Papers by Victoria Rocaciuc

Art-prostìr, 2024
The visual artist Ion Sfeclă (19.11.1941Sfeclă (19.11. -27.05.2020) created several valuable work... more The visual artist Ion Sfeclă (19.11.1941Sfeclă (19.11. -27.05.2020) created several valuable works in various techniques of graphic art and easel painting. In parallel with his creative activity, he worked as a teacher at the Republican College of Fine (Visual) Arts "Alexandru Plămădeală" in Chisinau. Participating in various exhibitions, creative camps, international and national, the artist Ion Sfeclă manifested himself as a talented author of thematic compositions, landscapes, still-lifes and portraits. His watercolor landscapes and etchings, as well as the sketches of illustrations created in the same technique are of the great expressive force. The National Museum of Art of Moldova preserves the series of etching compositions dedicated to the Mihai Eminescu subject, dating from 1983, which can be analyzed as sketches of illustrations and those dedicated to the old city (Chisinau), from 1991. In creation the artist tended to approach philosophically the subjects chosen through associations, metaphors and symbols. The visual artist Ion Sfeclă had an expressive, fresh

This article is devoted to the study and analysis of illustrations for poetry and short prose in ... more This article is devoted to the study and analysis of illustrations for poetry and short prose in the works of the graphic artist Dumitru Trifan. The genre of short prose includes short stories, parables, short tales, essays and literary sketches. In the current period of increased dynamism of human activity, short prose acquires new value assessments, which is confirmed by the results of international competitions in this field. Anthologies of short prose, in terms of their richness, complexity and the variety of topics covered, often compete with impressive novels in terms of volume. Just as drawings or short sketches are important for the creative development of artists, so, short prose offers good opportunities for development and growth for writers. Dumitru Trifan illustrated literature of a different nature. The elegance of linear plasticity, the conciseness and the casual operation with the spatial effects of the chiaroscuro decorative configuration determine the originality o...
Akademos : Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă, Nov 30, 2023

Studii Culturale. Volumul III
The work of the artist Leonid Beleaev (1921-1974) is a novel page in the history of fine arts in ... more The work of the artist Leonid Beleaev (1921-1974) is a novel page in the history of fine arts in the Republic of Moldova. His merits in the field of monumental painting, easel and book graphics are indispensable. However, there are still some inaccuracies in various documentary sources about the artist’s work and biography. Thus, together with the analysis of the works created by the plastic artist Leonid Beleaev, a minor additional study was undertaken to clarify the data of his biography. In his best works, Leonid Beleaev, among the first in Moldovan book graphics, aimed to achieve the synthesis of literature with graphic art and complex structuring of the artistic presentation of the book, paving the way for fruitful and versatile searches in the field of polygraphic design. It is worth mentioning the artist's contribution in the field of wood engraving and other graphic techniques. Leonid Beleaev is the first graphic artist in Moldova to start working in fiber engraving. Leo...

Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare
Th e tale „Th e little purse with two half-pennies” signed by Ion Creanga appeared in repeated ed... more Th e tale „Th e little purse with two half-pennies” signed by Ion Creanga appeared in repeated editions in various countries and is one of the best known. Th e analysis and the history of the evolution of the literary subject are of special interest and deserve more extensive research. It is equally curious to compare various plastic approaches to the topics of the tale. In Soviet and post-Soviet Moldova, the book was illustrated by famous graphic artists such as Leonid Grigorașenco, Ilia Bogdesco, Lică Sainciuc, Igor Vieru, Filimon Hămuraru, Andrei Ţurcanu, Anatoli Smîșleaev, Alexei Colîbneac, Simion Zamsa, Elena Karacențev, Sergiu (Serghei) Samsonov and other artists, who have made a remarkable contribution to this fi eld of art. Each book graphic designer has created unique variants of interpreting the illustrated subjects, approaching various artistic techniques and means, compositional and stylistic principles, etc. By studying them, we have the opportunity to compare the creat...

