The study in this paper is based on the fact that we have entered the era of disruption with the ... more The study in this paper is based on the fact that we have entered the era of disruption with the phenomenon of the industrial revolution 4.0, where Islamic banks become one of the institutions and industry players that must respond to this in its operations. The positive response that needs to be shown is to conduct risk management financing 4.0 with synergy between system dynamism and regulatory solidity responding to the industrial revolution 4.0. The research in this paper is qualitative research with a type of normative legal research using a conceptual approach. The results of the discussion showed that efforts to realize financing risk management 4.0 by dynamic a civilized system with the cyber era, big data and internet of things both in risk management at the screening, monitoring and non performing financing handling such as credit scoring implementation. A dynamic system needs to also be supported by juridical aspects in order to provide legal power with the realization of regulatory solidity with the presence of regulations that represent legal progressivity that should be the responsibility of OJK through the formulation of POJK in synergy with DSN-MUI through its fatwa legitimized by law.
The act of Management of Zakat (Act No. 23/2011 or UUPZ) contains the criminal provisions are aim... more The act of Management of Zakat (Act No. 23/2011 or UUPZ) contains the criminal provisions are aimed to : l. Manager of zakat (amil) who trespass (having, pledge, grant , sell, and / or transfer) zakat, donation, charity, and/or other religious social fund (Article 37 and Article 40 UUPZ), or not distribute zakat deliberately to some people who are entitled (mustahiq) to zakat (Article j9 and Article 25 UUPZ), will be threated of confinemenl and/or emercement, 2. Any person who intentionally act as amil zakat without permission of the competent aulhorities (Article 38 and Article 41 UUPZ) will be threated of imprisonment and/or emercement. The purpose of punishment is to create and improve legal compliance , sense of responsibility, and professionality of amil which should be viewed positively for the achievement of public welfare. Formulation and qualification of penal provisions in UUPZ have been harmonized with the general provisions of the Criminal Code and Law (KUHP) and The Act of the establishment of legislotion (Act No. I 0/2004 as amended become ActNo. l2/2011). Kqtword: Criminal Law and Management of Zakat 51 ABSTRAK UU Nomor 23 Tahun 2011 tentang Pengelolaan Zdkat (UUPZ) memuat ketentuan pidana yang ditujukan kepada: 1. Pengelola (amil) yang menyalahgunakan (memiliki, menj aminkan, menghibahkan, menjual, dan/atau mengal ihkan) harta zakat, infak, sedekah, dan/atau dana sosial keagamaan lainnya (Pasal j7 junto Pasal 40 UUPZ), atau sengaja tidak mendistribusikan zakat kepada mustahiq (Pasal j9 iunto Pasal 25 UUPZ) dengan ancaman pidana penjara dan/atau denda, 2. Setiap orang yang sengaja bertindak selaku amil zakat tanpa izin pejabat yang berwenang (Pasal jSjunto Pasal 41 UUPZ) dengan ancaman pidana kurungan dan/atau denda. Tujuan pemidanaan ini adalah untuk menciptakan dan meningkatkan ketaatan hukum, rasa tanggung jawab, dan profesionalitas pengelola zakat (amil) yang harus dipandang secma positif demi tercdpainya kesejahteraan masyarakat. Rumusan dan kualfikasi ketentuan pidana dalam UUPZ telah diselaraskan dengan ketentuan umum KUHP dan (J(J Nomor l0 Tahun 2004 tentang Pembentukon Peraturan Perundang-undangan sebagaimana telah diubah menjadi UU Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 tentang Pembentukan P er atur an P e rundang-undangan.
