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Darabgerd that, somehow, may be considered as the initial capital of Sasanian Kingdom, could most probably be counted as the first experience of establishment of a city with circular plan, in the sought of Iran. The example which has... more
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Darabgerd was one of the flourishing cities of Sasanian era which with the collapse of this dynasty gradually lost its importance, and was eventually abandoned in sixth century of Hegira.
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Darabgird is one of the ancient cities in Fars province. According to Iranian mythology, Darab Shah (Dariush, the Great) found the city in the Achaemenid period. But, due to the fact that 1.21% of total ceramics gathered from the city... more
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‫كه‬ ‫است‬ ‫اثر‬ ‫این‬ ‫متذهبی،‬ ‫ارزشمند‬ ‫در‬ ‫تتاریخ‬ 15 ‫آرر‬ ‫ماه‬ 1014 ‫شتمار‬ ‫ریل‬ ‫خورشیدی،‬ ‫ة‬ 221 ‫فهرستت‬ ‫در‬ ‫ایتران‬ ‫ملی‬ ‫آثار‬ ‫بته‬ ‫ثبتت‬ ‫رستیده‬ ‫استت‬ ( ‫مصتطفوی،‬ 1015 ‫ص‬ ، 12 ) . ‫از‬ ‫تعتتتدادی‬ ‫صتتتری‬... more
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Riparian countries of the Caspian Sea have been evaluating the pros and cons of the predatory ctenophore Beroe ovata as a control agent against the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, which has enormous adverse impacts on the fishery... more
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Conclusions  The overall low diversity of nematodes indicates that the entire area experiences substantial anthropogenic stress. Communities had a high dominance of only few genera.
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      GeographyIntertidal Zone
Ascidians can settle and grow on corals and have become one of the main threats to hard corals in some areas of world, covering and smothering live coral tissues. We studied the biology of infestation of a solitary tunicate, Phallusia... more
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      ZoologyBiologyEcologyCoral Bleaching
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    • Geography
This study was aimed to investigate the effects of pomegranate (Punica granatum) seed kernel meal (pskm) as a supplement in the diet of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), The experiment was carried out in growth in a period of 90 days... more
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    • Biology
Post larvae of wild and cultured spawners of the Indian white shrimp (Penaeus indicus, Milne Edwards, 1837) were reared to market size, in commercial ponds of shrimp farming site of Helleh, in Bushehr Province, during a six months period.... more
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    • Biology
Marine nematodes are the most abundant metazoans, both in species numbers and density, in a variety of marine sediments. Hitherto, there are however no published studies on marine nematofauna from the Persian Gulf area. In this study, the... more
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      GeographyIntertidal Zone
In this study, surface water samples were collected monthly from five stations inclduing Nayband Bay, Assaloye, Dayer, Kabgan and Bushehr from December 2012 to June 2013. Sampling stations were chosen according to data being collected... more
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      Environmental ScienceOceanographyBiologyEcology
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      Environmental ScienceBiology
In December 2008, we performed the firs t study on beach nematode communities in the northern part o f the Persian Gulf. We sampled four beach locations near Bandar Abbas, w ith three stations at 50-m intervals per beach along a distance... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceBiodiversity
Urmia Lake is one of the two large hypersaline lakes in the world which have Artemia. It is located in northwest of Iran. Due to a decrease in water inflow and volume, the salinity of Urmia Lake has reached to more than 300 g.l-1 since... more
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Responsible aquaculture is a new concept in Iran but in some countries there are good historical performances. In fact this concept is as the spacial challenge for developing countries in order to improvement of aquaculturist livelihood.... more
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    • Management
Accurate scientific and practical plan for achieving the goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran within the framework of Vision development 1404, is the infrastructure achieving sustainable development of the country. Order to achieve the... more
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    • Management
The Gorgan golf is one of unique ecosystem in Iran which has plenty of known and unknown ecological values. Different agents threaten this ecosystem such as severe exploitation of natural resource on human behalf. This must be restricted... more
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    • Ecology