Wole Olatokun
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Books by Wole Olatokun
The theme of the conference “Managing Information in the Digital Era” derives from the revolutionalising impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) across the globe resulting in tremendous changes in all sections of the society. It has also made significant impacts on the global knowledge economy, which reduced the gap between the information rich and poor. Also, libraries/information and knowledge management centres exploit new technologies for information processing, storage and retrieval, knowledge storage and dissemination, creating collaborative tools, designing user-friendly interfaces to provide customized services to end users. These new tools facilitate global partnership, networking of institutions for knowledge creation, preservation and sharing. Libraries and knowledge centres are at the forefront of experimenting and implementing new technologies for providing information to diverse groups of users.
The conference has been part of DLIS response to the need for information professionals to constantly update and upgrade their skills to manage knowledge resources in rapidly changing environments and contexts digital technologies. The conference has been an international forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of Library science, Information science, Information systems and Information Technology. Participants include leading academics, researchers, scientists and professionals from different parts of the world.
The papers in this proceedings have been carefully selected and they cover a wide range of sub-themes including: Digital divide, Knowledge Management (KM), Digital Library, records and information management, information literacy standards and models, electronic commerce, and Information and information technology policy issues.
All papers were reviewed blindly (that is, with author information removed) by between 2 and 3 reviewers. The reviewers did not know the identity of the authors nor the authors of the reviewers. Reviewers were matched to papers based on a formula to minimize the distance between reviewers’ expertise and interest and the topics covered in the paper. No reviewer was required to review more than 2 papers. In all, the review process used the services of 22 reviewers. Reviewers were instructed to mentor the authors by providing feedback on how to improve the submission and to determine whether or not a paper is fit for presentation at the conference or not.
The authors of all papers, whether accepted or not, were provided with the reviewers’ feedback, as part of the process of mentoring authors. Authors of accepted papers were asked to revise their submissions to address the issues raised in the reviews.
We believe that the papers in this book represent a great contribution to scholarship particularly in the field of library and information science.
Wole Olatokun, PhD
Conference Chair
First DLIS International Conference
The aim of writing this book is to impart in students the knowledge and skills
needed in understanding issues relating to database management in an
information retrieval environment. Students will develop their information
skills to a reasonable extent. I have used very simple language and expressions
to explain technical concepts, so be rest assured that you will understand the
different topics treated in the different chapters. I have tried very much to keep
the content in this book up- to-date and relevant so that the skills and
knowledge that you acquire would be useful both in the short and long run.
Now let me give a preview of the topics treated in each chapter of this book.
Chapter one gives a general introduction to the concept data, information and
knowledge. It also explains the differences between knowledge and
information management as well as describing what data mining and data
warehousing is and how they work in diverse information management
environments. Chapter two presents metadata and data dictionary pointing out
their importance in records and information management. The concept of
databases is the main subject of chapter three and issues explained in detail
include the properties of databases, types of databases and the reasons why
organizations might adopt the database approach to information management.
The chapter also sheds light on the development of databases in an
information retrieval environment.
Chapters four and five examine file organization and database management
systems (DBMS) respectively which are major issues in database and
information retrieval. Data modelling and models is the subject of chapter six
followed by database normalization in chapter seven. The design of databases
using Entity-Relationship (ER) modelling was presented in chapter eight. The
chapter explained conceptual data modelling, and described the procedures for
developing Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs). Chapter nine dwells on
Structured Query Language (SQL) as one of the modern day languages used
in managing databases. The chapter explains the functions of SQL both as a
data definition language and data manipulation language.
Chapter ten introduces the concept of information retrieval by defining what is
Information retrieval and distinguishing it from data retrieval. The chapter
also describes some tasks of users of Information retrieval, activities involved
in the Information retrieval process and the models of Information Retrieval.
Chapter eleven expatiated further on information retrieval by describing
several database search tools and strategies which users can use to get the
pieces of information they are looking for from any information retrieval
system. The diverse search facilities offered by most retrieval systems
including: Boolean query formulation, proximity searching, range searching,
truncation searching and wildcards were adequately covered.
Due to the increasing importance of the Web in searching and retrieving
information by people all the world over today, chapter twelve presents the
issues relating to Internet and Information retrieval. Apart from giving an
overview of the Internet and its services and tools, the chapter also explains
and describes how to conduct searches on the Internet using different search
methods and tools. Information retrieval evaluation is the subject covered in
chapter thirteen where issues relating to using effectiveness and efficiency
measures for retrieval evaluation were espoused.
Each chapter also has in-text questions that you can use to assess yourself as
you move from chapter to chapter. There are also self assessment activities
comprising a series of study questions at the end of each chapter to make you
review what you have learnt so that you can reflect on the topics discussed
throughout the different chapters. In addition, each chapter has a glossary of
terms that explains some technical terminologies that you may not yet be
familiar with. Please be encouraged to improve on your knowledge gained
from this book by complementing it with materials suggested to you under
further reading in each chapter.
Overall, on successful completion of this book, you shall be able to:
x Distinguish among data, information and knowledge
x Define what metadata and data dictionary are and explain their
application in information management
x Describe database management systems (DBMS) and its features and
capabilities in database management
x Explain the issues relating to the development of databases in an
information retrieval environment
x Create normalized databases using structured query language (SQL)
x Construct entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs)
x Conduct searches on the Internet using different search techniques
x Download search outputs from the Web, and
x Evaluate retrieved items from the Internet
The presentation of concepts is simplified both by the use of non-technical language and illustrations to aid comprehension. Each chapter contains an overview, objectives, topics covered, in- and end of-chapter self-assessment activities and a glossary of terms. The book is thus suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students in communication, computer science, library and information science, information and knowledge management in universities and polytechnics where a basic grounding of information technology tools and applications is taught.