Kompetisi bisnis adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam perekonomtan nasional dalam rangka mendor... more Kompetisi bisnis adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam perekonomtan nasional dalam rangka mendorong krestioitas, inooasi, produkti)itas dan {ektiaitas pelaku usaha. l)ndang-Undang Nomor 5/L999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan llsaha Tidak Sehat ditlirikan dalam rangka untuk meflgatur dalam rangka menciptakan persaingan yang sehat dan anti-monopoli dalam bisnis. Tujuan ini perlu didukung oleh sinergi antata seTnua komponen hukum bisnis yang berkaitan dmgan itu yang merupakan salah satu Peraturan Presiden Nomor 5412010 tentang Pengadaan Barang I lasa (Perpres 54/2070). Perpres 54/20L0 mencakup aspek hukum persaingan usaha yang terdiri d.ari: prinsip-prinsip ttansparan, keterbukaan dan kompetitif. Ketiga prinsip ditransformasi dan diterapkan di beberapa butir artikel tentang proses pangadaan dan pemantauan di Perpres 54/2010 untuk menciptakan p*saingan yang adil.
Assalamu'alaikum W r.W b Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberi rahmat... more Assalamu'alaikum W r.W b Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberi rahmat, hidayah, kekuatan, kesehatan, dan kemudahan kepada penulis sehingga penyusunan buku Sistem Jaminan Produk Halal: Sertifikasi Halal dan Peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam Melindungi UMKM di Kalimantan Tengah ini dapat terselesaikan. Buku ini awalnya merupakan hasil penelitian kelompok penulis atas bantuan dana DIPA IAIN Palangkaraya tahun 2020. Kajian ini berawal dari adanya ketentuan kewajiban sertifikasi halal bagi semua pelaku usaha termasuk UMKM yang notabene terbatas modal dan keuangannya untuk mengurus sertifikasi halal dengan biaya yang tidak sedikit, disamping masih banyak UMKM yang belum tersentuh literasi tentang pentingnya sertifikasi halal. Pemerintah Daerah punya kewajiban untuk membina, mengembangkan dan memajukan UMKM salah satunya dengan basis sertifikasi halal, tak terkecuali di Kalimantan Tengah. Untuk itu buku ini disamping membantu masyarakat khususnya pelaku usaha skala mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) yang ingin mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai sistem jaminan produk halal, khususnya terkait prosedur sertifikasi halal melalui LPPOM MUI dan PBJPH (sebelum dan sejak berlakunya UU Nomor 33 Tahun 2014 tentang Sistem Jaminan Halal), dapat pula dijadikan bahan kajian dan evaluasi setelah menakar peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam hal ini di Kalimantan Tengah sebagai wujud perlindungan hukum dalam Sistem Jaminan Halal produk pangan UMKM. Sejauh pengetahuan penulis kajian ini tergolong baru sehingga dari vi aspek normative terdapat keterbatasan bahan referensi, karenanya lebih ditekankan pada sajian empirik. Akhirnya penulis tidak lupa mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang kontributif dalam memberikan dana yakni Rektor dan LP2M IAIN Palangkaraya, para subjek penelitian yang meluangkan waktu memberikan data empiris, dan spirit dari keluarga penulis hingga buku ini terbit. Mengingat ketidaksempurnaan buku ini, penulis juga akan berterima kasih atas berbagai masukan dan kritikan demi kesempurnaan buku ini di masa mendatang. W assalamu'alaikum W r.W b.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkomparasikan konstruksi hukum dan mekanisme penyelesaian sengk... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkomparasikan konstruksi hukum dan mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa perbankan Islam di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Penelitian yuridis normatif ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis, pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan komparatif dengan teknis analisis kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil yang dapat disaj ikan yakni: L Konstruksi hukum perbankan Islam dan mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa di Malaysia dan Indonesia dipengaruhi latar historis dan sistem hukum yang berbeda. Di Indonesia Pengahran hukum Perbankan Syariah bersifat regulatif sekaligus substantif, berbeda dengan di Malaysia bersifat regulatori sementara dalam hal yang bersifat substanstif menggunakan landasan hukum umum yang telah berlaku secara terpisah. Model regulasi sama terdiri atas sumber hukum materiil dan formil, Malaysia memiliki hukum materiil penunjang ABI 1983 dan IFSA 2013 berupa akla Gru), di Indonesia Hukum materiil tambahan UU Perbankan Syariah masih bersifat aturan turunan...
