Papers by Mahdi Esmailzadeh
Replication-defective retroviral vectors are currently the most efficient gene transfer method fo... more Replication-defective retroviral vectors are currently the most efficient gene transfer method for the production of transgenic animals. Transgenic animals have become important tools for
biological research. In vertebrates, foreign DNA is routinely introduced into the genome by microinjection into newly fertilized zygotes. . Necrosis virus-based SNTZ vector carrying the E.coli lacZ gene designed to express a nuclear-localized β-galactosidase was injected into the genome. In this study, performance of the SNTZ vector carrying the E. coli lacZ gene to express a nuclear-localized β-galactosidase was injected into the subgerminal cavity of embryos collected from newly laid eggs will be reviewed.

The hen has long held promise as a low-cost, high-yield bioreactor for the production of human bi... more The hen has long held promise as a low-cost, high-yield bioreactor for the production of human biopharmaceuticals in egg whites using genetic engineering. Recently finding appeared
indicating the production of substantial levels of human monoclonal and single chain antibodies (O 3mg and O 150 mg, respectively) in eggs of transgenic hens. These promising findings indicate that the hen is close to becoming a competitive manufacturing platform for the production of human biopharmaceuticals. The most successful method of gene transfer in birds is to use PGC and retroviral vectors injected into the embryos following oviposition. The germline transmission rate of the founder birds is very low. Nevertheless, the transgenic lines demonstrate the stable integration and inheritance of the transgene to subsequent generations.
In this review, general avian reproduction and establishment of germ cells will be described for possible routes to gene transfer. Later, the current gene transfer methodologies will be
summarized with a focus on PGC gene transfer. Finally, the application of transgenics to poultry will be discussed.
Cyanotoxins are toxins produced by bacteria called cyanobacteria. The presence of cyanotoxins as ... more Cyanotoxins are toxins produced by bacteria called cyanobacteria. The presence of cyanotoxins as anatoxin-a and microcystins/nodularin was confirmed by HPLC and ELISA analyses. These microorganisms produced toxins which have the possible use in cancer therapy. In this article
we proposed a plan to conduct cancer treatment with using the suitable drug delivery system.
The produced toxin can be entrapped in collagen and released in specific tissue with collagenase activity. Therefore the toxins are released only in bone cancer cells. Nanoparticles of Cyanobacterial toxins with more suitable carriers are going to be discussed further on.
The development of genetic tools has been and will continue to be a driving force in biological d... more The development of genetic tools has been and will continue to be a driving force in biological discovery. In particular, development of molecular scissors has opened a new gate in the field of biotechnology. Molecular scissors are able to break specifically double stranded DNA domains and repress the expression of target genes. Various molecular scissors are available, including scissors derived from restriction enzymes, chiral molecular scissors, ZFNs and artificial recompenses. These molecular tools are potentially able to be utilized for the treatment of diseases, including cancer and AIDS. In this short article, different aspects of molecular scissors
technology will be presented

A gene has now been discovered that, when mutated, turns girls into boys. The finding advances, b... more A gene has now been discovered that, when mutated, turns girls into boys. The finding advances, but also complicates, our understanding of how sex is determined by our genes. In people,
almost all men carry two different sex chromosomes (XY) and women are XX. But there are some (extremely rare) exceptions to this rule. It is possible to have XX men, for example. This femaleto-male sex reversal almost always happens when a certain gene called SRY, usually carried on the Y chromosome, accidentally ends up on the X chromosome inherited from the father. Other genes have been found to muddle up sexual identity, making the resulting child neither fully male nor fully female. But in most cases of anatomically complete XX men — who have functional testes, but without a Y are infertile — SRY is involved. For this reason, it has long been called the gene that defines 'maleness'. But now researchers have found another gene that is equally important to the process. It seems that sex is determined in humans by a cascade of genes. At a crucial junction in this process lies a gene called SOX9, which in males is switched on by SRY,causing testis development. In females, the researchers now suggest, SOX9 might be typically
switched off by RSPO1, which, via other genes in the cascade, leads to the development of ovaries. In the brothers, it seems the mutated RSPO1 gene could not fulfil its switching-off role,
leaving SOX9 on and leading to male development.

Introduction: Intramuscular injection is an invasive and painful method for medication. Previous ... more Introduction: Intramuscular injection is an invasive and painful method for medication. Previous studies have indicated that tetracaine has ability to decrease pain via decreasing transmission and perception. The effect of local tetracaine severity of pain during DPT vaccine IM injection is not
known. The aim of this study was to evaluate if topical Tetracaine reduce the pain of IM DPT injection compared to placebo.
Materials and methods: In this RCT, 40 children were taken and divided into case and placebo group using a randomized Allocation sampling . In case group used from topical tetracaine gel %4, 30 second before DPT injection; in placebo group used from lubricant gel (placebo) before DPT injection. Data was collected using FLACC scale and were analyzed with wilcaxon signed rank test.
