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The paper provides evidence for a more articulated structure of the comparative as compared with the one in Bobaljik (2012). We propose to split up Bobaljik's cmpr head into two distinct heads, C1 and C2. Looking at Czech, Old Church... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLinguistics
van Heuven & Haan (2000; 2002)'s experimental work on the prosody of Dutch question types found that the prosodic signalling of in-terrogativity is stronger for Dutch declarative questions, less so for yes/no-questions and even less... more
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We present a novel account of root suppletion in comparatives and superlatives, and show how it accounts for the presence of ABB and ABC patterns, as well as the absence of ABA patterns. The account assumes that suppletive roots, despite... more
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This paper aims at describing Q(uantity)-words, i.e. many/much and few/little, from a typological perspective, and presenting typological generalisations based on it. The typological sample provides support for a mass-count and... more
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      PsychologyFrontiers in Psychology
This paper discusses the well-known dichotomies between sentence negation and constituent negation on the one hand and external negation and internal negation on the other hand. It explains how the notions differ and where they show... more
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With this short paper I want to pay tribute to Dany and his extremely inspiring dissertation Operators in the lexicon (henceforth OiL). In my own dissertation I did not refer to his work explicitly but the impact his work had on my... more
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This article proposes a Nanosyntactic approach to root suppletion. We show that within this theory, there is a straightforward way to account for root suppletion within a strictly modular theory of grammar. As a starting point, we first... more
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    • Psychology
We present a theory of conversion in terms of phrasal spellout. In this approach, there are no zero morphemes. Instead, the ‘silent’ meaning components are pronounced cumulatively within overt morphemes. As an empirical case, we discuss... more
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In varieties of English, the combination of would and rather (also: sooner/as soon/as well) can be followed not just by a bare infinitive (as in they would rather leave) or by a finite clause (they would rather (that) I (would) leave),... more
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    • History
This article proposes a Nanosyntactic Late­Insertion approach to root suppletion. We show that this theory allows us to account for root suppletionwithin a strictlymodular theory of grammar, which makes no syntactic distinction between... more
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We look at the internal structure of the English analytic comparative marker more, arguing that it spells out nearly all the features of a gradable adjective. When this marker is merged with an adjective in the positive degree, it creates... more
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