Raisya Setya Cahyani Galih Raka Siwi. Hana Faridah. Karawang. Indonesia, 2022
The rise of problematic Reg... more
The rise of problematic Regional Regulations, either seen in manufacturing or legal drafting or seen in terms of substance, such as contrary to the above regulations, contrary to regulations of its level, not meeting the principles in its formation, lack of integration with development, and less clear formulation resulted in the need for supervision in terms of the formation of regional regulations. This research uses normative juridical by examining secondary and primary legal materials, as well as using a statutory approach, case approach, and conceptual approach. The result of this study is that although the Constitutional Court in its decisions in 2015 and 2016 rescinded the authority held by the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Governor in terms of the cancellation of local regulations, it did not undermine the authority of the central government and the Governor in terms of supervision of local regulations. The Central Government (Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights) still has authority in the supervision of provincial regulations. The Governor with Kanwil Kumham certainly still has supervisory authority in terms of district / city regulations. The supervision can be done through the excecutive preview model, namely by strictly selecting the register number in the Regional Regulation. This excecutive preview model is also expected to be used as one way that the enacted Regional Regulations are completely in line with the needs of the community, and will not be easy to submit material tests to the Supreme Court.
Dhiauddin Tanjung. Medan. Sumatera Utara. Azharuddin. Langsa. Aceh, 2022
This study discusses the differences in the results of the appeal court decision and the MUI Fatw... more This study discusses the differences in the results of the appeal court decision and the MUI Fatwa, the Banten High Court Decision (PTN B) granted the claim that the defendant was the child of the plaintiff based on the DNA test results even though it was not based on marriage, as well as rejected the lawsuit so that the defendant paid 17 billion as material and immaterial compensation to the defendant. The results of the PTN B will be juxtaposed with the MUI Fatwa Number 11 of 2012, because they both discuss the case against Muslims. This

Nurbaedah. Kediri. Jawa Timur. Indonesia, 2021
Penelitian ini membahas tentang tinjauan yuridis tentang prosedur dan pelaksanaa... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang tinjauan yuridis tentang prosedur dan pelaksanaan Sita Jaminan di Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa prosedur penerapan sita jaminan di Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri serta mengkaji secara mendalam hambatan administrasi dan hukum apa yang terdapat dalam pelaksanaan sita jaminan di Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukumNormatif. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa prosedur penerapan sita jaminan di Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri dapat diajukan melalui surat gugatan maupun setelah gugatan perkara pokok diajukan dengan syarat-syarat seperti: (a). Barang yang diajukan dalam permohonan sita jaminan ada hubungan dengan perkara pokok. (b). Harus ada tanda-tanda/ciri khas dari barang-barang yang dimohonkan sita jaminan seperti tentang jenis, jumlah, ukuran, letak. (c). Alasan-alasan permohonan sita jaminan. (d). Harus adapetitum dari permohonan sita jaminan. (e). Harus ada tanda tangan pemohon sita jaminan. (f). Membayar biaya menurut hukum. Adapun yang menjadi hambatan dalam pelaksanaan sita jaminan di Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri, yaitu disebabkan karena belum memasyarakatnya UUPA serta sangat terbatasnya peraturan khusus mengenai sita jaminan di Pengadilan Agama.

M Rizal. Medan. Sumatera Utara, 2021
Masa usia anak sebagai generasi penerus bangsa tidak terlepas dari berbagai problematik... more Masa usia anak sebagai generasi penerus bangsa tidak terlepas dari berbagai problematika kehidupan. Adanya tuntutan ekonomi keluarga memaksa anak untu turut andil bekerja demi terpenuhinya kebutuhan keluarga. Tingginya jumlah anak yang bekerja mayoritas berusiakurang dari 15 tahun baik di sector formal maupun informal merupakan fenomena yang tidak biasa lagi. Maka dari itu, pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan hukum yang bertujuan untuk memberi perlindungan bagi anak-anak yang memikul beban ekonomi sebagai bentuk bakti kepada keluarga. Namun, dalam pelaksanaaannya banyak tragedy yang tidak diharapkan dari kebijakan hukum tersebt. Upaya pemerintah dalam melindungi pekerja anak belum seutuhnya terlaksana. Hal ini dikarenakan oleh kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat dalam menjalankan perlindungan hukum yang berlaku bagi pekerja anak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kesesuaian perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja anak menurut UU No. 13 Tahun 2003. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di salah satu usaha di Kota Tebing Tinggi yaitu CV. Lima Manis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa CV lima Manis telah menerapkan beberapa ketentuan hukum yang tertera dalam UU No. 13 tahun 2003 khususnya di pasal 69 ayat 2. Di samping itu, jika ditinjau dengan ketentuan islam, terkait kewajiban pengusaha terhadap pekerjanya, CV Lima Manis telah memenuhi kewajibannya sebagai penyedia lapangan pekerjaan dalam hal pemberian keringanan pekerjaansesuai dengan kemampuan anak, pemberian gaji yang sesuai pada waktunya, serta terpenuhinya syarat serta rukun dalam Ijarah

