Papers by Babatunde Olusola Adeleke Adegoke

This study was designed to compare the effects of shortwave diathermy (SWD) and ice on pain, rang... more This study was designed to compare the effects of shortwave diathermy (SWD) and ice on pain, range of motion and function in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Subjects were fourteen patients (4 males and 10 females) aged 40-70years diagnosed as having OA of the knee. Subjects were assigned into either the SWD or ice treatment groups, as they became available. All subjects received routine adjunct therapeutic exercises, were excluded from analgesic drugs and were treated thrice weekly during the four -week duration of the study. Subjects were assessed at the beginning and end of the study for pain, range of motion (ROM) and function using visual analog scale, universal goniometer and functional index questionnaire respectively. Data were subjected to descriptive statistics of means and standard deviation and inferential statistics of independent and paired t-tests. Results showed that while the subjects in the SWD group had significantly greater ROM and function than the ice group at the beginning of the study, both groups were not statistically significantly different on all dependent variables at the end of the study. Paired t -test also indicated that the ice group improved significantly on all three dependent variables while the SWD group improved significantly in pain and ROM only. The improv ements in pain, ROM and function effected by SWD and ice were however not significantly different. It was concluded that SWD and ice are equally effective on OA of the knee and that ice can be substituted for SWD in the treatment of OA of the knee.

Journal of Musculoskeletal …, 2012
Purpose: Dearth of population-specific reference values is a limitation in the assessment of lowe... more Purpose: Dearth of population-specific reference values is a limitation in the assessment of lower back and hamstrings flexibility. This study sought to establish a gender and age normative data for lower back and hamstrings flexibility in healthy Nigerians using the modified sit-and-reach test. Methods: This study involved 4000 (1988 males and 2012 females) participants recruited using multistage sampling technique. The participants' whose ages ranged between 5 and 61 years were grouped into 12 age strata. The Acuflex-1 tester (modified sit-and-reach box) was used to assess lower back and hamstring flexibility following standardized procedures. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation, percentiles. Results: The mean of the modified sit-and-reach test scores (MSRTS) differed significantly between the sexes ( p ¼ 0:001). MSRTS increased with age up to age of 15À19 years for male, and 30À39 years for female. There were age and gender variations in the percentile normative values of MSRTS for each of the 16 age categories. Conclusion: This study established a population-specific normative data according to age and gender for lower back and hamstrings flexibility using the modified sit-and-reach test for healthy Nigerians. In general, females had better lower back and hamstrings flexibility than males.

… of Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy, 2009
Purpose: Hamstring tightness has been documented in apparently healthy Nigerian adults and in tho... more Purpose: Hamstring tightness has been documented in apparently healthy Nigerian adults and in those with musculoskeletal problems, but the influence of age on hamstring tightness has not been studied. This study was therefore designed to determine the influence ofage on hamstring tightness in apparently healthy subjects. Methods: Hamstring tightness was measured using the active knee extension test (AKET) in 240 apparently healthy male andfemale subjects, aged 5 59 years. The subjects were recruited into 6 age groups using the purposive sampling technique. Hamstring tightness was compared across the age groups using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The independent t-test was used to compare hamstring tightness on both lower limbs in male andfemale subjects. Results: Subjects' mean age was 29.63 ± 16.72 years. All subjects had hamstring tightness (absolute extension lag) and this increased with age up to age group 40-49 years. The male subjects had significantly higher hamstring tightness than the females in all the age groups. Conclusion: This study suggests that hamstring tightness increases in apparently healthy Nigerians from childhood up to age 40-49 years and it is higher in males thanfemales.

Global Journal of Health …, 2012
This study evaluated asymmetry of weight bearing on the lower limbs and the association between p... more This study evaluated asymmetry of weight bearing on the lower limbs and the association between percentage weight bearing asymmetry (PWBA) and functional ambulation performance in ambulant stroke survivors. Participants were 53 stroke survivors (male = 35, female = 18) aged 40-86 years (mean=58.87; SD=9.21years) with hemiparesis. Weight bearing through the lower limbs in standing was assessed by two juxtaposed bathroom weighing scales while functional ambulation performance was evaluated with the Emory Functional Ambulation Profile (E-FAP). Data were summarized with mean and standard deviation and further analyzed using the Pearson product moment correlation at 0.05 alpha level. Participants bore 60.3% (SD =7.1%) of their body weights on the unaffected legs and had a mean PWBA of 20.8 % (SD=14.7%). There was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.675, p < 0.0001) between PWBA and total E-FAP scores of participants. PWBA could hence be used to monitor functional ambulation recovery in stroke survivors.
The Internet Journal of Allied Health …, 2010

