Proceedings of the 5th Asian Education Symposium 2020 (AES 2020), 2021
This study aims to describe the application of Arabic as the language of instruction in Islamic s... more This study aims to describe the application of Arabic as the language of instruction in Islamic subjects at the Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University of Jambi. This research is qualitative research, and the data was collected using observation, interview, documentation, and questionnaires. The findings showed that Arabic cannot be applied to the maximum and only a few lecturers have started to implement it even though it is not in full. The models of Islamic subject lecturers using Arabic as the language of instruction vary greatly. Some constraints were faced in the use of Arabic as the language of instruction in Islamic subjects, including various abilities of students, lecturers' lack of ability to speak Arabic actively, limited books and literature on Islamic subjects in Arabic, and lack of training to improve the skills of lecturers who teach Islamic subjects. The implementation of Arabic as an introductory language of Islamic subjects has not been effective.
This thesis analyzes about the influence of humanism toward main character as seen in film Cinder... more This thesis analyzes about the influence of humanism toward main character as seen in film Cinderella by Kenneth Branagh. Moreover, this study was designed to find out the reasons of Prince Kit marry Ella in the film Cinderella by Kenneth Branagh,the humanity values that influence Prince Kit to marry Ella, the effects of humanity values toward Ella’s life. The writer used Humanism theory to support the writing this thesis. This study was descriptive qualitative since the data were collected, analyzed and described in the form of words rather than numerical scores or statistics. The study was descriptive because it tries to describe the body language expressed by the main character. The data of the research were the pictures and dialogue, which contains body language expressed by the main character. The research result shows that first,there were some reasons of Prince Kit marry Ella such as Ella was good girl she had good attitude. She also diligent girl. She did not think how bad treatment that have given by her stepmother and her stepsisters. She just did the best to keep clean her own house. She was pretty girl with good attitude that made prince got interest with her it proved when they met for the first time in the forest while the Prince went hunted and look a deer. But Ella did not want if the prince killed the deer. And finally Prince tells to his father that he just met the pretty girl. They were of the reasons of Prince Fall in love with Ella, beside Ella had a beautiful face she also a good girl; second there were many humanity values toward Ella’s life that influence prince want to marry her like when she found old woman, she asked Ella to take the bread and a cup of milk. For the first time Ella known yet that Old woman as a fairy but she still helps the old woman. It also showed when she gave respect to all invited guests in the event a party which was held by the kingdom by subjecting her head. Not only beautiful she also has good characteristic and also polite to everyone. She was a forgiving girl, she forgive all of mistakes of her stepmother have done to her.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dialektologi yang mengkaji perkembhngan isolek 5 desa di DAS ... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dialektologi yang mengkaji perkembhngan isolek 5 desa di DAS Batanghari. Daerah pengamatan ini dipilih karena berada dipinggir sungai yang dekat dengan kota Jambi sehingga memperlihatkan perubahan relik daninovasi yang cukup kuat. Jarak tempuh yang sangat dekat ini, secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi pola pikir, budaya, dan bahasa asli masyarakat Melayu Seberang. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kosakata yang berbeda, menentukan status isolek setiap titik pengamatan, dan mendeskripsikan relik dan inovasinya. Teori dialektologi yang digunakan merujuk ke Mahsun (1995); Nadra dan Reniwati (2009). Teori fonologi menggunakan teori dari Robins (1975); teori dialektometri menggunakan teori Guiter; penetapan Proto Malayic mengikuti Adelaar (1992). Jenis penelitian yang diterapkan ada du4 yaitu penelitian kualitatif dan penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik top-down reconstruction. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah pertama, ada 53 data yang tidak sama secara antardesa (26.5%); kedua, status isoleknya berupa beda dialek dan subdialek; ketiga, relik meneakupi vokal /a/, /i/, /u/, /∂/, sedangkan bentuk inovasi bervariatif. This was a dialectology research which analyzed about the development of isolect 5 villages at DAS Batanghari. These places chosen because the position of villages near Jambi city, it would show strong changes of relic and innovation. The distance between Jambi city and Jambi Seberang not so far, so it would be influenced the way of thinking, culture, and the language of Jambi Seberang people. The purpose of this research was to describe difference words; identifying isolect status of every area; describing relic and innovation. The main theory which was used in this research that related to dialectology was Mahsun (1995);Nadra snd Reniwati (2009). Phonology used theory from Robins (1975); Dialectometry formula used from Guiter; Proto Malayic Adelaar (1992). The kind of research were: qualitative and quantitative research and also used top-down reconstruction technique. The result of this research first, there were 53 data for different words (26.5%); second, isolect status of area were different dialect and subdialect; third, relic of vocal were: /a/, /i/, /r/, / ∂ /, and mendley innovation.