Results: Results showed that tetracaine could not significantly decreased the severity of pain due to DPT vaccine IM injection in case group as compared with placebo group (p>0/05).
Conclusion: Finding of this study indicated that topical tetracaine Application could not play an important role in decreasing of pain during DPT vaccine IM injection .Although it did lead to faster recovery time. However, more studies are needed to determine of effect of pain reduction
Statement of problem: Research For adolescents indicates that the patient's sex did influence ant... more Statement of problem: Research For adolescents indicates that the patient's sex did influence anticipatory , and girls had higher pain intensity scores . Whether differences extent to children
is less clear, and further studies in this area are needed .The aim of this study was to determined the effect of gender on the pain intensity.
Materials and Methods: In this RCT , 50 children 2-6month of age were taken (25 girls and 25 boys).In girls group and boys group DPT Vaccine via IM injection are Performed .Data
was collected using FLACC scale and were analyzed with wilcoxon signed rank test .
Results: Result showed that not significantly difference between severity of Pain due to DPT Vaccine IM injection in girls group as compared with boys group (P>0/5).
Conclusion: Finding of this study indicated that gender could not Play an Important role in severity of pain 2-6 age of month children.

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a cranifacial growth model using anthro... more Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a cranifacial growth model using anthropometry based on changes observed in the human face.
Materials and Methods: This cross sectional analytical study was conducted randomly on 45 pepole, with normal face patterns. Facial and cranial ratios were measured and compared. Data was analyzed by SPSS software. The regression line and the growth coefficient were determined for
each Parameter. Finally, the mean values of these parameters were determined. Facial growth pattern was drawn on the basis of on the growth parameters. A anthropometric ratios were obtained on the basis of facial landmark.
Results: This research presents cranifacial growth model for young faces (2-18-years-old) using anthropometry based on changes observed in the human face that can be used as a method for growth parameters calculation. This model can also predict tailored face changes with the lapse of time.
Conclusion: This model can be used for face recognition as well, on the other hand the results of this research can be used in medical professions such as maxillofacial surgery, growth and
development studies, plastic surgery, bioengineering and non-medical fields such as shoe-making and eye glasses industries.

Developmental biology such as human reproduction and development are scattered throughout the Qur... more Developmental biology such as human reproduction and development are scattered throughout the Qur'an. It is only recently that the scientific meaning of some of these verses has been appreciated fully. The long delay in interpreting these verses correctly resulted mainly from inaccurate translations
and commentaries and from a lack of awareness of scientific knowledge. In the Holy Quran, God speaks about the stages of man's embryonic development. Modern embryology is a fairly recent development which has its beginning with the invention of microscope in the 17th century. However, the concept of
the human being developing in stages was not recognized until much later. But the scientists then and most Muslim and non-Muslim scholars do not even know that the Holy Quran and Sunnah [words, deeds, approvals of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) collected by authentic narrators] had provided a
detailed description of the significant events in human development from the stages of gametes and conception until the full term pregnancy and delivery or even post partum. Actually, information in the Quran and Hadith corrected many superstitious and vague ideas about human development that were prevalent before. This article highlights different stages of formation of the human embryo along with the description of every stage of the embryonic development as mentioned in the Quran.
The Journal of craniofacial surgery, Jan 1, 2012

Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine cranial & facial anthropometric Ratios a... more Abstract
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine cranial & facial anthropometric Ratios and
assessment of cranial & facial development in Shirvanian kurmanj population
Materials and Methods: This cross sectional analytical study was conducted randomly on 137
boys from shirvan, with normal face patterns. Facial and cranial ratios was estimated and compared.
Data were analyzed by SPSS software. The regression line and the growth coefficient were
determined for each Parameter. Finally, the mean values of these parameters were determined.
Furthermore, the mean anthropometric measurement of Iranians was compared with Canadians.
Student-t test was used for comparing the measured values.
Results:Shirvanian kurmanj populations were have hypereuryprosopic Face and hypercephalic
Cranium form. While getting older, peoples midface height increases, face becomes more
prominent, chin becomes shorter and Face and Cranium change to Eurycephalic and
hyperleptoprosopic form respectively.
Conclusion: Approximately, all of the anthropometric measurements in Shirvanian kurmanj
population, Fars race (Resident in Mashhad) and Canadians were significantly different.
Considerable the differences in the facial and cranial anthropologic ratios and size among
Shirvanian kurmanj population, Fars race (Resident in Mashhad) and Canadians, the results
obtained from Canadian and Fars race, should not be applied as criteria for treatment plans. Due to
the wide racial combinations in Iran, studies, covering wider scope, should be conducted among
different Iranian races.

