ICFAI University
ICFAI Tech (computer Science)
The requirement for fast and lean software delivery from the today's industry leads to adoption of agile development approaches over other conventional approaches. The Dynamic and competitive environment leads to rapid change of customer... more
Agile methods have came up as an alternative to traditional software development by providing faster and lean ways to avoid overheads which are being imposed intrinsically by traditional methods. With their widespread use many... more
Today's software industry is striving for rapid software delivery with keeping in view the changing customer requirements. Agile development approach has evolved in order to fulfil the needs of dynamic environment in which traditional... more
Agile software development is receiving the attention of software developers and researchers thanks to its fast software delivery and flexible development plan capabilities. The fast release and simplified documentation thus leads to the... more
Individual users are able to buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide on online auction and shopping websites, e.g. eBay.com and Taobao.com. However, attackers have also attempted to conduct fraudulent activities... more
Shortest job first task scheduling algorithm allocates task based on the length of the task, i.e the task that will have small execution time will be scheduled first and the longer tasks will be executed later based on system... more
In the past few years, remote monitoring technologies have grown increasingly important in the delivery of healthcare. According to healthcare professionals, a variety of factors in uence the public perception of connected healthcare... more
In cloud computing resources are considered as services hence utilization of the resources in an efficient way is done by using task scheduling and load balancing. Quality of service is an important factor to measure the trustiness of the... more
One of the ongoing technologies which are used by large number of companies and users is cloud computing environment. This computing technology has proved that it provides certainly a different level of efficiency, security, privacy,... more
In this work poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) coated SnO 2-Fe 2 O 3 continuous nanotubes with a uniform core-shell structure have been demonstrated for rapid sensitive detection of iodide ions. The SnO 2-Fe 2 O 3 nanotubes were... more