Papers by Akinniyi Adeleke

The purpose of this paper is to report on research that examined the issues of student advisory c... more The purpose of this paper is to report on research that examined the issues of student advisory committee and library staff liaison to student government in Nigerian universities. A survey monkey was used to collect data online from academic librarians who are members of the Nigerian Library Association forum. The questionnaire contained attitudinal questions on issues pertinent to the participation of students in policy formulation and decision making on issues that affect them as library users. Responses received were processed and analyzed. The results reveal that use of student advisory committee and staff liaison to student government is not widely practised in Nigerian universities. While the study covers only 60 academic librarians, it has application to other academic librarians in Nigeria. The study provides information on the state of students' participation in library governance in Nigerian universities. In light of the findings of the study, some recommendations were...

Several studies extended the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by examining the anteced-ents of p... more Several studies extended the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by examining the anteced-ents of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use; the present study looks at demographic aspect of external variables in virtual library use among undergraduate students. The purpose of this study is to identify the demographic factors sex, level of study, cumulative grade point aver-age, and computer knowledge that act as external factors that are antecedents of perceived useful-ness and perceived ease of use. The university management makes a large investment in the pro-vision of a virtual library; investigation of the virtual library acceptance by students is important. TAM and theory of reasoned action (TRA) are utilised to theoretically test a model for the exten-sion and to predict virtual library acceptance and usage. In a survey study, data was collected by using a structured questionnaire given to 394 randomly selected participants in a private universi-ty. Data were analysed by Pearson product moment correlation, multiple and hierarchical regres-sion. The result of the study is consistent with TAM factors examined for explaining virtual li-brary usage. The extension model accounts for 2.5% variance in perceived usefulness, 2.1% in perceived ease of use, 11.7% - 15.2% on intention to use and 7.2% on actual use of virtual li-brary. Implications of the findings of the study on user’s virtual library training are discussed.
Library Progress(International), Vol. 34 Issue 2, Nov 1, 2014
The paper investigated difficult patron behaviours in academic libraies in Nigeria. Sixty two fro... more The paper investigated difficult patron behaviours in academic libraies in Nigeria. Sixty two frontline staff of 7 selected private university libraries participated in a survey developed based on insights obtained from previous research on the subject. The study found that difficult behaviours were occasional occurrence in private university libraries and that there was a strong similarity among observed difficult behaviours by respondents and those reported in literature. It also revealed that different approaches were adopted by library personnel to handle difficult behaviours and they considered the strategies to be effective.

Studies in Literature and Language, 4(2), 122-128, Apr 24, 2012
This study investigated the influence of Junior Secondary School (JSS) students’ socioeconomic en... more This study investigated the influence of Junior Secondary School (JSS) students’ socioeconomic environment on their competence in writing in English. Ten schools from randomly selected private and public schools in Lagos State, Nigeria were used. A total of 300 randomly selected students constituted the sample. Data were collected through structured questionnaire and adapted essay writing tests. Students’ tests were marked by considering content, organisation, expression, and mechanical accuracy (COEMA) as criteria and scored on 10 points: thus, 6-10 points was regarded as competent; while 1-5 points = incompetent. Information on students’ socioeconomic environment was collected through the questionnaire. Results revealed 66% of the respondents demonstrated writing incompetence and 34% demonstrated writing competence. Of the 66% of incompetence, 45% was from the public schools while 21% was from the private schools. Of all the socioeconomic factors examined, language of communication at home was established as a determining factor. All stake holders, especially, teachers must focus on grammar for the improvement of students’ writing skill.

Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications, Jun 30, 2014
Increasing number of Nigerian universities is devising creative means of increasing their digital... more Increasing number of Nigerian universities is devising creative means of increasing their digital contents in the public domain by digitizing intellectual outputs of their faculty members. Digitization accords academic institutions the opportunity of making their institutional resources available thereby increasing their visibility and better performance in ongoing web ranking of world universities. However, certain skill sets and competencies are required by librarians who are responsible to establish and maintain digital collections in their respective institutions. This study therefore investigated the level of librarians’ possession of these skills. A survey was conducted on librarians in eleven selected private and public universities in Nigeria that have minimum ICT infrastructure required for digitization. Eighty six librarians responded and data analysis revealed that digitization was still at its infancy in the libraries and few librarians were involved in the process. The study also found librarians score themselves below average in many of the specific digitization skills even though they considered them important. Also, majority of the librarians had no formal professional training in digitization and only a few spent time for personal skills development in the process.