The phenomenon of highly consuming society especially children towards street food or snacks. str... more The phenomenon of highly consuming society especially children towards street food or snacks. street food is a kind of food which is sold at five-foot stalls, roadsides, stations, schools, markets, housings and other locations. Consumers are highly need a delicious, healthy and interesting snacks triggers the society to be creative and keep creating delicious, healthy and interesting snacks. On the other hand, as we know that there are still a lot of food in the markets and schools containing dangerous chemical compounds, prohibited substances by religion and is not allowed to be comsumed. Those dangerous substances can be in the form of formalin, borax, textile dyes, like rodamine and yellow methanyl, illegal drugs and other addictive substances. Those substances are now available at the markets and can easily be obtained. It makes the producers tempted to use those ingredients and mix them with their products. The effects of those ingredients is not only dangerous for human body p...
This research is motivated by the buying and selling of Instagram followers who trade accounts wi... more This research is motivated by the buying and selling of Instagram followers who trade accounts without the knowledge and permission of the account owner. Followers of sellers only use a piece of software to make additions, then the Instagram account will automatically add to the Instagram buyer followers account, raising questions about the legal protection of account owners who are traded without permission. This study aims to analyze the legal protection of followers buying and selling transactions. This research uses the documentation method. The results of this study indicate that in the transaction the object being traded is an Instagram account belonging to someone else and without the knowledge of the account owner. If it is examined using repressive legal protection theory, Instagram follower sellers have violated the provisions of article 32 paragraph (1) and (2) so that according to the article, seller followers can be prosecuted by article 48 paragraph (1) and (2) ITE Law...
Manajemen risiko pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah sejauh ini masih menerapkan kebijakan BI dan OJK y... more Manajemen risiko pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah sejauh ini masih menerapkan kebijakan BI dan OJK yang sebelumnya berlaku sama pada lembaga keuangan konvensional. Kesempurnaan tegaknya prinsip-prinsip syariah pada lembaga pembiayaan syariah tidak cukup hanya pada aspek mekanisme transaksional, perlu didukung dengan sistem manajemen risiko yang berbasis syariah. Fokus penelitian ini meliputi karakteristik pembiayaan syariah, aspek yuridis dalam prinsip kehatihatian, dan tinjauan mashlahah terhadap urgensi manajemen risiko berbasis syariah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan maslahat dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dinamis perlu pula didukung aspek yuridis agar memberikan kekuatan hukum dengan terwujudnya soliditas regulasi. Dalam tataran regulasi ini pula, selain aturan yang dikeluarkan OJK, fatwa DSN
Halal certification for products is the obligation of all business actors (Article 4 UUJPH). MSME... more Halal certification for products is the obligation of all business actors (Article 4 UUJPH). MSMEs also need to enjoy the facility of halal certification from local governments, but the number of halal-certified UMKM products in Central Kalimantan tends to be low. This research raises two problems, first, how to facilitate the implementation of halal certification for UMKM products in Central Kalimantan. Second, what is the role of the Central Kalimantan regional government in providing legal protection to MSMEs by facilitating halal certification of food products. This is an empirical or socio-legal legal research that uses primary data and secondary data. The results of this study concluded: 1. The facilitation of halal certification for UMKM products in Central Kalimantan was carried out in the form of, first, socialization and training of MSMEs regarding non-formal halal certification; Second, the budget policy for the cost of halal certification for new MSME entrepreneurs 2018-...
Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, 2021
Hadith as the second source of Islamic law, becomes a mandatory content in the fatwa DSN MUI incl... more Hadith as the second source of Islamic law, becomes a mandatory content in the fatwa DSN MUI included in the formulation of fatwa Ijarah, IMBT and IMFZ. This paper will attempt to analyze the islamic economic hadith that is the content of legal considerations in fatwas on ijarah, IMBT and IMFZ. The research method applied in this paper is research that explores qualitative data with the type of literature research. The focus of the study in this study is the islamic economic hadiths contained in the DSN-MUI fatwa on ijarah, IMBT and IMFZ. The results of the study showed that the DSN-MUI Fatwa on Ijarah, Ijarah Muntahiyah Bittamlik and ijarah Maushufah fi Dzimmah has accommodated sharia economic hadiths that are the legal basis related to the legality of ijarah, IMBT and IMFZ, so that the hadiths have relevance to the object of fatwa studies. There are hadiths that correlate explicitly with the object of fatwa studies and some are implicitly correlated.
