Tag Plugin: cart
WooCommerce – Allow Only One Item in Cart
(1 total rating)This WordPress plugin ensures that only one item can be in the WooCommerce cart at any given time.
Theme Blvd WooCommerce Patch
(0 total rating)This plugins adds basic compatibility with Theme Blvd themes and WooCommerce.
NC Ajax Cart for woocommerce
(3 total rating)This plugin allows you to add ajax driven drop down cart for your woocommerce store using shortcode [nc_ajax_cart]
Free Shipping Notice for WooCommerce
(1 total rating)Displays the remaining price to receive free shipping on the cart and checkout pages.
WooCommerce Point Of Sale (POS)
(2 total rating)WooCommerce Point Of Sale(POS) is a easy interface for taking orders at the Point of Sale using WooCommerce store. it also syncs inventory in woocomme …
UltraCart Ecommerce – Shopping Cart
(0 total rating)The best way to sell your products on WordPress.
Woo Add Empty Cart
(4 total rating)This plugin will allow you to include empty cart button in cart page for Woocommerce. You can choose where to display the empty cart button.
Checkout Shipping Message Add-on for WooCommerce
(0 total rating)This add-on will allow you to add a custom message to WooCommerce under that shipping totals shipping section of your checkout.
Responsive Table for Woocommerce
(2 total rating)Make responsive the Cart and Wishlist table of Woocommerce.
Confetti for WooCommerce
(0 total rating)You can "start a confetti rain and display a message" according to WooCommerce cart amount with Confetti for WooCommerce.
Automatically add product to cart
(1 total rating)Provide complete solution for Automatically add product to cart in our E-commerce site
WooCommerce Subscription Shortcodes
(0 total rating)Provides shortcodes that you can use to add details about the subscription product where you want them to be.
WooCommerce Floating Cart Lite
(0 total rating)Woo Floating Cart is a WordPress plugin which can create floating cart in your site.
CSS Classes For WooCommerce – customize the WooCommerce cart and checkout via CSS
(1 total rating)CSS classes depending on the cart to customize the checkout.
(0 total rating)This plugin is restricts the number of products that can be added to the cart to just one. This means that if a customer adds a new product to the car …
Planyo online reservations – WooCommerce integration
(0 total rating)This plugin allows you to use the WooCommerce shopping cart and checkout together with the Planyo online reservation system.
WooCommerce CloudSwipe Payments
(0 total rating)Accept credit card payments securely on your WooCommerce store