Papers by Elnaz Sarabchian

The present study aimed at investigating interrelationships among EFL learners’ vocabula ry-learn... more The present study aimed at investigating interrelationships among EFL learners’ vocabula ry-learning-strategies, autonomy, and reading-comprehension. To this end, 100 Iranian EFL learners, between 16-40 years old, studying at Shokouh Institute at Bandarabas, Iran, were selected. The participants’ reading comprehension level was assessed through Preliminary English Test. Also, students were asked to answer autonomy and vocabulary learning strategy questionnaires. Correlation analysis indicated a statistically significant relationship between learners’ autonomy and choice of vocabulary learning strategies, autonomy and reading comprehension, and finally, choice of vocabulary learning strategies and reading comprehension. Running multiple regressions revealed that vocabulary learning strategies were the best predictor of reading comprehension and predicted 66 percent of scores on the reading comprehension test. On the other hand, autonomy predicted 57 percent of EFL learners’ scores on the vocabulary learning strategies and 55 percent of scores on the Reading Comprehension test. Conclusions and pedagogical implications are further discussed.

The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between EFL learners’ creativity and la... more The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between EFL learners’ creativity and language learning strategies. For this purpose 140 EFL students, ranging between 19 and 32 years old, majoring in English Translation and English Literature at Islamic Azad University, at Central Tehran, Iran were randomly selected and given two questionnaires: The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning and Creativity Questionnaire. The results of Pearson correlation indicated that there are significant relationships between EFL learners’ total use of language learning strategies and their creativity. Also, running multiple regressions showed that social strategy predicted 79 percent of creativity scores. The affective strategy added up the percentage of prediction to 82.6 percent, and finally the metacognitive strategy entered the model on the last step and increased prediction to 93.2 percent. Conclusion and pedagogical implications are presented and discussed.

The present study aimed at investigating interrelationships among EFL learners’ vocabulary-learni... more The present study aimed at investigating interrelationships among EFL learners’ vocabulary-learning-strategies, autonomy, and reading-comprehension. To this end, 100 Iranian EFL learners, between 16-40 years old, studying at Shokouh Institute at Bandarabas, Iran, were randomly selected. The participants’ reading comprehension level was assessed through Preliminary English Test. Also, students were asked to answer autonomy and vocabulary learning strategy questionnaires. Correlation analysis indicated a statistically significant relationship between learners’ autonomy and choice of vocabulary learning strategies, autonomy and reading comprehension, and finally, choice of vocabulary learning strategies and reading comprehension. Running multiple regressions revealed that vocabulary learning strategies were the best predictor of reading comprehension and predicted 66 percent of scores on the reading comprehension test. On the other hand, autonomy predicted 57 percent of EFL learners’ scores on the vocabulary learning strategies and 55 percent of scores on the Reading Comprehension test. Conclusions and pedagogical implications are further discussed.

"This study aimed at exploring the relationship among English as a foreign language (EFL) learner... more "This study aimed at exploring the relationship among English as a foreign language (EFL) learners' language learning strategy use, and critical thinking. To this aim, 250 sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduate students majoring in English Translation and English Literature at Islamic Azad University at Damavand, Iran were randomly selected and were asked to fill in the two questionnaires on Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) by Oxford (1990), and a questionnaire of Critical Thinking (CT) developed by Honey (2000). After discarding incomplete answer sheets, 230 acceptable cases were used in statistical analysis. Preliminary analyses were performed to ensure no violation of the assumptions of normality, linearity and homoscedasticity. The relationship between SILL, and CT, was investigated using Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient. Correlation analysis indicated that significant relationships exist between EFL learners' use of language learning strategies & critical thinking (r = .89, P < .05). Moreover, running multiple regressions showed that memory strategy, as one component of language learning strategies, was the best predictor of critical thinking and predicted 72.7 percent of critical thinking. Social strategy was the second best predictor and enhanced the predictive power to 78.1 percent. The metacognitive strategy enhanced the predictive power to 79.2 percent. And finally, the compensation strategy increased the percentage of prediction to 798%. Implications of the study are presented and discussed.
The present study aimed at finding the degree of relationship between Iranian EFL learners' learn... more The present study aimed at finding the degree of relationship between Iranian EFL learners' learning styles and their preferences in using specific language learning strategies. To meet the above purpose, a total number of 148 male and female students, between 20-25 years old, studying English Language Teaching and English Language Literature at Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran, Iran were randomly selected and given Language Learning Strategies and Learning Style questionnaires. Pearson Product Correlation results revealed a statistically significant relationship between EFL learners’ affective strategy with visual style (r = .85, P < .05) and auditory style (r = .81, P < .05), metacognitive strategy and visual style (r = .80, P < .05). Implications of the study are presented and discussed.