Ferry Irawan Febriansyah. Halda Septiana Purwinarto. Ponorogo. Indonesia, 2021
Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu berusaha menjawab dan menguraikan permasalahan mengenai apa yang... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu berusaha menjawab dan menguraikan permasalahan mengenai apa yang dimaksud mengenai sengketa batas tanah sawah dan bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa batas tanah sawah di Desa Sukorejo. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris yaitu meneliti masalah berdasarkan fakta-fakta di lapangan kemudian dijadikan bahan dalam penulisan. Adapun ruang lingkup mengenai penelitian ini meliputi, landasan hukum yang mengatur tentang Batas Tanah Sawah dan Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah di desa Sukorejo. Hasil data yang didapat dalam penelitian ini berupa observasi dan wawancara dengan masyarakat Desa Sukorejo. Dari hasil observasi dan wawancara penyelesaian sengketa batas tanah di Desa Sukorejo yaitu dilakukan secara musyawarah dengan perangkat desa sebagai mediator dan mendatangkan para pihak yang bersengketa, kemudian dilakukan pengukuran kembali luas tanah oleh perangkat desa dan diluruskan kembali pematang sawah yang tidak sesuai dengan tempatnya dengan menggunakan data fisik berupa Letter C dari Desa Sukorejo. Namun setelah beberapa bulan setelah dilakukan pengukuran kembali, ada pihak yang tetap menggeser batas tanah sawah tersebut. Ada juga masyarakat yang memilih tidak melaporkan permasalahan sengeketa batas tanah sawah ke pihak perangkat desa dikarenakan lamanya proses penyelesaian masalah oleh perangkat desa dan terkadang tidak menemukan hasil serta takut tidak adanya tanggapan dari perangkat desa terkait dengan permasalahan. Kejadian seperti itu masih tetap berlanjut selama belum ada kejelasan mengenai batas tanah sawah yang sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri

Abi Hasan. Singkil. Aceh, 2021
Unlawful marriages are legally not recognized but are still considered valid, but marr... more Unlawful marriages are legally not recognized but are still considered valid, but marriages like this often cause problems both civilly and even criminally. Of course, in civil matters, the validity of their marriage isnot recognized, so the implication is that it is difficult for them to get access to other administrations. While criminal problems usually arise due to abuse of the marriage under the hands itself, this happened in Decision No. 8/JN/2020/MS.KSG. and N0.
14510/JN/2020/MS-KSG in Aceh Tamiang. Where in the decision the defendant (a woman) has carried out an underhand marriage to two men at different but very close times, even though the status of the woman is still in a marriage bond with her official husband. So with this incident, the Kuala Simpang Syar'iyah Court gave a legal decision in the form of hudud to the woman 100 lashes each, because it went through two trial processes. This decision was made because the woman had confessed to having sexual relationswith her two siri husbands (illegal either by state or religion). Thus, this paper itself wants to provide an analysis of why the judges of the Syar'iyah Court decided the punishment for adultery to the perpetrators of unregistered marriages, and also analyzes Islamic law regarding the results of the decisions that have been handed down.

Khairuddin. Singkil. Aceh, 2021
Customary law is often used by the community to solve problems including in Aceh Sin... more Customary law is often used by the community to solve problems including in Aceh Singkil, there are several factors behind the occurrence of persecution, namely 1) personality factors such as unstable emotions towards others can trigger persecution 2) family factors, 3) environmental factors that are less conducive . The mechanism for resolving torture through customary law has several stages, namely 1) the abuser's family comes to the village head, that his child has hurt someone, and wants to make peace, 2) the second stage, the perpetrator. The village head informs the village head of the victim that the case is resolved by local customary law 3) third stage, the perpetrator's family visits the victim's house with a discussion between two families and each village head with the aim of reconciliation 4) fourth stage, after the agreement between the perpetrator and the family victim, the perpetrator will hand over what was asked by the victim, then sign a letter of agreement between the two. However, if there is
131no agreement, the persecution case will be transferred to the law. Witnessing the perpetrators of torture according to customary law by, 1) healing until recovered 2) paying a fine according to the family agreement 3) making yellow rice and utensils to eat together, peseujuk, one bamboo rice and two pieces of coconut.Keywords:Customary law, criminal, persecution.