IJELTAL (Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics), Nov 15, 2020
This research discussed education and dialectology, examining the relation of Orang Rimba (OR) is... more This research discussed education and dialectology, examining the relation of Orang Rimba (OR) isolect in three places at Jambi Province. Different levels of education in each group of OR also influence language maintenance at proto-language. Language shift will occur when OR communicate with the villagers. The number of OR children who go to school does not guarantee a language shift. This study's benefit was to find out the proto vocabulary that still maintenance and shifted, to know the status of isolect from each group of OR to find out their kinship relations, and to know that education levels may not always affect vocabulary shifts. Dialectometry formula used from Guitar, Proto Austronesian (PAN) used theory from Wurm and Wilson, Proto Malayic (PM) used opinion from Adelaar. This study used qualitative and quantitative to answer different formulation of the problems. The result was: firstly, lexically and phonologically, the status of OR isolect in Jambi, including three regencies consisted of two dialects, four subdialects, and four speeches. There were 5 proto vocals and 19 proto consonants phonemes of OR in Jambi Province. The result of affixation identification at PM *tAr-; *mAN-; *(mb)Ar-; *-an; and *kA-an found innovation and no relic. Secondly, the reflex of PAN and PM at OR Malay dialect having the highest value in maintaining its proto-language (relics) occurred in DP 5,6 Muaro Jambi Regency. Thirdly, the number of children attending school in the villages of Nebang Parah and Nyogan was higher compared to other OR groups. The number of children attending school was in line with the high percentage of protolanguages used.
Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, 2015
This study was a dialectological research studying the isolect kinship relationship of Orang Rimb... more This study was a dialectological research studying the isolect kinship relationship of Orang Rimba (Wild People) in three regencies of Jambi Province. Each regency was represented by two groups of Orang Rimba. The determination of isolect status for such the area was very important to determine whether or not such the area is in one the same or different language. The kinship relation between Orang Rimba groups can define its isolect status. This observation area was selected based on the Orang Rimba population number, their geographical residence, and area openness.The objectives of research were to identify the Malayan isolect of Orang Rimba in Muaro Jambi, Sarolangun, and Tebo Regencies either lexically or phonologically; to describe the Proto Austronesian and Proto Malayic reflexes in the Malayan isolect of Orang Rimba in Muaro Jambi, Sarolangun, and Tebo Regencies. The types of research employed were qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative research employed the comparative method with Top-Down Reconstruction, and the quantitative one employed the comparative method with dialectrometrical technique.The result of research was firstly, considering the result of lexical, phonological dialectrometry and dialectometrical triangle calculation, the isolect of Orang Rimba (OR) in Jambi Province encompassing three regencies consisted of four dialects and two sub-dialects. The observation areas belonging to different dialect were Orang Rimba Paku Aji, Orang Rimba Nyogan, Orang Rimba Nebang Parah, and Orang Rimba Tanah Garo dialects. Those belonging to different sub dialect were Orang Rimba Singosari and Orang Rimba Kedondong Mudo sub dialects. Secondly, PAN (Proto Austronesian) and PM (Proto Malayic) reflexes in Malayan sub-dialects of Orang Rimba in Muaro Jambi, Sarolangun and Tebo Regencies were a) PAN-OR, the observation areas (DP) with the highest innovation were DP 1 and DP 4 each of which contained 144 innovations; DP with the highest relic were DP 5 and DP 6 each of which contained 10 relics. Meanwhile, the DP with the lowest innovation were DP 5 and DP 6, each of which contained 139, whereas those with the lowest relics were DP 1 and DP 4, each of which contained 5 relics. (b) PM-OR. Firstly, the DP with the highest innovation were DP 1 and DP 4 each of which contained 93 innovations; DP with the highest relic were DP 5 and DP 6 each of which contained 42 relics. Meanwhile, the DP with the lowest innovation were DP 5 and DP 6, each of which contained 86, whereas those with the lowest relics were DP 1 and DP 4, each of which contained 32 relics.
