[30 Jan 2007|12:42pm] |
hey guys,
i know noones used this comm for a while, but if any of you have any sam rockwell icons which you could share, that would be super. i am in the market for one, preferably a screenshot from a movie, and preferably with some text on it too, a line from the movie...
dont make one if you havent got one, just if you already have some lying around :>
Pretty please |
[17 Aug 2004|11:30am] |
Hello loves. I have a requesteth =oD
Could someone possibly create an icon out of this pic with the caption "To us. We are love"
Also, this pic, with the caption "Cherry shot"
Please please please please.... *bats eyelashes*
Thankies =oD
Love you!
Present!! |
[19 Jul 2004|11:15pm] |
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Ok dears, I have made you an icon, using the delighful skills of Paint. =oP If you want to use it, feel free, but please credit, as this is the first I've made!!
Enjoy King Authur...

[03 Jul 2004|01:38pm] |
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hopeful |
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hehehe ... I'd like several icons made ... that is if its not too much trouble O.O heh heh heh ...
Number one:

^ Just a simple one. All I want is the word 'Jake' on it somewhere =D
Number two:

with this ^ one, I just want the words 'Lick It Up!' somewhere on it ;)
Number three:

With this one ^ I want the words ... 'Just Gimme a Kiss! ... Like this.'
heh ... hope this honestly isnt' too much to ask!!! =D
[01 Jul 2004|11:28pm] |
i made a graphics journal. so i dont have to post in random communities. come look and support me please. anythinacoustic add me to your friends lists if you'd like.
Thank you!!! |
[04 Jun 2004|02:54pm] |
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dirty |
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Thank you Sazzarz, for my lovely Dan whores!!! *wanks*
Pedo Magic Filthy Prision
There they are, in order of greatness. I just had to share them with the world. And of course, the one of Rob that she made for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you *goes off to wank more*
[30 May 2004|10:37am] |
 Join Now!..Please xD
:: New layout :: |
[23 Mar 2004|08:09pm] |
I've managed to make a wee layout for the time being as I can't think of something perfect for us *sigh* I'm sure I'll think of something amazing soon, heh!
[11 Mar 2004|05:33pm] |
hey guys, i was wondering if one of you could do me a favour!! A couple of days ago, i got my comp cleaned out, and all my icons that i saved are are gone now...since I loved the icons that you made me the last time, I was wonderine if you could help me out with one...
I would like, if its possible,
heres the pic that i want in the icon...

I dont want much..all i want it to say is..."this is how I like my men..." and id like it to flash.. or something...
if its possible...sorry that i could put it in an lj cut, for some reason it isnt working for me..so so so sorry...
[06 Mar 2004|07:50pm] |
Oh stuff that, it won't fix, LOL!
Yo! |
[27 Feb 2004|10:44pm] |
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horny |
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Hey there biznitches! I was wondering if you could maketh me some bootyful icons *bats eyelashes* pretty please? I was told to join and post here by young sazzaraz, so that I am. I'd love some of luscious lijah, delicious dan and gawjus james (from busted) pretty pretty pretty please? *bats eyelashes more* thankies muchlies if you can dahlinks! luffs yoooooooooooooooooooou! xxx
[25 Feb 2004|12:51am] |
4 more today =] Comment and credit if taking please =]<3
( Read more...Collapse )
[24 Feb 2004|06:24am] |
I are bored....
