Books by Nyitor Shenge, Ph.D.

Poster presented at the 71st Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), 2010
Organizations expend hugely on diversity programs. Interest in diversity is fueled by many factor... more Organizations expend hugely on diversity programs. Interest in diversity is fueled by many factors, including globalization. Diversity research is appealing. However, good business sense of diversity is difficult to demonstrate. As well, diversity research typically omits not-for-profit institutions and developing countries. To fill this research gap, this study obtained sample of students, faculty, and staff from a large university in Nigeria (Africa). Participants (n=250; mean age = 36.6 years) completed questionnaires to indicate their perception of diversity. Data will be analyzed using regression. It is expected that participants’ status, ethnic group, longevity at the university, international exposure, and gender will independently and jointly predict participants’ diversity perception. Discussion will center on the significance of these findings for diversity managers and stakeholders in developing and developed countries.
Keywords: Differences, perception, attributes, organization, inclusion

A Compendium of Psychology, 2014
Managerial psychology is a sub-discipline of Psychology or Management, focusing on understanding ... more Managerial psychology is a sub-discipline of Psychology or Management, focusing on understanding organization behaviour. Managerial psychology draws from frameworks and descriptions about the psychology and sociology of organizations and the institutional context of work and careers. This chapter introduces the reader to behavioural science concepts, constructs, theories, methods, and tools that are used and applied to issues that people encounter in their work and career. The chapter provides an overview of work and organizations in contemporary industrial society. It considers individual behaviour, then moves to behaviour in groups or teams, and finally discusses organizations as a whole. After reading the chapter, the reader is expected to, among other things: (a) know something about managerial psychology, including its meaning and scope; (b) know and appreciate people’s needs in organizations; (c) understand social influence in organizations; and (d) develop skills for decision making, and organizational analysis. The chapter highlights perceptions and attitudes, cognitive style, decision making, motivation, creativity, networking, negotiation, social influence, group dynamics, group decision making, organizational culture, organizational learning, leadership and power, organizational change, and organizational analysis. The aforementioned are areas relevant to managerial psychology.
African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 2000

Ife Journal of Psychology, 2000
Personality and need factors in career aspirations of prospective Nigerian undergraduates were th... more Personality and need factors in career aspirations of prospective Nigerian undergraduates were the focus of this paper. The study involved 454 introverted (socially reserved) and extroverted (socially outgoing) secondary school students preparing for university matriculation examination (JAMB). Responses on subjects’ career aspirations were obtained and analyzed. Results showed a general dominance of money and popularity needs among subjects in different occupational groupings. Discussion centred on the need for understanding individual and group differences as a way of maximizing organizational productivity and individuals’ job satisfaction. Practical implications of the findings for occupational counselling and placement were also discussed. This paper attempted to bridge existing information gap by providing personality and need factors in career aspirations of prospective Nigerian university undergraduates.

African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 1999
This study was an experimental one that dwelt on the frequency of presentation of television adve... more This study was an experimental one that dwelt on the frequency of presentation of television advertisements and its effect on television advertisement (commercial) efficacy. Eighty senior (private) secondary school students (SS2) served as subjects (respondents) in the study. They watched specially created advertisements that were presented several times, a few times or only once. A questionnaire was administered on the subjects to ascertain their recall of advertised product information, attitudes towards and intention to try advertised products. It was found that repetition of TV commercials was more efficacious than singular presentation of TV commercials. This study showed the complexity of the processes involved in the conceptualization, production, and understanding of advertisements. The study is very important to companies, individuals and groups involved in marketing of products and initiation and production of products’ advertisements.

Psychology in the Public Interest: National Values and Social Integration, Uyo, 2019
This paper is positional in outlook and content. It attempts to critically evaluate psychological... more This paper is positional in outlook and content. It attempts to critically evaluate psychological research and pedagogy in Nigeria. Compared to psychologists in most developed countries of the West, psychologists in most of the developing world, including Nigeria, have not yet fully embraced psychology as an effective tool for national development. There is need for attitude and behaviour change in the way we teach psychology and conduct psychological research in Nigeria. While drawing parallels between Nigeria and the West, based essentially on experience gained teaching and researching in both climes (Nigeria and the West), the author notes that Nigerian (indeed African) psychologists need to sit up, work harder, innovate, be focused and proactive in their teaching, research, and practice. Psychological research, pedagogy, and practice in Nigeria and Africa should not just stem fundamentally from the needs and realities of Nigerians and Africans, they should be evidently relevant to local communities. Only then will our psychology be viewed as positively impacting national development. Among the questions that the author asked and sought to answer in this paper are: What is psychological research and what do we need it for? Are we (Nigerian psychologists) charting a well-defined course for research and practice of psychology? Do we have a vision of psychology or for psychology in Nigeria? How relevant is our psychology to our local and wider environment? Are there some of things that we are doing right in Nigeria as psychologists or researchers? What are we doing wrong? What must we discard in order to move ahead well in our psychological research and pedagogy? Are there lessons we can learn from the West? Recommendations were made regarding the way forward.