Indonesian journal of EFL and linguistics, Nov 15, 2022
During the Covid-19 pandemic, some terms appear to represent the coronavirus. For some people, Co... more During the Covid-19 pandemic, some terms appear to represent the coronavirus. For some people, Covid-19 terms were familiar, but not for others, such as Orang Rimba (OR). Some terms were weird and new because it was pronounced in the English language, such as 'social distancing', 'rapid test', and 'lockdown'. Meanwhile, the role of the government, in this case, BKSDA was very important to stop the spread of this virus within the OR community. This article not only talked about language but also the implementation of health. The purposes of this research were: 1) to find out the government's role through BKSDA in educating OR about Covid-19 terms and its preventing actions; 2) to find out the perception of OR toward the words of Covid-19. This research was conducted qualitatively. The technique for collecting the data was observation, interview, documentation, and recording. Meanwhile, for analyzing the data used descriptive techniques. The results were: 1) BKSDA office visited each OR group and gave directions and examples on how to wash hands, wear masks, keep their distance, and keep the environment clean. The suitable methods in teaching new things to OR are exemplary and habituation. 2) from 15 vocabulary words related to the Covid-19 pandemic, OR knew only 5 words. It was a mask, virus, washing hands, hand sanitizer, and corona. The word mask, according to OR, was a fabric for covering the nose and mouth. The meaning of the virus and corona were evil animals. The word washing hand means besuh tangon/ cuci tangon.
Tulisan ini merupakan tanggapan penulis terhadap salah satu artikel yang di muat dalam Jurnal Mas... more Tulisan ini merupakan tanggapan penulis terhadap salah satu artikel yang di muat dalam Jurnal Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia karya Oktavianus. Budaya Minangkabau adalah sebuah budaya yang berkembang di Minangkabau serta daerah rantau Minang. Daerah rantau ini mencakup wilayahwilayah yang ada di Indonesia dikarenakan masyarakat Minangkabau adalah masyarakat yang suka merantau. Salah satu pepatah masyarakat Minang yang terkenal adalah: labiah elok susah di nagari urang daripado susah di nagari surang, karena itulah masyarakat Minang terkenal dengan budaya merantaunya. Berbeda dengan kebanyakan budaya yang berkembang di dunia, budaya Minangkabau menganut sistem matrilineal baik dalam hal pernikahan, persukuan, warisan dan sebagainya.
Proceedings of the 5th Asian Education Symposium 2020 (AES 2020), 2021
This study aims to describe the application of Arabic as the language of instruction in Islamic s... more This study aims to describe the application of Arabic as the language of instruction in Islamic subjects at the Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University of Jambi. This research is qualitative research, and the data was collected using observation, interview, documentation, and questionnaires. The findings showed that Arabic cannot be applied to the maximum and only a few lecturers have started to implement it even though it is not in full. The models of Islamic subject lecturers using Arabic as the language of instruction vary greatly. Some constraints were faced in the use of Arabic as the language of instruction in Islamic subjects, including various abilities of students, lecturers' lack of ability to speak Arabic actively, limited books and literature on Islamic subjects in Arabic, and lack of training to improve the skills of lecturers who teach Islamic subjects. The implementation of Arabic as an introductory language of Islamic subjects has not been effective.
