Thesis Chapters by Abdallah Ziraba

Most universities in Cameroon face many educational problems and obstacles that techno... more ABSTRACT
Most universities in Cameroon face many educational problems and obstacles that technology can help to overcome. An open-source, such as Moodle e-learning platform, has been implemented at many Cameroonian universities. Moodle could be used as an aid to deliver e-content and to provide various possibilities for implementing asynchronous eLearning web-based modules. The study examines the influence of interactive features of Moodle to increase the motivation of the students for the learning process. The intrinsic and extrinsic features of Moodle learning management system and how these features motivate students to use an e-learning portal, which subsequently influences their perceived learning effectiveness and academic performance are examined. The theoretical underpinning of motivation theory, self-determination theory (SDT), and cognitive evaluation theory (CET) are used to guide this study. To achieve this, a mixed-method research method approach was designed to address the corresponding research objectives. A non-probability sampling technique was used with a sample size of 380 respondents drawn from selected universities in the Center region that are have been using Moodle learning management platform for more than 3 years. Semi-structured questionnaires and focused group discussions were used to source relevant data required for the study. The quantitative data were collected and analyzed using multilevel analyses by employing statistical packages such as SPSS version 25 and AMOS version 24. Focus Group Discussions (FGD) were used to collect qualitative data, which was then analyzed using grounded theory. The results from the inferential analysis revealed that Assignment Modules features (AMF) and Student’ Motivation (SM) has a positive significant effect on the perceived learning effectiveness of using Moodle, whereas, Communication Module Features have a negative significant statistical effect on the perceived learning effectiveness of using the Moodle. Results of the qualitative research method using grounded theory show that most of the remarkable challenges that students face when using the Moodle platform emanate from poor internet connectivity, power outage, and finance issues. Given the importance of Moodle and other LMS in terms of Online and teaching implementations in higher education institutions in Cameroon, it is recommended that the university administration should invest in ensuring that the students and academics are properly trained on how to use all functions of MOODLE so they can understand how beneficial MOODLE is for them.
Keywords: Learning Management Systems, Moodle, Students Motivation, Learning effectiveness, higher institutions of learning.

The primary aim of the study was to develop a regression model for forecasting monthly cloud stor... more The primary aim of the study was to develop a regression model for forecasting monthly cloud storage consumption. Second, to ascertain if the month is a reliable predictor of cloud storage capacity consumed. The model was developed using Minitab18 statistical software. The dependent variable was cloud storage capacity consumed, while the independent variable was the month of cloud storage consumption. The model was validated by checking the assumptions of regression to establish its suitability in making future predictions. Twelve-month data sets was analyzed to make future prediction for each passing month. The model made predictions with near accuracy from the actual cloud storage data consumed in each month. The model determines the intervals of monthly storage consumption. The study concluded that the month is a globally significant linear predictor of cloud storage capacity consumed over a period.

The study investigated the factors (Physical Obstructions, Network Overload and Network... more ABSTRACT
The study investigated the factors (Physical Obstructions, Network Overload and Network Range and Distance) affecting wireless network performance at the ICT University. Primary data through observation, questionnaire and interviews was used. The study used Descriptive and correlation analysis. The opinions of males and females was found to be perfectly correlated on physical obstruction as a factor affecting network performance. While the opinions of the males and females differs significantly on network overload, network range and distance as factors affecting network performance. It was concluded that Physical obstruction, Network overload, Network range and Distance are major factors that affects the wireless network performance. The study recommended that the University should install network repeaters to amplify the signals to move a bit further. It was also recommended that access points should be placed in each class room or per given perimeter. And that login accounts should be setup to restrict users on the network to a moderate amount per session in order to avoid network congestion.

