Research Reports

IAFOR is able to use its convening power and international research network of individuals and institutions to undertake original research, produce research reports, and disseminate the research findings. We have been commissioned by both the Prime Minister’s Office/Cabinet Office and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Toward Safe and Healthy Trans-border Cruises: International Challenges for Building Resilient and Trusted Ships and Ports

The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) was commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) in October 2020, to conduct a comprehensive international study on the issues and challenges related to the outbreak of infectious diseases on cruise ships, as a supplementary budget public project for FY2020. Drawing from the experiences of Japan and other countries that handled cruise ships infected by COVID-19, the objective of this project was to conduct research and prepare ground for substantive discussions and debates on the subject among Japanese and international experts and relevant parties at an international conference in early 2021. The research for the project was coordinated through the IAFOR Research Centre at The Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) at Osaka University, with the Japanese experts committee and in collaboration with several overseas think tanks.

The full report, “Toward Safe and Healthy Trans-border Cruises: International Challenges for Building Resilient and Trusted Ships and Ports” is available for download in English and Japanese.

Note: Parts of this report are drawn from a press release of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

IAFOR, IAFOR Research Centre, JapanGov, MOFA Japan

Adaptive Lifelong Learning for an Inclusive Knowledge Economy

This report addresses the globalized knowledge economy in the 21st century; not only as it exists today, but the knowledge economy needed to meet the demands of tomorrow. This report proposes that in order for our knowledge economy to grow and be sustainable, it must be inclusive in ways that enable it to adapt to—and incorporate within it—the personal and professional growth of a large and diverse body of lifelong learners. In this introduction, we first define what we mean by inclusive knowledge and explain how our proposed definition expands some of the traditional understandings. We then show that an expansive and dynamic conceptualization of knowledge increases inclusion and promotes lifelong adaptive learning as a mindset and a practice.

Calhoun Center for Higher Education Innovation
Virginia Tech Publishing
International Academic Forum
Future Talent Council