This thesis analyzes about the influence of humanism toward main character as seen in film Cinder... more This thesis analyzes about the influence of humanism toward main character as seen in film Cinderella by Kenneth Branagh. Moreover, this study was designed to find out the reasons of Prince Kit marry Ella in the film Cinderella by Kenneth Branagh,the humanity values that influence Prince Kit to marry Ella, the effects of humanity values toward Ella’s life. The writer used Humanism theory to support the writing this thesis. This study was descriptive qualitative since the data were collected, analyzed and described in the form of words rather than numerical scores or statistics. The study was descriptive because it tries to describe the body language expressed by the main character. The data of the research were the pictures and dialogue, which contains body language expressed by the main character. The research result shows that first,there were some reasons of Prince Kit marry Ella such as Ella was good girl she had good attitude. She also diligent girl. She did not think how bad treatment that have given by her stepmother and her stepsisters. She just did the best to keep clean her own house. She was pretty girl with good attitude that made prince got interest with her it proved when they met for the first time in the forest while the Prince went hunted and look a deer. But Ella did not want if the prince killed the deer. And finally Prince tells to his father that he just met the pretty girl. They were of the reasons of Prince Fall in love with Ella, beside Ella had a beautiful face she also a good girl; second there were many humanity values toward Ella’s life that influence prince want to marry her like when she found old woman, she asked Ella to take the bread and a cup of milk. For the first time Ella known yet that Old woman as a fairy but she still helps the old woman. It also showed when she gave respect to all invited guests in the event a party which was held by the kingdom by subjecting her head. Not only beautiful she also has good characteristic and also polite to everyone. She was a forgiving girl, she forgive all of mistakes of her stepmother have done to her.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dialektologi yang mengkaji perkembhngan isolek 5 desa di DAS ... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dialektologi yang mengkaji perkembhngan isolek 5 desa di DAS Batanghari. Daerah pengamatan ini dipilih karena berada dipinggir sungai yang dekat dengan kota Jambi sehingga memperlihatkan perubahan relik daninovasi yang cukup kuat. Jarak tempuh yang sangat dekat ini, secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi pola pikir, budaya, dan bahasa asli masyarakat Melayu Seberang. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kosakata yang berbeda, menentukan status isolek setiap titik pengamatan, dan mendeskripsikan relik dan inovasinya. Teori dialektologi yang digunakan merujuk ke Mahsun (1995); Nadra dan Reniwati (2009). Teori fonologi menggunakan teori dari Robins (1975); teori dialektometri menggunakan teori Guiter; penetapan Proto Malayic mengikuti Adelaar (1992). Jenis penelitian yang diterapkan ada du4 yaitu penelitian kualitatif dan penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik top-down reconstruction. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah pertama, ada 53 data yang tidak sama secara antardesa (26.5%); kedua, status isoleknya berupa beda dialek dan subdialek; ketiga, relik meneakupi vokal /a/, /i/, /u/, /∂/, sedangkan bentuk inovasi bervariatif. This was a dialectology research which analyzed about the development of isolect 5 villages at DAS Batanghari. These places chosen because the position of villages near Jambi city, it would show strong changes of relic and innovation. The distance between Jambi city and Jambi Seberang not so far, so it would be influenced the way of thinking, culture, and the language of Jambi Seberang people. The purpose of this research was to describe difference words; identifying isolect status of every area; describing relic and innovation. The main theory which was used in this research that related to dialectology was Mahsun (1995);Nadra snd Reniwati (2009). Phonology used theory from Robins (1975); Dialectometry formula used from Guiter; Proto Malayic Adelaar (1992). The kind of research were: qualitative and quantitative research and also used top-down reconstruction technique. The result of this research first, there were 53 data for different words (26.5%); second, isolect status of area were different dialect and subdialect; third, relic of vocal were: /a/, /i/, /r/, / ∂ /, and mendley innovation.