Library Progress (International), Nov 10, 2011
This study discussed the internet and academic integrity among education undergraduate in Nigeria... more This study discussed the internet and academic integrity among education undergraduate in Nigeria University. This study investigates the incidence of plagiarism, either text-based or internet based, difference between text-based and internet plagiarism and to also investigate the perception and level of awareness of student about plagiarism.

Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management Volume 8, 2013
Many studies have been done on human-computer interaction (HCI), but there is a dearth of studie... more Many studies have been done on human-computer interaction (HCI), but there is a dearth of studies on the mandatory actual system use in Nigerian university libraries. The relationship between sources of computer self-efficacy and outcome expectancy on actual system use was assessed, based on social cognitive theory, by surveying mandatory use of KOHA version 3.0.1 integrated library management software. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 61 library personnel in 5 private Nigerian universities. Data were analyzed by multiple regression analysis and Pearson product moment correlation. The structural model accounted for 48% of variance in actual system use, 80% in computer self-efficacy, and 19% in outcome expectancy. This study suggests that usability, supportive management, and computer self-efficacy are important determinants of actual system use of KOHA software. Self-efficacy had influence on outcome expectancy. The implication of applying the social cognitive theory to actual system use of KOHA software by library personnel is discussed.

The Nigerian Cataloguer, Jan 31, 2013
The paper reports the perceptions of librarians towards the workshops/seminars organized by the C... more The paper reports the perceptions of librarians towards the workshops/seminars organized by the Cataloguing, Classification and Indexing section of the Nigerian Library Association (NLA). The thrust of the study was to explore librarians’ satisfaction with the events in the areas of relevance and currency of workshops themes to professional needs; competence of facilitators and logistics of the workshops. The study adopted a survey method and the population was the participants at the 2009, 2010 and 2011 workshops at Minna, Lokoja and Akure respectively. A two-part structured questionnaire was used to elicit data from the 436 attendees that attended the three workshops; however, only 203 (47%) completed and returned the survey. Data analysis revealed that the participants had a positive opinion of the workshops in all the areas studied. Nevertheless, reservations were expressed with the logistics of the workshops. To this end, recommendations were suggested to the event planners in order to improve future workshops/seminars.

Purpose - The paper reports the level of awareness, ownership and use of weblogs by librarians in... more Purpose - The paper reports the level of awareness, ownership and use of weblogs by librarians in Nigeria.
Design/methodology/approach - The study adopts a survey research approach using online survey software to elicit information on issues relating to librarians’ awareness, knowledge, ownership and use of weblogs.
Findings - Data analysis shows that librarians demonstrate remarkable level of awareness and knowledge about weblogs and their benefits to professional practice and services but they neither own nor use the technology.
Research limitations/implications - The study was limited by low response rate to the survey. Less than 7% of the members of the online NLA forum used for the data collection responded. This implies that the Internet culture is still at the formative stage among librarians in Nigeria.
Practical implications - The paper concludes by enunciating the need for awareness creation, training and re-training programmes for librarians to start creating and maintaining personal and institutional weblogs and other social networking media that could enhance professional practice and services.
Originality/value - The paper contributes to empirical research on library use of Web 2.0 technologies in Nigeria and literature in the field of Library and Information Science.
Ife PsychologIA, Vol. 20, No1, 2012
Library Management, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the experience of the Redeemer's University ... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the experience of the Redeemer's University Library in Nigeria in its information literacy (IL) training programs.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides a brief literature review of current trends in IL training and challenges. A description of methods of training, schedules, content of IL, successes, and shortcomings are detailed. Information and data for the paper were collected from records kept by the IL librarian. The experiences of the authors and observation complemented the data.
Findings – The IL librarian's training programs have enabled a good number of students to attain IL. But much needs to be done by both librarians and faculty to attain the desired result of making every students information literate.