The purpose of this study was to investigate changes that occur in pulmonary function when postur... more The purpose of this study was to investigate changes that occur in pulmonary function when postural changes in the sagittal plane are made in a seated position in students. This cross sectional analytical study was done randomly on 20 boys from Iran, and the results of a forced expiratory manouvre in these young healthy subjects were compared according to body posture. Twenty able-bodied students boys (age 13.5±1.09 yr, height 158.25±5.65 cm and weight, 50.45±7.02 kg), participated in this study. Standard spirometric measurements forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and peak expiratory flow(PEF) were taken for each subject in each of 3 sitting postures: (normal, slumped and kyphotic) and standing posture. A repeated measure ANOVA and a paired t test indicated that FVC and FEV1 value in standing posture was significantly higher than other sitting postures. In slumped sitting, FVC, FEV1 and PEF significantly decreased from other sitting posture. But there was no significant difference for FVC, PEF and FEV1 between the normal and kyphotic sitting postures. The results showed that FVC, FEV1 and PEF as importance index in health of pulmonary system function, was affected by sitting posture, particularly in slumped sitting posture. Also student should prevent slumped sitting posture.

Introduction: Intramuscular injection is an invasive and painful method for medication. Previous ... more Introduction: Intramuscular injection is an invasive and painful method for medication. Previous studies have indicated that local cold has ability to decrease pain via decreasing transmission and perception. The effect of local cold on severity of pain during benzathine penicillin intramuscular injection is not known. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of local cold on severity of pain during benzathine penicillin (1.200.000 UI) intramuscular injection.
Materials and methods: In this small prospective study, 60 patients were divided into case and control group using a randomized allocation sampling. In case group, local cold form (ice) was applied for 30 second before intramuscular injection; in control group routine intramuscular injection were performed. Data was collected using questionnaire and visual analog scale (VAS). Data were analyzed with T- test.
Results: The average intensity of pain for benzathine penicillin injection in local cold group was 4/47 +1/42 and in control group was 7/39 + 1/55 . Results showed that local cold significantly decreased the severity of pain due to intramuscular benzathine penicillin injection in local cold therapy group as compared with routine care group (p=0/000).
Conclusion: Local cold could play an important role in decreasing pain during intramuscular benzathine penicillin injection. Nurses are recommended to use local cold therapy to decrease pain intensity of benzathine penicillin intramuscular injection in patients. However, more studies are needed to determine the underlying mechanisms.
Congregate different racial and people immigration in cities in the additive recent century has c... more Congregate different racial and people immigration in cities in the additive recent century has caused the need for racial classification to identify genetic traits of each race.This article used support vector machine(SVM) to classify Fars race living in Mashhad and Shirvanian Kurmanj race. Face cephalic size is used as input parameters. For this purpose used the size of the 60 children of Kurmanj race and 49 children of Fars race in ages 11 to 14 years . achieve 97 percent accuracy in the validation and accuracy of test results sorting, demonstrates the success of this method for correct diagnosis racial.
Talks by Mahdi Esmailzadeh

BACKGROUND: Invasion causes cancer malignancy. This review recent data about cellular and molecul... more BACKGROUND: Invasion causes cancer malignancy. This review recent data about cellular and molecular mechanisms of invasion, focusing on cross-talk between the invaders and the host.
Cancer disturbs these cellular activities that maintain multicellular organisms, namely, growth, differentiation, apoptosis, and tissue integrity. Multiple alterations in the genome of cancer cells underlie tumor development. These genetic alterations occur in varying orders; many of them concomitantly influence invasion as well as the other cancer related cellular activities. Examples discussed are genes encoding elements of the cadherin/catenin complex, the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Src, the receptor tyrosine kinases c-Met and FGFR, the small GTPase Ras, and the dual phosphatase PTEN. In microorganisms, invasion genes belong to the class of virulence genes.
RESULTS: There are numerous clinical and experimental observations showing that invasion results from the cross-talk between cancer cells and host cells, comprising myofibroblasts, endothelial cells, and leukocytes, all of which are themselves invasive. In bone metastases, host osteoclasts serve as targets for therapy.
CONCLUSION: The molecular analysis of invasion-associated cellular activities, namely, homotypic and heterotypic cell-cell adhesion, cell-matrix interactions and ectopic survival, migration, and proteolysis, reveal branching signal transduction pathways with extensive networks between individual pathways. Cellular responses to invasion-stimulatory molecules such as scatter factor, chemokines, leptin, trefoil factors, and bile acids or inhibitory factors such as platelet activating factor and thrombin depend on activation of trimeric G proteins, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and the Rac and Rho family of small GTPases. The role of proteolysis in invasion is not limited to breakdown of extracellular matrix but also causes cleavage of proinvasive fragments from cell surface glycoproteins.

Background and Objectives:
This paper presents the results of a study performed in reproductive h... more Background and Objectives:
This paper presents the results of a study performed in reproductive health care services in health centers of Shirvan. The study analyzes the potential impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the delivery of reproductive health care services, and evaluates whether the perceived impact supports the acquisition of ICT services from a local micro-Telco. Micro-Telco is a local-based micro-telecommunications enterprise that will provide users with a basic service package that includes Internet access and voice communication services within the local network.