Ethics in Higher Education in Nigeria: Proceedings of the 13th General Assembly of the Social Science Academy of Nigeria, 2003
Universities and research institutes have served and will continue to serve as engines of develop... more Universities and research institutes have served and will continue to serve as engines of development. Based on this premise, this paper identified and described some ethical issues in the appointment and promotion of academics in Nigerian universities. The Paper touched on the emergence of universities and academic communities in Nigeria. It addressed the issues of ethics and the university idea while enumerating some of the general problems confronting university education in Nigeria today. These included issues of indiscipline and corruption, infrastructure decay, reported falling university standards and lack of autonomy. The paper noted that merit-based criteria had largely given way to subjective criteria for the appointment of academics in Nigeria. These had led to the lowering of standards in Nigerian universities. It was concluded that, although education was key to Nigeria’s development, it (education) had been neglected over the past decades. Universities were worst hit by the crises of the past. The paper made recommendations for improving some of the enumerated problems. Recommendations made included increased funding, in-house cleaning, shared responsibility of hiring academics, and granting of full autonomy to universities.

Nigeria and Globalization: Discourses on Identity Politics and Social Conflict, 2004
Identity politics in Nigeria and the role of the media were the focus of this paper. The paper at... more Identity politics in Nigeria and the role of the media were the focus of this paper. The paper attempted to examine as a prototype the problems created by the Jukun-Tiv crisis. The specific subject matter was the "Indigene" and "Settler" status and identity politics that played out during the Jukun-Tiv crisis. The paper proposed the “justification criteria” as conditions for resolving the “settlers” and “indigenes” dichotomy, drawing lessons from the Jukun-Tiv identity politics. The concept of sustainable development was highlighted in the paper. The paper attempted an insight into the functional role of the media in assessing these problems and lessons to be learned. It was concluded that, for there to be sustainable growth and development in Nigeria, there has to be in place “sustainable media practice”. The paper provided useful knowledge and experiences that, if and when adopted, will prevent, or at least, minimize the future occurrence of similar ugly events in Nigeria.

Dynamics of Leadership in Contemporary Nigerian Communities, 2001
This paper, anchored on focus groups discussions, in-depth interviews and relevant literature rev... more This paper, anchored on focus groups discussions, in-depth interviews and relevant literature reviews, discussed the conception of leadership among communities in Nigeria. Various definitions of leadership were reviewed. Leadership nomenclature expectedly appeared to be diverse. Four broad types of leaders among Nigerian communities were identified. These included traditional leaders, political leaders, opinion/influential leaders and religious leaders. However, Nigerian communities most frequently mentioned traditional types of leadership. It was noted that individuals obviously tended to define situations and problems in terms of certain preconceptions formed on the basis of past experiences. The thesis of the paper was that complex social structures influenced leader-followership interplay, as leadership and followership depended on each other. The paper contributed immensely to the conception and understanding of leadership in Nigeria. It also provided a basis for improving leadership in Nigeria.