IJELTAL (Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics), Nov 15, 2020
This research discussed education and dialectology, examining the relation of Orang Rimba (OR) is... more This research discussed education and dialectology, examining the relation of Orang Rimba (OR) isolect in three places at Jambi Province. Different levels of education in each group of OR also influence language maintenance at proto-language. Language shift will occur when OR communicate with the villagers. The number of OR children who go to school does not guarantee a language shift. This study's benefit was to find out the proto vocabulary that still maintenance and shifted, to know the status of isolect from each group of OR to find out their kinship relations, and to know that education levels may not always affect vocabulary shifts. Dialectometry formula used from Guitar, Proto Austronesian (PAN) used theory from Wurm and Wilson, Proto Malayic (PM) used opinion from Adelaar. This study used qualitative and quantitative to answer different formulation of the problems. The result was: firstly, lexically and phonologically, the status of OR isolect in Jambi, including three regencies consisted of two dialects, four subdialects, and four speeches. There were 5 proto vocals and 19 proto consonants phonemes of OR in Jambi Province. The result of affixation identification at PM *tAr-; *mAN-; *(mb)Ar-; *-an; and *kA-an found innovation and no relic. Secondly, the reflex of PAN and PM at OR Malay dialect having the highest value in maintaining its proto-language (relics) occurred in DP 5,6 Muaro Jambi Regency. Thirdly, the number of children attending school in the villages of Nebang Parah and Nyogan was higher compared to other OR groups. The number of children attending school was in line with the high percentage of protolanguages used.
Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, 2015
This study was a dialectological research studying the isolect kinship relationship of Orang Rimb... more This study was a dialectological research studying the isolect kinship relationship of Orang Rimba (Wild People) in three regencies of Jambi Province. Each regency was represented by two groups of Orang Rimba. The determination of isolect status for such the area was very important to determine whether or not such the area is in one the same or different language. The kinship relation between Orang Rimba groups can define its isolect status. This observation area was selected based on the Orang Rimba population number, their geographical residence, and area openness.The objectives of research were to identify the Malayan isolect of Orang Rimba in Muaro Jambi, Sarolangun, and Tebo Regencies either lexically or phonologically; to describe the Proto Austronesian and Proto Malayic reflexes in the Malayan isolect of Orang Rimba in Muaro Jambi, Sarolangun, and Tebo Regencies. The types of research employed were qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative research employed the comparative method with Top-Down Reconstruction, and the quantitative one employed the comparative method with dialectrometrical technique.The result of research was firstly, considering the result of lexical, phonological dialectrometry and dialectometrical triangle calculation, the isolect of Orang Rimba (OR) in Jambi Province encompassing three regencies consisted of four dialects and two sub-dialects. The observation areas belonging to different dialect were Orang Rimba Paku Aji, Orang Rimba Nyogan, Orang Rimba Nebang Parah, and Orang Rimba Tanah Garo dialects. Those belonging to different sub dialect were Orang Rimba Singosari and Orang Rimba Kedondong Mudo sub dialects. Secondly, PAN (Proto Austronesian) and PM (Proto Malayic) reflexes in Malayan sub-dialects of Orang Rimba in Muaro Jambi, Sarolangun and Tebo Regencies were a) PAN-OR, the observation areas (DP) with the highest innovation were DP 1 and DP 4 each of which contained 144 innovations; DP with the highest relic were DP 5 and DP 6 each of which contained 10 relics. Meanwhile, the DP with the lowest innovation were DP 5 and DP 6, each of which contained 139, whereas those with the lowest relics were DP 1 and DP 4, each of which contained 5 relics. (b) PM-OR. Firstly, the DP with the highest innovation were DP 1 and DP 4 each of which contained 93 innovations; DP with the highest relic were DP 5 and DP 6 each of which contained 42 relics. Meanwhile, the DP with the lowest innovation were DP 5 and DP 6, each of which contained 86, whereas those with the lowest relics were DP 1 and DP 4, each of which contained 32 relics.
