IAmAbercrombieX is a semi-rating community; based upon looks, personality, lifestyle and a love for all things Abercrombie & Fitch. To join, please read the rules and join the community to post an application. Thank You.
o1. Must be 14 years old to apply. o2. Complete every question fully. o3. Save the drama for yo mama. o4. Change the lj-cut to whatever your little heart desires. o5. Make the subject say 'New//Application' o6. Don't reply to every vote, it makes counting up the votes hard and is annoying. Comment if you have something interesting to say of if it is a 'Sway' o7. Never disrespect the members or mods, remember you applied to be judged. Disrespecting a mod, co-mod or member will earn an automatic rejection. o8. Don't comment or post anything until you've been stamped. o9. There are 2 applications to choose from. The first will judge you based on 60% looks and 40% personality, while the short application will judge you based on 80% looks and 20% personality. 1o. You have 48 hours to post an application after you have joined the community. 11. If you can't handle the heat, don't go in the kitchen. If you are rejected, you may re-apply in 2 weeks
o1. MAKE ALL POSTS FRIENDS ONLY! o2. Stay active. o3. Put stamped // (whatever you're posting) as the subject. Remember to include the amount of points. o4. Put a yes or no as the subject line when voting. This makes counting votes easier. o5. Give a reason for why you voted yes or no. Nobody likes to be told no, and have no reason why. o6. Be completely honest. Remember, applicants have come here to be judged. If you think they should have a no, say so. o7. Do not promote here.
♥♥♥Point System
When you make an entry, post the amount of points you will gain. For example, your subject line should look like this: Stamped//Text Only Post +5 Points Text Only Post: 5 Points Picture Post: 10 Points Games: 15 Points Themes: 15 points for text themes, 25 for point themes. Superlatives: 10 points to participate, Auto Accept/Reject to each winner. Contests: Caption Contest; +5 points. Coloring Contest; +10 points.
When a member reaches 200 points, they can cash them in for either an Auto-Accept or Auto-Reject. Auto Accepts/Rejects do not expire and a memeber may have more then one at any time.
Auto-Accepts/Rejects Currently out: 1. Tony - tony as of: 3/26/06 2. Allison - ___thank_you as of: 4/10/06
Themes will change on the 10th of every month. All submissions must be in by the 9th at midnight, of every month. Submissions must be posted in the screened comments entry, if they are not in that entry no credit will be given. (Click the above link and post there)
April Picture Theme: If you had a million dollars to spend on clothing/makeup/electronics/shoes/purses (of any kind) what would you buy? Where would you buy it from? Would you buy anything for your friends or family? You can get pictures from online, if needed.
April Text Theme: Pick one of the two choices. o1. Tell us about your first kiss, or first date. If neither have happened, how about what you would like those to be like?
o2. Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world on vacation? Who would you take with you, and why are you going there?
o1. A new picture will be posted once each month on the tenth. You will have until the 9th of the next month, at midnight to post your caption submission. Submissions will be judged on the tenth of each month, when the next picture will be posted. Submissions must be posted in the screened comments entry, if they are not in that entry no credit will be given. (Click the above link and post there) o2. Members will think of a funny caption that they think fits the picture. o3. The winner will be displayed on the winner's page. (Under Construction) o4. All comments will be screened.
Coloring Contest o1. A new blank picture to be colored will be posted once each month on the tenth. You will have until the 9th of the next month, at midnight to post your caption submission. Submissions will be judged on the tenth of each month, when the next picture will be posted. Submissions must be posted in the screened comments entry, if they are not in that entry no credit will be given. (Click the above link and post there) o2. Members will color it in, either on the computer or by hand and scan it/take a 'good' picture of it. o3. The winner will be displayed on the winner's page. (Under Construction) o4. All comments will be screened.
o1. There will be two kinds of Scavenger Hunts; Internet and Live. There will be one scavenger hunt per month, always posted on the tenth. You will have until midnight on the 9th of the next month to make your submission. Submissions must be posted in the screened comments entry, if they are not in that entry no credit will be given. (Click the above link and post there) o2. Scavenger Hunts will be posted on the sidebar of the layout. o3. The winner will be displayed on the winner's page. (Under Construction)