Until now, the values of the Moldavian book graphics of the period of 1945—2010s have been little... more Until now, the values of the Moldavian book graphics of the period of 1945—2010s have been little studied, the criteria for their analysis and evaluation have not been established, and methodological approaches in this area were incomplete and fragmented. We consider it necessary to recall the essence and relationship of some theoretical concepts related to the „artistic image”, „artistic value” and „aesthetic value”, as well as the concepts of „narrative” and „symbol” in the context of an axiological analysis of national book graphics. This investigation will allow us to study the features and possibilities of the axiological approach to the research of illustrations created by local graphic artists. Such characteristic features of the artistic image as narrative and symbol can be interpreted as separate directions or principles of book design. At the same time, previous investigations have shown that in the evolution of national book graphics, narrative and symbol have gone throug...

Studii culturale, Volumul II
Since the 1980s, visual artist Stefan Sadovnikov has been involved in book graphics. In this fiel... more Since the 1980s, visual artist Stefan Sadovnikov has been involved in book graphics. In this field, the artist managed to approach various genres of literature: poetry, prose, scientific literature, etc. According to the illustrated topics, the graphic techniques approached by the graphic designer are: pencil, pen, gouache, including computer techniques. The strong part of his illustrations consists in appealing by the artist to the plastic principles related to the sign and symbol. Analyzing the book illustrations signed by the fine artist Stefan Sadovnikov, we notice a wide range of allegorical symbols and metaphors created by the artist based on various principles of agglutination, interference of shapes and plastic lines, specific especially to the thinking of sculpture artists. By plastically combining the human figure with the object, the artist personifies the ideas of home, city, music, poetry and love. The artistic image appears as a quintessence of the human character’s re...
Materialele conferinței Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare, Nov 1, 2021
Kozhokar participates in fine art exhibitions in Chisinau and abroad. Since then, the artist has ... more Kozhokar participates in fine art exhibitions in Chisinau and abroad. Since then, the artist has collaborated with various Moldovan publishing houses, combining publishing with teaching in the field of fine arts. Since 1999 Liudmyla Kozhokar is a full member of the UAP of the Republic of Moldova, and since 2001-a member of the A.I.A.P. UNESCO, Paris, France. Liudmyla Kozhokar's works are in the collections of the National Art Museum of Moldova and in private ones in Romania,

Arta, 2016
Initially, the publishing processes in the MASSR and Bessarabia of the interwar period developed ... more Initially, the publishing processes in the MASSR and Bessarabia of the interwar period developed completely differently in the aesthetic and ideological scope. Their unification is observed after 1940. In the art of book graphics of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, the transition to socialist realism was characterized by documentation and the domination of illustration characteristics, accumulation of professional skills, formation of creative manners and the author's styles of illustrators. Evgheni Merega was among the first graphic artists involved in these processes who cooperated with: Tiraspol State Printing House, the State Publishing House (Chisinau), "Shkoala sovetica" and "Uchpedgiz". Boris Nesvedov and Valentina Neceaev started in the interwar period. In the period 1940–1953, Leonid Grigoraşenco, Ilia Bogdesco, Boris Şirocorad, Iacob Averbuh, Ioachim Postolachi, Aleksandr Neforosov etc. made a name for themselves in the field of book graphics.

Arta, 2018
Moștenirea plastică, teoretică și culturală, lăsată de Ada Zevin (1918-2005), se va păstra în mem... more Moștenirea plastică, teoretică și culturală, lăsată de Ada Zevin (1918-2005), se va păstra în memoria multor generații de artiști plastici autohtoni și a publicului pasionat de acest rafinat domeniu de activitate. Muzeul Național de Artă al Moldovei deține o frumoasă colecție de pictură și grafică creată de reputata artistă plastică Ada Zevin. Bibliotecile și arhivele republicii păstrează cărțile [8, p. 1-43], albumele [9, p. 1-46] și cataloagele de expoziții îngrijite de Ada Zevin [6, p. 3-22], iar documentele de arhivă conțin informații ce reflectă calitățile excepționale ale Domniei Sale în ipostaza de teoretician, istoric al artelor și critic [4, p. 66-67]. Elevii Adei Zevin își amintesc cu plăcere prelegerile dumneaei de istoria artelor la Şcoala Republicană de Arte Plastice din Chișinău, în care Ada Zevin a activat între anii 1953-1975. Ada Zevin s-a născut într-o familie de peda

Arta, 2017
The years of 1953–1960 entered in national history of book graphics as a stage marked by increase... more The years of 1953–1960 entered in national history of book graphics as a stage marked by increases in professionalism. Considerable revival of all processes of art becomes more pronounced towards 1957 and 1960, marked by several important events (First All-Union Congress of Union of Artists Formation, Union Jubilee Exhibition dedicated to 40 years anniversary of the Great October, the participation of young artists from the Soviet Union in the VIth World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow, the Decade of Moldovan Literature and Art in Moscow etc.). More pronounced will became the trend of Moldovan national school to specify the ethnic character. At that time, spiritual processes coincided with the broadening of spheres of knowledge. Given promoting of innovation in the editorial process, the elements of narrative and documentary, were enriched with new forms of conventional treatment of fine art images. The remarkable masters of the book graphics at this time where Leonid Grigo...