Papers by Wole Olatokun
The theme of the conference “Managing Information in the Digital Era” derives from the revolutionalising impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) across the globe resulting in tremendous changes in all sections of the society. It has also made significant impacts on the global knowledge economy, which reduced the gap between the information rich and poor. Also, libraries/information and knowledge management centres exploit new technologies for information processing, storage and retrieval, knowledge storage and dissemination, creating collaborative tools, designing user-friendly interfaces to provide customized services to end users. These new tools facilitate global partnership, networking of institutions for knowledge creation, preservation and sharing. Libraries and knowledge centres are at the forefront of experimenting and implementing new technologies for providing information to diverse groups of users.
The conference has been part of DLIS response to the need for information professionals to constantly update and upgrade their skills to manage knowledge resources in rapidly changing environments and contexts digital technologies. The conference has been an international forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of Library science, Information science, Information systems and Information Technology. Participants include leading academics, researchers, scientists and professionals from different parts of the world.
The papers in this proceedings have been carefully selected and they cover a wide range of sub-themes including: Digital divide, Knowledge Management (KM), Digital Library, records and information management, information literacy standards and models, electronic commerce, and Information and information technology policy issues.
All papers were reviewed blindly (that is, with author information removed) by between 2 and 3 reviewers. The reviewers did not know the identity of the authors nor the authors of the reviewers. Reviewers were matched to papers based on a formula to minimize the distance between reviewers’ expertise and interest and the topics covered in the paper. No reviewer was required to review more than 2 papers. In all, the review process used the services of 22 reviewers. Reviewers were instructed to mentor the authors by providing feedback on how to improve the submission and to determine whether or not a paper is fit for presentation at the conference or not.
The authors of all papers, whether accepted or not, were provided with the reviewers’ feedback, as part of the process of mentoring authors. Authors of accepted papers were asked to revise their submissions to address the issues raised in the reviews.
We believe that the papers in this book represent a great contribution to scholarship particularly in the field of library and information science.
Wole Olatokun, PhD
Conference Chair
First DLIS International Conference
The aim of writing this book is to impart in students the knowledge and skills
needed in understanding issues relating to database management in an
information retrieval environment. Students will develop their information
skills to a reasonable extent. I have used very simple language and expressions
to explain technical concepts, so be rest assured that you will understand the
different topics treated in the different chapters. I have tried very much to keep
the content in this book up- to-date and relevant so that the skills and
knowledge that you acquire would be useful both in the short and long run.
Now let me give a preview of the topics treated in each chapter of this book.
Chapter one gives a general introduction to the concept data, information and
knowledge. It also explains the differences between knowledge and
information management as well as describing what data mining and data
warehousing is and how they work in diverse information management
environments. Chapter two presents metadata and data dictionary pointing out
their importance in records and information management. The concept of
databases is the main subject of chapter three and issues explained in detail
include the properties of databases, types of databases and the reasons why
organizations might adopt the database approach to information management.
The chapter also sheds light on the development of databases in an
information retrieval environment.
Chapters four and five examine file organization and database management
systems (DBMS) respectively which are major issues in database and
information retrieval. Data modelling and models is the subject of chapter six
followed by database normalization in chapter seven. The design of databases
using Entity-Relationship (ER) modelling was presented in chapter eight. The
chapter explained conceptual data modelling, and described the procedures for
developing Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs). Chapter nine dwells on
Structured Query Language (SQL) as one of the modern day languages used
in managing databases. The chapter explains the functions of SQL both as a
data definition language and data manipulation language.
Chapter ten introduces the concept of information retrieval by defining what is
Information retrieval and distinguishing it from data retrieval. The chapter
also describes some tasks of users of Information retrieval, activities involved
in the Information retrieval process and the models of Information Retrieval.
Chapter eleven expatiated further on information retrieval by describing
several database search tools and strategies which users can use to get the
pieces of information they are looking for from any information retrieval
system. The diverse search facilities offered by most retrieval systems
including: Boolean query formulation, proximity searching, range searching,
truncation searching and wildcards were adequately covered.
Due to the increasing importance of the Web in searching and retrieving
information by people all the world over today, chapter twelve presents the
issues relating to Internet and Information retrieval. Apart from giving an
overview of the Internet and its services and tools, the chapter also explains
and describes how to conduct searches on the Internet using different search
methods and tools. Information retrieval evaluation is the subject covered in
chapter thirteen where issues relating to using effectiveness and efficiency
measures for retrieval evaluation were espoused.
Each chapter also has in-text questions that you can use to assess yourself as
you move from chapter to chapter. There are also self assessment activities
comprising a series of study questions at the end of each chapter to make you
review what you have learnt so that you can reflect on the topics discussed
throughout the different chapters. In addition, each chapter has a glossary of
terms that explains some technical terminologies that you may not yet be
familiar with. Please be encouraged to improve on your knowledge gained
from this book by complementing it with materials suggested to you under
further reading in each chapter.
Overall, on successful completion of this book, you shall be able to:
x Distinguish among data, information and knowledge
x Define what metadata and data dictionary are and explain their
application in information management
x Describe database management systems (DBMS) and its features and
capabilities in database management
x Explain the issues relating to the development of databases in an
information retrieval environment
x Create normalized databases using structured query language (SQL)
x Construct entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs)
x Conduct searches on the Internet using different search techniques
x Download search outputs from the Web, and
x Evaluate retrieved items from the Internet
The presentation of concepts is simplified both by the use of non-technical language and illustrations to aid comprehension. Each chapter contains an overview, objectives, topics covered, in- and end of-chapter self-assessment activities and a glossary of terms. The book is thus suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students in communication, computer science, library and information science, information and knowledge management in universities and polytechnics where a basic grounding of information technology tools and applications is taught.