Papers by Fabrício Barth
arXiv (Cornell University), Jul 12, 2023
The Drone Swarm Search project is an environment, based on PETTINGZOO, that is to be used in conj... more The Drone Swarm Search project is an environment, based on PETTINGZOO, that is to be used in conjunction with multi-agent (or single-agent) reinforcement learning algorithms. It is an environment in which the agents (drones), have to find the targets (shipwrecked people). The agents do not know the position of the target and do not receive rewards related to their own distance to the target(s). However, the agents receive the probabilities of the target(s) being in a certain cell of the map. The aim of this project is to aid in the study of reinforcement learning algorithms that require dynamic probabilities as inputs.
This paper proposes an information retrieval system that user LAG content to expand queries. The ... more This paper proposes an information retrieval system that user LAG content to expand queries. The system's goal is allow an efficient information retrieval in the Brazil Government's Web portals. To archive this goal, we pro- pose that the information retrieval system: (i) uses the LAG structure to list the documents retrieved, and; (ii) uses a WIKI as a tool for collaborative editing of LAG content. Besides, this work specifies a process for maintaining the LAG content - with collaborative edition and approval steps. 1. Introduc ¸ ˜ ao
Proceedings of the 4th …, 2008
Page 1. Wiki as a tool for improving the innovation process Fabrício J. Barth Atech Critical Tech... more Page 1. Wiki as a tool for improving the innovation process Fabrício J. Barth Atech Critical Technologies Rua do Rocio, 313 - 11o andar Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, Brazil [email protected] Gabriel T. Vilela Atech Critical Technologies ...
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Jun 1, 2005
This paper presents the Heterogeneous Network QoS Evaluation Tool. This tool should help to manag... more This paper presents the Heterogeneous Network QoS Evaluation Tool. This tool should help to manage technical influences on the system and allow the consumer/user to evaluate real applications and services from a qualitative point of view. It simulates the behaviour of a real network with the transmission of real data like video streams. We tested our tool using Mpeg2 and Mpeg4 video transmissions over Real Time Protocol. We also propose a method for validating this tool by measuring the distance between its results and real networks ...
This article explores hierarchical clustering and graph analysis for detection groups in Wikis. B... more This article explores hierarchical clustering and graph analysis for detection groups in Wikis. Both approaches are explored in this work using historical information about Wiki pages. The results shows that this type of analysis can be used to identify people and groups with similar interests and abilities.

Museums and Art exhibition spaces are adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to engage and... more Museums and Art exhibition spaces are adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to engage and attract visitors in several contexts. The use of AI can boost visitors’ attention, promote informal learning through conversations in front of the exhibits, and motivate visitors to act socially. In this paper, we describe a voice-based conversational system Iris+, in which visitors are inquired to answer questions to an agent. It is a proactive agent that invites visitors to reflect and take action to improve future world. First, we will describe how this system works. Second, we will show the outcomes of evaluation studies with visitors in situ and, a survey shows how visitors engaged in social action after interacting with IRIS+ and public demographics. Based on those visitors’ studies, we propose a set of challenges to design conversational systems in public spaces and the improvements were incorporated into the redesign of IRIS++.
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Jun 1, 2005
This paper presents the Heterogeneous Network QoS Evaluation Tool. This tool should help to manag... more This paper presents the Heterogeneous Network QoS Evaluation Tool. This tool should help to manage technical influences on the system and allow the consumer/user to evaluate real applications and services from a qualitative point of view. It simulates the behaviour of a real network with the transmission of real data like video streams. We tested our tool using Mpeg2 and Mpeg4 video transmissions over Real Time Protocol. We also propose a method for validating this tool by measuring the distance between its results and real networks ...

Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 2020
If an artwork could talk, what would visitors ask? This paper explores what types of content voic... more If an artwork could talk, what would visitors ask? This paper explores what types of content voice-based AI conversational systems should have to attend visitors' expectations in a museum. The study analyses 142,463 conversation logs from 5,242 unique sessions of a nine-month long deployment of a voice-based interactive guide in a modern art museum in Brazil. In this experiment, visitors freely asked questions about seven different artworks of different styles. By grouping the visitor utterances into eight types of content, we determined that more than half of the visitors asked about the meanings and intentions behind the artwork, followed by facts about the artwork and author-related questions. We also determined that the types of questions were not affected by each artwork, the artwork style, or its physical location. We also saw some relationships between the visitor's overall evaluation of the experience with the types of questions she asked. Based on those results, we identified implications for designing content for voice-based conversational systems in museums.

