ICFAI University
Faculty of Science and Technology
Use of renewable source of energy has now become of utmost attention. With Increasing global pollution and subsequent decrement of global reserves of energy supply is a very crucial factor for environmental protection. Energy generation... more
In today's scenario utilization of energy in an effective manner is must and that is the need of the time. After industrial revolution we are using the classical energy sources which are dependent on fossil fuels. The rate of exploration... more
- by Dilip Mishra
Transpired solar walls are a renewable energy technology that is readily available, and has considerable potential for application in new as well as existing buildings. Transpired solar wall use solar energy to preheat ventilation... more
- by Dilip Mishra
Energy is one of the basic and essential requirements of livinghood. In present scenario we are dependent on conventional energy sources for producing energy to sustain our lives. Since these sources are depleting at faster rate and cost... more
- by Dilip Mishra
Minimising the use of fossil fuels is truly key to resolving both air pollution and climatic change. This is also of prime importance because the resources of fossil fuels are limited and depleting at faster rate. Improvements in energy... more
Use of renewable source of energy has now become of utmost attention. With Increasing global pollution and subsequent decrement of global reserves of energy supply is a very crucial factor for environmental protection. Energy generation... more
Minimising the use of fossil fuels is truly key to resolving both air pollution and climatic change. This is also of prime importance because the resources of fossil fuels are limited and depleting at faster rate. Improvements in energy... more
In this paper, two kinds of solar collectors, namely the flat plate (FP) and the transpired plate (TP) as an improved version of flat plate, made-up of blackened aluminum sheet, are analyzed and compared. The transpired plate solar... more
- by Dilip Mishra
Minimising the use of fossil fuels is truly key to resolving both air pollution and climatic change. This is also of prime importance because the resources of fossil fuels are limited and depleting at faster rate. Improvements in energy... more