Papers by Guillermo Duff

CIVAE Proceedings, 2022
This paper presents the collaborative process of curriculum design that the International Baccala... more This paper presents the collaborative process of curriculum design that the International Baccalaureate (IB) and the School of the Arts (SOTA) in Singapore embarked on to create a literary arts course. The paper illustrates the creative dialogue that the IB and SOTA engaged in to design a course that would both address the needs of the students from a particular school community and at the same time potentially reach a broader global community of teachers and learners interested in creative writing. As a result of this dialogue, the initial proposal gave rise to a syllabus that identifies the main domains of the literary arts, maps the possible journeys student-writers from a variety of diverse contexts and with a range of interests could follow in the production of literary texts and proposes ways in which both writing practice and resulting literary accomplishments can be assessed in a valid, reliable, fair and rigorous way across contexts.

Discursos/prácticas, 2010
El propósito del presente texto es examinar comparativamente el movimiento creacionista ... more Resumen
El propósito del presente texto es examinar comparativamente el movimiento creacionista y los movimientos imagista/vorticista, como las manifestaciones más claras de una y otra vanguardia. Teniendo en cuenta que uno de los elementos que distinguen a la vanguardia histórica de otros movimientos anteriores es la "explicitación programática del contenido formal innovador" (Aullón, 2003: 1481) que se da en ella, el análisis se basará en gran parte en la lectura detallada de los manifiestos y textos críticos producidos por los representantes más cabales de estas vanguardias: Vicente Huidobro por un lado, y Ezra Pound y T.S. Eliot por el otro. Dándose por sentado que tras esta explicitación programática, habrá una "consecución, o intento de consecución, artística de los postulados programáticos", se ejemplificarán dichos postulados a través de dos poemas que son considerados centrales en cada uno de los movimientos: Altazor y La tierra baldía.
The purpose of this paper is to examine comparatively the creationist and the imagist/vorticist movements, as the clearest manifestations of the avant-garde in Chilean and Anglo-American literatures respectively. Given that one of the elements that distinguishes the historical avant-garde movements is the "explicit programmatic statement about formal innovative content (Aullón, 2003, 1481) that occurs in it, the analysis is based largely on the detailed reading of the manifestos and critical texts produced by the most accomplished representatives of these avant-gardes: Vicente

Revista Chilena de Literatura, 2011
RESUMEN / ABSTRACT El trabajo se propone recorrer la poesía temprana de Pablo Neruda a lo largo d... more RESUMEN / ABSTRACT El trabajo se propone recorrer la poesía temprana de Pablo Neruda a lo largo de su eje auto-exegético y metaliterario. Eligiendo de los primeros libros del poeta chileno aquellos poemas en los cuales haya una explicitación de un arte poética o una clara referencia metaliteraria, se analizará la evolución de la poesía de Neruda. Se dividirá la poesía de Neruda en distintos períodos, utilizándose para tal fi n únicamente los textos metaliterarios: se detallarán las poéticas elaboradas por Neruda en sus distintos libros, desde la poética de la poesía como "terrible don", pasando por la poesía como catarsis, la poesía como don profético devaluado, hasta llegar a la poesía como compromiso. Analizando en dichos textos elementos que Octavio Paz defi niría como analógicos o irónicos, se evaluarán posiciones sostenidas por determinados críticos con respecto a Neruda. PALABRAS CLAVE: Neruda, metaliterario, autoexégesis, analogía, ironía. The present work aims at traversing across Pablo Neruda's early poetry following the self-exegetic and metaliterary axis. The evolution of Neruda's poetry will be analyzed, focusing on those poems from the Chilean poet's early books in which there is an explicit formulation of an ars poetica or a clear metaliterary reference. Neruda's poetry will be divided into different periods by considering these metaliterary texts landmarks of successive changes in his poetics, ranging from the poetics of poetry as a "terrible gift", through the view of poetry as catharsis, as a debased prophetic gift, to fi nally arrive at a view of poetry as political commitment. By means of the analysis of textual elements that Octavio Paz would defi ne as ironic or analogical, different critical stands about Neruda will be assessed.
Conference Presentations by Guillermo Duff

