Papers by Jurnal FENOMENA
The objective of this research is to describe the concept of Ibnu Jarir al-Tabari about al-Qur’an... more The objective of this research is to describe the concept of Ibnu Jarir al-Tabari about al-Qur’an, tafsir and ta’wil. Ibn Jarir al-Tabari is an outstanding expert in the classic Islamic tradition. His knowledge in hadits, fiqh, lughah, history, and tafseer is unquestionable. This study uses an analytical descriptive design. The findings show that: Firstly, in defining al-Qur’an, al-Tabari focused on the al-Qur’an as an Arabic language text, not in other language. Secondly, al-Qur’an is written in sab’ah ahruf. It means that there are 7 different kinds of language with the same meaning. Thirdly, al-Qur’an comes from seven heaven’s door. Fourthly, there is no different word between tafseer and ta’wil. They have same meaning. These concepts are different to other concepts proposed by other ulama.

The objective of this research is to know the effectiveness of micro-teaching in STAIN Samarinda ... more The objective of this research is to know the effectiveness of micro-teaching in STAIN Samarinda and to know the implementation of micro-teaching in STAIN Samarinda. The population of the study is the seventh semester students of PAI program study and the fifth semester students of English program. The data collection technique is questionnaires, documentation, observation, and interview. The questionnaires concists of some questions to the students are to find out 3 indicators; effective, less effective, and not effective. Documentation was used to find out the students’ achievement who took micro-teaching. Observation was used to observe the implementation of micro-teaching. Interview was used to find out the process of micro-teaching and the students’ respond in the class of micro-teaching. Data were tabulated, scored, and counted to get the procentage, then analyzed to draw conclusion. Data analyzed based on the result of tabulation. The findings show that micro-teaching of Tarbiyah of STAIN Samarinda is effective and could show the students’ ability in teaching.

The slogan of Indonesia, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, should involve the concept and the implementation o... more The slogan of Indonesia, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, should involve the concept and the implementation of diversity and mutlicultualisme to strengthen the unity of Indonesia people. In fact, there are still found many conflicts in Indonesia caused by the different religiouns and culture among Indonesian people and it will cause the obstacle to reach the unity in Indonesia. The different religioun and culture has not given any positif impact to Indonesia. Unfortunely, it causes some conflicts, misunderstandings, and fightings in Indonesia. To minimize it, the schools should teach the value of togetherness and tolerancy in adjusting and implementing the diversity. This kind of education can be taught by using the concept of multiculturalism education. As the representation of Indonesian diversity, it is an appropriate decision to have Kalimantan Timur as the subject of this multiculturalism research.
There is an urgency of fiqih norms and its application to solve social problems. Fiqih norms is a... more There is an urgency of fiqih norms and its application to solve social problems. Fiqih norms is a part of fiqih study and becomes one of the methods in Islamic law. Without understanding of fiqih norms, someone’s understanding about Islamic law will be not comprehensive, because it can make the law practitioners easy to understand the problems related to fiqih. The position of fiqih norms as a complementary subject after Al-Qur’an and Sunnah has been a convention among Moslems. In other sides, the position of fiqih norms as a source is still debatable among Moslems. It is because fiqih norms tend to have an unknown exception for some Moslems. In this case, some ulama use fiqih norms which are based on the nash to determine a regulation which it has not established yet.
Islamic business ethics teach people to have a good behavior and to avoid the bad ones. It is bas... more Islamic business ethics teach people to have a good behavior and to avoid the bad ones. It is based on Islamic values. Islam has a role about the weights of goods. It has been written in Al-Qur’an and hadits. Islam suggests people do business in a right way; because Islam deals with productivity in trade. In trade, both the producers and the consumers will have benefits from the trade. A good purchace and sale activity involve an honesty; in the right or wrong way. In Islamic business law, the concept of muamalah is mubah, unless it is done based on Al-Qur’an and Sunnah, without coercion, benefits-based consideration, avoiding bad effects, and fair.
Participation is an active and initiative process that comes from citizen where it will be realiz... more Participation is an active and initiative process that comes from citizen where it will be realized as an actual effort if fulfilling three factors; a good will, ability and a change to participate. In the context of education, the social participation is found in the form the people participation to the process of education. That participation and involvement can be in terms of management development aspect, curriculum, to the learning process. This paper tries to describe the models of social participation at SMP Plus Melati since this is one of the best schools in Samarinda. The models of social participation were found, such as: institutional, educative, and cultural participation. There are also some cooperation, such as: institutional mutual understanding, managerial development, finance, curriculum, and cooperation with some Moslem leaders in Samarinda.