Media Syari'ah : Wahana Kajian Hukum Islam dan Pranata Sosial, 2021
This paper aims to examine the construction of ijma in the study of Islamic law through sociologi... more This paper aims to examine the construction of ijma in the study of Islamic law through sociological and historical approaches. The research methods applied in this paper are research that explore qualitative data through literature studies. In legal research methods, this research is categorized as normative legal research with a conceptual approach. The concept of ijma becomes the object of study in this paper. Furthermore, the concept of ijma is examined with socio-historical analysis. The results of the discussion show that the difference in views on the concept of ijma as the basis of Islamic law that must be obeyed was influenced by normative arguments (propositions of the Qur'an and sunnah), which are references and different interpretations of legal propositions held as a basis of opinion. The difference in looking at the concept of ijma that can be used as a syar'iyyah (legal) argument also begins from the difference in setting the standard of definition and criteria (principles and conditions) of the ijmak itself and considering the capacity of the ijma in the sense an opinion of "all" or "the majority" of the scholars. In addition, the development of conceptions and laws about ijma is inseparable from the social setting in each period.
This study aims to determine the position and authority of Sultan Adam al-Watsiq Billah (1826-185... more This study aims to determine the position and authority of Sultan Adam al-Watsiq Billah (1826-1857) in the formation of the Law of Sultan Adam 1835 and to describe the political aspects of law in the formation of the Law of Sultan Adam 1835. The method used is normative legal research with statutory, political, and socio-historical approaches. The results are first, Sultan Adam has authority as King and a religious leader in establishing Islamic law as the positive law of the Banjar kingdom in Sultan adam law. Second, the legal-political aspect in Sultan Adam Law is found in the purpose of its formation as stated in the preamble of the sultan adam law Martapura version. They were named, perfecting religion and i'tikad; maintaining the harmony of the unity, and guidelines for judges in deciding a case during their reign so that the people become good. As King and qadhi (judge), Sultan Adam used the religious and political approach through Sultan Adam Law when his political power weakened under Dutch rule. He has successfully applied it to the character of the Banjar Society, which is thick with Islamic (tradition), which is more obedient to religious leaders than rulers. The Banjar people still apply some of the Sultan Adam Law provisions to this day.
The main objective of this legal research is to compare the legal construction and the use of “ra... more The main objective of this legal research is to compare the legal construction and the use of “rahn tasjily” mechanism in the Sharia bank financing between Indonesia and Malaysia through law, concept, and history approaches. The data were analyzed qualitatively by systematic interpretation and historical interpretation. The results are: 1) Both countries do not have a strong regulation in Sharia guarantees, thus the law construction is implemented by harmonization and integration between Sharia principles and conventional regulations (civil). The differences are in the concept, the division of rahn, and the law substance in the Sharia banking complement regulation. 2) The mechanism is also different, where in Indonesia the guarantee should be bound by an authentic certificate (notary) and registered in the authority institutions in order that Sharia bank (murtahin) obtains a strong law protection beside an insurance. While in Malaysia, the use of collateral is only included in the f...
Patent law serves as an innovative research stimulant, provides exclusive legal protection for in... more Patent law serves as an innovative research stimulant, provides exclusive legal protection for inventors and encourages the use of science and technology in order to support the transformation of the national growth into International competitive one. It is relevant to the cosmopolitan Islamic concept. However, data shows there is only one patent right (until 2018) of Islamic universities in Indonesia. This social legal studies used the statute and historical approach explores the obstacles in the development of patent-based research results at Islamic Universities in Central Kalimantan. Internal constraints are: knowledge and understanding of patents are limited; pragmatism in research purposes; projections of research output are not systematic and unclear; and budgeting is not right. An external obstacles are no socialization of patent-based research rules; policies in the field of research have not been specifically oriented towards output patents; there has been no measurement...