The study was about establishing the role of ICT in the management of secondary schools in Uganda... more The study was about establishing the role of ICT in the management of secondary schools in Uganda with particular interest on the role of ICT in enhancing effective financial management, the effect of ICT on examination management; setting, testing, record keeping and grading system and the role of ICT in enhancing information flow in secondary schools in Uganda. The study was prompted by the realization that management in many secondary schools in Uganda was characterized by inefficiency in the areas of financial management, examination management and dissemination of information in schools which had resulted into declining academic standards yet schools had ICT facilities that could enhance effective management. The study was carried out in selected schools of Mukono, Kampala and Wakiso district
I used a cross sectional survey design in this study and I collected data using semi-structured survey questionnaires, interviews and observation. I logically analyzed Qualitative data as the study progressed and I used a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and excel to analyze quantitative data. Purposive sampling technique was used and tables were used to determine the sample sizes.
Upon the role of ICT on management of financial issues, i discovered that most of the schools were applying ICT facilities in management of financial issues, however some of the administrators lacked enough computer skill to effectively use ICT in the financial management of the school. The mostly used ICT facilities included electronic databases, internet, and computer applications such as Excel, Word and Access for managing teacher’s pay rolls, allowances, salaries, school fees payment verification and procurement. Thus making an impact on record keeping, monitory of school fees payment, time saving and decision making
About the effect of ICT on examination management; setting, testing, record keeping and grading system, I realized that the application of ICT was most significant in record keeping and least in testing of students. ICT had contributed on the improvement of efficiency in tracking students’ academic progress, grading of students’ performance and ensured maximum security; unauthorized access to records could not be possible. However, use of ICT in examination management was limited by inaccessibility to computers and other ICT facilities in schools and inadequate computer skills.
Upon the role of ICT in enhancing information flow in secondary schools, I discovered that many schools most especially in Mukono District used the traditional way of communicating, that is, the use papers (circulars). The poor use of ICT in enhancing information flow in secondary school was partly due to inadequate ICT facilities and lack of enough computer skills among the administrators and the teachers. Some schools as reflected in chapter four table 4.5 used information technology systems to reach out information to the teachers, parents and the school administrators, but i discovered as discussed in chapter five that ICT had played less significant role in enhancing information flow. A few facilities which were being used included internet SMS, chart rooms, discussion boards and emails. ICT had however, improved on collaboration between teachers, administrators and students, monitory of students’ and teachers’ attendance together with influencing teachers and administrators to participate in school activities. To add on that was the improved transparency and accountability in school activities and programs due to application of ICT.
Papers by Abdallah Ziraba

Introduction The higher HIV prevalence in urban compared with rural areas has long been documente... more Introduction The higher HIV prevalence in urban compared with rural areas has long been documented in many African countries. However, the recent debate about affluence and HIV prevalence coupled with evidence of marginalisation of the urban poor in several African cities has led to our interest in the heterogeneity of HIV prevalence in urban areas. In Kenya, the majority of the urban poor reside in informal urban settlements (slums). Residents of slums have worse health outcomes compared to other sub-groups in the country. They also have riskier sexual behaviour such as lower ages at first sex and higher levels of multiple sexual partnerships (APHRC, 2002; Dodoo et al, 2002; Zulu et al. 2003). Thus we would expect higher HIV prevalence among residents of informal urban settlements than in other sub-groups in the population. A limitation in comparisons between urban sub-groups so far has been the lack of reliable data. Since the turn of the century the nationally representative Demo...

Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Software and Information Engineering, 2019
Healthcare sector is recognized as one the most important sectors for the well-being of humanity.... more Healthcare sector is recognized as one the most important sectors for the well-being of humanity. The recent technological advancements has brought about great enhancements in healthcare delivery. Augmented Reality (AR) is a phenomenon whereby real life objects in a recognized environments are amplified by additional visual information in order to support the process of augmentation. The benefits afford the opportunity to diagnose patient disease conditions during surgical procedure with high accuracy and precisions thereby reducing the incidence of medical errors. In spite of the numerous benefits AR technology has offered, its widespread adoption in clinical perspectives most especially towards enhancing medical practice and education in developing countries and Sub-Saharan African countries in particular have received little academic attention. The objective of this paper therefore is to examine some of these factors and propose a theoretical model of adoption for AR technology which can be validated in future studies.

This thesis examines the impact of adult deaths on children in two slums in Nairobi city. Over th... more This thesis examines the impact of adult deaths on children in two slums in Nairobi city. Over the last two decades, there has been a marked increase in adult mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa. Data on adult mortality in the region are scanty and this makes assessment of its impact on child well-being hard. The thesis analyses data from a longitudinal demographic surveillance system that monitors births, migration, and deaths and identifies causes of death using verbal autopsy. Other data collected include: household characteristics, schooling and health care utilisation. It investigates: i) levels, trends and causes of adult deaths; ii) the impact of adult deaths on children’s household circumstances, and iii) the impact of adult deaths on children’s health and social outcomes. Measures of adult mortality were estimated using life-table and survival analysis techniques. Regression techniques were used to assess impact of adult death on children’s migration, living arrangements, survi...