Methods and Materiales:
Twelve health establishments located in the districts under the coverage of the micro-Telco were selected. Of the twelve establishments, only ten were found open at the time of the visit. Due to the small number of health workers available at each health center, all of them were approached and asked to voluntarily participate in the study. A total of 15 surveys were personally administered by the author. A questionnaire was designed to identify the reproductive health information needs of health center workers and how ICT could help to satisfy those needs. The questionnaire included structured (multiple-option) and unstructured (open-ended) questions. Grounded theory approach was used to analyze the qualitative data. The data was small enough (15 surveys) to be coded and categorized manually. The analysis of questionnaire data was conducted using the MINITAB v14.2 statistical software application.
The results show that although health center workers believe that the use of ICTs would allow them to have better access to health information and therefore, improve the quality of the health care provided, they fail to see how ICTs could satisfy most urgent needs such as lack of qualified personnel and medical equipment. Furthermore, Current health care practices (domiciliary visits to patients) and alternative and cheaper communication means (public phones) also difficult the capture of these health center as clients of the micro-Telco. Based on those results, the authors suggests how ICTs could be afforded by the health facilities if they are incorporated into the health care practices and used to satisfy the aforementioned needs.
This study was undertaken to assess the current health information needs of health facilities in the area of reproductive health care; however, similar analyses can be conducted to assess more general health care needs. Regarding financial feasibility of ICTs, the potential increase in the productivity of the health posts could help to cover the expenses of acquiring such ICT services. Even if the health facilities were not able to afford the micro-Telco services by themselves, parallel health initiatives involving the use of ICT tools make seem imminent the acquisition of ICTs by the studied health facilities. Therefore, it will be important to keep in mind that current ways of conducting health care activities will have to change in order to better take advantage of the benefits of ICTs.
Papers by Mahdi Esmailzadeh
biological research. In vertebrates, foreign DNA is routinely introduced into the genome by microinjection into newly fertilized zygotes. . Necrosis virus-based SNTZ vector carrying the E.coli lacZ gene designed to express a nuclear-localized β-galactosidase was injected into the genome. In this study, performance of the SNTZ vector carrying the E. coli lacZ gene to express a nuclear-localized β-galactosidase was injected into the subgerminal cavity of embryos collected from newly laid eggs will be reviewed.
indicating the production of substantial levels of human monoclonal and single chain antibodies (O 3mg and O 150 mg, respectively) in eggs of transgenic hens. These promising findings indicate that the hen is close to becoming a competitive manufacturing platform for the production of human biopharmaceuticals. The most successful method of gene transfer in birds is to use PGC and retroviral vectors injected into the embryos following oviposition. The germline transmission rate of the founder birds is very low. Nevertheless, the transgenic lines demonstrate the stable integration and inheritance of the transgene to subsequent generations.
In this review, general avian reproduction and establishment of germ cells will be described for possible routes to gene transfer. Later, the current gene transfer methodologies will be
summarized with a focus on PGC gene transfer. Finally, the application of transgenics to poultry will be discussed.
we proposed a plan to conduct cancer treatment with using the suitable drug delivery system.
The produced toxin can be entrapped in collagen and released in specific tissue with collagenase activity. Therefore the toxins are released only in bone cancer cells. Nanoparticles of Cyanobacterial toxins with more suitable carriers are going to be discussed further on.
technology will be presented
almost all men carry two different sex chromosomes (XY) and women are XX. But there are some (extremely rare) exceptions to this rule. It is possible to have XX men, for example. This femaleto-male sex reversal almost always happens when a certain gene called SRY, usually carried on the Y chromosome, accidentally ends up on the X chromosome inherited from the father. Other genes have been found to muddle up sexual identity, making the resulting child neither fully male nor fully female. But in most cases of anatomically complete XX men — who have functional testes, but without a Y are infertile — SRY is involved. For this reason, it has long been called the gene that defines 'maleness'. But now researchers have found another gene that is equally important to the process. It seems that sex is determined in humans by a cascade of genes. At a crucial junction in this process lies a gene called SOX9, which in males is switched on by SRY,causing testis development. In females, the researchers now suggest, SOX9 might be typically
switched off by RSPO1, which, via other genes in the cascade, leads to the development of ovaries. In the brothers, it seems the mutated RSPO1 gene could not fulfil its switching-off role,
leaving SOX9 on and leading to male development.
known. The aim of this study was to evaluate if topical Tetracaine reduce the pain of IM DPT injection compared to placebo.
Materials and methods: In this RCT, 40 children were taken and divided into case and placebo group using a randomized Allocation sampling . In case group used from topical tetracaine gel %4, 30 second before DPT injection; in placebo group used from lubricant gel (placebo) before DPT injection. Data was collected using FLACC scale and were analyzed with wilcaxon signed rank test.
Results: Results showed that tetracaine could not significantly decreased the severity of pain due to DPT vaccine IM injection in case group as compared with placebo group (p>0/05).