The study in this paper is based on the fact that we have entered the era of disruption with the ... more The study in this paper is based on the fact that we have entered the era of disruption with the phenomenon of the industrial revolution 4.0, where Islamic banks become one of the institutions and industry players that must respond to this in its operations. The positive response that needs to be shown is to conduct risk management financing 4.0 with synergy between system dynamism and regulatory solidity responding to the industrial revolution 4.0. The research in this paper is qualitative research with a type of normative legal research using a conceptual approach. The results of the discussion showed that efforts to realize financing risk management 4.0 by dynamic a civilized system with the cyber era, big data and internet of things both in risk management at the screening, monitoring and non performing financing handling such as credit scoring implementation. A dynamic system needs to also be supported by juridical aspects in order to provide legal power with the realization of regulatory solidity with the presence of regulations that represent legal progressivity that should be the responsibility of OJK through the formulation of POJK in synergy with DSN-MUI through its fatwa legitimized by law.
The act of Management of Zakat (Act No. 23/2011 or UUPZ) contains the criminal provisions are aim... more The act of Management of Zakat (Act No. 23/2011 or UUPZ) contains the criminal provisions are aimed to : l. Manager of zakat (amil) who trespass (having, pledge, grant , sell, and / or transfer) zakat, donation, charity, and/or other religious social fund (Article 37 and Article 40 UUPZ), or not distribute zakat deliberately to some people who are entitled (mustahiq) to zakat (Article j9 and Article 25 UUPZ), will be threated of confinemenl and/or emercement, 2. Any person who intentionally act as amil zakat without permission of the competent aulhorities (Article 38 and Article 41 UUPZ) will be threated of imprisonment and/or emercement. The purpose of punishment is to create and improve legal compliance , sense of responsibility, and professionality of amil which should be viewed positively for the achievement of public welfare. Formulation and qualification of penal provisions in UUPZ have been harmonized with the general provisions of the Criminal Code and Law (KUHP) and The Act of the establishment of legislotion (Act No. I 0/2004 as amended become ActNo. l2/2011). Kqtword: Criminal Law and Management of Zakat 51 ABSTRAK UU Nomor 23 Tahun 2011 tentang Pengelolaan Zdkat (UUPZ) memuat ketentuan pidana yang ditujukan kepada: 1. Pengelola (amil) yang menyalahgunakan (memiliki, menj aminkan, menghibahkan, menjual, dan/atau mengal ihkan) harta zakat, infak, sedekah, dan/atau dana sosial keagamaan lainnya (Pasal j7 junto Pasal 40 UUPZ), atau sengaja tidak mendistribusikan zakat kepada mustahiq (Pasal j9 iunto Pasal 25 UUPZ) dengan ancaman pidana penjara dan/atau denda, 2. Setiap orang yang sengaja bertindak selaku amil zakat tanpa izin pejabat yang berwenang (Pasal jSjunto Pasal 41 UUPZ) dengan ancaman pidana kurungan dan/atau denda. Tujuan pemidanaan ini adalah untuk menciptakan dan meningkatkan ketaatan hukum, rasa tanggung jawab, dan profesionalitas pengelola zakat (amil) yang harus dipandang secma positif demi tercdpainya kesejahteraan masyarakat. Rumusan dan kualfikasi ketentuan pidana dalam UUPZ telah diselaraskan dengan ketentuan umum KUHP dan (J(J Nomor l0 Tahun 2004 tentang Pembentukon Peraturan Perundang-undangan sebagaimana telah diubah menjadi UU Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 tentang Pembentukan P er atur an P e rundang-undangan.
