Welcome to icon_tutorial! This community was founded by grass_stained with the intention of helping icon-makers of all skill levels, from total newbie to graphic design pro. Here, you can get your questions answered, post a tutorial for others to use, or find help in our extensive archive of tutorials and answers.
Our cardinal rule is that all of your questions should be asking "How can I make...", not "Where can I find...?" Please make sure you read all this information before posting! Any post that breaks the following rules may be immediately deleted without notice.
Look at the links and resources further down this page to make sure your question isn't better-answered elsewhere.
If you want to duplicate a specific effect you are seeing in a graphic, ask the person who made that graphic.
When you post a question or tutorial...
All posts made in this community MUST contain content posted in this community and have comments enabled. Posts containing only links to entries in personal journals or other communities are not allowed. [for more]
Be as specific as you possibly can be about the problem(s) you are having. (Good examples chosen at random: here, here.)
Always use an LJ-cut when posting: any image larger than 400 pixels on any side, more than five 100x100 images, an animation sample, and / or a lengthy section of text (like a tutorial). In fact, there is never a wrong time to use an lj-cut.
Write as clearly as you can, in the best English you can. You may also write your post in a non-English language.
A place to ask specific questions about making icons and other graphics
A place to share tips and tutorials about making icons and other graphics
A place to learn how to use graphic design programs
A (very limited) gateway to other resource & instructional communities and websites
What this community IS NOT...
A place to share icons (or other graphics)
A place to share the resource (brushes, gradients, textures, *.psd) you just made
A place to request icons (or other graphics)
A place to request feedback on icons (or other graphics)
A place to ask for help with LiveJournal or website layouts / HTML
A place to exchange coloring "recipes" or only ask "how do I get/make/find this coloring?" [for more]
A place to identify or download fonts, textures, gradients, templates, or any other resource (including *.psd files, actions, and the like)
A place for broad, unfocused discussion of graphics, icon ethics, or anything else
A place to advertise in or use to solicit traffic for your own personal icon journal / community
What NOT to do here...
Do not ask for, describe how to obtain, or offer to provide cracked or illegally downloaded software or warez. This is a bannable offense. See the FAQ for more explanation.
Do not mock, belittle, patronize, or insult other users. icon_tutorial is a friendly place for individuals of all ages and skill levels, and we like to keep it that way. If you're posting a question, be considerate of the people who answer you; if you're posting a comment, be considerate of the questioner. The end.
Do not ask us to do your homework for you. If you have been assigned a project by a high school or college graphic design teacher or course, there is a reason you are supposed to do it.
Do not delete or strike through the question from your post after it has been answered! This makes it useless to archive, and then your question can't help future users, defeating the point of the community.
Do not post twice if you forgot something in your original post. Instead, edit your original.
If you have a question about the rules, if you would like to post something that you are not sure qualifies, or if you would like to post something that may break the rules, e-mail us at icon.tutorial [at] gmail.com and ask. We don't bite. Promise.
The resources section of the memories has some excellent information; in addition, you will probably find the following to be useful.
And last, but not least, if you've investigated the archive and other resource communities but find that you need some more personalized help, you may benefit from The Icon Tutors Project.
Know of a community or a website that you think we should add to this list? Let us know! icon.tutorial [at] gmail.com
Since early 2005, icon_tutorial has been a paid account, to enable us to provide layout features that this community needs. In the newer, ad-using era we are especially grateful for any and all donations of paid time, no matter how small, and thank those who have supported us so far:
Please note: the list of donors was removed when the community was briefly hacked in April, 2009. If you were a donor and we forgot you, please speak up!