Indonesian journal of EFL and linguistics, Nov 15, 2022
During the Covid-19 pandemic, some terms appear to represent the coronavirus. For some people, Co... more During the Covid-19 pandemic, some terms appear to represent the coronavirus. For some people, Covid-19 terms were familiar, but not for others, such as Orang Rimba (OR). Some terms were weird and new because it was pronounced in the English language, such as 'social distancing', 'rapid test', and 'lockdown'. Meanwhile, the role of the government, in this case, BKSDA was very important to stop the spread of this virus within the OR community. This article not only talked about language but also the implementation of health. The purposes of this research were: 1) to find out the government's role through BKSDA in educating OR about Covid-19 terms and its preventing actions; 2) to find out the perception of OR toward the words of Covid-19. This research was conducted qualitatively. The technique for collecting the data was observation, interview, documentation, and recording. Meanwhile, for analyzing the data used descriptive techniques. The results were: 1) BKSDA office visited each OR group and gave directions and examples on how to wash hands, wear masks, keep their distance, and keep the environment clean. The suitable methods in teaching new things to OR are exemplary and habituation. 2) from 15 vocabulary words related to the Covid-19 pandemic, OR knew only 5 words. It was a mask, virus, washing hands, hand sanitizer, and corona. The word mask, according to OR, was a fabric for covering the nose and mouth. The meaning of the virus and corona were evil animals. The word washing hand means besuh tangon/ cuci tangon.
Tulisan ini merupakan tanggapan penulis terhadap salah satu artikel yang di muat dalam Jurnal Mas... more Tulisan ini merupakan tanggapan penulis terhadap salah satu artikel yang di muat dalam Jurnal Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia karya Oktavianus. Budaya Minangkabau adalah sebuah budaya yang berkembang di Minangkabau serta daerah rantau Minang. Daerah rantau ini mencakup wilayahwilayah yang ada di Indonesia dikarenakan masyarakat Minangkabau adalah masyarakat yang suka merantau. Salah satu pepatah masyarakat Minang yang terkenal adalah: labiah elok susah di nagari urang daripado susah di nagari surang, karena itulah masyarakat Minang terkenal dengan budaya merantaunya. Berbeda dengan kebanyakan budaya yang berkembang di dunia, budaya Minangkabau menganut sistem matrilineal baik dalam hal pernikahan, persukuan, warisan dan sebagainya.
Proceeding of The 4th International Seminar on Linguistics (ISOL-4) Pages: 40–49, 2019
This dialectology research analyzed the development of isolect at six villages in Seberang and Sa... more This dialectology research analyzed the development of isolect at six villages in Seberang and Sabak. These areas are the Malay language user but different regency. Sabak belongs to Tanjabtim regency and Jambi Seberang belongs to Muaro Jambi Regency. They are compared to find out which area still uses the vocabulary of its ancestors, and which area that experience of innovation. The position of Jambi Seberang near with Jambi city arround 7 minute but Sabak regency was far away from Jambi city arround two hours. The purposes of this research were to describe the different words, identifying isolect status of every area, describing relic and innovation. It was found that the people at Sabak especially at Kampung Laut still used their ancestors words at their nuclear family than others villages. Beside that, the people at Kampung Laut were rare going to the Jambi city or other cities, so that the influence of words of another tribes were not so hight. There were some words that the same with the Proto language but also there were different. It happened because of intermarriage and contact communication with different tribe.The results of this research were: first, zero (59 data), the lexical difference (60 data), and phonological difference (81 data); second, the status isolect is sub dialect; third, relics (96 data) at Kampung Laut and innovation (135 data) at Parit Culum.
Papers by Diana Rozelin