Ibnu Hazm is a distinguished Moslem leader who really holds fast to the nash. That is why, he cri... more Ibnu Hazm is a distinguished Moslem leader who really holds fast to the nash. That is why, he critics hard the other Moslem leaders who take the rationality role in establishing a regulation. In his point of view, Islamic law comes from Allah SWT which is clearly written in Al Qur’an and Sunnah, and implemented consensusily by all Moslems. Ijma’ basically should based on the the nash of Quran because there no ijma’ without following the nash. So that, Ibnu Hazm states that there are three sources of the law as main base of implementing the law. Ibnu Hazm refuses the qiyas as source of the law. In term of his refuse of the qiyas, Ibun Hazm promotes a new perspective in responding the comtemporer problems that they are not found in the nash explicitely. The thought was known as ad dalil.Then, the concept of ad dalil is considered as one of the sources of in the Islamic law that there is no different to the qiyas used by other Moslem leaders previously.
Ethics is about behavior of human being, such as which one is right or wrong. The ethics is alway... more Ethics is about behavior of human being, such as which one is right or wrong. The ethics is always affecting the human life. The ethics gives people orientation how he/she do manything every time every day. Islamic ethics consists of the way how someone interact each other; how someone should do or not to do, how to sit, how to walk, how to eat or drink, how to sleep, or how to get dressed. Al-Qur’an uses three terms to define about dressing, they are: libas, tsiyah, and sarahi. Dressing has a function as covering the body, as assessoris, as the way to do Islamic taqwa, and as an identiy. Dressing ethics of the female students of STAIN Samarinda has been regulated by the rector regulation No 19 of the year 2002 about relation and dressing ethics for the students of STAIN Samarinda.

National education has a strategic role and is very important in developing ability and forming t... more National education has a strategic role and is very important in developing ability and forming temper also dignified nation civilization in order to educate the nation. The national education also has a goal to the development of education participant potential for being human who believe and devotion for God Almighty, noble, health, knowledgeable, competent, creative and being democratic citizens, also responsible. Thematic learning is a form that creates an integrated learning, that will push the students involvement in studying, making students to be active involved in the learning process and creates a situation of problem solving as the students’need, in studying thematically the students will be able to learn and play with a high creativity. The thematic learning is developed besides to achieve the learning goal that had determined, it is hoped that students can increase the concept understanding they learned meaningfully, develop the skill of finding, processing, information utilization, develop a positive position, a good habit, and transcendent values that are needed in life, develop social skills such as cooperation, tolerance, communication, also appreciate others’opinion, increase passion in studying, choose the suitable activity as their interest and needs.
The emergence of Islamic excellent schools in the archipelago, being a cue that there will raise ... more The emergence of Islamic excellent schools in the archipelago, being a cue that there will raise ghirah moslems to increase their education quality. One of efforts made in sustaining the excellence is by press pint on the Human Resources Management (read: educators and educational). In Samarinda, the existence of the Islamic excellent schools also being a trend and idol of moslem society in general, it can be seen from the society anemo to send their children to the Islamic excellent schools. This matter becomes the early inspirations in this research, by focusing the research on the efforts and strategies in the development of excellent schools of Samarinda in the case of the Human Resources. Among the Islamic excellent schools, the research objects are SD Muhammadiyah 1 and SDIT Cordova.
Spirit to apply syariah Islam in various areas in Indonesia apparently never extinguished, and on... more Spirit to apply syariah Islam in various areas in Indonesia apparently never extinguished, and one of them is in NAD. Application of syariah Islam in Aceh actually parses various criticisms and arguments; in fact the case that the application of syariah Islam in NAD is a gift from the central government, because of there is a concern from central of NAD will separate from NKRI. Formalization (canonization) of Islam law is a way to safely the law of Islam. Therefore, the law of Islam that has been formalized in the form of regulation/canon, so that in the application caused no pros and cons from various parties, better prepared well, both in terms of material, readiness of human resources also the local readiness to execute it, thus caused no productive cons later.

Process of Islamization in Indonesia that has characteristic, namely; runs in peace, follows cust... more Process of Islamization in Indonesia that has characteristic, namely; runs in peace, follows customary, soaks into clefts of facets of Indonesian nation life in each facet of life through the planting path of religion values on the customary local culture. The process of Islamization in Indonesia was lasting in such a long periods to hundreds of years. According to the history, East Kalimantan was being Islam firstly by Datuk Ri Bandang and Tunggang Parangan. Process of Islamization in Kutai and the surrounding area was predicted to happen about 1575. The Islamization process of Banjarnesesociety spreads peacefully, seeps into the clefts of life in every aspect, adapts itself in the local culture. It unites and integrates the Islamic values into the culture system. Thus the local culture that used to be animism primitive is changed to be a new culture, which is Islamic culture. Islamic culture in Banjarnese customary reflected as the marriage ceremony in the form of symbol, the society behavior and also the tool used, although the Islamic reflection is rudimentary but as other cultures that characterized selective dynamic then in fact, the customary of Banjarnese culture is growing into a form of value improvement that is more Islamic.
A change in format of state university to education legal entity allows the existence of autonomo... more A change in format of state university to education legal entity allows the existence of autonomous. Thus, a rector is more creative and no longer bounded by structure and bureaucratic mechanism. The autonomous in academic, finance, administration, personnel, etc., followed by a possible optimal accountability where every year the rector must give a responsibility report to senate, assembly of guardian trustful, external auditor, public accountant, and Finance Minister also Minister of National Education.
Papers by Jurnal FENOMENA