Papers by Ali Haj Aghapour
International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence

Green purchasing (GP) has elicited increasing attention in recent years by both academics and pra... more Green purchasing (GP) has elicited increasing attention in recent years by both academics and practitioners. However, its industrial issues in developing countries have not been investigated at a regional level. This paper aims to compare practices of GP in connection with a widely applied compliance of RoHS among five countries of Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. We sought to determine where the differences occur and which practices are further along. An investigation of 106 manufacturing SMEs in E&E sector shows that a partial difference in the extent of implementation of on RoHS-related GP practices, including documentation, supplier management, and internal management, among these five countries. The implication of this paper indicates that RoHS-related GP enables SMEs to green their purchasing activities by establishing win-win relationships with suppliers, and thus realise sustainable development for the whole supply chains. As a managerial implication, the present study shows that an appropriate monitoring approach involving suppliers in green initiatives can help GP diffusion and greener environment across Southeast Asia.
This paper propose a practical optimization problem of product-mix based on labor
capacity, mach... more This paper propose a practical optimization problem of product-mix based on labor
capacity, machine capacity, raw materials and demand constrains in a Sri Lankan tea
producing company. The objective is to profit maximization, satisfying all constraints.
In this paper, the problem is formulated as a linear programming model. As a case
study, a software package (LINGO 9.0) is applied to solve the optimization problem.
As with any LP model, the reduced costs for decision variables and dual prices and
allowable fluctuation for constraints are used to conduct detailed sensitivity analysis.
Eventually, this paper comes up with a set of policy making suggestions which might
be helpful for the production planning and detailed scheduling.
Some of the researchers and managers have uncontested the frontline employees (FLEs) who are sig... more Some of the researchers and managers have uncontested the frontline employees (FLEs) who are significant for the effectiveness in organization. Because of the fact that they have some roles
which are boundary spanning so the FLEs has an important key role in delivering service and making customer relationships. This study attempts to highlight the vital role of service recovery
performance (SRP) with regards to frontline employees. There is a link between service recovery performance, job stressor, and customer orientation
This paper attempts to review different articles related to Time based manufacturing p... more This paper attempts to review different articles related to Time based manufacturing practices (TBMP), Customer Value, and Customer Equity. In this regard, the main components of TBMP are highlighted may affect Customer Value and Customer equity. At the end a new framework has been proposed that emphasizes on the mediating role of Customer value in relationship between TBMP and Customer Equity based on IT products in Malaysia. Besides, it seems that the Queuing theory and Three-factor theory as two related theory support this research properly.
Keywords: Time-based manufacturing; Customer Equity; Customer Value; IT products; Malaysia
The main purpose of this paper is reviewing different research by different scholars ... more The main purpose of this paper is reviewing different research by different scholars about consumer acceptance in green products. In this regard, some models and theories in consumer acceptance have been applied to contribute for proposing a new framework. It is important to know all variables are selected based on current conditions of Iran in using green products.
Keywords: consumer acceptance; green products; Technology Acceptance Model, Social Cognitive Theory
The paper wishes to provide new insights into the nature of tourism entrepreneurship thereby addr... more The paper wishes to provide new insights into the nature of tourism entrepreneurship thereby addressing main characteristics of main dimensions of entrepreneurship. In particular, by bringing previous studyís findings as well as universally recognized quotations, tourism entrepreneurship will be characterized in terms of culture, the nature of ventures, and personal characteristics of tourism related entrepreneurs.
Keywords: Tourism Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Characteristics; Tourism Industry.
This qualitative research concentrates on previous research about turnover intention. The researc... more This qualitative research concentrates on previous research about turnover intention. The research reviews several articles to achieve logical relationship between different concepts of human resources management that contributes to develop new framework in term of Turn over intention. It is important to know the main focus is on healthcare industry of Iran because of its importance.
Keywords: HR; OCB; Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, Healthcare Industry

Case-study as a qualitative research is a strongly debatable research strategy among all academic... more Case-study as a qualitative research is a strongly debatable research strategy among all academicians and particularly practitioners. Therefore, in order to provide some upto-date insights into this controversial issue, the current paper seeks to investigate and document some aspects of case-study research. In fact, after reviewing some literatures in order to define, clarify and classify case-study research, the paper tries to consider and trade-off this qualitative strategy from different philosophical perspectives and approaches. Then, by relying on some recently outstanding papers and other highly recognized written resources, the paper gets into the appropriateness of casestudy including Generalizability, Validity, Construct validity, Internal validity and Reliability. Next, the role of case-study to build a social theory is investigated that leads to preset a step-bystep process to achieve this visionary goal. At the end, a brief comparison between case-study, as a common representative of qualitative research, and survey, an indicator of opposite view, is done. This paper contributes to research method’s development used by scholars looking to establish a case research by improving the level of understanding regarding the discussed issues.