The present study is an attempt to investigate the comparative effects of "concept mapping" and "... more The present study is an attempt to investigate the comparative effects of "concept mapping" and "lexical inferencing" strategies on English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners' retention of phrasal verbs. For this purpose, 90 intermediate female learners, between 17 and 31 years old, attending the Iran-Mehr Language School in Tehran took a piloted sample Preliminary English Test (PET), 60 of whom were selected as homogenous learners. They were randomly divided into two experimental groups -one learning phrasal verbs through "concept mapping" strategy and the other with the "lexical inferencing" strategy. They were given a piloted researchers-made pretest on phrasal verbs to ensure that the participants had no prior knowledge of the target phrasal verbs. Then all participants in both groups were taught using the same material and received the same amount of instruction. The only difference was that one experimental group was taught through the concept mapping strategy while the other one through the lexical inferencing strategy. After conducting the treatment, a piloted researchers-made post-test was administered to both groups, in order to measure the students' ability on the retention of the phrasal verbs taught through concept mapping and lexical inferencing strategies. The post-test was conducted after a two-week interval. The analysis of the test scores using t-test revealed that both strategies had significant effects on retention of the phrasal verbs. It was also concluded that there was no significant difference between the performances of both groups on retention of the phrasal verbs.

The aim of this study was to investigate the power of emotional intelligence (EI) and ambiguity t... more The aim of this study was to investigate the power of emotional intelligence (EI) and ambiguity tolerance in predicting EFL learners’ language learning strategy (LLS)and probe any possible relationship among these variables. The participants of the study were 130 EFL students, between 18 -30 years old, majoring in English Translation and English Literature at Islamic Azad University at Central Tehran, Iran. The instruments utilized in this study were a) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) to assess the learners’ strategy-use-frequency in language learning, b) Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I) to measure learners’ emotional intelligence, and c) Second Language Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale (SLTAS) to identify participants’ tolerance of ambiguity. The results of the study showed that regression model including EI predicted about 6.8 percent, and tolerance of ambiguity 3.2 percent of students' LLSs. Also, running Pearson correlation indicated a statistically significant relationship between learners’ EI and LLSs and the components of both EI and SILL. In addition, Pearson correlation revealed statistically significant relationship between learners' tolerance of ambiguity and their overall LLSs use, and components of SILL.

Vocabulary learning is incredibly noteworthy to English language acquisition. It is unfeasible fo... more Vocabulary learning is incredibly noteworthy to English language acquisition. It is unfeasible for a learner to communicate without the required vocabulary. In high educational levels, learners are habitually forced to become autonomous and make conscious effort to learn vocabulary outside of the classroom. Consequently, the autonomy of the learners plays an important role in developing and enhancing their vocabulary. This study investigates the relationship between English as foreign language (EFL) learners' autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies, with major emphasis on predicting learners' autonomy through their vocabulary learning strategies. To meet the above purpose, a total number of 144 male and female students, between 20-25 years old, studying English Language Teaching and English Language Literature at Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran,Iran were randomly selected and given Learner autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies questionnaires. Pearson Product Correlation results revealed a statistically significant relationship between EFL learners' autonomy and vocabulary learning strategies (P<0.01). Also, the results of multiple regressions indicated that social strategy was the best predictor and predicted about 23.8 percent of learner autonomy. Moreover, the memory strategy was the second best predictor, which increased the predictive power to 30.9 percent (R = .55, R2 = .309). The findings of this study may lead students' attention to the awareness of the determining role of language learning strategies and learning autonomy as contributing factors to their success in the process of learning a target language, and point out the need for the implementation of autonomy in relation to vocabulary achievement.
). A group of 211 male and female EFL university students were randomly selected and given three ... more ). A group of 211 male and female EFL university students were randomly selected and given three questionnaires: The NEO-FFI, Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory, and Peter Honey critical thinking appraisal. Analysis of the results showed that, there was a significant relationship between students' personality traits with their EI and CT skills. Multiple regressions revealed that Conscientiousness predicted 4 percent of CT, Openness to Experience predicted 7.2 percent, and finally, Neuroticism predicted 9.8 percent of CT. Regarding EI, Neuroticism predicted 40 percent of EI; conscientiousness predicted 48 percent, extroversion predicted 50 percent, and finally Openness to Experience predicted 51.8 percent of EI. Thus, it can be concluded that five-factor personality traits can have predictive role in fostering EI and CT of EFL learners.

This study examines the relationship among EFL students' five personality traits and predictabili... more This study examines the relationship among EFL students' five personality traits and predictability of their critical thinking ability. A group of 211 male and female students, between 20 and 30 years old, majoring in English Translation and English Literature, were randomly selected and given two questionnaires: The NEO-FFI, which provides measure of five well-established domains of personality, and Peter Honey Critical Thinking Appraisal to evaluate cognitive ability of students. According to the results, there was a significant relationship between CT and Domains of personality. Also running multiple regression revealed that conscientiousness can predict 4 percent of critical thinking score, Openness to experience can predict 7.2, and finally the third best predictor, neuroticism increased the predictive power to 9.8 percent So based on the obtained results, educators are advised to consider diversity of students' personality traits and their possible influences on fostering CT when designing learning and teaching materials.
Conference Presentations by Elnaz Sarabchian
Papers by Elnaz Sarabchian
Conference Presentations by Elnaz Sarabchian