Kompetisi bisnis adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam perekonomtan nasional dalam rangka mendor... more Kompetisi bisnis adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam perekonomtan nasional dalam rangka mendorong krestioitas, inooasi, produkti)itas dan {ektiaitas pelaku usaha. l)ndang-Undang Nomor 5/L999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan llsaha Tidak Sehat ditlirikan dalam rangka untuk meflgatur dalam rangka menciptakan persaingan yang sehat dan anti-monopoli dalam bisnis. Tujuan ini perlu didukung oleh sinergi antata seTnua komponen hukum bisnis yang berkaitan dmgan itu yang merupakan salah satu Peraturan Presiden Nomor 5412010 tentang Pengadaan Barang I lasa (Perpres 54/2070). Perpres 54/20L0 mencakup aspek hukum persaingan usaha yang terdiri d.ari: prinsip-prinsip ttansparan, keterbukaan dan kompetitif. Ketiga prinsip ditransformasi dan diterapkan di beberapa butir artikel tentang proses pangadaan dan pemantauan di Perpres 54/2010 untuk menciptakan p*saingan yang adil.
Assalamu'alaikum W r.W b Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberi rahmat... more Assalamu'alaikum W r.W b Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberi rahmat, hidayah, kekuatan, kesehatan, dan kemudahan kepada penulis sehingga penyusunan buku Sistem Jaminan Produk Halal: Sertifikasi Halal dan Peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam Melindungi UMKM di Kalimantan Tengah ini dapat terselesaikan. Buku ini awalnya merupakan hasil penelitian kelompok penulis atas bantuan dana DIPA IAIN Palangkaraya tahun 2020. Kajian ini berawal dari adanya ketentuan kewajiban sertifikasi halal bagi semua pelaku usaha termasuk UMKM yang notabene terbatas modal dan keuangannya untuk mengurus sertifikasi halal dengan biaya yang tidak sedikit, disamping masih banyak UMKM yang belum tersentuh literasi tentang pentingnya sertifikasi halal. Pemerintah Daerah punya kewajiban untuk membina, mengembangkan dan memajukan UMKM salah satunya dengan basis sertifikasi halal, tak terkecuali di Kalimantan Tengah. Untuk itu buku ini disamping membantu masyarakat khususnya pelaku usaha skala mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) yang ingin mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai sistem jaminan produk halal, khususnya terkait prosedur sertifikasi halal melalui LPPOM MUI dan PBJPH (sebelum dan sejak berlakunya UU Nomor 33 Tahun 2014 tentang Sistem Jaminan Halal), dapat pula dijadikan bahan kajian dan evaluasi setelah menakar peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam hal ini di Kalimantan Tengah sebagai wujud perlindungan hukum dalam Sistem Jaminan Halal produk pangan UMKM. Sejauh pengetahuan penulis kajian ini tergolong baru sehingga dari vi aspek normative terdapat keterbatasan bahan referensi, karenanya lebih ditekankan pada sajian empirik. Akhirnya penulis tidak lupa mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang kontributif dalam memberikan dana yakni Rektor dan LP2M IAIN Palangkaraya, para subjek penelitian yang meluangkan waktu memberikan data empiris, dan spirit dari keluarga penulis hingga buku ini terbit. Mengingat ketidaksempurnaan buku ini, penulis juga akan berterima kasih atas berbagai masukan dan kritikan demi kesempurnaan buku ini di masa mendatang. W assalamu'alaikum W r.W b.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkomparasikan konstruksi hukum dan mekanisme penyelesaian sengk... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkomparasikan konstruksi hukum dan mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa perbankan Islam di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Penelitian yuridis normatif ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis, pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan komparatif dengan teknis analisis kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil yang dapat disaj ikan yakni: L Konstruksi hukum perbankan Islam dan mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa di Malaysia dan Indonesia dipengaruhi latar historis dan sistem hukum yang berbeda. Di Indonesia Pengahran hukum Perbankan Syariah bersifat regulatif sekaligus substantif, berbeda dengan di Malaysia bersifat regulatori sementara dalam hal yang bersifat substanstif menggunakan landasan hukum umum yang telah berlaku secara terpisah. Model regulasi sama terdiri atas sumber hukum materiil dan formil, Malaysia memiliki hukum materiil penunjang ABI 1983 dan IFSA 2013 berupa akla Gru), di Indonesia Hukum materiil tambahan UU Perbankan Syariah masih bersifat aturan turunan...
