Posts by Taxonomy


Display a posts or custom post types in a list seperated by tags, categories or a custom taxonomy via a simple shortcode. Enable test mode to allow a visualization of how many posts are currently being displayed. Future updates will also include a default pageniation along with alternative paginations such as infinate scroll.


Simple display using default settings:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’]

Simple display in “Test Mode”:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ testing=’true’]

Select a specific post type:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’]

Select a specific post type and use a custom taxonomy:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ taxonomy=’your-Tax-Slug’]

Select a specific post type, custom taxonomy and add quantity to disply per taxonomy:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ taxonomy=’your-Tax-Slug’ post-per-section=5]

Select a specific post type, custom taxonomy, add quantity to disply per taxonomy and add a fallback url:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ taxonomy=’your-Tax-Slug’ post-per-section=5 fallback-image=’’]

Select a specific post type, custom taxonomy, add quantity to disply per taxonomy, add a fallback url, and display with Search and Filter:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ taxonomy=’your-Tax-Slug’ post-per-section=5 fallback-image=’’ s-and-f=123]

Select a specific post type, custom taxonomy, add quantity to disply per taxonomy, add a fallback url, display with Search and Filter, and exclude tags:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ taxonomy=’your-Tax-Slug’ post-per-section=5 fallback-image=’’ s-and-f=123 exclude=’123, 222′]


  1. Go to Plugins in the Admin menu
  2. Click on the button Add new
  3. Search for Posts by Taxonomy and click ‘Install Now’ or click on the upload link to upload
  4. Click on Activate plugin

Tanya Jawab

How do I include Search and Filter

Create your seach and filter form. Copy the ID and add it to your shortcode as an attribute (s-and-f=123)

What does your company do

Bright Bridge Web is a web development company that specializes in React, Django, and WordPress. We build websites to best fit your needs and work with you to stay within your budget.


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Kontributor & Pengembang

“Posts by Taxonomy” adalah perangkat lunak open source. Berikut ini mereka yang sudah berkontribusi pada plugin ini.


Log Perubahan

1.0.0: October 16, 2024

  • Birthday of Posts by Taxonomy