Urbanističko planiranje u novom zakonu: objašnjenja, iskustva i želje; Analiza primene novog zakona o postupku upisa u katastar nepokretnosti; nacionalna infrastruktura geoprostornih podataka - geosrbija, novi sadržaji; RGZ-ozakonjenje bespravno izgrađenih objekata; Budućnost je pred nama! Kakva je?, 2019
U radu se razmatra sadržaj i karakter plana generalne regulacije, kao posebne vrste urbanističkog... more U radu se razmatra sadržaj i karakter plana generalne regulacije, kao posebne vrste urbanističkog plana, te njegova pozicija u pravnom okviru urbanističke regulacije u Srbiji XIX, XX veka i danas. Prema najskorijim izmenama Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji, on postaje osnovni regulacioni plan, što implicira da se na najvećem delu planskog obuhvata može sprovoditi neposredno, bez obaveze dalje urbanističke razrade. Imajući u vidu da obuhvat ovih planova često čine cela naselja, u praksi se javlja problem nesprovodljivosti planova generalne regulacije, s obzirom da se kroz planske smernice nedovoljno prepoznaje heterogenost fizičke strukture i specifičnost pojedinih urbanističkih celina.
[The paper discusses the content and character of the general regulation plan and its position in the legal framework of urban regulation in Serbia up to date. The latest Law on Planning and Construction promotes it as the basic regulatory plan, implying the direct implementation without developing the detailed regulation plans for certain parts of the planned area. Having that the planned area subsumes entire settlements, the difficulties in the implementation of general regulation plans are related with the fact that the planning guidelines do not recognize the heterogeneity of the physical structure and the specificity of certain urban entities.]
Papers by Bozidar Manic
Црква је у основном смислу богослужбена, литургијска заједница, a црква – храм – првенствено богослужбени, литургијски простор. Литургија је основни и кључни чинилац у формулисању програмских основа православног црквеног градитељства, у односу на који су сви остали утицајни фактори и програмски елементи од другорaзредног значаја. Симболички део архитектонског програма православних цркава такође је веома значајан, али се он не може директно превести у архитектонску форму. Канони хришћанске православне цркве ни на који начин не условљавају непосредно архитектонско обликовање храмова. Проглашавање неких елемената архитектонске традиције или устаљене савремене градитељске праксе за „канонске“, мада без основа у верском учењу, отежава покушаје тражења савременог израза у области сакралне архитектуре.
Савремена градитељска пракса православних и других хришћанских цркава сведочи о значају проблема односа према традицији, било да се она копира, развија или одбацује. Сукоб мишљења и пракси традиционалистичког и модернистичког приступа црквеној архитектури, али и литургијским и теолошким питањима, израженији је међу римокатолицима и протестантима, али постоји и у оквиру православних цркава.
Прожимање верског и националног идентитета код православних Срба допринело је да православни храмови од представе и симбола хришћанског учења и Предања постану, можда чак и у већој мери, симбол националног идентитета и традиције. У савременој архитектонској пракси пројектовања и изградње цркава Српске православне цркве преовлађује традиционалистички приступ и историцистички израз. Инсистирањем на спољашњим, површинским, строго формалним одликама архитектуре прошлости као непроменљивим и обавезујућим обрасцима, укида се једна од суштинских карактеристика традиције а то је њено стално обнављање и континуитет промена из генерације у генерацију. Тако се уместо традиције и традиционалног приступа, негује, њима по духу супротан, традиционализам.
Корпус сакралне архитектуре Српске православне цркве, из периода од 1990. године до данас који је предмет ове докторске дисертације, али и из претходног периода социјалистичког друштвеног уређења, није још увек довољно истражен. Други део дисертације посвећен је анализи савремене пројектантске праксе и ауторских поетика најистакнутијих аутора у овој области код нас, по броју или квалитету изведених цркава у последње три деценије – Љ. Бошњак, Р. Прокића, П. Ристића, Љ. Фолића, М. Лукића, Н. Поповића, С. Крунића, Б. Митровића, М. Митровића и Б. Пешића. Већина аутора негује поетику традиционалног – миметичког или динамичког – типа. Ипак, и међу њима постоје значајне разлике, будући да се ослањају на различите елементе из традиције, чиме посредно указују на постојање слободе архитектонског стваралаштва у области градитељства православних цркава.
[The first part of this dissertation is devoted to identifying the mandatory program elements arising out of the most important religious ceremony that takes place in the Christian Orthodox church – Liturgy, as well as other requirements. The intent is to determine whether those elements arise from the liturgical needs of the Church or they have non-theological nature, and which factors influence on their formulation.