CIVAE Proceedings, 2021
This paper explores how a broader definition of “text” and of “literacy” has made the language an... more This paper explores how a broader definition of “text” and of “literacy” has made the language and literature syllabus in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme increasingly interdisciplinary, involving links to the arts. The inclusion of multimodal texts has given rise to questions in relation to the similarities and differences between the ways meaning is constructed in unimodal linguistic texts and in multimodal texts combining the linguistic, the visual and the aural modes. The study of multimodal texts has required teachers and students to engage in a semiotic analysis which goes beyond the analysis of how words construct meaning and borrows from the way in which the study of the creation of meaning is approached in the arts. Their inclusion has also led to the realisation that the language and literature class may be enriched by the contribution of the students’ experience of the arts and may profit from, or even require at times, an interdisciplinary approach. The paper considers the challenges that multimodal texts present to language and literature teachers and students and explores some of the implications multimodality has in relation to the definition of the object of study in this course.
Key words: multimodality, interdisciplinarity, languages, arts
Papers by Guillermo Duff
El propósito del presente texto es examinar comparativamente el movimiento creacionista y los movimientos imagista/vorticista, como las manifestaciones más claras de una y otra vanguardia. Teniendo en cuenta que uno de los elementos que distinguen a la vanguardia histórica de otros movimientos anteriores es la "explicitación programática del contenido formal innovador" (Aullón, 2003: 1481) que se da en ella, el análisis se basará en gran parte en la lectura detallada de los manifiestos y textos críticos producidos por los representantes más cabales de estas vanguardias: Vicente Huidobro por un lado, y Ezra Pound y T.S. Eliot por el otro. Dándose por sentado que tras esta explicitación programática, habrá una "consecución, o intento de consecución, artística de los postulados programáticos", se ejemplificarán dichos postulados a través de dos poemas que son considerados centrales en cada uno de los movimientos: Altazor y La tierra baldía.
The purpose of this paper is to examine comparatively the creationist and the imagist/vorticist movements, as the clearest manifestations of the avant-garde in Chilean and Anglo-American literatures respectively. Given that one of the elements that distinguishes the historical avant-garde movements is the "explicit programmatic statement about formal innovative content (Aullón, 2003, 1481) that occurs in it, the analysis is based largely on the detailed reading of the manifestos and critical texts produced by the most accomplished representatives of these avant-gardes: Vicente
Conference Presentations by Guillermo Duff
Key words: multimodality, interdisciplinarity, languages, arts
El propósito del presente texto es examinar comparativamente el movimiento creacionista y los movimientos imagista/vorticista, como las manifestaciones más claras de una y otra vanguardia. Teniendo en cuenta que uno de los elementos que distinguen a la vanguardia histórica de otros movimientos anteriores es la "explicitación programática del contenido formal innovador" (Aullón, 2003: 1481) que se da en ella, el análisis se basará en gran parte en la lectura detallada de los manifiestos y textos críticos producidos por los representantes más cabales de estas vanguardias: Vicente Huidobro por un lado, y Ezra Pound y T.S. Eliot por el otro. Dándose por sentado que tras esta explicitación programática, habrá una "consecución, o intento de consecución, artística de los postulados programáticos", se ejemplificarán dichos postulados a través de dos poemas que son considerados centrales en cada uno de los movimientos: Altazor y La tierra baldía.
The purpose of this paper is to examine comparatively the creationist and the imagist/vorticist movements, as the clearest manifestations of the avant-garde in Chilean and Anglo-American literatures respectively. Given that one of the elements that distinguishes the historical avant-garde movements is the "explicit programmatic statement about formal innovative content (Aullón, 2003, 1481) that occurs in it, the analysis is based largely on the detailed reading of the manifestos and critical texts produced by the most accomplished representatives of these avant-gardes: Vicente
Key words: multimodality, interdisciplinarity, languages, arts