Conclusion: Finding of this study indicated that topical tetracaine Application could not play an important role in decreasing of pain during DPT vaccine IM injection .Although it did lead to faster recovery time. However, more studies are needed to determine of effect of pain reduction
is less clear, and further studies in this area are needed .The aim of this study was to determined the effect of gender on the pain intensity.
Materials and Methods: In this RCT , 50 children 2-6month of age were taken (25 girls and 25 boys).In girls group and boys group DPT Vaccine via IM injection are Performed .Data
was collected using FLACC scale and were analyzed with wilcoxon signed rank test .
Results: Result showed that not significantly difference between severity of Pain due to DPT Vaccine IM injection in girls group as compared with boys group (P>0/5).
Conclusion: Finding of this study indicated that gender could not Play an Important role in severity of pain 2-6 age of month children.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a cranifacial growth model using anthropometry based on changes observed in the human face.
Materials and Methods: This cross sectional analytical study was conducted randomly on 45 pepole, with normal face patterns. Facial and cranial ratios were measured and compared. Data was analyzed by SPSS software. The regression line and the growth coefficient were determined for
each Parameter. Finally, the mean values of these parameters were determined. Facial growth pattern was drawn on the basis of on the growth parameters. A anthropometric ratios were obtained on the basis of facial landmark.
Results: This research presents cranifacial growth model for young faces (2-18-years-old) using anthropometry based on changes observed in the human face that can be used as a method for growth parameters calculation. This model can also predict tailored face changes with the lapse of time.
Conclusion: This model can be used for face recognition as well, on the other hand the results of this research can be used in medical professions such as maxillofacial surgery, growth and
development studies, plastic surgery, bioengineering and non-medical fields such as shoe-making and eye glasses industries.
and commentaries and from a lack of awareness of scientific knowledge. In the Holy Quran, God speaks about the stages of man's embryonic development. Modern embryology is a fairly recent development which has its beginning with the invention of microscope in the 17th century. However, the concept of
the human being developing in stages was not recognized until much later. But the scientists then and most Muslim and non-Muslim scholars do not even know that the Holy Quran and Sunnah [words, deeds, approvals of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) collected by authentic narrators] had provided a
detailed description of the significant events in human development from the stages of gametes and conception until the full term pregnancy and delivery or even post partum. Actually, information in the Quran and Hadith corrected many superstitious and vague ideas about human development that were prevalent before. This article highlights different stages of formation of the human embryo along with the description of every stage of the embryonic development as mentioned in the Quran.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine cranial & facial anthropometric Ratios and
assessment of cranial & facial development in Shirvanian kurmanj population
Materials and Methods: This cross sectional analytical study was conducted randomly on 137
boys from shirvan, with normal face patterns. Facial and cranial ratios was estimated and compared.
Data were analyzed by SPSS software. The regression line and the growth coefficient were
determined for each Parameter. Finally, the mean values of these parameters were determined.
Furthermore, the mean anthropometric measurement of Iranians was compared with Canadians.
Student-t test was used for comparing the measured values.
Results:Shirvanian kurmanj populations were have hypereuryprosopic Face and hypercephalic
Cranium form. While getting older, peoples midface height increases, face becomes more
prominent, chin becomes shorter and Face and Cranium change to Eurycephalic and
hyperleptoprosopic form respectively.
Conclusion: Approximately, all of the anthropometric measurements in Shirvanian kurmanj
population, Fars race (Resident in Mashhad) and Canadians were significantly different.
Considerable the differences in the facial and cranial anthropologic ratios and size among
Shirvanian kurmanj population, Fars race (Resident in Mashhad) and Canadians, the results
obtained from Canadian and Fars race, should not be applied as criteria for treatment plans. Due to
the wide racial combinations in Iran, studies, covering wider scope, should be conducted among
different Iranian races.
Materials and methods: In this small prospective study, 60 patients were divided into case and control group using a randomized allocation sampling. In case group, local cold form (ice) was applied for 30 second before intramuscular injection; in control group routine intramuscular injection were performed. Data was collected using questionnaire and visual analog scale (VAS). Data were analyzed with T- test.
Results: The average intensity of pain for benzathine penicillin injection in local cold group was 4/47 +1/42 and in control group was 7/39 + 1/55 . Results showed that local cold significantly decreased the severity of pain due to intramuscular benzathine penicillin injection in local cold therapy group as compared with routine care group (p=0/000).
Conclusion: Local cold could play an important role in decreasing pain during intramuscular benzathine penicillin injection. Nurses are recommended to use local cold therapy to decrease pain intensity of benzathine penicillin intramuscular injection in patients. However, more studies are needed to determine the underlying mechanisms.