Purpose: This study had as purpose to examine the factors influencing instructors and students us... more Purpose: This study had as purpose to examine the factors influencing instructors and students use of the Moodle Platform in teaching online courses in the ICT University, then the theories used in the use and adoption of Moodle platform.Methodology: The article focuses on the systematic review of empirical studies in the use and adoption of Moodle Learning Management System (MLMS) in higher institutions. The authors examined 58 publications on the subject from 2010 to 2019, making critical analysis of theories adopted in the study, the research approach, adoption factors, barriers, constructs used and research context.Findings: Findings from the literature review shown that technological factors, social factors, human factors and reinforcement factors affect the adoption and use of moodle platform. Most publications on this subject are reported using the quantitative research approach. Only a few studies have gained the attention of qualitative approach. Among the technology accept...
This study seeks to investigate the effects of e-marketing both directly and indirectly on the pe... more This study seeks to investigate the effects of e-marketing both directly and indirectly on the performance of SMEs. The study is a systematic literature review conducted using meta-analysis. In the end, 24 articles comprised reports, conference papers, and journal articles were systematically reviewed with the intension of answering two research questions; what effects do e-marketing have on the return of SMEs? And Other than return, what other benefits does E-marketing have on SMEs? The research concluded that, e-marketing increases the return of the business by maximizing its sales and minimizing its cost. It further concluded that e-marketing helps in the growth of SMEs by increased its productivity and giving it a comparative advantage over its competitors and large firms.

ACM New York, NY, USA ©2019, 2019
Healthcare sector is recognized as one the most important sectors for the well-being of humanity.... more Healthcare sector is recognized as one the most important sectors for the well-being of humanity. The recent technological advancements has brought about great enhancements in healthcare delivery. Augmented Reality (AR) is a phenomenon whereby real life objects in a recognized environments are amplified by additional visual information in order to support the process of augmentation. The benefits afford the opportunity to diagnose patient disease conditions during surgical procedure with high accuracy and precisions thereby reducing the incidence of medical errors. In spite of the numerous benefits AR technology has offered, its widespread adoption in clinical perspectives most especially towards enhancing medical practice and education in developing countries and Sub-Saharan African countries in particular have received little academic attention. The objective of this paper therefore is to examine some of these factors and propose a theoretical model of adoption for AR technology w...

The advents of the internet and e-commerce have transformed the pattern of purchase of goods and ... more The advents of the internet and e-commerce have transformed the pattern of purchase of goods and services. Online customers find online shopping very convenient, flexible, time saving, offering a wide variety of selection, cheaper products and provide the possibility to make private purchases easier. Despite the numerous benefits of online purchasing platforms, the adoption rate is low in Uganda. This study aimed at modeling a framework on determinants of customers’ intentions to purchase online in the case of Kampala Uganda. The philosophical underpins were both positivism epistemology and objectivism ontology. Data was sourced using structured questions from a sample of ninety-seven (97) online customers’ in Kampala. The analysis was concluded using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and the findings revealed that; Facilitating Conditions (FC), Service Quality (SQ) and Customers’ Attitudes (A) have positive significant impacts on online purchase intention whereas, there was insign...

Business and Economic Research, 2021
The Covid-19 outbreak is having substantial economic effects and wreaking havoc on sub-Saharan Af... more The Covid-19 outbreak is having substantial economic effects and wreaking havoc on sub-Saharan Africa. The pandemic has unleashed a unique combination of shocks to global commodity markets, disrupting the global supply chain and impacting supply and demand simultaneously. SMEs in lower income countries and particularly in sub-Sahara Africa are bearing the brunt of the economic hardship brought about by Covid-19. To this effect, the purpose of this study is to determine the economic impact the Covid-19 outbreak has on small and medium size (SMEs) enterprises across selected sub-Sahara African economies using an empirical approach to analysis. The phenomenon under study is objectively determined and the source of acceptable knowledge is positivism epistemology. The research approach is a deductive one and the axiological underpinning is value-free. The research paradigm is quantitative method of analysis. A sample of 500 participants from four focus groups namely the Transport sector;...