Samsul Bahri. Mansari. Banda Aceh, 2021
The practice of sexual harassment became even more worrying after it was revealed that several pe... more The practice of sexual harassment became even more worrying after it was revealed that several pesantren leaders had committed it against students in Lhokseumawe and North Aceh. This study aims to analyze the practice of sexual harassment, supervision of pesantren administrators and parents' responses to the practice of sexual abuse of children. Researchers used qualitative research methods. Data were obtained through interviews with teachers and parents of students. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively based on the results of the study showing that sexual harassment in Islamic boarding schools is increasingly open with the courage of students to report any acts of sexual harassment they experience. Supervision in an effort to prevent sexual harassment is increasingly being tightened in various ways, namely Strengthening Understanding for Caregivers, Limiting proximity between students if there are suspicious indications, Installing CCTV in Dormitory, Separating male and female students, Placing caregivers in each Dormitory and Educating Religious Studies for Children. After the disclosure of cases of abuse in Islamic boarding schools to the public, parents are increasingly careful. A persuasive approach with children to tell the condition of the pesantren is very open so that it can make it easier for parents to identify whether or not there is a sexual harassment practice in the pesantren.

Zubir. Muhammad Firdaus. Syauqas Rahmatillah. Langsa. Aceh, 2021
Advocates are one of the law enforcers based on article 5 paragraph 1 of law no. 18 of 2003 conce... more Advocates are one of the law enforcers based on article 5 paragraph 1 of law no. 18 of 2003 concerning advocates which states that advocates are law enforcers they are free and independent who are guaranteed by law, advocates and/or legal aid institutions act as institutions that provide free legal assistance to underprivileged people. This article discusses how the role of legal aid agencies in optimizing the provision of legal aid to poor people, and how the barriers and obstacles in the application of legal aid by legal aid agencies in Langsa city. This study uses normative research methods that are supported by empirical research. The result show that the provision of free legal aid to the poor is regulated in government regulation number 83 of 2008, law no.18 of 2003 and law number 16 of 2011, the role of legal aid institutions in providing free legal assistance to the poor has not been maximized. They are not accompanied by appointing the poor who are litigating, and the community does not know about the existence of a legal aid agency and because of the lack of socialization about the existence of a legal aid agency in Langsa city, so the community does not know abaout the existence of a legal aid agency.

Zulham Wahyudani. Langsa. Aceh, 2021
Friday speech are a strategic medium for conveying religious messages, because they are routine i... more Friday speech are a strategic medium for conveying religious messages, because they are routine in nature and must be attended by Muslims in congregation. Unfortunately, this media is sometimes used by radicalism movements to impoverish democratic attitudes and provocation towards the Government. Therefore, the Friday speech material becomes one of the concerns of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. This study aims to determine the role of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in preventing acts of radicalism through the Friday speech materials. This research uses the library research with a normative comparative study of the Malaysian State. The results of this study indicate that Government that can be applied by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The Ministry of Religious Affairs issues a policy in the form of a Regulation of the Minister of Religion on the Friday speech materials and punishment to the Friday Khatib (speaker) who is obliged to deliver the speech texts that has been prepared. Thus, the regulation of minister of religion is expected to minimize the emergence of controversy which is not accompanied by objective understanding information on an emerging phenomenon.