Index Terms- case-study appropriateness, case-study classification, case-study approaches.

Global foreign direct investment (FDI) trends are likely to modify during the period 2004-2007. F... more Global foreign direct investment (FDI) trends are likely to modify during the period 2004-2007. FDI has promoted to effective economic growth in a number of developing countries and the role of the foreign direct investment in this field has been extensively known in China and India, the world‘s two most populous growing economics have been using FDI as a stimulus in the growth process. For several decades FDI and economic growth have relationship which it has been a topical issue in policy market. Policymarkers in a large number of countries are engaged in creating all kind of incentives (e.g. export processing zones and tax incentives) to attract FDI, because it is proposed to affect local economic development positively. Many countries have regarded FDI increasingly as contributing to their development strategies for the technology and capital it applies, and therefore have made to compete for FDI. Policies about investment have become liberal at the national and regional level, but scientists still do not find the comprehensive framework for FDI at multinational level. Home countries are hoping to push FDI into developing countries using guarantee funds and match marketing. There is optimistic view about the medium prospects for FDI that are explained in number of reasons. Broadly speaking, FDI has positively impact on economic growth, domestic market and international trade. These consider as the ongoing global trend towards the better business environment, and the search for competitively priced skills; and sharper global competition pushing companies to find lower cost destination. Generally, most host and home governments will tend to go on encouraging FDI.
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Domestic markets, international trade, economic growth.
This quantitative research attempts to investigate the impact of ICT implementation on the experi... more This quantitative research attempts to investigate the impact of ICT implementation on the experience of workers in the work organizations in Iran. For this purpose, some factors such as Job Satisfaction, Job Related tension, Organizational Commitment, Technological Characteristic’s, and Objective of Management are considered, and structural equation modeling (SEM) method to measure the relationships and other statistical issues is used.
Since early 1980s, numerous studies have been conducted around TQM practices and its attribution ... more Since early 1980s, numerous studies have been conducted around TQM practices and its attribution to apply in different industries. Though these studies, although a number of practices as well as several cause-and-effect networks have been identified, not any universally appreciated framework is recognized being reliable for practitioners. This crucial reason encourages the author of this paper to do an exploratory journey among previous studies to identify and design a TQM interior network. However, the aim of this paper is to identify critical TQM practices and to portray an interior network thereby relying on some outstanding papers.
This qualitative research is conducted to develop a conceptual framework for enhancing trust thro... more This qualitative research is conducted to develop a conceptual framework for enhancing trust through e-commerce contexts. In particular, by heavily borrowing from some highly recognized papers and studies, firstly, authors try to define and clarify the trust definition and those factors which have impact on it including “Para Social Presence”, “Presence”, “Perceived Ease of Use” and “Perceived Usefulness”. In continues, a conceptual model will be presented in order to define and describe a rational relation among those dimensions recognized.
In this quantitative article research first, the main factors in customer satisfaction in online ... more In this quantitative article research first, the main factors in customer satisfaction in online environment of Iran in hardware industry with process based-view are identified. Secondly relationships between identified factors in online environment of Iran and customer satisfaction are investigated.
Keywords: Online Environment, Customer satisfaction, and Process Based-View.
This paper attempts to identify the current policies and problems of IAU (Islamic Azad University... more This paper attempts to identify the current policies and problems of IAU (Islamic Azad University) in HR practices. On the other hand this research offers new HR practices according to experts and different persons in different levels of IAU. Finally, offered HR practices are in line with strategic contributions in educational industry.
Key words: Human Resources, Human Resources Practices, and Knowledge Sharing
This paper initially seeks to document and review a branding model named “Emotional Branding” bei... more This paper initially seeks to document and review a branding model named “Emotional Branding” being introduced by Gobe in 2001.In continues, an adopted and developed e-branding model based on Gobe’s model will be presented criticized by borrowing from some recently outstanding papers. Critically, after describing “Emotional e-Branding” model and its dimensions, author, by relaying on some outstanding quotations, will try to address a practical strategy, named “3C Strategy”, and clarifying its aspects including customization, Culture and communication.
Keywords: emotional branding, emotional e-branding, 3c strategy, customization, culture, and communication.
The main objective of this qualitative research is to examine the relationship between manager's ... more The main objective of this qualitative research is to examine the relationship between manager's Emotional Intelligence (EI) level and effective delegation in industry. In order to test and discuss this relationship, some perception from past and relevant researches and texts are required. This paper also describes the core and practical concept of Emotional Intelligence and delegation, followed by the importance of effectiveness in work place. The literature review could provide better understanding of concepts and the main variables of dependent and independent variables in this research. Lastly, the past researches which have been done on emotional intelligence and its relation to delegation and effectiveness would be highlighted.