Museums and Art exhibition spaces are adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to engage and... more Museums and Art exhibition spaces are adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems to engage and attract visitors in several contexts. The use of AI can boost visitors’ attention, promote informal learning through conversations in front of the exhibits, and motivate visitors to act socially. In this paper, we describe a voice-based conversational system Iris+, in which visitors are inquired to answer questions to an agent. It is a proactive agent that invites visitors to reflect and take action to improve future world. First, we will describe how this system works. Second, we will show the outcomes of evaluation studies with visitors in situ and, a survey shows how visitors engaged in social action after interacting with IRIS+ and public demographics. Based on those visitors’ studies, we propose a set of challenges to design conversational systems in public spaces and the improvements were incorporated into the redesign of IRIS++.
Recommender Systems took an importante place in Internet to item recommendation for users. Howeve... more Recommender Systems took an importante place in Internet to item recommendation for users. However, many Point-of-Interest(POI) Recommender Systems work with only one contexto for each user but user can be in many contexts at the same time. This work proposes an adaptive model for creation of multiples contexts for same user and thus, Recommender System can make better recommendations.
The extreme popularity of online social networks (OSNs) might have the potential to reshape the I... more The extreme popularity of online social networks (OSNs) might have the potential to reshape the Internet traffic in the Future. Unlike traditional Web servers where popular objects are required anywhere, requests to online social networks are dominated by content of local interest, where users typically consume content created by friends. This paper investigates changes in the access patterns of social networks in comparison with traditional Web workloads. Using real data from popular systems like Orkut and YouTube we show that popularity distributions of objects in OSNs is less skewed in comparison with traditional Web servers. This observation suggests that we might need to rethink the strategies currently employed in Web caching systems in view of the growing wave of popularity of social systems.
This paper presents the Heterogeneous Network QoS Evaluation Tool. This tool should help to manag... more This paper presents the Heterogeneous Network QoS Evaluation Tool. This tool should help to manage technical influences on the system and allow the consumer/user to evaluate real applications and services from a qualitative point of view. It simulates the behaviour of a real network with the transmission of real data like video streams. We also propose a method for validating this tool by measuring the distance between its results and real networks results.
Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada
Resumo: O tema Recuperação de Informação sempre foi um tema bastante explorado na academia e no m... more Resumo: O tema Recuperação de Informação sempre foi um tema bastante explorado na academia e no mercado. A forma com que os eventos acadêmicos são conduzidos demonstra uma maturidade grande da área, inclusive com uma ligação forte com o mercado. Inúmeros livros sobre este tema já foram publicados. No entanto, são poucos os livros publicados em português. Este texto tenta preencher esta lacuna apresentando uma introdução sobre o tema Recuperação de Informação, abordando: as principais definições e conceitos da área; os principais modelos que regem o desenvolvimento dos Sistemas de Recuperação de Informação; algumas tendências, e; os métodos usualmente empregados na avaliação de Sistemas de Recuperação de Informação.

Este trabalho avalia o desempenho do uso de árvores de decisão como função de ordenação para docu... more Este trabalho avalia o desempenho do uso de árvores de decisão como função de ordenação para documentos e pessoas em ambientes empresariais. Para tanto, identificouse atributos relevantes das entidades a serem recuperadas a partir da análise de: (i) dinâmica de produção e consumo de informações em um ambiente empresarial; (ii) algoritmos existentes na literatura para a recuperação de documentos e pessoas; e (iii) conceitos utilizados em funções de ordenação para domínios genéricos. Montou-se um ambiente de avaliação, utilizando a coleção de referência CERC, para avaliar a aplicabilidade do algoritmo C4.5 na obtenção de funções de ordenação para o domínio empresarial. O uso do algoritmo C4.5 para a construção de funções de ordenação mostrou-se parcialmente efetivo. Para a tarefa de recuperação de documentos não trouxe resultados bons. Porém, constatou-se que é possível controlar a forma de construção da função de ordenação a fim de otimizar a precisão nas primeiras posições do ranking ou otimizar a média das precisões (M AP). Para a tarefa de recuperação de pessoas o algoritmo C4.5 obteve uma árvore de decisão que consegue resultados melhores que todas as outras funções de ordenação avaliadas. O M AP obtido pela árvore de decisão foi 0, 83, enquanto que a média do M AP das outras funções de ordenação foi de 0, 74. Percebeu-se que a árvore de decisão utilizada para representar a função de ordenação contribui para a compreensão da composição dos diversos atributos utilizados na caracterização dos documentos e pessoas. A partir da análise da árvore de decisão utilizada como função de ordenação para pessoas foi possível entender que uma pessoa é considerada especialista em algum tópico se ela aparecer em muitos documentos, aparecer muitas vezes nos documentos e os documentos onde aparece têm uma relevância alta para a consulta. Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem de Funções de Ordenação. Recuperação da Informação. Aprendizado Computacional. Gestão da Informação.
Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, 2005
The goal of this work is to investigate meta-level architectures for adaptive systems. The main a... more The goal of this work is to investigate meta-level architectures for adaptive systems. The main application area is the user modeling for mobile and digital television systems. The results of a set of experiments performed on the proposed architecture showed that it is possible to reuse the components responsible for user modeling if they are designed as meta-level components.
Papers by Fabrício Barth