Azharuddin. Langsa. Aceh, 2021
Basically, crime / criminal matters always go hand in hand with human life, this can be done by a... more Basically, crime / criminal matters always go hand in hand with human life, this can be done by adults and children alike. All types of crimes are usually given rules to prevent and impose sanctions for the perpetrators, including children. The Aceh government, which is given special authority to regulate its region, one of which is in the field of crime, has stipulated criminal regulations against children as stipulated in Articles 66 and 67 of Aceh Jinayat Qanun Number 6 of 2014. However, the problem is that the provisions of this Article are not implemented Article 67 paragraph (2), where the article instructs that implementing regulations be made in the form of a Governor Regulation so that the procedures for implementing uqubat against the finger by children can be carried out as expected. The purpose of this research itself is to reveal the extent to which Article 67 has been implemented since 2014, and to explain what policies the Aceh Government has taken in carrying out the orders of Article 67 in qanun jinayat. To get answers to the problems raised, qualitative research was used based on descriptive analytical, using secondary data because the research was carried out through the library research method. So that the results of the study show that the readiness of the Government of Aceh in stipulating the Governor Regulation regarding the issue of the uqubat mechanism for the child perpetrators of the finger, has made the journey of Qanun Number 6 of 2014 incomplete, especially in the field of child crimes. So that it makes many institutions confused about implementing the legal orders contained in Article 67 of the Aceh Qanun Jinayat Number 6 of 2014.

Rasyidin. Langsa. Aceh. , 2021
This article focuses on sexual coercion in the household in terms of benefit and harm according t... more This article focuses on sexual coercion in the household in terms of benefit and harm according to Islamic Penal Law, in Islam in a legal marriage we need to realize that sex is not an erroneous thing in Islamic law but a recommended routine. However, when you want to have a relationship, don't take paths that are not pleased by Allah, meaning by force, violence but in a gentle and wise way that was encouraged by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. For the sake of the procreation of the creation of the children of Adam, it is tracing the activity of sexual relations and there is no concept of sin placed on it that sexual relations are considered as interests or desires between husband and wife. In Law No. 23 of 2004, it is wisely accommodated for perpetrators of forced sexual relations as well as those regulated by imprisonment and civil penalties as stipulated in Article 8 for perpetrators of forcing sexual relations while in Islamic criminal law, coercion of sex in the household punishment for the perpetrator of the finger of ta'zir
Muhammad Rusdi bin Muhammaddiah. Muhazir. Langsa. Aceh, 2021
Changes in Islamic law can not be avoided, because Islamic law is in direct contact with a dynami... more Changes in Islamic law can not be avoided, because Islamic law is in direct contact with a dynamic society. A society with a social background cannot avoid social symptoms when faced with Islamic law. Changes in Islamic law until now are still reaping the pros and cons between fundamentalist and contextualist groups, each of whom has its own views on Islamic legal texts. This study is a literature review with a conceptual approach. The results of this study indicate that the dynamics of changing Islamic law are strongly influenced by social dynamics. This is evident when Islamic law is exposed to a changing social reality. In order to accommodate social change, Islamic law, with the concept of maqasid sharia, is able to answer the needs of social law without having to leave the principles of sharia.

Abi Hasan. Singkil. Aceh, 2021
Judi pada dasarnya telah di atur dalam perundang-undangan di Indonesia, bahkan daerah ... more Judi pada dasarnya telah di atur dalam perundang-undangan di Indonesia, bahkan daerah Aceh telah merumuskan aturan judi secara konkrit dalam Qanun No. 6 Tahun 2014. Dewasa ini, Games Higgs Domino menjadi marak dimainkan di kalangan pemuda Aceh, sehingga sangat meresahkan masyarakat, karena games tersebut mulai disalahgunakan dengan cara menjual dan membeli Chip yang ada di dalam game. Begitu meresahkan games tersebut membuat ulama Aceh turun tangan dan mengeluarkan fatwa bahwa haram hukumnya jual beli Chip games tersebut dan bahkan mengkategorikannya sebagai judi, sehingga para pelaku bisa dikenakan sanksi cambuk sebagaimana yang telah diatur dalam Qanun Jinayat Aceh.Kasus-kasus penangkapan terhadap para pelaku jual beli Chip Games Higgs Domino sudah merebak di seluruh wilayah Aceh baik oleh pihak ke polisian atau pun pihak WH (Wilayatul Hisbah) selaku keamanan dalam Qanun Jinayat Aceh, dengan dasar telah melanggar ketentuan Syari‟at Islam yang berlaku di Aceh. Penelitian ini ingin menganalisis terkait maraknya penangkapan pelaku jual beli Chip GamesHiggs Domino, ditinjau berdasarkan Qanun Jinayat Aceh, karena aturan yang terdapat dalam qanun tersebut telah memberikan pembatasan terhadap jarimah judi.Lebih ringkasnya tulisan dalam jurnal ini ingin menjelaskan terkait poin-poin sebagai berikut: 1). Apa yang melatarbelakangi MPU Aceh mengkategorikan jual beli Chip Games Higgs Domino sebagai judi. 2) Memberikan hasil analisis terkaitjual beli Chip Games Higgs Domino sebagai jarimah maisir di Aceh menurut fatwa MPU dengan ketentuan yang terdapat dalam qanun jinayat Aceh.