Talks by Mahdi Esmailzadeh
Cancer disturbs these cellular activities that maintain multicellular organisms, namely, growth, differentiation, apoptosis, and tissue integrity. Multiple alterations in the genome of cancer cells underlie tumor development. These genetic alterations occur in varying orders; many of them concomitantly influence invasion as well as the other cancer related cellular activities. Examples discussed are genes encoding elements of the cadherin/catenin complex, the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Src, the receptor tyrosine kinases c-Met and FGFR, the small GTPase Ras, and the dual phosphatase PTEN. In microorganisms, invasion genes belong to the class of virulence genes.
RESULTS: There are numerous clinical and experimental observations showing that invasion results from the cross-talk between cancer cells and host cells, comprising myofibroblasts, endothelial cells, and leukocytes, all of which are themselves invasive. In bone metastases, host osteoclasts serve as targets for therapy.
CONCLUSION: The molecular analysis of invasion-associated cellular activities, namely, homotypic and heterotypic cell-cell adhesion, cell-matrix interactions and ectopic survival, migration, and proteolysis, reveal branching signal transduction pathways with extensive networks between individual pathways. Cellular responses to invasion-stimulatory molecules such as scatter factor, chemokines, leptin, trefoil factors, and bile acids or inhibitory factors such as platelet activating factor and thrombin depend on activation of trimeric G proteins, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and the Rac and Rho family of small GTPases. The role of proteolysis in invasion is not limited to breakdown of extracellular matrix but also causes cleavage of proinvasive fragments from cell surface glycoproteins.
This paper presents the results of a study performed in reproductive health care services in health centers of Shirvan. The study analyzes the potential impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the delivery of reproductive health care services, and evaluates whether the perceived impact supports the acquisition of ICT services from a local micro-Telco. Micro-Telco is a local-based micro-telecommunications enterprise that will provide users with a basic service package that includes Internet access and voice communication services within the local network.
Methods and Materiales:
Twelve health establishments located in the districts under the coverage of the micro-Telco were selected. Of the twelve establishments, only ten were found open at the time of the visit. Due to the small number of health workers available at each health center, all of them were approached and asked to voluntarily participate in the study. A total of 15 surveys were personally administered by the author. A questionnaire was designed to identify the reproductive health information needs of health center workers and how ICT could help to satisfy those needs. The questionnaire included structured (multiple-option) and unstructured (open-ended) questions. Grounded theory approach was used to analyze the qualitative data. The data was small enough (15 surveys) to be coded and categorized manually. The analysis of questionnaire data was conducted using the MINITAB v14.2 statistical software application.
The results show that although health center workers believe that the use of ICTs would allow them to have better access to health information and therefore, improve the quality of the health care provided, they fail to see how ICTs could satisfy most urgent needs such as lack of qualified personnel and medical equipment. Furthermore, Current health care practices (domiciliary visits to patients) and alternative and cheaper communication means (public phones) also difficult the capture of these health center as clients of the micro-Telco. Based on those results, the authors suggests how ICTs could be afforded by the health facilities if they are incorporated into the health care practices and used to satisfy the aforementioned needs.
This study was undertaken to assess the current health information needs of health facilities in the area of reproductive health care; however, similar analyses can be conducted to assess more general health care needs. Regarding financial feasibility of ICTs, the potential increase in the productivity of the health posts could help to cover the expenses of acquiring such ICT services. Even if the health facilities were not able to afford the micro-Telco services by themselves, parallel health initiatives involving the use of ICT tools make seem imminent the acquisition of ICTs by the studied health facilities. Therefore, it will be important to keep in mind that current ways of conducting health care activities will have to change in order to better take advantage of the benefits of ICTs.
biological research. In vertebrates, foreign DNA is routinely introduced into the genome by microinjection into newly fertilized zygotes. . Necrosis virus-based SNTZ vector carrying the E.coli lacZ gene designed to express a nuclear-localized β-galactosidase was injected into the genome. In this study, performance of the SNTZ vector carrying the E. coli lacZ gene to express a nuclear-localized β-galactosidase was injected into the subgerminal cavity of embryos collected from newly laid eggs will be reviewed.
indicating the production of substantial levels of human monoclonal and single chain antibodies (O 3mg and O 150 mg, respectively) in eggs of transgenic hens. These promising findings indicate that the hen is close to becoming a competitive manufacturing platform for the production of human biopharmaceuticals. The most successful method of gene transfer in birds is to use PGC and retroviral vectors injected into the embryos following oviposition. The germline transmission rate of the founder birds is very low. Nevertheless, the transgenic lines demonstrate the stable integration and inheritance of the transgene to subsequent generations.
In this review, general avian reproduction and establishment of germ cells will be described for possible routes to gene transfer. Later, the current gene transfer methodologies will be
summarized with a focus on PGC gene transfer. Finally, the application of transgenics to poultry will be discussed.
we proposed a plan to conduct cancer treatment with using the suitable drug delivery system.