BACKGROUND: Health-related Quality of Life (HRQL) is a good indicator of the impact of a disease ... more BACKGROUND: Health-related Quality of Life (HRQL) is a good indicator of the impact of a disease on a patient's health and a key outcome in arthritis management. The impact of osteoarthritis (OA) on the health of Nigerians has not been reported. PURPOSE: This study compared the HRQL of patients with knee OA and that of age-matched controls and investigated the relationship between HRQL and each of level of pain and functional ability in patients with knee OA. METHODS: Fifty-three patients with symptomatic knee OA (OAG), selected through a consecutive sampling technique and 105 agematched controls (CG) participated in this cross-sectional survey. HRQL of participants in both groups was assessed with the WHO Quality of Life Bref (WHO QoL Bref) while the OAG were also assessed on their functional status and pain intensity using Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score and . Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman Rank Order Correlation at alpha level of 0.05. RESULTS: Participants were aged 56.55± 11.22 years (OAG) and 55.67± 12.95 years (CG). There was no significant difference between the HRQL scores of the participants in the OAG (65.32 ± 11.40) and those in the CG (66.39 ±13.31). A significant positive correlation (p=0.05) existed between HRQL scores and pain intensity scores of the participants in the OAG while no significant correlation (p= 0.05) existed between their HRQL scores and functional status scores. There was also no significant gender difference (p= 0.68) in the HRQL scores of the participants in the OAG. CONCLUSION: Knee OA had no significant influence on HRQoL of Nigerians.

BMC medical …, 2011
Background: Accurate assessment of physical activity is important in determining the risk for chr... more Background: Accurate assessment of physical activity is important in determining the risk for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer and obesity. The absence of culturally relevant measures in indigenous languages could pose challenges to epidemiological studies on physical activity in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to translate and cross-culturally adapt the Short International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-SF) to the Hausa language, and to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Hausa version of IPAQ-SF in Nigeria. Methods: The English IPAQ-SF was translated into the Hausa language, synthesized, back translated, and subsequently subjected to expert committee review and pre-testing. The final product (Hausa IPAQ-SF) was tested in a cross-sectional study for concurrent (correlation with the English version) and construct validity, and test-retest reliability in a sample of 102 apparently healthy adults. Results: The Hausa IPAQ-SF has good concurrent validity with Spearman correlation coefficients (ρ) ranging from 0.78 for vigorous activity (Min Week -1 ) to 0.92 for total physical activity (Metabolic Equivalent of Task [MET]-Min Week -1 ), but poor construct validity, with cardiorespiratory fitness (ρ = 0.21, p = 0.01) and body mass index (ρ = 0.22, p = 0.04) significantly correlated with only moderate activity and sitting time (Min Week -1 ), respectively. Reliability was good for vigorous (ICC = 0.73, 95% C.I = 0.55-0.84) and total physical activity (ICC = 0.61, 95% C.I = 0.47-0.72), but fair for moderate activity (ICC = 0.33, 95% C.I = 0.12-0.51), and few meaningful differences were found in the gender and socioeconomic status specific analyses. Conclusions: The Hausa IPAQ-SF has acceptable concurrent validity and test-retest reliability for vigorous-intensity activity, walking, sitting and total physical activity, but demonstrated only fair construct validity for moderate and sitting activities. The Hausa IPAQ-SF can be used for physical activity measurements in Nigeria, but further construct validity testing with objective measures such as an accelerometer is needed.
Int J Behav Nutr …, 2012
Background: Understanding environmental factors related to obesity can inform interventions for t... more Background: Understanding environmental factors related to obesity can inform interventions for the world wide obesity epidemic, yet no study has been conducted in this context in Africa. This study examined associations between neighbourhood environment variables and overweight in Nigerian adults.

African journal of medicine and …, 2008
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD) and leg length discrepancies are commonly associated with eac... more Sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD) and leg length discrepancies are commonly associated with each other and the two entities are often implicated as possible precursors of a number of musculoskeletal disorders in the general population. This study investigated the prevalence of asymptomatic sacroiliac joint dysfunction (ASIJD), leg length discrepancy (LLD) and the association between the two entities in male students in selected junior secondary schools in Ibadan. Two hundred and three male junior secondary school students aged 10-15 years participated in this study. Participants were screened for SIJD using four standardized palpatory tests and for real and apparent leg length discrepancies using standardized tape measure techniques. Chi-square test was used to investigate the association between ASIJD and prevalence of LLD at alpha level of 0.05. The prevalence of ASIJD among participants in this study was 21.7%. Sixty five percent and 52.0% of the participants had real and apparent LLD &gt; or = 0.5 cm respectively. The 26.0% prevalence of ASUJD among participants with real LLD &gt; or = 0.5 cm was significantly higher than prevalence in those with apparent LLD. We concluded that one out of every five male students in the study population had ASIJD and this was significantly associated with RLLD.