Originality/value – This paper provides information on Redeemer's University Library in Nigeria, and is useful for librarians in developing countries who may want to improve on their IL programs.

Library Review, Jan 1, 2011
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report on research that examined the issues of e-journa... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report on research that examined the issues of e-journal subscription, subscription models and the future of print version of journals in Nigerian universities.
Design/methodology/approach – A survey study was used to collect data from the selected 30 universities that covered the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The questionnaire contained questions that are pertinent to the issues being investigated. The 22 responses (73.3 percent) received were processed, analyzed and results presented.
Findings – The study reveals that Nigerian universities subscribe to e-journals, i.e. full-text journals. They employ acceptable models for subscriptions, however, they use consortium more than any other model. Most libraries want to retain print format.
Research limitations/implications – While the study is limited to 22 university libraries, it has applications to similar universities across Nigeria, be they public or private.
Practical implications – This research provides information on the status of subscription to e-journals in Nigerian libraries methods, and policy issues. The data and findings may help provide ways to manage e-journals better in Nigerian libraries to serve user needs.
Originality/value – At the time of the completion of this study no such work had been done before in Nigeria.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report the survey on the use of online tools and techni... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report the survey on the use of online tools and techniques for cataloguing and classification in Nigerian libraries.
Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire was designed to elicit information from librarians on pertinent areas relating to the use of online tools for processing library resources.
Findings – The results of the survey reveal a high level of awareness among librarians in Nigeria about the benefits that could be derived in the use of online tools for cataloguing and classification processes. The study further reveals the need for continuing education programmes for cataloguers for effective use of the tools. The study shows that the use of online tools has advantages over manual methods. Librarians perceived the method to be useful and easy to use. The paper reveals ICT infrastructural facilities as major constraints facing libraries in the use of online tools. One of the expectations at the onset of the follow-up study was that most of the problems identified with the use of the online tools in the Redeemer's University library study would not be different from the challenges facing other libraries. The results of this study have proved this to be true.
Practical implications – The conclusion rests on the need for an intensive continuing education programme to teach the skills required for online operations and the provision of web-driven facilities in Nigerian libraries.
Originality/value – The paper provides information on libraries' awareness on the use of online methods for processing library resources, their efficiency and attitude of librarians to such tools. The paper shows that libraries in developing countries like Nigeria should intensify efforts to close the gap between them and those in the developed countries in terms of ICT literacy.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report the use of ICT by cataloguers at a private unive... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report the use of ICT by cataloguers at a private university library in Nigeria.
Design/methodology/approach – A description of the procedures and processes undertaken is given.
Findings – The description of the processes involved in the use of ICT by cataloguers reveals the effectiveness and efficiency of online searches for the purpose of cataloguing and classification. A few were identified. The study shows the potential offered by the use of ICT, which libraries in developing nations – and indeed Nigeria – have not fully embraced. The paper reveals the low level of ICT literacy in libraries in Nigeria and concludes that this is a result of the deficiency in the practical training of librarians in the use of ICT in Nigerian library schools.
Practical implications – The conclusion is that there is an urgent need for librarians in developing nations to gain proficiency in the use of ICT as a tool in libraries.
Originality/value – The paper provides information on the level of ICT use for cataloguing and classification in a private university library in Nigeria. This experience shows the importance of why libraries in developing countries should address the desired level of ICT literacy among their librarians.
The study was aimed at investigating the purposesfor which students at Redeemer's University use ... more The study was aimed at investigating the purposesfor which students at Redeemer's University use the Virtual Library. A survey research method W(]l:li' adopted for the study using a two part questionnaire to elicit necessary information from the sample. Two hundred students participated in the study but only 117 returned questionnaires were useful and these consisted of 72 males and 45females. Findings revealed that email (70%) was the most widely used services and was closely followed by the WWW (64%). Academic purpose (81 %) was the main reason for using the Virtual Library by the respondents. The study recommended that a controlled environment would improve the use of/he Virtual Libraryfor academic purposes.