EDULEARN19 Proceedings, 2019
Institutions of higher learning are gradually adopting the learning management system as a fundam... more Institutions of higher learning are gradually adopting the learning management system as a fundamental tool for learning and education. This platform gives students more flexibility to learn and to interact with peers and lecturers. One of such learning management systems is Schoology. Schoology is a learning management system which is accessible for all. It is an interactive platform that makes it possible for students to take tests, submit assignments, establish, share contents and resources. However, despite the benefits of Schoology e-learning platform, it is not clear whether prospective learners are interested in using this platform; and therefore becomes important to examine determinants the make prospective learners to adopt Schoology. Schoology is a new technology that is not commonly used as a teaching platform in the ICT University. Nevertheless, undergraduates’ students at ICT University have used this platform to take some ICT courses and it is, therefore, necessary to ...

The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, Nov 30, 2019
Introduction The Learning Management System or popularly known as LMS in the community of higher ... more Introduction The Learning Management System or popularly known as LMS in the community of higher institutions is an online portal that connects lecturers and students, provides an avenue for classroom materials or activities to be shared easily, also a portal that enables lecturers and students to interact out of the classroom, having discussions through forums that could otherwise take up too much of the time supposed to be spent learning in the classroom(Adzharuddin & Ling, 2013). Adzharuddin and Ling (2013) in a study asserted that LMS is useful for both students and instructors in online learning. Students and teachers use LMS as a tool for communication and interaction. LMS also help instructors to provide their learning materials to students. LMS also has management task such as examination, tracking, virtual life classes, and delivery. This helps instructors undergo their teaching process without any change the teaching process. In the last few years, integrated computer systems known as Learning Management Systems (LMS) have rapidly emerged and are having, and will increasingly have, profound effects on university teaching and learning(Coates, James, & Baldwin, 2005). Davis, Carmean, and Wagner (2009) asserted in a study that Learning management systems have been a part of the e-Learning ecosystem for more than 13 years and are emerging directly from e learning industry. They came to existence in the late 1990s Many universities across the world have adopted this system in the last four years. They can also be called distributed learning systems, content management systems, course management systems, learning platforms. Learning management systems have become increasingly attractive in recent times. Modern education is highly technical dependent and this has redefined teaching learning process.(Cavus & Alhih, 2014). E-Learning gives students more flexibility to learn and to interact with peers and lecturers(Zakaria & Daud, 2013). An LMS offers a wide range of functionalities and tools to support teaching and learning. It not only delivers contents but also looks after administration, registration, tracking, skills