African journal of medicine …, 2002
This study investigated differences in the dynamic balance of patients with different levels of s... more This study investigated differences in the dynamic balance of patients with different levels of spinal cord injury (SCI) as well as the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of the modified functional reach test (MFRT). Twenty non-standing Spinal Cord Injured patients (13 males and 7 females) with mean age of 43.15 years (S.D = 10.03 years) participated in the study. They were categorised into three groups based on the level of spinal cord lesion. Group 1 comprised of 8 subjects with C5-T1, quadriplegia, group 2 comprised of 6 subjects with T6-T8 paraplegia and group 3 comprised of 6 subjects with T10-L1 paraplegia. The dynamic balance of all subjects was assessed using the modified functional reach test. The data were summarized using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation with further analysis using ANOVA and Pearson product correlation coefficient. The subjects with paraplegia showed higher functional reach (dynamic balance) than the quadriplegics but there was no significant difference in the functional reach values among the three groups. The ICC for MFRT was high and ranged from 0.981 to 0.992. The result of this study therefore seems to suggest that the MFRT cannot be used to classify patients with different levels of SCI.

The Internet Journal of …, 2011
The prevalence of idiopathic scoliosis which accounts for most cases of structural scoliosis not ... more The prevalence of idiopathic scoliosis which accounts for most cases of structural scoliosis not due to diseases or injury to bones among adolescent Nigerians has not been reported. This study was designed to provide preliminary data on the prevalence of idiopathic scoliosis among adolescent students of selected secondary schools in Ibadan municipality.Design: Cross-sectional survey.Setting: Nine secondary schools in Ibadan, the largest and the third most-populated city in Nigeria.Participants: They were 999 students (514 boys, 485 girls) aged 10-20 years (X=14.14±1.69years) sampled from nine purposively selected secondary schools in Ibadan.Intervention: All subjects had an initial visual screening of the spine but those who demonstrated visually recognizable lateral deviation of the spine also had secondary screening to ascertain the presence of rib hump, shoulder elevation, trunk decompensation and location of the scoliosis curve. Data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis.Results: Fifty-three (5.3%) of the subjects had visually recognizable scoliosis. The male to female prevalence ratio was 1.5:1. All but one subject with scoliosis were right handed while 26 (51%), 23 (49%) and 4 (7.5%) of them had right thoracic, left thoracic and left lumbar scoliosis respectively. Twenty five subjects (2.5%) were twins but 3 (12.0%) of them had scoliosis.Conclusions: The prevalence of idiopathic scoliosis among adolescents in this study is similar to rates reported among similar age groups in other parts of the world. The finding suggests a need for a national survey of idiopathic scoliosis and institutionalization of the school screening program in Nigeria.

International Journal of …, 2011
BackgroundThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of an 8-week aerobic exercise program... more BackgroundThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of an 8-week aerobic exercise program on physiological parameters and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.MethodsPatients attending a diabetes clinic participated in this randomized control trial. They were randomly assigned to an intervention or control group by ballot. The intervention group, in addition to regular conventional treatment, received individually prescribed aerobic exercise for 30 minutes, at 50%–75% of maximum heart rate three times weekly. Main outcome measures included fasting blood sugar, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, and a World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire (WHOQoL-BREF). Data analysis involved paired and unpaired t-tests and mixed-design two-way analysis of variance.ResultsEighteen patients with type 2 diabetes and of mean age 46.22 ± 9.79 years participated in the study. Mean duration since onset of diabetes in the intervention and control groups was 4.44 ± 3.33 years and 3.92 ± 2.66 years, respectively. Both groups were similar for duration since onset, baseline physiological parameters, and quality of life. Within-group comparison did not show any significant differences (P > 0.05) for HbA1c, fasting blood sugar, low-density lipoprotein, or high-density lipoprotein. The intervention group improved significantly (P < 0.05) in their postexercise quality of life compared with baseline. Between-group comparison did not show any significant differences in physiological parameters or quality of life.ConclusionPatients with type 2 diabetes improved in fasting blood sugar, low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, and quality of life following 8 weeks of aerobic exercise training. These perceived improvements were not reflected by statistically significant differences in between-group comparison for any parameters.