Akmal. Nairazi AZ. Langsa. Aceh, 2021
Pelecehan seksual dianggap sebagai perbuatan manusia yang telah hilang sisi kemanusiaann... more Pelecehan seksual dianggap sebagai perbuatan manusia yang telah hilang sisi kemanusiaannya, karena perbuatan tersebut memaksakan kehendak untuk melakukan hubungan seksual dengan objek yang tidak menginginkan hal tersebut terjadi, yang layak diberikan uqubat ta‟zir dengan menjaga keseimbangan dan keamanan masyarakat. Mengenai mekanisme uqubat ta‟zir Jarimah Pelecehan Seksual yang terjadi di Mahkamah Syar‟iyah Kota Langsapada Tahun 2017 dilakukan terhadap anak-anak yang putusannya berdasarkan Qanun Aceh No. 6 Tahun 2014 Pasal 47.Sedangkan menurut kesepakatan ulama kontemporer bahwa jarimah pelecehan seksual tergolong ke dalam tindakan pelanggaran yang dapat merusak tatanan kehidupan masyarakat, maka pelaku jarimah pelecehan seksual wajib diberikan sanksi berupa ta‟zir yaitu sanksinyadiberikan oleh penguasa berdasarkan hasil ijtihad. Dalam penyusunan mekanisme uqubat jarimah ta‟zirdengan tidak mengesampingkan aspek pidana, salah satunya mengenai pembebasan rasa bersalah oleh terpidana sebagai penebusan dosa atas kesalahan yang dilakukan dan memulihkan keseimbangan, sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam teori expiation, secara jelas menyebutkan bahwa pelaku harus membayar kerugian-kerugian yang ditimbulkannya
Muhammad Alwin Abdillah. Langsa. Aceh, 2021
Penelitian ini menceritakan tentang hukum adat bagi pelaku khalwat di Gampoeng Paya Bujok Seuleum... more Penelitian ini menceritakan tentang hukum adat bagi pelaku khalwat di Gampoeng Paya Bujok Seuleumak Kota Langsa yang tidak berlaku secara umum. Artinya hukum adat tidak berlaku dalam mayoritas kasus yang terjadi di masyarakat dan penegakannya dipatuhi oleh mayoritas masyarakat Gampoeng Paya Bujok Seuleumak Kota Langsa. Hukum adat pelaku khalwat di Gampoeng Paya Bujok Seuleumak Kota Langsa tidak populer. Artinya urf atau hukum adat tidak dijadikan landasan hukum sebelum perkara itu akan ditetapkan. Hukum adat bagi pelaku khalwat di Gampoeng Paya Bujok Seuleumak Kota Langsa bertolak belakang dengan urf shahih sehingga hukum yang terdapat tidak dapat diterapkan. Urf seperti ini tidak bisa dijadikan bukti syara, karena urf bisa diterima jika tidak reusam yang memuat hukum masalah yang dihadapi.

Sufrizal. M. Anzaikhan. Langsa. Aceh, 2021
The inbreeding or incest is an abnormal yet remain exists phenomenon in some of societies around... more The inbreeding or incest is an abnormal yet remain exists phenomenon in some of societies around the world. This phenomenon is not a new problem the world faces, this originally found in the past from the time of Persian empire while the king at the time married a biological mother or married a biological child. Those reality was a doctrines and philosophies of religion at the time. Inbreeding is a fault of social community caus which can disturb the stability and spoil the patriarchy and social community order, for in those concern, Islamic Criminal Law affair as solution and with the establishment of by positive and normative law and act, these faulty of inbreeding will be able to be eradicate and wiped out of world social communities. The inbreeding is triggered by environmental conditions mainly some superior human is sexual abnormalities while looking their family. Inbreeding case is hard to find cause is hidden by normal situation
131for live in the same house. In this we require strong establishment of Islamic act to serve, protect and deliver adequate and sufficient punishment to the perpetrator to obliterate any future potential violation