Purpose: This study had as purpose to examine the factors influencing instructors and students us... more Purpose: This study had as purpose to examine the factors influencing instructors and students use of the Moodle Platform in teaching online courses in the ICT University, then the theories used in the use and adoption of Moodle platform. Methodology: The article focuses on the systematic review of empirical studies in the use and adoption of Moodle Learning Management System (MLMS) in higher institutions. The authors examined 58 publications on the subject from 2010 to 2019, making critical analysis of theories adopted in the study, the research approach, adoption factors, barriers, constructs used and research context. Findings: Findings from the literature review shown that technological factors, social factors, human factors and reinforcement factors affect the adoption and use of moodle platform. Most publications on this subject are reported using the quantitative research approach. Only a few studies have gained the attention of qualitative approach. Among the technology acce...
... Also, gratitude is being extended to my extended family, aunties; Mary, Amina, Asana, Humu an... more ... Also, gratitude is being extended to my extended family, aunties; Mary, Amina, Asana, Humu and Zainab, uncles; Maama, Abu and Ibrahim. ... Razak, Adiza, Aisha, Faiza, Rauda, Zakia, and Fathiya (of blessed memory) for the support they gave me. ...
Thesis Chapters by Abdallah Ziraba
Most universities in Cameroon face many educational problems and obstacles that technology can help to overcome. An open-source, such as Moodle e-learning platform, has been implemented at many Cameroonian universities. Moodle could be used as an aid to deliver e-content and to provide various possibilities for implementing asynchronous eLearning web-based modules. The study examines the influence of interactive features of Moodle to increase the motivation of the students for the learning process. The intrinsic and extrinsic features of Moodle learning management system and how these features motivate students to use an e-learning portal, which subsequently influences their perceived learning effectiveness and academic performance are examined. The theoretical underpinning of motivation theory, self-determination theory (SDT), and cognitive evaluation theory (CET) are used to guide this study. To achieve this, a mixed-method research method approach was designed to address the corresponding research objectives. A non-probability sampling technique was used with a sample size of 380 respondents drawn from selected universities in the Center region that are have been using Moodle learning management platform for more than 3 years. Semi-structured questionnaires and focused group discussions were used to source relevant data required for the study. The quantitative data were collected and analyzed using multilevel analyses by employing statistical packages such as SPSS version 25 and AMOS version 24. Focus Group Discussions (FGD) were used to collect qualitative data, which was then analyzed using grounded theory. The results from the inferential analysis revealed that Assignment Modules features (AMF) and Student’ Motivation (SM) has a positive significant effect on the perceived learning effectiveness of using Moodle, whereas, Communication Module Features have a negative significant statistical effect on the perceived learning effectiveness of using the Moodle. Results of the qualitative research method using grounded theory show that most of the remarkable challenges that students face when using the Moodle platform emanate from poor internet connectivity, power outage, and finance issues. Given the importance of Moodle and other LMS in terms of Online and teaching implementations in higher education institutions in Cameroon, it is recommended that the university administration should invest in ensuring that the students and academics are properly trained on how to use all functions of MOODLE so they can understand how beneficial MOODLE is for them.
Keywords: Learning Management Systems, Moodle, Students Motivation, Learning effectiveness, higher institutions of learning.
The study investigated the factors (Physical Obstructions, Network Overload and Network Range and Distance) affecting wireless network performance at the ICT University. Primary data through observation, questionnaire and interviews was used. The study used Descriptive and correlation analysis. The opinions of males and females was found to be perfectly correlated on physical obstruction as a factor affecting network performance. While the opinions of the males and females differs significantly on network overload, network range and distance as factors affecting network performance. It was concluded that Physical obstruction, Network overload, Network range and Distance are major factors that affects the wireless network performance. The study recommended that the University should install network repeaters to amplify the signals to move a bit further. It was also recommended that access points should be placed in each class room or per given perimeter. And that login accounts should be setup to restrict users on the network to a moderate amount per session in order to avoid network congestion.
I used a cross sectional survey design in this study and I collected data using semi-structured survey questionnaires, interviews and observation. I logically analyzed Qualitative data as the study progressed and I used a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and excel to analyze quantitative data. Purposive sampling technique was used and tables were used to determine the sample sizes.
Upon the role of ICT on management of financial issues, i discovered that most of the schools were applying ICT facilities in management of financial issues, however some of the administrators lacked enough computer skill to effectively use ICT in the financial management of the school. The mostly used ICT facilities included electronic databases, internet, and computer applications such as Excel, Word and Access for managing teacher’s pay rolls, allowances, salaries, school fees payment verification and procurement. Thus making an impact on record keeping, monitory of school fees payment, time saving and decision making
About the effect of ICT on examination management; setting, testing, record keeping and grading system, I realized that the application of ICT was most significant in record keeping and least in testing of students. ICT had contributed on the improvement of efficiency in tracking students’ academic progress, grading of students’ performance and ensured maximum security; unauthorized access to records could not be possible. However, use of ICT in examination management was limited by inaccessibility to computers and other ICT facilities in schools and inadequate computer skills.
Upon the role of ICT in enhancing information flow in secondary schools, I discovered that many schools most especially in Mukono District used the traditional way of communicating, that is, the use papers (circulars). The poor use of ICT in enhancing information flow in secondary school was partly due to inadequate ICT facilities and lack of enough computer skills among the administrators and the teachers. Some schools as reflected in chapter four table 4.5 used information technology systems to reach out information to the teachers, parents and the school administrators, but i discovered as discussed in chapter five that ICT had played less significant role in enhancing information flow. A few facilities which were being used included internet SMS, chart rooms, discussion boards and emails. ICT had however, improved on collaboration between teachers, administrators and students, monitory of students’ and teachers’ attendance together with influencing teachers and administrators to participate in school activities. To add on that was the improved transparency and accountability in school activities and programs due to application of ICT.