The phenomenon of highly consuming society especially children towards street food or snacks. str... more The phenomenon of highly consuming society especially children towards street food or snacks. street food is a kind of food which is sold at five-foot stalls, roadsides, stations, schools, markets, housings and other locations. Consumers are highly need a delicious, healthy and interesting snacks triggers the society to be creative and keep creating delicious, healthy and interesting snacks. On the other hand, as we know that there are still a lot of food in the markets and schools containing dangerous chemical compounds, prohibited substances by religion and is not allowed to be comsumed. Those dangerous substances can be in the form of formalin, borax, textile dyes, like rodamine and yellow methanyl, illegal drugs and other addictive substances. Those substances are now available at the markets and can easily be obtained. It makes the producers tempted to use those ingredients and mix them with their products. The effects of those ingredients is not only dangerous for human body p...
This research is motivated by the buying and selling of Instagram followers who trade accounts wi... more This research is motivated by the buying and selling of Instagram followers who trade accounts without the knowledge and permission of the account owner. Followers of sellers only use a piece of software to make additions, then the Instagram account will automatically add to the Instagram buyer followers account, raising questions about the legal protection of account owners who are traded without permission. This study aims to analyze the legal protection of followers buying and selling transactions. This research uses the documentation method. The results of this study indicate that in the transaction the object being traded is an Instagram account belonging to someone else and without the knowledge of the account owner. If it is examined using repressive legal protection theory, Instagram follower sellers have violated the provisions of article 32 paragraph (1) and (2) so that according to the article, seller followers can be prosecuted by article 48 paragraph (1) and (2) ITE Law...
Manajemen risiko pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah sejauh ini masih menerapkan kebijakan BI dan OJK y... more Manajemen risiko pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah sejauh ini masih menerapkan kebijakan BI dan OJK yang sebelumnya berlaku sama pada lembaga keuangan konvensional. Kesempurnaan tegaknya prinsip-prinsip syariah pada lembaga pembiayaan syariah tidak cukup hanya pada aspek mekanisme transaksional, perlu didukung dengan sistem manajemen risiko yang berbasis syariah. Fokus penelitian ini meliputi karakteristik pembiayaan syariah, aspek yuridis dalam prinsip kehatihatian, dan tinjauan mashlahah terhadap urgensi manajemen risiko berbasis syariah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan maslahat dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dinamis perlu pula didukung aspek yuridis agar memberikan kekuatan hukum dengan terwujudnya soliditas regulasi. Dalam tataran regulasi ini pula, selain aturan yang dikeluarkan OJK, fatwa DSN
Halal certification for products is the obligation of all business actors (Article 4 UUJPH). MSME... more Halal certification for products is the obligation of all business actors (Article 4 UUJPH). MSMEs also need to enjoy the facility of halal certification from local governments, but the number of halal-certified UMKM products in Central Kalimantan tends to be low. This research raises two problems, first, how to facilitate the implementation of halal certification for UMKM products in Central Kalimantan. Second, what is the role of the Central Kalimantan regional government in providing legal protection to MSMEs by facilitating halal certification of food products. This is an empirical or socio-legal legal research that uses primary data and secondary data. The results of this study concluded: 1. The facilitation of halal certification for UMKM products in Central Kalimantan was carried out in the form of, first, socialization and training of MSMEs regarding non-formal halal certification; Second, the budget policy for the cost of halal certification for new MSME entrepreneurs 2018-...
Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, 2021
Hadith as the second source of Islamic law, becomes a mandatory content in the fatwa DSN MUI incl... more Hadith as the second source of Islamic law, becomes a mandatory content in the fatwa DSN MUI included in the formulation of fatwa Ijarah, IMBT and IMFZ. This paper will attempt to analyze the islamic economic hadith that is the content of legal considerations in fatwas on ijarah, IMBT and IMFZ. The research method applied in this paper is research that explores qualitative data with the type of literature research. The focus of the study in this study is the islamic economic hadiths contained in the DSN-MUI fatwa on ijarah, IMBT and IMFZ. The results of the study showed that the DSN-MUI Fatwa on Ijarah, Ijarah Muntahiyah Bittamlik and ijarah Maushufah fi Dzimmah has accommodated sharia economic hadiths that are the legal basis related to the legality of ijarah, IMBT and IMFZ, so that the hadiths have relevance to the object of fatwa studies. There are hadiths that correlate explicitly with the object of fatwa studies and some are implicitly correlated.