The produced toxin can be entrapped in collagen and released in specific tissue with collagenase activity. Therefore the toxins are released only in bone cancer cells. Nanoparticles of Cyanobacterial toxins with more suitable carriers are going to be discussed further on.
technology will be presented
almost all men carry two different sex chromosomes (XY) and women are XX. But there are some (extremely rare) exceptions to this rule. It is possible to have XX men, for example. This femaleto-male sex reversal almost always happens when a certain gene called SRY, usually carried on the Y chromosome, accidentally ends up on the X chromosome inherited from the father. Other genes have been found to muddle up sexual identity, making the resulting child neither fully male nor fully female. But in most cases of anatomically complete XX men — who have functional testes, but without a Y are infertile — SRY is involved. For this reason, it has long been called the gene that defines 'maleness'. But now researchers have found another gene that is equally important to the process. It seems that sex is determined in humans by a cascade of genes. At a crucial junction in this process lies a gene called SOX9, which in males is switched on by SRY,causing testis development. In females, the researchers now suggest, SOX9 might be typically
switched off by RSPO1, which, via other genes in the cascade, leads to the development of ovaries. In the brothers, it seems the mutated RSPO1 gene could not fulfil its switching-off role,
leaving SOX9 on and leading to male development.
known. The aim of this study was to evaluate if topical Tetracaine reduce the pain of IM DPT injection compared to placebo.
Materials and methods: In this RCT, 40 children were taken and divided into case and placebo group using a randomized Allocation sampling . In case group used from topical tetracaine gel %4, 30 second before DPT injection; in placebo group used from lubricant gel (placebo) before DPT injection. Data was collected using FLACC scale and were analyzed with wilcaxon signed rank test.
Results: Results showed that tetracaine could not significantly decreased the severity of pain due to DPT vaccine IM injection in case group as compared with placebo group (p>0/05).
Conclusion: Finding of this study indicated that topical tetracaine Application could not play an important role in decreasing of pain during DPT vaccine IM injection .Although it did lead to faster recovery time. However, more studies are needed to determine of effect of pain reduction
is less clear, and further studies in this area are needed .The aim of this study was to determined the effect of gender on the pain intensity.
Materials and Methods: In this RCT , 50 children 2-6month of age were taken (25 girls and 25 boys).In girls group and boys group DPT Vaccine via IM injection are Performed .Data
was collected using FLACC scale and were analyzed with wilcoxon signed rank test .
Results: Result showed that not significantly difference between severity of Pain due to DPT Vaccine IM injection in girls group as compared with boys group (P>0/5).
Conclusion: Finding of this study indicated that gender could not Play an Important role in severity of pain 2-6 age of month children.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a cranifacial growth model using anthropometry based on changes observed in the human face.
Materials and Methods: This cross sectional analytical study was conducted randomly on 45 pepole, with normal face patterns. Facial and cranial ratios were measured and compared. Data was analyzed by SPSS software. The regression line and the growth coefficient were determined for
each Parameter. Finally, the mean values of these parameters were determined. Facial growth pattern was drawn on the basis of on the growth parameters. A anthropometric ratios were obtained on the basis of facial landmark.
Results: This research presents cranifacial growth model for young faces (2-18-years-old) using anthropometry based on changes observed in the human face that can be used as a method for growth parameters calculation. This model can also predict tailored face changes with the lapse of time.
Conclusion: This model can be used for face recognition as well, on the other hand the results of this research can be used in medical professions such as maxillofacial surgery, growth and
development studies, plastic surgery, bioengineering and non-medical fields such as shoe-making and eye glasses industries.
and commentaries and from a lack of awareness of scientific knowledge. In the Holy Quran, God speaks about the stages of man's embryonic development. Modern embryology is a fairly recent development which has its beginning with the invention of microscope in the 17th century. However, the concept of
the human being developing in stages was not recognized until much later. But the scientists then and most Muslim and non-Muslim scholars do not even know that the Holy Quran and Sunnah [words, deeds, approvals of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) collected by authentic narrators] had provided a
detailed description of the significant events in human development from the stages of gametes and conception until the full term pregnancy and delivery or even post partum. Actually, information in the Quran and Hadith corrected many superstitious and vague ideas about human development that were prevalent before. This article highlights different stages of formation of the human embryo along with the description of every stage of the embryonic development as mentioned in the Quran.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine cranial & facial anthropometric Ratios and
assessment of cranial & facial development in Shirvanian kurmanj population
Materials and Methods: This cross sectional analytical study was conducted randomly on 137
boys from shirvan, with normal face patterns. Facial and cranial ratios was estimated and compared.
Data were analyzed by SPSS software. The regression line and the growth coefficient were
determined for each Parameter. Finally, the mean values of these parameters were determined.
Furthermore, the mean anthropometric measurement of Iranians was compared with Canadians.
Student-t test was used for comparing the measured values.
Results:Shirvanian kurmanj populations were have hypereuryprosopic Face and hypercephalic
Cranium form. While getting older, peoples midface height increases, face becomes more
prominent, chin becomes shorter and Face and Cranium change to Eurycephalic and
hyperleptoprosopic form respectively.
