Papers by Tommaso Manzon
Politica e Religione, 2021
Abstract: The similarities existing between Carl Schmitt’s thought and that of Karl Bar-th have b... more Abstract: The similarities existing between Carl Schmitt’s thought and that of Karl Bar-th have been noticed by a growing number of scholars. Nonetheless, there is still much that can be uncovered by comparing their ideas. The specific aim of this paper is to compare their Theologico-political projects. The starting point of my analysis will be Schmitt's po-lemics with Barth and his fellows, undertaken in the preface to the second edition of Poli-tical Theology. Later in my exposition I will discuss the connections between this text and Barth's manifesto Theological Existence Today!

Hau: Journal of Etnographic Theory, 2023
In this article, an anthropologist and a theologian explore an analytical framework for the compa... more In this article, an anthropologist and a theologian explore an analytical framework for the comparative study of Christian churches, focusing in particular on ritual life among Roman Catholics and Baptist Protestants in Italy. Catholics and Baptists have different ways of articulating what it means to be "the Body of Christ" - that is, the ecclesia. If ecclesiology is a theme well explored by theologians, social scientists have hesitated to pronounce themselves on this topic. This contribution proposes a way to look at ecclesiology from an anthropological angle through the analysis of the liturgical orders of two different ecclesiastical bodies. By mapping foundational rituals and rites of passage, we aspire to isolate the different "ecclesiological axioms" that underpin liturgy and church form in these two polities. We hope that our reflection will stimulate discussion on a hitherto littledeveloped topic in the anthropology of Christianity, and strengthen interdisciplinary conversations between anthropologists and theologians.

Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry, 2022
This paper seeks to exami... more READ FULL PAPER HERE:
This paper seeks to examine the relationship between kerygma and dialogue, arguing that the proclamation of the Christian message can take the form of a dialogical practice, and indeed of an interreligious dialogical practice. There seems to be an underlying assumption that "dialoguing" necessarily requires the weakening of one's religious convictions, insofar as to express these in their full-blown form would lead necessarily to conflict and/or the shutting down of the conversation. However, I shall argue that this conclusion is not demanded by the nature of dialogue per se but rather from a particular understanding of what dialoguing means. The latter is underpinned by the assumption that in the realm of religion and spirituality we have no objective access to truth. I shall then hark back to a different understanding of dialogue rooted in Socrates' philosophizing by making reference to the episode of the Apostle Paul's kerygmatic preaching of the Gospel in Athens. I will read such a scene as one where kerigma and interreligious dialogue intertwine. The Socratic model off dialogical practice makes room for truth and allows interreligious dialogue to take place without the need to set aside one's own religious beliefs.
Theories of Divine Ideas: from the Church Fathers to the Early Franciscan Masters, 2022
Journal of European Baptist Studies, 2022
This article comprises a sustained critical engagement with David Gushee's Introducing Christian ... more This article comprises a sustained critical engagement with David Gushee's Introducing Christian Ethics: Core Convictions for Christians Today. In particular, attention is paid to Gushee's treatment of truth and truthfulness as core elements of Christian living. This is brought into connection with Baptist ecclesiology, arguing for a vision of the church as a community of truth.
Annals of the University of Bucharest -- Philosophy Series, 2021
This work consists in a comparative analysis of St Athanasius' Life of Anthony and Gustave Flaube... more This work consists in a comparative analysis of St Athanasius' Life of Anthony and Gustave Flaubert's The Temptation of St Anthony. We find that these two works present two different Weltanschauungen, each providing important cultural and philosophical input on the philosophical ideas and perspectives of their authors. Accordingly, we shall provide a commentary on the reception of the figure of Anthony in both works, concluding with a summary of the existing differences between the two accounts of the great Egyptian monk.

