with Strauss and Corbin's approach. Multicentre study. Theoretical sampling with maximum variation will be used. The data collection will consist of: in-depth individual interviews, participant observation, document analysis, focus group, and the questionnaires for Critical Thinking Assessment in relation to clinical practice and Nursing Competency Assessment for hospital nurses. The qualitative data will be analysed according to the constant comparative method of Strauss and Corbin's Grounded Theory, which inv...

Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P, 2017
Objective The purposes of this study were to examine the frequency of surveillance-oriented nursi... more Objective The purposes of this study were to examine the frequency of surveillance-oriented nursing diagnoses and interventions documented in the electronic care plans of patients who experienced a cardiac arrest during hospitalization, and to observe whether differences exist in terms of patients' profiles, surveillance measurements and outcomes. Method A descriptive, observational, retrospective, cross-sectional design, randomly including data from electronic documentation of patients who experienced a cardiac arrest during hospitalization in any of the 107 adult wards of eight acute care facilities. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. Two-tailed p-values are reported. Results Almost 60% of the analyzed patients' e-charts had surveillance nursing diagnoses charted in the electronic care plans. Significant differences were found for patients who had these diagnoses documented and those who had not in terms of frequency of vital signs measurements and final o...
![Research paper thumbnail of Nursing Intensive-Care Satisfaction Scale [NICSS]: Development and validation of a patient-centred instrument](
Journal of advanced nursing, 2018
The aim of this study was to develop and validate the Nursing Intensive-Care Satisfaction Scale t... more The aim of this study was to develop and validate the Nursing Intensive-Care Satisfaction Scale to measures satisfaction with nursing care from the critical care patient's perspective. Instruments that measure satisfaction with nursing cares have been designed and validated without taking the patient's perspective into consideration. Despite the benefits and advances in measuring satisfaction with nursing care, none instrument is specifically designed to assess satisfaction in intensive care units. Instrument development. The population were all discharged patients (January 2013 - January 2015) from three Intensive Care Units of a third level hospital (N = 200). All assessment instruments were given to discharged patients and 48 hours later, to analyse the temporal stability, only the questionnaire was given again. The validation process of the scale included the analysis of internal consistency, temporal stability; validity of construct through a confirmatory factor analysi...

Journal of clinical nursing, Jan 20, 2017
To evaluate the usefulness of comprehensive nursing assessment as a strategy for determining the ... more To evaluate the usefulness of comprehensive nursing assessment as a strategy for determining the risk of delirium in older in-patients from a model of care needs based on variables easily measured by nurses. There are many scales of assessment and prediction of risk of delirium, but they are little known and infrequently used by professionals. Recognition of delirium by doctors and nurses continues to be limited. A case-control study. A specific form of data collection was designed to include the risk factors for delirium commonly identified in the literature and the care needs evaluated from the comprehensive nursing assessment based on the Virginia Henderson model of care needs. We studied 454 in-patient units in a basic general hospital. Data were collected from a review of the records of patients' electronic clinical history. The areas of care that were significant in patients with delirium were dyspnoea, problems with nutrition, elimination, mobility, rest and sleep, self-c...
Metas de …, 2008
Objetivo: analizar la relación entre los elementos del instrumento COM_VA©(competencia y valoraci... more Objetivo: analizar la relación entre los elementos del instrumento COM_VA©(competencia y valoración) de evaluación de competencias asistenciales con los niveles de pericia, de aprendiz a experto, mediante el establecimiento del umbral de competencia. Método: ...

Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 2018
To determine the frequency of care complexity individual factors documented in the nursing assess... more To determine the frequency of care complexity individual factors documented in the nursing assessment and to identify the risk factors associated with hospital readmission within 30 days of hospital discharge. Observational analysis of a retrospective cohort at a 700-bed university hospital in Barcelona, Spain. A total of 16,925 adult patient admissions to a ward or intermediate care units were evaluated from January to December 2016. Most patients were admitted due to cardiocirculatory and respiratory disorders (29.3%), musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders (21.8%), digestive and hepatobiliary conditions (17.9%), and kidney or urinary disorders (11.2%). Readmission was defined as rehospitalization for any reason within 30 days of discharge. Patients who required hospital readmission were compared with those who did not. The individual factors of care complexity included five domains (developmental, mental-cognitive, psycho-emotional, sociocultural, and comorbidity or complic...

Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, 2015
A favourable work environment contributes to greater job satisfaction and improved working condit... more A favourable work environment contributes to greater job satisfaction and improved working conditions for nurses, a fact that could influence the quality of patient outcomes. The aim of the study is two-fold: Identifying types of centres, according to the working environment assessment made by nurses in intermediate care units, and describing the individual characteristics of nurses related to this assessment. An observational, descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional, and multicentre study was conducted in the last quarter of 2014. Nurses in intermediate care units were given a questionnaire containing the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI) which assesses five factors of the work environment using 31 items. Sociodemographic, employment conditions, professional and educational variables were also collected. From a sample of 501 nurses from 14 centres, 388 nurses participated (77% response). The mean score on the PES-NWI was 84.75. Nine centres scored a "favourable" working environment and five "mixed". The best valued factor was "work relations" and the worst was "resource provision/adaptation". Rotating shift work, working in several units at the same time, having management responsibilities, and having a master degree were the characteristics related to a better perception of the nursing work environment. In most centres, the working environment was perceived as favourable. Some employment conditions, professional, and educational characteristics of nurses were related to the work environment assessment.
Revista Rol De Enfermeria, 2012
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. Rev ROL Enf 2012; 35(4):260 20 ENFERMERÍA PROFESIÓN Juvé-Udina ME. Terminología enfermera de interfase. Rev ROL Enf 2012; 35(4):260-265

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of an antibiotic-lock technique in pre... more The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of an antibiotic-lock technique in preventing endoluminal catheter-related infection with gram-positive bacteria in neutropenic patients with hematologic malignancies. Patients with nontunneled, multilumen central venous catheters were assigned in a randomized, double-blinded manner to receive either 10 U of heparin per ml (57 patients) or 10 U of heparin per ml and 25 g of vancomycin per ml (60 patients), which were instilled in the catheter lumen and which were allowed to dwell in the catheter lumen for 1 h every 2 days. Insertion-site and hub swabs were taken twice weekly. The primary and secondary end points of the trial were significant colonization of the catheter hub and catheterrelated bacteremia, respectively. Significant colonization of the catheter hub occurred in nine (15.8%) patients receiving heparin (seven patients were colonized with Staphylococcus epidermidis, one patient was colonized with Staphylococcus capitis, and one patient was colonized with Corynebacterium sp.), whereas the catheter hubs of none of the patients receiving heparin and vancomycin were colonized (P ؍ 0.001). Catheter-related bacteremia developed in four (7%) patients receiving heparin (three patients had S. epidermidis bacteremia and one patient had S. capitis bacteremia), whereas none of the patients in the heparin and vancomycin group had catheterrelated bacteremia (P ؍ 0.05). The times to catheter hub colonization and to catheter-related bacteremia by the Kaplan-Meier method were longer in patients receiving heparin and vancomycin than in patients receiving heparin alone (P ؍ 0.004 and P ؍ 0.06, respectively). Our study shows that a solution containing heparin and vancomycin administered by using an antibiotic-lock technique effectively prevents catheter hub colonization with gram-positive bacteria and subsequent bacteremia during chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in patients with hematologic malignancy.
Matronas Profesion
Mallén-Pérez L, Juvé-Udina ME, Roé-Justiniano MT, Domènech-Farrarons À. Dolor de parto: análisis ... more Mallén-Pérez L, Juvé-Udina ME, Roé-Justiniano MT, Domènech-Farrarons À. Dolor de parto: análisis del concepto. Matronas Prof. 2015; 16(2): 61-67. Fecha de recepción: 17/06/13. Fecha de aceptación: 12/05/14. Correspondencia: L. Mallén Pérez. Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona. Sede Maternitat. Sabino de Arana, 1. 08002 Barcelona. Correo electrónico: [email protected]
¿De qué se ocupan las Estudio transversal de la producción Resumen Introducción. Los artículos ci... more ¿De qué se ocupan las Estudio transversal de la producción Resumen Introducción. Los artículos científicos constituyen una de las formas más importantes de comunicación entre los profesionales. En enfermería, los artículos científicos persiguen varios objetivos, entre ellos, diseminar los avances realizados en los diferentes campos de la disciplina enfermera.

Index de Enfermeria
Aim. This paper reports, from a heideggerian phenomenologic perspective, a case study with the ai... more Aim. This paper reports, from a heideggerian phenomenologic perspective, a case study with the aim of gaining understanding on the meaning of waiting during the pre-diagnosis stage of cancer. Method. A literature review was conducted using 4 databases. Convenience sampling technique was used to invite one participant. She was interviewed about feelings and thoughts on the experience and the perception on time, space, body and relationships. Analysis was conducted using the framework proposed by Vydenlingum: listening, transcribing, reading, identifying emerging themes, comparing, and building up clusters to reveal meaning. Findings. Themes emerged from the participants narrative of the experience. The phenomenological structure of waiting seems to be composed mainly by two opposite mechanisms: (1) responses against threat and (2) compensation and coping strategies. One third cluster was identified – Family preservation - . Results. should be read cautiously yet they are not intende...
Introducción Las decisiones de gestión configuran una parte muy importante del contexto organizat... more Introducción Las decisiones de gestión configuran una parte muy importante del contexto organizativo para la prestación de cuidados. En la literatura científica se encuentran evidencias del impacto del contexto organizativo y de la pericia de los profesionales en los resultados clínicos de los enfermos y en los resultados de productividad de los centros 1,2 .
Papers by Maria-Eulàlia Juvé-Udina