Media Syari'ah : Wahana Kajian Hukum Islam dan Pranata Sosial, 2021
This paper aims to examine the construction of ijma in the study of Islamic law through sociologi... more This paper aims to examine the construction of ijma in the study of Islamic law through sociological and historical approaches. The research methods applied in this paper are research that explore qualitative data through literature studies. In legal research methods, this research is categorized as normative legal research with a conceptual approach. The concept of ijma becomes the object of study in this paper. Furthermore, the concept of ijma is examined with socio-historical analysis. The results of the discussion show that the difference in views on the concept of ijma as the basis of Islamic law that must be obeyed was influenced by normative arguments (propositions of the Qur'an and sunnah), which are references and different interpretations of legal propositions held as a basis of opinion. The difference in looking at the concept of ijma that can be used as a syar'iyyah (legal) argument also begins from the difference in setting the standard of definition and criteria (principles and conditions) of the ijmak itself and considering the capacity of the ijma in the sense an opinion of "all" or "the majority" of the scholars. In addition, the development of conceptions and laws about ijma is inseparable from the social setting in each period.
This study aims to determine the position and authority of Sultan Adam al-Watsiq Billah (1826-185... more This study aims to determine the position and authority of Sultan Adam al-Watsiq Billah (1826-1857) in the formation of the Law of Sultan Adam 1835 and to describe the political aspects of law in the formation of the Law of Sultan Adam 1835. The method used is normative legal research with statutory, political, and socio-historical approaches. The results are first, Sultan Adam has authority as King and a religious leader in establishing Islamic law as the positive law of the Banjar kingdom in Sultan adam law. Second, the legal-political aspect in Sultan Adam Law is found in the purpose of its formation as stated in the preamble of the sultan adam law Martapura version. They were named, perfecting religion and i'tikad; maintaining the harmony of the unity, and guidelines for judges in deciding a case during their reign so that the people become good. As King and qadhi (judge), Sultan Adam used the religious and political approach through Sultan Adam Law when his political power weakened under Dutch rule. He has successfully applied it to the character of the Banjar Society, which is thick with Islamic (tradition), which is more obedient to religious leaders than rulers. The Banjar people still apply some of the Sultan Adam Law provisions to this day.
The main objective of this legal research is to compare the legal construction and the use of “ra... more The main objective of this legal research is to compare the legal construction and the use of “rahn tasjily” mechanism in the Sharia bank financing between Indonesia and Malaysia through law, concept, and history approaches. The data were analyzed qualitatively by systematic interpretation and historical interpretation. The results are: 1) Both countries do not have a strong regulation in Sharia guarantees, thus the law construction is implemented by harmonization and integration between Sharia principles and conventional regulations (civil). The differences are in the concept, the division of rahn, and the law substance in the Sharia banking complement regulation. 2) The mechanism is also different, where in Indonesia the guarantee should be bound by an authentic certificate (notary) and registered in the authority institutions in order that Sharia bank (murtahin) obtains a strong law protection beside an insurance. While in Malaysia, the use of collateral is only included in the f...
Patent law serves as an innovative research stimulant, provides exclusive legal protection for in... more Patent law serves as an innovative research stimulant, provides exclusive legal protection for inventors and encourages the use of science and technology in order to support the transformation of the national growth into International competitive one. It is relevant to the cosmopolitan Islamic concept. However, data shows there is only one patent right (until 2018) of Islamic universities in Indonesia. This social legal studies used the statute and historical approach explores the obstacles in the development of patent-based research results at Islamic Universities in Central Kalimantan. Internal constraints are: knowledge and understanding of patents are limited; pragmatism in research purposes; projections of research output are not systematic and unclear; and budgeting is not right. An external obstacles are no socialization of patent-based research rules; policies in the field of research have not been specifically oriented towards output patents; there has been no measurement...
Papers by Tri Hidayati