Arta, 2018
In the years 1970–1980 in the Moldavian SSR, new tasks were issued in the field of artistic prese... more In the years 1970–1980 in the Moldavian SSR, new tasks were issued in the field of artistic presentation of books, in which the construction of the book will gradually become a priority. The change of trends specific in the evolution of the design was demonstrated in 1972, within "The First Exhibition of Drawing in the Russian Federation" (I всероссийская выставка рисунка) on the premises of the Russian Museum in Leningrad. If by the mid of 1960s, the graphic art was going through a period marked by the perception of the epic of the Soviet art, then by the 1970s, like in the 1920s, the lyrical side increases in the context of Soviet art and again the individual side of perception and reflection of life appears. Although until early 1960s the tones of black and white were used only in their direct, tonal meaning, after the 1970's the "white" and "black" gain almost a symbolic, indirect or figurative sense. The tonal contrasts, the invoice and the tex...

Primul cunoscut "Abecedar Moldovenesc" a fost alcătuit de arhimandritul<br> Gurie... more Primul cunoscut "Abecedar Moldovenesc" a fost alcătuit de arhimandritul<br> Gurie Grosu și tipărit în 1917 în grafie latină la Chișinău, la<br> Tipografia Societății pentru cultura Românilor din Basarabia. Se cunosc<br> și exemple de reeditare a acestuia. La fel, până în 1945 câteva<br> ediții ale abecedarelor au apărut la Balta și Tiraspol, deja în grafie chirilică.<br> În procesul de evoluție a principiilor de ilustrare a abecedarului<br> în creația artiștilor moldoveni din perioada sovietică și post-sovietică,<br> printre nume de artiști care au lucrat asupra ilustrării cărților cu acest<br> caracter didactic se disting: Valentina Neceaev, Leonid Grigorașenco,<br> Ilia Bogdesco, Evghenii Merega, Boris Brânzei, Valentina Rusu Ciobanu,<br> Ghennadii Zîkov, Igor Vieru, Lică Sainciuc, Aurel Guțu-Resteu,<br> Isai Cârmu, Alexei Colîbneac, Vasile Movileanu, Anna Evtușenco, Vasile<br> Țehmister, Violeta Zab...
Această culegere a fost tipărită cu sprijinul Ministerului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni www.mpr... more Această culegere a fost tipărită cu sprijinul Ministerului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni Conţinutul acestei culegeri nu reprezintă poziţia oficială a Ministerului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni Culegerea de articole a fost recomandată pentru publicare de către Consiliul Științific al Institutului Patrimoniului Cultural (proces-verbal nr. 4, 2019
Conexiuni asociative în grafica de carte a artistului plastic Mihail Brunea

The ABC book is the most important book that affects the cognitive the aesthetic development of t... more The ABC book is the most important book that affects the cognitive the aesthetic development of the child. The history of this book goes back several centuries, and its prehistory can be traced back to the days of the appearance of writing. This article is dedicated to the study of the processes associated with the evolution of the principles of illustrating ABC books in the works of artists of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. Among the famous Moldovan artists, who illustrated books of this didactic nature, are: Valentina Nechaeva, Valentina Rusu-Ciobanu, Leonid Grigorashenco, Ilya Bogdesco, Evgheni Merega, Boris Brânzei, Igor Vieru, Lică Sainciuc, Isai Cârmu, Alexei Colîbneac,Vasile Movileanu, Aurel Guțu-Resteu, Vasili Tsehmister, Anna Evtushenco, Violeta Zabulica-Diordiev, Elena Leshcu, Mihail Brunea, Oleg Cojocari, Elvira Voloshin-Cemortan and others. The study of ABC illustrations in the works of Moldovan book graphic artists provided an opportunity to analyze the genesis and...
Papers by Victoria Rocaciuc