Journal by Jurnal Dirosat
Basically, Islam is message (risalah) religion that it put its da’wah activities in delivering al... more Basically, Islam is message (risalah) religion that it put its da’wah activities in delivering all doctrines which are consist inside this religion. These become center role for developing the future. Da’wah vitality in Islam gives the signal that will come the new formulation appropriating with developing of the world in this time. It is an opportunity for Islam in order it’s doctrines concept were received by new civilization; modern civilization. This proposition will be answered by Muhammad Natsir with amarma’ruf nahi munkar concept, which it combined the matter of da’wah, subject of da’wah and object of da’wah as a concept inseparable between and other.
Prof. Dr. ‘Aishah ‘Abdurrahman was more known by Bint al-Shati. She was the first woman interpret... more Prof. Dr. ‘Aishah ‘Abdurrahman was more known by Bint al-Shati. She was the first woman interpreter in islamic world who lived in contemporary era—for the moment, she could be called the only one woman interpreter from the last generation of islamic reformer in Egypt—by publishing Magnum Opus that called by at-Tafsir al-Bayani li al-Qur’an al-Karim. Time after time, Bint Shati was coronated as an expert of moral/ethics by some institutions; Egypt government (1978), Kuwait government (1988), and The King Faishal (1994). She was a special woman figure, and she was productive in writing. There are about 40 titles which was written by her, especially in Qur’an.
This article discusses about al-Ghazali’s concept, one of the Islamic greatest ulama, philosopher... more This article discusses about al-Ghazali’s concept, one of the Islamic greatest ulama, philosopher and Sufism. It would like to describe about the knowledge and happiness existence. For Al-Ghazali, the happiness couldn’t be released from the knowledge because by studying and inspiring of knowledge, the human being will be in happiness. And also, the achieved happiness is always running parallel with the level of the applied knowledge. The method in this journal is using library research and content analyzing. Al-Ghazali explained that body existence (material) would result the transitory happiness, while the soul existence (immaterial) would result the eternal happiness from the world up to the beyond. Al-Ghazali said that knowledge epistemology is divided by two sources of seeking. The first is humanity source, and the second is divinity source.
Sufism (Tasauf) Concept of Al-Ghazali which dominated in Islamic boarding school was being causal... more Sufism (Tasauf) Concept of Al-Ghazali which dominated in Islamic boarding school was being causal factor why didn’t the pupil or student too know about Muhammad Abduh. Abduh is a rational conceiver who considered that muslim’s deterioration caused by taklid. It was appropriate with his senior, Al-Afghani. Muhammad Abduh thought that it was caused by the stupidity doctrines, like adulating to syeikh, the teacher and others. Muhammad Abduh considered those doctrine would like to make the mind stops thinking, researching more about islam. Then, it was considered being in contradiction with culture and tradition in Islamic boarding school which all of pupil or student in Islamic boarding school have the highest obedient to their teacher.
Imam Syafi’ie was a Muslim innovator. It was proofed by old statement and new statement which was... more Imam Syafi’ie was a Muslim innovator. It was proofed by old statement and new statement which was known in two his life. Imam Syafi’ie could be called as a Muslim Intellectual who was the most familiar around muslim’s society in Indonesia. Because his name was so closer with them, indeed it was become the name of school or Islamic school in Indonesia, such as; Syafi’iyah or Salafiyah Syafi’iyah etc. in his life, Imam Syafi’ie wrote about 200 book, especially in fiqh.
Aisyah has more abilities in qur’anic interpretation (tafsir), prophetic traditional (hadits), th... more Aisyah has more abilities in qur’anic interpretation (tafsir), prophetic traditional (hadits), theology, faith, fiqh, history, genealogy, Arabic poem and medical. But, Aisyah was known more in hadits. She was placed in fourth level of seven friends (sahabat) who explain about hadits. Aisyah could explain 2.210 hadits. It shows that Aisyah was a figure who had more intelligence and amazing understanding. One of The biggest of social services from Aisyah, especially for woman, was Umm ad-Darda.

Al-Ghazali is a ulama who has more interest in knowledge, has more accurate and polemic arguments... more Al-Ghazali is a ulama who has more interest in knowledge, has more accurate and polemic arguments, and has more abilities in syntheses of impossible thing to correlated. It can be looked how al-Ghazali’s concept has role more important in Islamic boarding school of Indonesia, especially in fiqh, philosophy, Kalam and Sufism (tasauf). Even if al-Ghazali was just known in Islamic boarding school by Ihya’ Ulum ad-Din, but it was an encyclopedic and giving more explanations about Islamic knowledge, so the influences of al-Ghazali’s concept of this book (ihya’ ulum ad-Din) can be felt outside tasauf. This journal use content analyzing method, especially al-Ghazali’s book in detail of fiqh such as; al-Basith, al-Wasith, al-Wajiz and al-Khulashah. And also in principle of fiqh, such as; al-Mankhul and al-Mustashfa. Besides that, al-Ghazali wrote about philosophy which called by Maqasid al-Falasifah, Tahafut al-Falasifah and al-Munqidz min adh-Dhalal. In Kalam, al-Ghazali wrote some books; al-Iqtishad fi al-I’tiqad and Iljam al-‘Awwam ‘an ‘ilm al-Kalam. One of his monumental book in tasawuf is Ihya’ ‘Ulum ad-Din.
Aisyah binti Abu Bakar Woman figure in Islam which was said passing her era, and known by her int... more Aisyah binti Abu Bakar Woman figure in Islam which was said passing her era, and known by her intelligence. Her act in Islamic history was so strategic and giving more real contribution to development of Islamic science. It was become references by an intellectual of Muslim and Rasulullah’s friends. Her intelligence was getting the better than other woman in her era, especially in qur’anic interpretation (tafsir), prophetic traditional (hadits), fiqh, medical and literature. She has sensitivity in understanding about some medicines that given to Rasulullah, until she could know well about it. Besides that, Aisyah was the only one girl who was married by Rasulullah.
Muhammad Abduh is one of Salaf-Sufism figure who has rational Islamic concept in modern era. He w... more Muhammad Abduh is one of Salaf-Sufism figure who has rational Islamic concept in modern era. He was a reformer rational concept. He said that muslim’s deterioration happened because of muslim was contaminated by unbending (jumud) in many aspects; language, Islamic law (syariah), faith and society system. For Islamic context in Indonesia, Abduh’s concept has placed important role of Islamic history in Indonesia. For example, Muhammadiyah organization. It is the proof and the result of Muhammad Abduh’s reformism in islam. As the admiration to Muhammad Abduh, Ahmad Dahlan as the founder of Muhammadiyah, include Muhammad Abduh’s concept in curriculum of Muhammadiyah Schools, especially in Risalah Tauhid.
Journal by Jurnal Dirosat