Sudden Death in Nigeria: Psychological Perspective, 2000
Death is a topic of importance to all human beings. This study dwelt on death (sudden or gradual)... more Death is a topic of importance to all human beings. This study dwelt on death (sudden or gradual), the realization of which comes with certain concerns and anxieties. Using focused group discussions (FGD), the study engaged 20 male and 20 female graduate students of the University of Ibadan. The participants were aged between 22 and 49 years. Participants included both married men and married women, as well as and single men and single women. Participants were asked questions pertaining to general concerns about death, specific concerns about their spouse and/or dependants, concerns about dying childless and concerns about not succeeding in life before dying, among other related areas. During the FGD, several concerns about death and dying were raised by participants. It was noted that some concerns about dying were similar among men and women while other concerns differed significantly among men and women, generally, and among married men and married women, particularly. People needed to be counselled on planning for death and coping with the reality of death. This paper contributed to the understanding of death and the concerns people have about death. People can actually accept the reality of death and eventually die without too many anxieties.
Managerial Psychology: An Overview, 2006
This paper centers on changes and issues that occur in organizations. It introduces and examines... more This paper centers on changes and issues that occur in organizations. It introduces and examines its theme - organizational change and development. The book chapter identifies the need for change, addresses change implementation and managing resistance to change, barriers to organizational change, and evaluation of change management strategies. Also in the chapter, organizational development, coping with competition, and ethical issues in change implementation are covered. The conclusion reached is that organizations share similarities, but they do also have significant differences. It is viewed that organizational change and development is a continuous process that needs to be effectively planned, handled, and evaluated.
Psychology: Perspectives in Human Behaviour, 2005
Psychology: A historical perspective gives a historical view on psychology. It specifically expla... more Psychology: A historical perspective gives a historical view on psychology. It specifically explains the origins of modern psychology, history of psychology in Africa, psychology in Nigeria as well as the contributions of psychology to national development. The book chapter also examines some obstacles to the development of psychology in Nigeria and psychology as a scientific discipline.
Papers by Nyitor Shenge, Ph.D.
The Social Sciences Reproductive Health Research Network, Ibadan, 2001
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval syste... more All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the authors.

African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Oct 11, 2006
This research investigated the influence of promotional patterns of Coca-Cola products on purchas... more This research investigated the influence of promotional patterns of Coca-Cola products on purchase intentions, loyalty and attitude of consumers in Nigeria. Ninety randomly selected social science undergraduates of a major Nigerian university participated in the study. Participants were randomly assigned to three new Coca-Cola television promotions, namely, dream trip; open and win; and collect and win. The study was set in a human laboratory of the university's psychology department. Following timed viewing of the product's promotions on television, participants completed a structured questionnaire that tapped information on four key areas, namely, socio-demographics, consumer attitude, purchase intentions and brand loyalty. A one-way analysis of variance tested each of three hypotheses. Result showed that there was no significant difference in the purchase intentions of participants exposed to Coca-Cola open and win and collect and win promotions. Similarly, there was no significant difference in the brand loyalty of participants exposed to the Coca-Cola dream trip promotion and participants exposed to the Coca-Cola collect and win promotions. Findings of the study were discussed in line with conceptual and practical trends involving the subject areas investigated. African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Vol. 9(2) 2006: 249-256

A description of a self-developed scale for measuring television commercial efficacy was made in ... more A description of a self-developed scale for measuring television commercial efficacy was made in this paper. The paper utilized a factorial design and subjects were 120 randomly selected undergraduates of the University of Lagos, Nigeria. Their average age was 22.2 years. Commercial efficacy consisted of advertised product information, attitudes toward using a product, subjects’ intention to try advertised product, and likeness for advertised product. The scale developed was valid and reliable. Advertisements are very important in the lives of organizations, but advertisements are very difficult to successfully conceive and produce. Advertisements, and particularly television advertisements, are also very expensive. Therefore, the evaluation of advertising efficacy or success is very important in order to justify organizations’ huge spending on advertisements. This study provided a valid and reliable scale for measuring television commercial efficacy in Nigeria and elsewhere.

Worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the patterns of consumer purchase behavior. In this... more Worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the patterns of consumer purchase behavior. In this paper, trends in the purchase behavior of Nigerian consumers were investigated. Descriptive research design was adopted, and data were gathered from 112 online respondents across different states in Nigeria. More of the respondents 70 (62.5%) indicated to be males, while the other 42 (37.5%) were females. Also, more of the respondents 40 (35.7%) were professionals in their line of work, 33 (29.5%) render services, 20 (17.9%) were business owners, 11 (9.8%) were students, 2 (1.8%) were home makers, an individual (0.9%) indicated to be retired, while the other 5 (4.5%) were into other occupations outside the listed ones. Findings revealed that when combined, age, family income, educational qualification, family size (adult & children) and number of employed family members predicted consumer purchase behaviour [R = .37; R2 = .14; F (6, 105) = 2.82; P<.05]. Collectively, age, family inco...