The Church is in the basic sense a liturgical assembly, and a church – temple – is primarily liturgical, worship space. Liturgy is the basic and key factor in formulation of Orthodox church building programmatic basis, in relation to which all other influencing factor and programmatic elements are of secondary importance. The symbolic part of the architectural program of Orthodox churches is also very significant, but it cannot be directly translated into architectural form. The canons of the Christian Orthodox Church are not in any way conditioning directly the architectural design of temples. Declaring some elements of architectural traditions and the established modern architectural practices as “canonical“, even without foundation in the theology, hinders the quest for the contemporary expression in religious architecture.
Contemporary architectural praxis of Orthodox and other Christian churches testify about the importance of the problem of the relationship to tradition, whether it is copied, developed or rejected. The conflict of traditionalist and modernist opinions and praxis in the approach to church architecture, and also the liturgical and theological issues, are more prominent among Roman Catholics and Protestants, but are also present within the Orthodox churches.
Intertwining of religious and national identity of the Orthodox Serbs contributed to the situation that orthodox temples become, from the representation and symbol of religious teaching and tradition, perhaps even to a greater extent, a symbol of national identity and tradition. Traditionalist approach and historicist expression predominate in contemporary architectural design praxis of Serbian Orthodox Church. By insisting on the superficial, strictly formal qualities of historic architecture as the immutable and binding values one of the essential characteristics of tradition – its constant renewal and continuity of changes from generation to generation – is abolished. Instead of tradition and traditional approach, traditionalist one, which is opposite to them is thus supported and nourished.
This field of architectural creation in Serbia, dating from 1990 to the present, which is the period analyzed in this dissertation, but also from the previous period of socialist state, is not yet sufficiently explored. The second part of the dissertation is devoted to the analysis of contemporary design praxis and poetics of the most prominent authors in this field in our country, by the number or quality of the realized churches in the last three decades – Lj. Bošnjak, R. Prokić, P. Ristić, Lj. Folić, S. Krunić, M. Lukić, B. Mitrović, M. Mitrović, B. Pešić and N. Popović. Most authors cherish the traditional – mimetic or dynamic – type of poetics. However, there are significant differences among them, because they rely on different elements of tradition, thus indicating indirectly to the freedom of creation in the field of Orthodox church architecture.]
[Sacred christian architecture from its appearance in the first four centuries AD continually developed only in Western Christianity, while the developmental line was interrupted in the eastern part. The inscribed cross model which prevaled in Byzantium and the countries under its cultural influence after the iconoclastic crisis, but never was the single one in use, became the paradigm of the Orthodox temple. Although it has a special path of development within the wider Byzantine cultural context, with elements of Western influence and its own specific architectural features, Serbian church architecture is also dominated by this model. After the Middle Ages the temples, especially in Western civilization, gradually lost the place of the most important architectural program. In the twentieth century, with the advent of modern movement, there is a serious crisis of ideas and the gap between contemporary architectural concepts and modern church architecture, which is especially pronounced in Orthodox Christianity, Serbia included; due to the strong influence of Byzantine tradition and attempts to establish interrupted continuity, traditional and historical approach and a tendency to return to the old forms become completely dominant in the architectural design of churches. Buildings of the general cult, intended for the liturgy, have spatial organization that reflects the needs of worshiping, while their form is determined by cultural patterns and the perception of symbolic meaning more than by the church rules. Contemporary architectural competition practice points us to the roads of further development of existing and new models of Orthodox churches.]
limitations of the planning system regarding adaptation in the context of urban planning in the Republic of Serbia. The
spatial coverage of the Plan includes the central/urban and peri-urban area of the city of Požarevac, within which
various land uses are represented. In addition to housing, commercial and industrial facilities, green infrastructure, as
well as other land uses, agriculture is also presented. Taking into consideration the specificity of the Plan area, the
paper presents measures that promote adaptation, with special emphasis on the green infrastructure, the water system,
energy efficiency and the urban structure. Thus, one of the measures promoted by this Plan is the reservation of the
space for raising fast-growing forests, building green roofs and walls and as well developing and expanding of the
water drainage system network. In accordance with the current legal and planning basis, within the conclusions that
this work stresses is that, even in an incomplete legal and planning framework, there are real possibilities for the
inclusion of adaptive measures in the process of urban planning.
[The paper discusses the content and character of the general regulation plan and its position in the legal framework of urban regulation in Serbia up to date. The latest Law on Planning and Construction promotes it as the basic regulatory plan, implying the direct implementation without developing the detailed regulation plans for certain parts of the planned area. Having that the planned area subsumes entire settlements, the difficulties in the implementation of general regulation plans are related with the fact that the planning guidelines do not recognize the heterogeneity of the physical structure and the specificity of certain urban entities.]