Papers by Abdallah Ziraba
Most universities in Cameroon face many educational problems and obstacles that technology can help to overcome. An open-source, such as Moodle e-learning platform, has been implemented at many Cameroonian universities. Moodle could be used as an aid to deliver e-content and to provide various possibilities for implementing asynchronous eLearning web-based modules. The study examines the influence of interactive features of Moodle to increase the motivation of the students for the learning process. The intrinsic and extrinsic features of Moodle learning management system and how these features motivate students to use an e-learning portal, which subsequently influences their perceived learning effectiveness and academic performance are examined. The theoretical underpinning of motivation theory, self-determination theory (SDT), and cognitive evaluation theory (CET) are used to guide this study. To achieve this, a mixed-method research method approach was designed to address the corresponding research objectives. A non-probability sampling technique was used with a sample size of 380 respondents drawn from selected universities in the Center region that are have been using Moodle learning management platform for more than 3 years. Semi-structured questionnaires and focused group discussions were used to source relevant data required for the study. The quantitative data were collected and analyzed using multilevel analyses by employing statistical packages such as SPSS version 25 and AMOS version 24. Focus Group Discussions (FGD) were used to collect qualitative data, which was then analyzed using grounded theory. The results from the inferential analysis revealed that Assignment Modules features (AMF) and Student’ Motivation (SM) has a positive significant effect on the perceived learning effectiveness of using Moodle, whereas, Communication Module Features have a negative significant statistical effect on the perceived learning effectiveness of using the Moodle. Results of the qualitative research method using grounded theory show that most of the remarkable challenges that students face when using the Moodle platform emanate from poor internet connectivity, power outage, and finance issues. Given the importance of Moodle and other LMS in terms of Online and teaching implementations in higher education institutions in Cameroon, it is recommended that the university administration should invest in ensuring that the students and academics are properly trained on how to use all functions of MOODLE so they can understand how beneficial MOODLE is for them.
Keywords: Learning Management Systems, Moodle, Students Motivation, Learning effectiveness, higher institutions of learning.
The study investigated the factors (Physical Obstructions, Network Overload and Network Range and Distance) affecting wireless network performance at the ICT University. Primary data through observation, questionnaire and interviews was used. The study used Descriptive and correlation analysis. The opinions of males and females was found to be perfectly correlated on physical obstruction as a factor affecting network performance. While the opinions of the males and females differs significantly on network overload, network range and distance as factors affecting network performance. It was concluded that Physical obstruction, Network overload, Network range and Distance are major factors that affects the wireless network performance. The study recommended that the University should install network repeaters to amplify the signals to move a bit further. It was also recommended that access points should be placed in each class room or per given perimeter. And that login accounts should be setup to restrict users on the network to a moderate amount per session in order to avoid network congestion.
I used a cross sectional survey design in this study and I collected data using semi-structured survey questionnaires, interviews and observation. I logically analyzed Qualitative data as the study progressed and I used a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and excel to analyze quantitative data. Purposive sampling technique was used and tables were used to determine the sample sizes.
Upon the role of ICT on management of financial issues, i discovered that most of the schools were applying ICT facilities in management of financial issues, however some of the administrators lacked enough computer skill to effectively use ICT in the financial management of the school. The mostly used ICT facilities included electronic databases, internet, and computer applications such as Excel, Word and Access for managing teacher’s pay rolls, allowances, salaries, school fees payment verification and procurement. Thus making an impact on record keeping, monitory of school fees payment, time saving and decision making
About the effect of ICT on examination management; setting, testing, record keeping and grading system, I realized that the application of ICT was most significant in record keeping and least in testing of students. ICT had contributed on the improvement of efficiency in tracking students’ academic progress, grading of students’ performance and ensured maximum security; unauthorized access to records could not be possible. However, use of ICT in examination management was limited by inaccessibility to computers and other ICT facilities in schools and inadequate computer skills.
Upon the role of ICT in enhancing information flow in secondary schools, I discovered that many schools most especially in Mukono District used the traditional way of communicating, that is, the use papers (circulars). The poor use of ICT in enhancing information flow in secondary school was partly due to inadequate ICT facilities and lack of enough computer skills among the administrators and the teachers. Some schools as reflected in chapter four table 4.5 used information technology systems to reach out information to the teachers, parents and the school administrators, but i discovered as discussed in chapter five that ICT had played less significant role in enhancing information flow. A few facilities which were being used included internet SMS, chart rooms, discussion boards and emails. ICT had however, improved on collaboration between teachers, administrators and students, monitory of students’ and teachers’ attendance together with influencing teachers and administrators to participate in school activities. To add on that was the improved transparency and accountability in school activities and programs due to application of ICT.
The Article is based on empirical literature review to critic John Dewey’s Assertion and find out its implications on the teaching and learning in our schools
The findings imply that John Dewey’s assertion has implications on curriculum development, methods of teaching and learning. The teacher’s role of linking students’ personal experiences and characteristics to the material studied is very important.