Journal of The Japanese Physical Therapy Association, 2010
A single-blind randomized controlled comparative trial was employed. Seventy three participants m... more A single-blind randomized controlled comparative trial was employed. Seventy three participants mean age 45.3 8.1 years were recruited for the study but only 53 completed the study. Participants in group A were treated with a combination of BMEE, ME and MBE. Group B: A combination BMEE and MBE. Group C: A combination of ME and MBE. Group D: MBE only. Participants were seen thrice weekly for 8 weeks. They were measured for pain intensity, lumbar flexibility, activities limitation and self esteem. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics of F-test. Significance was set at 0.05 alpha-level. Results: At the end of the study, the four treatment groups had significant reduction in pain intensity p<0.05. Post hoc analysis showed groups A, B, and C had significantly greater reduction than D, and groups A and C had significantly greater reduction than B. Groups A, B and C also had significant improvement in activities limitation p<0.05. Post hoc analysis showed groups A, B and C had significantly greater improvement than D, and group B significantly greater improvement than C. Conclusion: Combination physiotherapy regimens proved effective in the management of long-term mechanical LBP. Regimen A is recommended in managing long-term mechanical LBP.

Journal of …, 2010
The purpose of this study was to compare the therapeutic effects of portable and stationary tract... more The purpose of this study was to compare the therapeutic effects of portable and stationary tractions on treatment outcomes in patients with mechanical neck disorders (MNDs). METHODS: Forty-one participants with MNDs were randomly assigned to either portable traction or stationary traction. Participants' pain level, activity limitation, disability, and neck range of motion were measured before and after 6 weeks of intervention. Inferential statistics for comparing the treatment outcome involved paired t-test and two-way analysis of variance at P 0.05. RESULTS: The mean age of participants was 47.3 ± 10.5 years. After intervention, there were significant improvements in both groups. However, the portable traction group had significantly higher score on neck flexion than the stationary traction group at baseline (portable: 27.1 ± 6.0, stationary: 22.1 ± 6.8; P = 0.009) and after intervention (F-ratio = 15.0; P = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Inclusion of both portable and stationary tractions to usual physiotherapy provided comparable treatment outcomes in patients with MNDs.

Hong Kong Physiotherapy …, 2012
Polio survivors are prone to secondary health problems that may negatively affect their quality o... more Polio survivors are prone to secondary health problems that may negatively affect their quality of life (QoL), but the impact of paralytic poliomyelitis on QoL of its Nigerian survivors has not been reported in literature. We investigated and compared the QoL of Nigerian paralytic polio survivors (PPS) and age-and sex-matched apparently healthy controls (AHC). Seventy-three (45 males and 28 female) consecutive adolescent PPS and an equal number of AHC participated in the cross-sectional survey. Participants' QoL was assessed using the Comprehensive Quality of Life ScaledAdolescent. Data were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U-test and two-sample t-test at the 0.05 alpha level. There were no significant differences between the ages of PPS (14.16 AE 2.01 years) and AHC (14.18 AE 2.02 years), and between the ages of male (13.93 AE 2.16 years) and female PPS (14.30 AE 2.02 years). Polio survivors scored significantly lower than AHC in health, productivity, community, emotion and spiritual domains, and overall QoL. The PPS scored significantly higher (p < 0.001) on the subjective than objective axis in five of the seven domains of Comprehensive Quality of Life ScaledAdolescent. Paralytic polio has a significant impact on health, productivity, community, and emotion domains of QoL, hence the need for interventions targeting identified affected domains to enhance polio survivors' QoL.
Journal of Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy, 2009
African Journal of …, 2011
The purpose of this study was to find out the knowledge and attitude of sectional heads towards m... more The purpose of this study was to find out the knowledge and attitude of sectional heads towards managing low back pain (LBP) at work at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. It was also aimed at identifying the difficulties encountered and the organizational needs required in the management of LBP at work.
Disability, CBR & …, 2013
Method: Forty-seven individuals with lower limb amputation participated in this study. Participan... more Method: Forty-seven individuals with lower limb amputation participated in this study. Participants' age, gender, marital status, occupation, time since amputation, level of amputation, affected limb and use of prosthesis were recorded. Quality of life was then measured using the WHO QOL-BREF. Data were analysed using mean and standard deviation, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test at 0.05 alpha levels.
African Journal of Physiotherapy and …, 2012
Forward stair climbing (FSC) is associated with cardiovascular fitness benefits, but the training... more Forward stair climbing (FSC) is associated with cardiovascular fitness benefits, but the training effects of backward stair climbing (BSC) have not been reported in the literature. This study compared the effects of 8 weeks of FSC and BSC on the cardiovascular parameters of apparently healthy young adults.
Papers by Babatunde Olusola Adeleke Adegoke