Edorium Journal of Psychology
Psychology is defined as the scientific study of human and animal behavior including mental proce... more Psychology is defined as the scientific study of human and animal behavior including mental processes. Psychology as a discipline of study was first introduced to the Nigerian University fifty years ago. Although the discipline has grown and diversified in the relative terms, little is known among non-psychologists and even psychologists themselves about its relevance and prospects. This study set out to fill this knowledge gap. The study surveyed the views of 83 psychology and non-psychology undergraduate students of the Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Ibadan on the meaning, relevance and prospects of psychology. Participants were students of a second-year social psychology course. The class has 51 males and 32 females students. Participants’ written responses are being quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. It is hoped that findings of this paper will add up to existing literature on the prospects and relevance of psychology in the national development. As well, findings of the study will serve as a useful guide for non-psychologists and intending psychology students that may be willing to learn about prospects and relevance of psychology in the national development. N. A. Shenge1, R. A. Adu1 Affiliation: 1Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Corresponding Author: Richard Akinjide Adu, Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria; Email: [email protected] Received: 15 March 2017 Accepted: 07 June 2017 Published: 30 June 2017

IFE PsychologIA, 2001
This paper examined advertisement presentation frequency (repetitive Versus non- repetitive), typ... more This paper examined advertisement presentation frequency (repetitive Versus non- repetitive), type of stimulus (familiar versus novel), and information source (credible versus non-credible) as psychological strategies of managing television commercial efficacy. Subject's total score on recall of advert information, attitude to an advert, and intention to buy an advertised product was used as a measure of advertisement efficacy. By employing 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design, eight advert pieces were designed to reflect the levels of the independent variables. Standardized psychological instruments were used to measure the dependent variable. The result of the 2 x 2 x 2 analysis of variance (ANOVA) computed showed significant main effect of each of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Except the interaction effect between presentation frequency and information source, all others were significant. It was finally suggested for advertisement practitioners to repeat advert messages, use familiar stimulus background information and perceived credible persons in disseminating advert messages. A total of 80 (40 males, 40 females) randomly selected secondary school students were used for the study IFE PsychologIA Vol 9, No1 2001, pp. 115-122

Tobacco use in any form has been identified for decades as a source of diseases and avoidable dea... more Tobacco use in any form has been identified for decades as a source of diseases and avoidable deaths all over the world. Cognizant of this fact, the Federal Government of Nigeria has, over the years, put in place successive laws to control the consumption of tobacco products. This study surveyed the awareness of tobacco control law by consumers of tobacco products; reasons for tobacco consumption; knowledge of harmful effects of tobacco consumption on smokers; adverse effects on non-voluntary smokers; willingness to quit smoking; and reasons for unwillingness to quit. Neutralization and Rational Action theories were used as the basis for the study while survey research design was adopted. Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted to select the eight wards in the two communities while simple random sampling technique was used to select four hundred and ninety-four participants for the study. The respondents completed standardised questionnaire which measured the construc...

Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior, May 17, 2021
The study was thematic analyses on perceived product and service quality by Nigerians during COVI... more The study was thematic analyses on perceived product and service quality by Nigerians during COVID-19 pandemic. The study adopted qualitative research design and interviewed fifty five (55) participants who are resident in Nigeria during COVID-19 pandemic partial lockdown. Two major themes were identified from the findings. First is high level of customer dissatisfaction, while the other was poor customer service. It was further revealed that majority of respondents showed high level of dissatisfaction from goods and services purchased or gotten. The high level of customer dissatisfaction was largely attributed to the sudden announcement of lockdown in some parts of the country. This led to hoarding of essential products, creating artificial scarcity. In addition, it was discovered that majority of the shop owners and service providers might have consciously or unconsciously exploited the COVID-19 pandemic situation to their advantage by displaying monopoly of goods and services. This made it difficult for customers to be given the prioroty attention that they typically enjoy. Recommendations were made based on the findings of the study.
Books by Nyitor Shenge, Ph.D.
Keywords: Differences, perception, attributes, organization, inclusion
Papers by Nyitor Shenge, Ph.D.
Keywords: Differences, perception, attributes, organization, inclusion
of three major components: perceived problems with availability, accessibility, and acceptability of health care services. Relative to other developed countries, overall, unmet health care needs in Canada remain low (5%), although there has been a slight increase across all provinces. There have been concerns that recent limits on health care budgets placed an unequal burden on disadvantaged groups. This study, using the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Cycle 1.1 data, investigated Alberta immigrants’ unmet health care needs. The study also ascertained whether or not the immigrants did something to improve their health. Immigrants were evaluated according to their socio-demographic groups. Finally, the CCHS data were analyzed to investigate the reasons for which immigrants did not receive health care.