Papers by Akinniyi Adeleke
Design/methodology/approach - The study adopts a survey research approach using online survey software to elicit information on issues relating to librarians’ awareness, knowledge, ownership and use of weblogs.
Findings - Data analysis shows that librarians demonstrate remarkable level of awareness and knowledge about weblogs and their benefits to professional practice and services but they neither own nor use the technology.
Research limitations/implications - The study was limited by low response rate to the survey. Less than 7% of the members of the online NLA forum used for the data collection responded. This implies that the Internet culture is still at the formative stage among librarians in Nigeria.
Practical implications - The paper concludes by enunciating the need for awareness creation, training and re-training programmes for librarians to start creating and maintaining personal and institutional weblogs and other social networking media that could enhance professional practice and services.
Originality/value - The paper contributes to empirical research on library use of Web 2.0 technologies in Nigeria and literature in the field of Library and Information Science.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides a brief literature review of current trends in IL training and challenges. A description of methods of training, schedules, content of IL, successes, and shortcomings are detailed. Information and data for the paper were collected from records kept by the IL librarian. The experiences of the authors and observation complemented the data.
Findings – The IL librarian's training programs have enabled a good number of students to attain IL. But much needs to be done by both librarians and faculty to attain the desired result of making every students information literate.
Originality/value – This paper provides information on Redeemer's University Library in Nigeria, and is useful for librarians in developing countries who may want to improve on their IL programs.
Design/methodology/approach – A survey study was used to collect data from the selected 30 universities that covered the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The questionnaire contained questions that are pertinent to the issues being investigated. The 22 responses (73.3 percent) received were processed, analyzed and results presented.
Findings – The study reveals that Nigerian universities subscribe to e-journals, i.e. full-text journals. They employ acceptable models for subscriptions, however, they use consortium more than any other model. Most libraries want to retain print format.
Research limitations/implications – While the study is limited to 22 university libraries, it has applications to similar universities across Nigeria, be they public or private.
Practical implications – This research provides information on the status of subscription to e-journals in Nigerian libraries methods, and policy issues. The data and findings may help provide ways to manage e-journals better in Nigerian libraries to serve user needs.
Originality/value – At the time of the completion of this study no such work had been done before in Nigeria.
Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire was designed to elicit information from librarians on pertinent areas relating to the use of online tools for processing library resources.
Findings – The results of the survey reveal a high level of awareness among librarians in Nigeria about the benefits that could be derived in the use of online tools for cataloguing and classification processes. The study further reveals the need for continuing education programmes for cataloguers for effective use of the tools. The study shows that the use of online tools has advantages over manual methods. Librarians perceived the method to be useful and easy to use. The paper reveals ICT infrastructural facilities as major constraints facing libraries in the use of online tools. One of the expectations at the onset of the follow-up study was that most of the problems identified with the use of the online tools in the Redeemer's University library study would not be different from the challenges facing other libraries. The results of this study have proved this to be true.
Practical implications – The conclusion rests on the need for an intensive continuing education programme to teach the skills required for online operations and the provision of web-driven facilities in Nigerian libraries.
Originality/value – The paper provides information on libraries' awareness on the use of online methods for processing library resources, their efficiency and attitude of librarians to such tools. The paper shows that libraries in developing countries like Nigeria should intensify efforts to close the gap between them and those in the developed countries in terms of ICT literacy.
Design/methodology/approach – A description of the procedures and processes undertaken is given.
Findings – The description of the processes involved in the use of ICT by cataloguers reveals the effectiveness and efficiency of online searches for the purpose of cataloguing and classification. A few were identified. The study shows the potential offered by the use of ICT, which libraries in developing nations – and indeed Nigeria – have not fully embraced. The paper reveals the low level of ICT literacy in libraries in Nigeria and concludes that this is a result of the deficiency in the practical training of librarians in the use of ICT in Nigerian library schools.
Practical implications – The conclusion is that there is an urgent need for librarians in developing nations to gain proficiency in the use of ICT as a tool in libraries.
Originality/value – The paper provides information on the level of ICT use for cataloguing and classification in a private university library in Nigeria. This experience shows the importance of why libraries in developing countries should address the desired level of ICT literacy among their librarians.