Yustizar. Muhajir,. Langsa. Aceh, 2021
Masyarakat Kota Langsa lazimnya masyarakat sebagai makhluk sosial dalam berwarga negara ... more Masyarakat Kota Langsa lazimnya masyarakat sebagai makhluk sosial dalam berwarga negara di Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) yang hidup berdampingan antara manusia satu dengan manusia lain, merupakan kehidupan yang sering diwarnai perbedaan termotivasi untuk menuntut saling dihargai dan dihormati. Sebagai salah satu wilayah yang mayoritas berpenduduk muslim seyogyanya kerukunan berbangsa dan bernegara menjadi tonggak utama dalam berinteraksi sesama manusia, tanpa ada perbedaan. Menjadi faktor penting dalam sebuah kajian interaksi kebangsaan dan kenegaraan dimana munculnya perbedaan disebabkan oleh kesalahan fahaman dalam menafsirkan rujukan yang digunakan sebagai referensi hidup. Radikalisme dan intoleransi menjadi akar pemikiranyang menganggap diri benar dan lainnya dianggap salah. Jika ditilik dari sudut pandang keagamaan, Islam merupakan agama yang sangat toleran yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan kekeluargaan.

NUR ANSHARI. Langsa. Aceh, 2021
Pemerintah Pusat memberikan otoritas kepada pemerintah Aceh yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan, pad... more Pemerintah Pusat memberikan otoritas kepada pemerintah Aceh yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan, padahal pertanahan adalah bagian dari wewenang yang semestinya menjadi otoritas Pemerintah Pusat. Maka dalam tulisan ini, penulis akan menjabarkan kewenangan yang diberikan pemerintah pusat terhadap pertanahan di Aceh. Sebagai realisasi dari UU No. 11 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pemerintah Aceh. Di dalam UU Pemerintah Aceh ini, adanya pembentukan Dinas Pertanahan Aceh sebagai perangkat Aceh yang bertugas menangani pertanahan. Metode penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah normatif dengan penelusuran bukubuku terkait tulisan ini dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang mendukung. Jawaban dari tulisan ini didapati bahwa kedudukan Dinas Pertanahan Aceh sebagai salah satu fungsi penunjang urusan pemerintahan yang menjadi kekhususan Aceh. Adapun kewenangan yang diberikan untuk Dinas Pertanahan Aceh berupa beberapa wewenang berkaitan dengan pertanahan yang mana wewenang penting masih berada di pemerintah pusat.

