? ?
Journal created:
on 17 September 2004 (#4564031)
on 17 January 2012
Spengler Labs
Orange, California, United States
Posting Access:
All Members
kremlindusk's meager icon & graphics journal of various fandoms and miscellany.
Are you troubled by the same old “Bitch, Please” icons?

Do you experience feelings of dread when you see icons containing Times New Roman?

Have you or any of your family ever seen an icon made in MS Paint?

If the answer is yes, then you've come to the right place.

Our courteous and efficient staff is on call twenty-four hours a day to serve all your Livejournal icon needs.

“We're ready to believe you!”

The Icon Spengler staff From left to right: Dr. Peter Venkman,
Dr. Ray Stantz, Dr. Egon Spengler. (Not pictured: Dr. Kremlindusk.)

This is kremlindusk's LJ icon/Photoshopping journal. Everyone else seems to have one nowadays, and it's simpler than putting all this stuff on a website (upkeep and all that), so here I am.


These are very simple:

// Give me keyword credit. Credit icon_spengler or kremlindusk, since they're both me. You can do this when you upload your user pictures, where it says "keywords" by just putting my screenname in there somewhere (with the corresponding icon... Makes sense, right?)

**Update 10/27/05 - After much debate, I finally got convinced that the whole deal with being an icon credit Nazi is pretty idiotic considering I basically alter other people's photography. So just know that I'm not taking credit for the photos, just for the alterations (unless otherwise noted), and I only really want to keep my name attached to the icons so that if someone else sees them and likes them, they can come here and get more of what they like. *steps down off soapbox*

// Don't hotlink. I shall become nasty. And you don't want to see me when I'm nasty. Grar. You can register an account at Photobucket or somewhere similar and then you won't even *need* to use my bandwidth. Yay!

M O R E    I N F O

// All entries are tagged. So if you lose track of something, or want to browse through what I have by category, check out my tags. I will no longer be updating the Memories section because I think the system is outdated and redundant for this purpose, now that we have tags. (Memories are still useful for some things, but in my opinion, not for listing icons.)

// I like comments! I've heard quite a few people ask specifically that you don't comment on every entry, because their inboxes get full. Currently, I'm nowhere near popular enough to be sick of it, so comment all you want. :D You don't *need* to comment to use the icons, just credit me. But I would appreciate comments so I know what people like and don't like, so I don't keep making crap icons without knowing they're crap. Okie dokie? :)

// Icon Spengler?! The screenname, if you didn't know/realize yet, is a play on "Egon Spengler," my favorite character from one of my favorite movies, Ghostbusters. Personally, I couldn't believe this username wasn't already taken. Am I really that clever? No. See, that's why I was surprised.

// Aren't you going a bit overboard with the whole Ghostbusters = your icon journal's userinfo? No. Bitch.


Stylesheet by kuribati/beatcrusher