Design/methodology/approach - The study adopts a survey research approach using online survey software to elicit information on issues relating to librarians’ awareness, knowledge, ownership and use of weblogs.
Findings - Data analysis shows that librarians demonstrate remarkable level of awareness and knowledge about weblogs and their benefits to professional practice and services but they neither own nor use the technology.
Research limitations/implications - The study was limited by low response rate to the survey. Less than 7% of the members of the online NLA forum used for the data collection responded. This implies that the Internet culture is still at the formative stage among librarians in Nigeria.
Practical implications - The paper concludes by enunciating the need for awareness creation, training and re-training programmes for librarians to start creating and maintaining personal and institutional weblogs and other social networking media that could enhance professional practice and services.
Originality/value - The paper contributes to empirical research on library use of Web 2.0 technologies in Nigeria and literature in the field of Library and Information Science.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides a brief literature review of current trends in IL training and challenges. A description of methods of training, schedules, content of IL, successes, and shortcomings are detailed. Information and data for the paper were collected from records kept by the IL librarian. The experiences of the authors and observation complemented the data.
Findings – The IL librarian's training programs have enabled a good number of students to attain IL. But much needs to be done by both librarians and faculty to attain the desired result of making every students information literate.
Originality/value – This paper provides information on Redeemer's University Library in Nigeria, and is useful for librarians in developing countries who may want to improve on their IL programs.
Design/methodology/approach – A survey study was used to collect data from the selected 30 universities that covered the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The questionnaire contained questions that are pertinent to the issues being investigated. The 22 responses (73.3 percent) received were processed, analyzed and results presented.
Findings – The study reveals that Nigerian universities subscribe to e-journals, i.e. full-text journals. They employ acceptable models for subscriptions, however, they use consortium more than any other model. Most libraries want to retain print format.
Research limitations/implications – While the study is limited to 22 university libraries, it has applications to similar universities across Nigeria, be they public or private.
Practical implications – This research provides information on the status of subscription to e-journals in Nigerian libraries methods, and policy issues. The data and findings may help provide ways to manage e-journals better in Nigerian libraries to serve user needs.
Originality/value – At the time of the completion of this study no such work had been done before in Nigeria.
Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire was designed to elicit information from librarians on pertinent areas relating to the use of online tools for processing library resources.
Findings – The results of the survey reveal a high level of awareness among librarians in Nigeria about the benefits that could be derived in the use of online tools for cataloguing and classification processes. The study further reveals the need for continuing education programmes for cataloguers for effective use of the tools. The study shows that the use of online tools has advantages over manual methods. Librarians perceived the method to be useful and easy to use. The paper reveals ICT infrastructural facilities as major constraints facing libraries in the use of online tools. One of the expectations at the onset of the follow-up study was that most of the problems identified with the use of the online tools in the Redeemer's University library study would not be different from the challenges facing other libraries. The results of this study have proved this to be true.
Practical implications – The conclusion rests on the need for an intensive continuing education programme to teach the skills required for online operations and the provision of web-driven facilities in Nigerian libraries.
Originality/value – The paper provides information on libraries' awareness on the use of online methods for processing library resources, their efficiency and attitude of librarians to such tools. The paper shows that libraries in developing countries like Nigeria should intensify efforts to close the gap between them and those in the developed countries in terms of ICT literacy.
Design/methodology/approach – A description of the procedures and processes undertaken is given.
Findings – The description of the processes involved in the use of ICT by cataloguers reveals the effectiveness and efficiency of online searches for the purpose of cataloguing and classification. A few were identified. The study shows the potential offered by the use of ICT, which libraries in developing nations – and indeed Nigeria – have not fully embraced. The paper reveals the low level of ICT literacy in libraries in Nigeria and concludes that this is a result of the deficiency in the practical training of librarians in the use of ICT in Nigerian library schools.
Practical implications – The conclusion is that there is an urgent need for librarians in developing nations to gain proficiency in the use of ICT as a tool in libraries.
Originality/value – The paper provides information on the level of ICT use for cataloguing and classification in a private university library in Nigeria. This experience shows the importance of why libraries in developing countries should address the desired level of ICT literacy among their librarians.