Conclusion: Approximately, all of the anthropometric measurements in Shirvanian kurmanj
population, Fars race (Resident in Mashhad) and Canadians were significantly different.
Considerable the differences in the facial and cranial anthropologic ratios and size among
Shirvanian kurmanj population, Fars race (Resident in Mashhad) and Canadians, the results
obtained from Canadian and Fars race, should not be applied as criteria for treatment plans. Due to
the wide racial combinations in Iran, studies, covering wider scope, should be conducted among
different Iranian races.
Materials and methods: In this small prospective study, 60 patients were divided into case and control group using a randomized allocation sampling. In case group, local cold form (ice) was applied for 30 second before intramuscular injection; in control group routine intramuscular injection were performed. Data was collected using questionnaire and visual analog scale (VAS). Data were analyzed with T- test.
Results: The average intensity of pain for benzathine penicillin injection in local cold group was 4/47 +1/42 and in control group was 7/39 + 1/55 . Results showed that local cold significantly decreased the severity of pain due to intramuscular benzathine penicillin injection in local cold therapy group as compared with routine care group (p=0/000).
Conclusion: Local cold could play an important role in decreasing pain during intramuscular benzathine penicillin injection. Nurses are recommended to use local cold therapy to decrease pain intensity of benzathine penicillin intramuscular injection in patients. However, more studies are needed to determine the underlying mechanisms.
Cancer disturbs these cellular activities that maintain multicellular organisms, namely, growth, differentiation, apoptosis, and tissue integrity. Multiple alterations in the genome of cancer cells underlie tumor development. These genetic alterations occur in varying orders; many of them concomitantly influence invasion as well as the other cancer related cellular activities. Examples discussed are genes encoding elements of the cadherin/catenin complex, the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Src, the receptor tyrosine kinases c-Met and FGFR, the small GTPase Ras, and the dual phosphatase PTEN. In microorganisms, invasion genes belong to the class of virulence genes.
RESULTS: There are numerous clinical and experimental observations showing that invasion results from the cross-talk between cancer cells and host cells, comprising myofibroblasts, endothelial cells, and leukocytes, all of which are themselves invasive. In bone metastases, host osteoclasts serve as targets for therapy.
CONCLUSION: The molecular analysis of invasion-associated cellular activities, namely, homotypic and heterotypic cell-cell adhesion, cell-matrix interactions and ectopic survival, migration, and proteolysis, reveal branching signal transduction pathways with extensive networks between individual pathways. Cellular responses to invasion-stimulatory molecules such as scatter factor, chemokines, leptin, trefoil factors, and bile acids or inhibitory factors such as platelet activating factor and thrombin depend on activation of trimeric G proteins, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and the Rac and Rho family of small GTPases. The role of proteolysis in invasion is not limited to breakdown of extracellular matrix but also causes cleavage of proinvasive fragments from cell surface glycoproteins.
This paper presents the results of a study performed in reproductive health care services in health centers of Shirvan. The study analyzes the potential impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the delivery of reproductive health care services, and evaluates whether the perceived impact supports the acquisition of ICT services from a local micro-Telco. Micro-Telco is a local-based micro-telecommunications enterprise that will provide users with a basic service package that includes Internet access and voice communication services within the local network.
Methods and Materiales:
Twelve health establishments located in the districts under the coverage of the micro-Telco were selected. Of the twelve establishments, only ten were found open at the time of the visit. Due to the small number of health workers available at each health center, all of them were approached and asked to voluntarily participate in the study. A total of 15 surveys were personally administered by the author. A questionnaire was designed to identify the reproductive health information needs of health center workers and how ICT could help to satisfy those needs. The questionnaire included structured (multiple-option) and unstructured (open-ended) questions. Grounded theory approach was used to analyze the qualitative data. The data was small enough (15 surveys) to be coded and categorized manually. The analysis of questionnaire data was conducted using the MINITAB v14.2 statistical software application.
The results show that although health center workers believe that the use of ICTs would allow them to have better access to health information and therefore, improve the quality of the health care provided, they fail to see how ICTs could satisfy most urgent needs such as lack of qualified personnel and medical equipment. Furthermore, Current health care practices (domiciliary visits to patients) and alternative and cheaper communication means (public phones) also difficult the capture of these health center as clients of the micro-Telco. Based on those results, the authors suggests how ICTs could be afforded by the health facilities if they are incorporated into the health care practices and used to satisfy the aforementioned needs.
This study was undertaken to assess the current health information needs of health facilities in the area of reproductive health care; however, similar analyses can be conducted to assess more general health care needs. Regarding financial feasibility of ICTs, the potential increase in the productivity of the health posts could help to cover the expenses of acquiring such ICT services. Even if the health facilities were not able to afford the micro-Telco services by themselves, parallel health initiatives involving the use of ICT tools make seem imminent the acquisition of ICTs by the studied health facilities. Therefore, it will be important to keep in mind that current ways of conducting health care activities will have to change in order to better take advantage of the benefits of ICTs.