Abdul Mufid. Blora. Indonesia, 2020
Kejahatan korupsi di Indonesia telah mendatangkan malapetaka bagi kelangsungan hidup berb... more Kejahatan korupsi di Indonesia telah mendatangkan malapetaka bagi kelangsungan hidup berbangsa dan bernegara. Tidak hanya merugikan dana negara, korupsi juga merampas hak-hak sosial dan ekonomi yang lebih luas. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk mencegah dan seringkali memberantas praktik korupsi. Baik dengan menyusun peraturan perundang-undangan, maupun membentuk kepanitiaan untuk menangani korupsi. Namun korupsi tidak pernah mau meninggalkan bangsa Indonesia. Kebijakan pidana mati bagi pelaku korupsi diatur dalam ketentuan ayat (2) Pasal 2 Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 yang diundangkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Korupsi. Menurut hukum pidana Islam, korupsi termasuk dalam kategori discretionary crime. Jadi bukti dan keputusan hukum diserahkan kepada pemerintah. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi fenomena koruptor dengan hukuman mati bagi pelaku dari perspektif hukum pidana Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan analisisnya menggunakan pendekatan Maqasid al-Syariah. Masalah penelitian yang harus dijawab adalah bagaimana penerapan kebijakan pidana mati terhadap korupsi dari perspektif hukum pidana Islam? Bagaimana kebijakan hukuman mati bagi koruptor menurut UU Pemberantasan Korupsi? Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: Pertama, kebijakan pidana mati bagi pelaku tindak pidana korupsi diatur dalam Ayat 2 Pasal 2 Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999dan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001, namun penerapan pasal tersebut hanya berlaku bagi pelaku tindak pidana korupsi yang dilakukan di Keadaan tertentu, “agar tidak semua pelaku korupsi bisa dihukum mati. Kedua, hukuman mati dapat diterapkan dalam perspektif hukum pidana Islam dalam tiga bentuk pidana, yaitu pidana retribusi, pidana hadd, dan pidana diskresioner. Korupsi termasuk dalam kategori discretionary crime. Suatu negara dapat menjatuhkan hukuman mati jika dianggap sebagai upaya efektif untuk menjaga ketertiban dan keuntungan public
The rise of problematic Regional Regulations, either seen in manufacturing or legal drafting or seen in terms of substance, such as contrary to the above regulations, contrary to regulations of its level, not meeting the principles in its formation, lack of integration with development, and less clear formulation resulted in the need for supervision in terms of the formation of regional regulations. This research uses normative juridical by examining secondary and primary legal materials, as well as using a statutory approach, case approach, and conceptual approach. The result of this study is that although the Constitutional Court in its decisions in 2015 and 2016 rescinded the authority held by the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Governor in terms of the cancellation of local regulations, it did not undermine the authority of the central government and the Governor in terms of supervision of local regulations. The Central Government (Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights) still has authority in the supervision of provincial regulations. The Governor with Kanwil Kumham certainly still has supervisory authority in terms of district / city regulations. The supervision can be done through the excecutive preview model, namely by strictly selecting the register number in the Regional Regulation. This excecutive preview model is also expected to be used as one way that the enacted Regional Regulations are completely in line with the needs of the community, and will not be easy to submit material tests to the Supreme Court.
14510/JN/2020/MS-KSG in Aceh Tamiang. Where in the decision the defendant (a woman) has carried out an underhand marriage to two men at different but very close times, even though the status of the woman is still in a marriage bond with her official husband. So with this incident, the Kuala Simpang Syar'iyah Court gave a legal decision in the form of hudud to the woman 100 lashes each, because it went through two trial processes. This decision was made because the woman had confessed to having sexual relationswith her two siri husbands (illegal either by state or religion). Thus, this paper itself wants to provide an analysis of why the judges of the Syar'iyah Court decided the punishment for adultery to the perpetrators of unregistered marriages, and also analyzes Islamic law regarding the results of the decisions that have been handed down.
131no agreement, the persecution case will be transferred to the law. Witnessing the perpetrators of torture according to customary law by, 1) healing until recovered 2) paying a fine according to the family agreement 3) making yellow rice and utensils to eat together, peseujuk, one bamboo rice and two pieces of coconut.Keywords:Customary law, criminal, persecution.
131for live in the same house. In this we require strong establishment of Islamic act to serve, protect and deliver adequate and sufficient punishment to the perpetrator to obliterate any future potential violation
The rise of problematic Regional Regulations, either seen in manufacturing or legal drafting or seen in terms of substance, such as contrary to the above regulations, contrary to regulations of its level, not meeting the principles in its formation, lack of integration with development, and less clear formulation resulted in the need for supervision in terms of the formation of regional regulations. This research uses normative juridical by examining secondary and primary legal materials, as well as using a statutory approach, case approach, and conceptual approach. The result of this study is that although the Constitutional Court in its decisions in 2015 and 2016 rescinded the authority held by the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Governor in terms of the cancellation of local regulations, it did not undermine the authority of the central government and the Governor in terms of supervision of local regulations. The Central Government (Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights) still has authority in the supervision of provincial regulations. The Governor with Kanwil Kumham certainly still has supervisory authority in terms of district / city regulations. The supervision can be done through the excecutive preview model, namely by strictly selecting the register number in the Regional Regulation. This excecutive preview model is also expected to be used as one way that the enacted Regional Regulations are completely in line with the needs of the community, and will not be easy to submit material tests to the Supreme Court.
14510/JN/2020/MS-KSG in Aceh Tamiang. Where in the decision the defendant (a woman) has carried out an underhand marriage to two men at different but very close times, even though the status of the woman is still in a marriage bond with her official husband. So with this incident, the Kuala Simpang Syar'iyah Court gave a legal decision in the form of hudud to the woman 100 lashes each, because it went through two trial processes. This decision was made because the woman had confessed to having sexual relationswith her two siri husbands (illegal either by state or religion). Thus, this paper itself wants to provide an analysis of why the judges of the Syar'iyah Court decided the punishment for adultery to the perpetrators of unregistered marriages, and also analyzes Islamic law regarding the results of the decisions that have been handed down.
131no agreement, the persecution case will be transferred to the law. Witnessing the perpetrators of torture according to customary law by, 1) healing until recovered 2) paying a fine according to the family agreement 3) making yellow rice and utensils to eat together, peseujuk, one bamboo rice and two pieces of coconut.Keywords:Customary law, criminal, persecution.
131for live in the same house. In this we require strong establishment of Islamic act to serve, protect and deliver adequate and sufficient punishment to the perpetrator to obliterate any future potential violation