Studia Patristica, vol. CXXX, 2022
Herman Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics stands as a landmark of Calvinist theology and a synthesis of... more Herman Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics stands as a landmark of Calvinist theology and a synthesis of reformed Christian thought. Nonetheless, and in spite of its markedly confessional character, Bavinck does not renounce to draw on sources predating the Reformation. Accordingly, his work is of an extremely ecumenical and irenic fashion, able to pay attention to the different traditions existing within the Christian Church. In particular, Bavinck is often eager to underline the Patristic roots of the doctrines and debates he is engaging with. Hence, his work carries the merit of tracing a clear connection between the standards of theological discussion laid down by Reformed theology, and their origins in the Church Fathers. This is particularly evident in the sections of the Reformed Dogmatics where Bavinck discusses the topic of the divine attributes. Presenting the classic Reformed distinction between communicable and incommunicable attributes alongside a number of alternative classifications, Bavinck argues for their common source in the Patristic distinction between positive and negative theology. Therefore, making particular reference to St. Augustine and Pseudo-Dionysius, Bavinck develops the notion that the Fathers' way of theologizing by affirmation and negation set the background for theirs and any subsequent discussion of God's attributes. The goal of this short essay is that of reconstructing Bavinck's discussion of the topic of the Patristic origin of any classification of God's attributes, together with a brief evaluation of his argument and analysis of the Church Fathers.
Aisthema: International Journal, 2017
Often forgotten by the secondary literature , Schelling’s Berlin lectures represent the last ... more Often forgotten by the secondary literature , Schelling’s Berlin lectures represent the last stage of the German philosopher’s work, as well as an immense source of intuitions and hints . In this paper I shall discuss a few connections regarding some crucial concepts developed by Schelling in this series of lectures . In particular , I shall show how the analysis of the concept of monotheism is the ground upon which Schelling build his interpretation of The ogony , namely the development of religious consciousness , from its beginning to when it reaches its peak in Christianity . Furthermore , I will discuss how in relation to this same concept Schelling reads our religious representations as symbols of the divine, the results and marks of the participation of human beings of the divine.
Citing this paper Please note that where the full-text provided on King's Research Portal is ... more Citing this paper Please note that where the full-text provided on King's Research Portal is the Author Accepted Manuscript or Post-Print version this may differ from the final Published version. If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are again advised to check the publisher's website for any subsequent corrections.

Aisthema, 2018
In this paper I set out to explore some aspects of Luther's thought concerning music, as well as ... more In this paper I set out to explore some aspects of Luther's thought concerning music, as well as to unpack their theological and philosophical implications. To this effect, apart from reading Luther's work itself, I will establish a dialogue between him and the orthodox theologian Pavel Florensky. Questo testo si propone di esplorare alcuni aspetti della teoria della musica di Martin Lutero e di svilupparne le implicazioni teologiche e filosofiche. A que-sto fine, oltre che approciare il lavoro di Lutero stesso pongo in dialogo Lutero con il teologo ortodosso Pavel Florensky. El siguiente texto se propone la exploración de algunos aspectos de la teoria musical de Martin Lutero y el desarrollo de sus implicaciones teológicas y filosóficas. Con este propósito, además de enforcarme en el trabajo de Lutero mismo, pongo en diálogo Lutero con el teologo ortodoxo Pavel Florensky. Quest'opera è distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale.

International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 2018
This paper presents a Kierkegaardian critique of Roy A. Rappaport's classic treatment of religiou... more This paper presents a Kierkegaardian critique of Roy A. Rappaport's classic treatment of religious rituals. It discusses Rappaport's claim that public and outward acceptance of a religious ritual is sufficient for succesfully enacting it-even where such acceptance is devoid of any personal commitment on the partcipants's part. To interrogate Rappaport, the paper develops Jonathan Lear's reading of Kierkegaard, and build on the Danish theologian's remarks on the Christian sacraments to argue that, pace Rappaport, personal engagement is necessary to the succesful enactment of religious rituals. In this sense, I will show with Kierkegaard how inner belief is a necessary prerequisite for the performance of any religious ritual whereas in Rappaport's view it is ritual action itself which creates a posteriori the possibility for personal religious faith,

Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, 2018
St. Bonaventure's Christ Our One Teacher as a faith-based theory of knowledge This paper is an ex... more St. Bonaventure's Christ Our One Teacher as a faith-based theory of knowledge This paper is an exploration of St Bonaventure's sermon Christ Our One Teacher with reference to the contemporary epistemological debate. In particular, I approach this text in the light of Lydia Schumacher's recent work on what she calls faith-based theories of knowledge. These theories, differ from the mainstream epistemic paradigm in that they are grounded in a framework according to which faith and knowledge do not stand opposed; rather, in such theories faith functions as a prerequisite to knowledge. My thesis, is that Bonaventure's positions as expressed in Christ Our One Teacher are an instantiation of such a paradigm. Accordingly, I shall outline the general aspects of the claims which Bonaventure advances in this sermon. Then, I shall move onto a presentation of Schumacher's definition of a faith-based theory of knowledge. Finally, I will analyze and interpret the specific steps of Bonaventure's argument in the light of Schumacher's ideas.
Book Reviews by Tommaso Manzon
Studi Medievali, 2024
Review Article of C. Wittig "Learning to be Noble in the Middle Ages: Moral Education in North-We... more Review Article of C. Wittig "Learning to be Noble in the Middle Ages: Moral Education in North-Western Europe".
Journal of European Baptist Studies, 2024
The relationship between theology and politics is always going to be a hot, engaging, and virtual... more The relationship between theology and politics is always going to be a hot, engaging, and virtually inexhaustible topic. "Theology and the Political" seeks to make a contribution to this discussion.
Studi Medievali, 2023
In adeguamento alle norme internazionali la Rivista ha fatto proprio il sistema di accettazione d... more In adeguamento alle norme internazionali la Rivista ha fatto proprio il sistema di accettazione dei saggi attraverso il ricorso sistematico ai referee. I referee rimangono rigorosamente anonimi e sono scelti dalla Fondazione CISAM tra gli studiosi italiani e stranieri maggiormente competenti per i soggetti specifici degli articoli da esaminare. Manoscritti e libri per recensione alla Direzione-Redazione: Studi Medievali, palazzo Racani Arroni, via dell'Arringo-06049 Spoleto (Pg). [email protected] Abbonamenti e vendite alla Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, palazzo Racani Arroni, via dell'Arringo-06049 Spoleto (PG)
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia, 2022
Sometimes, investigating the thinkers of the past means opening many doors, each one of which is ... more Sometimes, investigating the thinkers of the past means opening many doors, each one of which is capable of introducing us to its age and time. When this takes place, the study of the ideas of a single author becomes a means through which we can explore an entire Zeitgeist. This is precisely what happens with this work by Ernesto Sergio Mainoldi: through pursuing its stated goal of presenting the context, content and finalities of the Corpus Dionysiacum, Dietro 'Dionigi L'Areopagita' ends up providing a comprehensive picture of the Byzantine Raum at the beginning of the VI century AD.
Studi Medievali, 2023
Review of D. J. Dales, Truth and Reality: the Wisdom of St. Bonaventure.
Books by Tommaso Manzon
This volume studies the origins of Franciscan exemplarism, focusing on the main theories of divin... more This volume studies the origins of Franciscan exemplarism, focusing on the main theories of divine ideas formulated in Christian circles from the Church Fathers to Bonaventure and the Franciscans active in Paris in the first half of the Thirteenth century. The texts here contained discuss the exemplarism of Augustine of Hippo, Dionysius the Areopagite, Maximus the Confessor, John of Damascus, John Scotus Eriugena, Anselm of Canterbury, the canons of Saint Victor (Hugh, Achard, Richard and Thomas Gallus), Philipp the Chancellor, and the Franciscan Alexander of Hales, John de la Rochelle, Odo Rigaldus and Bonaventure. Together with the volume Divine Ideas in Franciscan Thought (XIIIth-XIVth century) [2018], this work contributes to the reconstruction of the history of the Christian theories of divine ideas in the Middle Age.
Papers by Tommaso Manzon
This paper seeks to examine the relationship between kerygma and dialogue, arguing that the proclamation of the Christian message can take the form of a dialogical practice, and indeed of an interreligious dialogical practice. There seems to be an underlying assumption that "dialoguing" necessarily requires the weakening of one's religious convictions, insofar as to express these in their full-blown form would lead necessarily to conflict and/or the shutting down of the conversation. However, I shall argue that this conclusion is not demanded by the nature of dialogue per se but rather from a particular understanding of what dialoguing means. The latter is underpinned by the assumption that in the realm of religion and spirituality we have no objective access to truth. I shall then hark back to a different understanding of dialogue rooted in Socrates' philosophizing by making reference to the episode of the Apostle Paul's kerygmatic preaching of the Gospel in Athens. I will read such a scene as one where kerigma and interreligious dialogue intertwine. The Socratic model off dialogical practice makes room for truth and allows interreligious dialogue to take place without the need to set aside one's own religious beliefs.
Book Reviews by Tommaso Manzon
Books by Tommaso Manzon
This paper seeks to examine the relationship between kerygma and dialogue, arguing that the proclamation of the Christian message can take the form of a dialogical practice, and indeed of an interreligious dialogical practice. There seems to be an underlying assumption that "dialoguing" necessarily requires the weakening of one's religious convictions, insofar as to express these in their full-blown form would lead necessarily to conflict and/or the shutting down of the conversation. However, I shall argue that this conclusion is not demanded by the nature of dialogue per se but rather from a particular understanding of what dialoguing means. The latter is underpinned by the assumption that in the realm of religion and spirituality we have no objective access to truth. I shall then hark back to a different understanding of dialogue rooted in Socrates' philosophizing by making reference to the episode of the Apostle Paul's kerygmatic preaching of the Gospel in Athens. I will read such a scene as one where kerigma and interreligious dialogue intertwine. The Socratic model off dialogical practice makes room for truth and allows interreligious dialogue to take place without the need to set aside one's own religious beliefs.