Key words: Emotional Intelligence, Effective Delegation, and Measurement of Emotional Intelligence.
Conference Presentations by Ali Haj Aghapour

The objective of this study is to assess the implementation of supply chain risk identification a... more The objective of this study is to assess the implementation of supply chain risk identification and its relevant techniques in the electrical and electronics industry in malaysia. In this regard, a questionnaire based survey was developed and accomplished to explore the extent of implementation in 5 main uncertain areas namely supply, demand, environment, process and control. The average mean score and standard deviation were calculated for the each of these key areas. Moreover, this paper surveyed issues associated to risk identification such as the level of understanding among the respondent companies, the benefits of adoption, the level of adoption for each risk identifying technique as well as its difference between smes and large companies. The result indicated that most of responding companies have been committed toward implementation of supply chain risk identification and its techniques. Although large companies are more interested into implement risk identification techniques in each area, two areas of supply and demand predominately are in the center of attention for both types of business. In general, every uncertain area, investigated, serves as a useful guide for companies when they attempt to implement the risk identification step of supply chain risk management. Furthermore, the findings show the number of adopted techniques increases along to the years of implementation regardless size of business. However, the current study is the first that investigating the extent of risk identification implementation in electrical and electronics industry in malaysia.
Papers by Ali Haj Aghapour
capacity, machine capacity, raw materials and demand constrains in a Sri Lankan tea
producing company. The objective is to profit maximization, satisfying all constraints.
In this paper, the problem is formulated as a linear programming model. As a case
study, a software package (LINGO 9.0) is applied to solve the optimization problem.
As with any LP model, the reduced costs for decision variables and dual prices and
allowable fluctuation for constraints are used to conduct detailed sensitivity analysis.
Eventually, this paper comes up with a set of policy making suggestions which might
be helpful for the production planning and detailed scheduling.
which are boundary spanning so the FLEs has an important key role in delivering service and making customer relationships. This study attempts to highlight the vital role of service recovery
performance (SRP) with regards to frontline employees. There is a link between service recovery performance, job stressor, and customer orientation
Keywords: Time-based manufacturing; Customer Equity; Customer Value; IT products; Malaysia
Keywords: consumer acceptance; green products; Technology Acceptance Model, Social Cognitive Theory
Keywords: Tourism Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Characteristics; Tourism Industry.
Keywords: HR; OCB; Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, Healthcare Industry
Index Terms- case-study appropriateness, case-study classification, case-study approaches.
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Domestic markets, international trade, economic growth.
Keywords: Online Environment, Customer satisfaction, and Process Based-View.
Key words: Human Resources, Human Resources Practices, and Knowledge Sharing
Keywords: emotional branding, emotional e-branding, 3c strategy, customization, culture, and communication.
Key words: Emotional Intelligence, Effective Delegation, and Measurement of Emotional Intelligence.
Conference Presentations by Ali Haj Aghapour
capacity, machine capacity, raw materials and demand constrains in a Sri Lankan tea
producing company. The objective is to profit maximization, satisfying all constraints.
In this paper, the problem is formulated as a linear programming model. As a case
study, a software package (LINGO 9.0) is applied to solve the optimization problem.
As with any LP model, the reduced costs for decision variables and dual prices and
allowable fluctuation for constraints are used to conduct detailed sensitivity analysis.
Eventually, this paper comes up with a set of policy making suggestions which might
be helpful for the production planning and detailed scheduling.
which are boundary spanning so the FLEs has an important key role in delivering service and making customer relationships. This study attempts to highlight the vital role of service recovery
performance (SRP) with regards to frontline employees. There is a link between service recovery performance, job stressor, and customer orientation
Keywords: Time-based manufacturing; Customer Equity; Customer Value; IT products; Malaysia
Keywords: consumer acceptance; green products; Technology Acceptance Model, Social Cognitive Theory
Keywords: Tourism Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Characteristics; Tourism Industry.
Keywords: HR; OCB; Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, Healthcare Industry
Index Terms- case-study appropriateness, case-study classification, case-study approaches.
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Domestic markets, international trade, economic growth.
Keywords: Online Environment, Customer satisfaction, and Process Based-View.
Key words: Human Resources, Human Resources Practices, and Knowledge Sharing
Keywords: emotional branding, emotional e-branding, 3c strategy, customization, culture, and communication.
Key words: Emotional Intelligence, Effective Delegation, and Measurement of Emotional Intelligence.