International Journal of Education, Culture, and Society, Mar 26, 2024
The Muna community wherever they go will bring their traditions with them. One of the traditions ... more The Muna community wherever they go will bring their traditions with them. One of the traditions they have is the katoba ritual. This ritual is the obligation of parents to carry it out, especially for their children who have entered the age of puberty (7-11) years. Its implementation outside the Muna area will result in the dynamics of language use, especially the katoba ritual language which was originally Muna language shifted into three languages in its delivery, namely Muna, Indonesian, and Arabic. This is because the katoba children who live overseas are no longer fluent in Muna. This research aims to describe the portray the wisdom of the Muna language and the inheritance of values contained in the katoba ritual in the overseas Muna community in Kendari City. This research uses qualitative and ethnographic approaches. The research findings show that the use of the Muna language in the katoba ritual is very vital because contains language wisdom and values are represented in the Muna language. Even though the katoba children in Kendari City no longer understand the Muna language, an imam took the initiative to use it in Muna/Arabic, and translate it into Indonesian. This is done so that the values contained in it can be inherited properly. The values contained in the katoba ritual in the overseas Muna community in Kendari City are: religious values, moral values, philosophical values, ethical values, and tolerance values.
Papers by Ardianto Tola
dikelompokkan ke dalam empat masalah mendasar, yaitu (1) ejaan yang
disempurnakan. Pemahaman ejaan sangat diperlukan karena ejaan
merupakan “rambu lalu lintas” dalam penggunaan bahasa, terutama bahasa tulis; (2) tata kalimat. Materi ini juga dilengkapi dengan uraian kalimat efektif sebagai acuan dalam penyusunan kalimat. Tanpa bermaksud mengecilkan arti pentingnya unsur bahasa yang lain, kalimat menduduki posisi strategis dalam bahasa karena dengan kalimatlah seseorang dapat mengungkapkan suatu maksud; (3) tata alinea. Jika maksud itu berupa ide/gagasan yang lebih besar, untuk mengungkapkannya diperlukan alinea. Karena itulah, alinea juga dijadikan pokok bahasan dalam buku ini; dan (4) penyusunan karangan. Kemahiran menyusun karangan sudah tentu sangat diperlukan karena salah satu tujuan akhir pengajaran bahasa Indonesia bagi mahasiswa ialah untuk mempersiapkan mereka menulis karangan ilmiah.
This book represents a unique collection of food studies from the perspective of both social and food science. This book describes the current situation of food cultures in Southeast Asia and consists of six chapters which explain the cases of Thailand and Indonesia. The selected case studies are illustrative of ten scholars from various disciplines and nationalities. The multidisciplinary approaches help readers understand how the food culture in Southeast Asia changes and show the dominant factors driving those changes. This book is suitable for students who are interested in food culture, general readers, and foodies. By reading this book, readers will realize the connection between social science and food science and find interesting insights from both perspectives. In many cases, this book describes ways of eating and traditional food cultures that have already begun to disappear or have been transformed into “modernity”. To understand how and why this occurs enables researches to react and do something for the future of food tradition and nutrition.