Papers by Jamshid Sheikhlarabadi

The theory of real concepts is introduced for the first time in this article and the diagnosis of... more The theory of real concepts is introduced for the first time in this article and the diagnosis of mental disorders is explained with an approach to real concepts. Proper diagnosis is the first and most important step in all medical sciences. The approach of real concepts has been developed in three areas of nature, mind, and dream. According to this theory, real concepts differ from one person to another they have overlaps and commonalities, but they needn't match. This theory can be extended to many concepts such as real consciousness, real perception, real cognition, and other important concepts in psychology and can be used as a useful tool in diagnosing mental disorder or disorders. Based on this theory, the reality is the resultant of three reality components: natural reality, mental reality, and dream reality, and by introducing the reality triangle pattern, determines the influence surface of each of these areas and finally, draw the point of reality of the individual being treated and the resulting image, helps the therapist identify the underlying area and causes of the disorder or disorders being treated and based on this diagnosis, design, and use the best method or combination of the best treatment methods for the patient. This article uses this theory to identify three very simple examples of mental disorders.

Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder, with a lot of complexity,... more Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder, with a lot of complexity, its lack of treatment has a great impact on the quality of life of the individual and his or her relatives. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of dream therapy in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Method: 18 patients (Female) with obsessivecompulsive disorder among the clients of the clinic who had the highest scores in the obsessivecompulsive Moudsley Inventory, and also were not subject to any other therapeutic or psychological treatment. They were randomly divided into two groups of 9. The obsessivecompulsory Moudsley Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (MOCI) was taken from both groups in pre-test and post-test. For the experimental group, the first stage of dream therapy was performed in 7 sessions of 90 minutes, but the control group did not receive any treatment. Findings: Using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, it was determined that the data were not normal therefore, Mann-Whitney U test was used. The mean of experimental and control groups before and after the implementation of the therapeutic method showed that the dream therapy has a great influence on the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Conclusion: The method of dream therapy is effective in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder
Papers by Jamshid Sheikhlarabadi