Papers by Pablo Garces Velastegui
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Aug 28, 2022

revistapuce, 2016
The literature questioning positivist research in the social sciences is increasing. One promisi... more The literature questioning positivist research in the social sciences is increasing. One promising alternative, which has been gaining momentum, is pragmatism. This discussion, however, has been carried out mainly at the level of the philosophy of (social) science. Consequently, this paper seeks to contribute to the discussion on methods and puts forward Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) as a research method useful for pragmatist inquiry. Beyond the quantitative-qualitative divide, fsQCA is a set theoretical method that: i) can capture concept differences both in terms of kind (qualitative) and degree (quantitative); and, ii) focuses on multiple conjunctural causation. That is, it considers cases leading to an outcome as consisting of conditions (conjunctural causation). Moreover, different combinations of these conditions can lead to the same outcome (equifinality). Finally, the presence or absence of an outcome is explained by different reasons, not just t...
Analecta política, 2016
Ni la "mente" ni las "cosas" sino actuar: algunas implicaciones filosóficas del Pragmatismo para ... more Ni la "mente" ni las "cosas" sino actuar: algunas implicaciones filosóficas del Pragmatismo para la investigación en Relaciones Internacionales Nem a "mente", nem as "coisas" senão atuar: algumas implicações filosóficas do Pragmatismo para a investigação em Relações Internacionais Atribución-Sin Derivar-No comercial: El material creado por usted puede ser distribuido, copiado y exhibido por terceros si se muestra en los créditos. No se puede obtener ningún beneficio comercial. No se pueden realizar obras derivadas

Development approaches dictate what progress is and how to go about. Internationally, rankings ba... more Development approaches dictate what progress is and how to go about. Internationally, rankings based on development achievements have proven influential among policymakers. However, the dominant framework, income per capita, has been an unsatisfactory indicator of well-being. In this context, this paper argues for a move towards human development and the Human Development Approach (HDA). It also presents decentralization as a policy with potential to further human development. It argues for a tridimensional conceptualization of decentralization and predicts a positive relationship between the latter and human development as reflected by the Human Development Index (HDI). It brings this potential to empirical scrutiny using the most up-to-date data (year 2005) for 165 countries. For this exercise, a composite indicator of decentralization (CID) is generated and proven robust. The regression analysis of the HDI on the CID confirms the prediction, even after controlling for relevant variables. However, caution is advised when interpreting these results. They show association only, not causality. Moreover, methodological issues as well the complexities proper to the policy qualify the analysis.

Revista Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad, 2017
La integración latinoamericana ha sido considerada usualmente como un medio para un fin, una solu... more La integración latinoamericana ha sido considerada usualmente como un medio para un fin, una solución para algún problema. Sin embargo, la discrepancia entre lo que es y lo que ha aspirado a ser sugiere que es un problema en sí misma. Este papel aplica un enfoque conceptual de la literatura en planificación social con influencia creciente para argüir que no es uno cualquiera sino un problema “perverso”. Contrario a los problemas ‘dóciles’, que son los problemas de las ciencias exactas, los perversos son sociales o de la sociedad y, por tanto, un tema de política pública. Los problemas perversos son inter alia difíciles de definir, únicos, inherentemente paradójicos, importantes, sujetos a muchas interpretaciones y, así, sin una solución correcta. La integración latinoamericana, se arguye aquí, tiene estas características y las implicaciones son relevantes para académicos y tomadores de decisión. Si la integración regional continúa siendo abordada como un problema dócil, los resultad...

Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad, 2018
Latin American integration has usually been consi- dered as means to some ends, a solution to som... more Latin American integration has usually been consi- dered as means to some ends, a solution to some pro- blem. However, the discrepancy between what it is and what it has aspired to be, suggests that it is a pro- blem in and of itself. This paper applies an increasingly influential conceptual approach from social planning literature to argue that it is not just any problem but a ‘wicked’ problem. Contrary to ‘tame’ problems, which are exact science problems, wicked ones are social or societal and, thus, a matter of public policy. Wicked problems are inter alia elusive to define, unique, in- herently paradoxical, consequential, subject to many interpretations and, as such, have no right solution. Latin American integration, it is argued here, meets these criteria, and the implications are important for both academics and deci- sion makers. Should regional integration continue to be approached as a tame problem, results are likely to continue to disagree with expectations.
Analecta Politica, 2016
Research in the discipline of International Relations (IR) has been dominated by positivism. Posi... more Research in the discipline of International Relations (IR) has been dominated by positivism. Positivist philosophy of science has been useful in the conduct of inquiry but it has come at a cost: Cartesian anxiety. That is, the pursuit of absolute certainty, with the demanding assumptions such an ambitious goal entails. In light of these questionable standards, pragmatism is presented as a promising alternative. A pragmatist approach rejects the search for 'truth' and instead proposes a focus on 'warranted assertibility'. As such, it takes the preliminary character of knowledge seriously. Consequently, it is argued that pragmatism can address the shortcomings posed by positivism. By so doing, this exercise makes a call for pluralism, not a new orthodoxy.

Revista PUCE, 2016
Organizational culture is a deter- minant aspect of organizations. The growing body of academic l... more Organizational culture is a deter- minant aspect of organizations. The growing body of academic literature on this subject conveys this relevance. Great insights have been gained by this schol- arship. Nevertheless, and interestingly, an approach that explains culture itself and maintains its intrinsic human nature has been absent in the analysis. This is the gap that this article seeks to fill. It utilizes a framework born in anthropological studies that has convincingly been ap- plied to other disciplines, namely Grid Group Cultural Theory. Satisfying com- prehensiveness and parsimony, this the-
ory argues for four mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive rationalities, ways of life, worldviews or cultures – egalitar- ian, individualistic, hierarchical, fatalistic. In contrast to conventional approaches, given that culture itself determines the meanings of concepts in the social world, central concepts in the organiza- tional culture literature are questioned. Thus, organization itself, as well as power and leadership are analyzed through this lens. Consequently, four meanings are found for each term, which creates what the literature calls a ‘wicked problem’ for administration. In this context, and be- yond a descriptive exercise, a ‘clumsy so- lution’ is argued for.
Revista PUCE, 2016
* This paper has benefitted from the contributions of many colleagues. I am particularly thankful... more * This paper has benefitted from the contributions of many colleagues. I am particularly thankful to the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Quito) as I was able to carry out this research project during my time there as a researcher. Any errors therein are my own. All the usual disclaimers apply.
El desarrollo es un concepto normativo. En su definición se transmiten ideas de progreso, avance ... more El desarrollo es un concepto normativo. En su definición se transmiten ideas de progreso, avance y mejora. Los estados, por su parte, diseñan y ejecutan política pública en función de esta definición. Consecuentemente, la calidad de vida de una población dependerá, en gran medida, de cómo se entienda el desarrollo. Distintas corrientes han participado, y participan, de este debate. Desde alternativas de desarrollo, como el económico y el humano, a alternativas al desarrollo mismo, como el Buen Vivir, la academia y la política se han enriquecido en los últimos años de una intensa discusión. Sin embargo, cada una de estas aproximaciones presenta virtudes y limitantes. En este sentido, el avance de este debate depende de qué tan seriamente se tomen ambas en cada caso. Esa es la contribución que pretende este artículo al presentar las antedichas alternativas de manera crítica.
Papers by Pablo Garces Velastegui
ory argues for four mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive rationalities, ways of life, worldviews or cultures – egalitar- ian, individualistic, hierarchical, fatalistic. In contrast to conventional approaches, given that culture itself determines the meanings of concepts in the social world, central concepts in the organiza- tional culture literature are questioned. Thus, organization itself, as well as power and leadership are analyzed through this lens. Consequently, four meanings are found for each term, which creates what the literature calls a ‘wicked problem’ for administration. In this context, and be- yond a descriptive exercise, a ‘clumsy so- lution’ is argued for.
ory argues for four mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive rationalities, ways of life, worldviews or cultures – egalitar- ian, individualistic, hierarchical, fatalistic. In contrast to conventional approaches, given that culture itself determines the meanings of concepts in the social world, central concepts in the organiza- tional culture literature are questioned. Thus, organization itself, as well as power and leadership are analyzed through this lens. Consequently, four meanings are found for each term, which creates what the literature calls a ‘wicked problem’ for administration. In this context, and be- yond a descriptive exercise, a ‘clumsy so- lution’ is argued for.