Papers by Preston Perluss
Research in International Business and Finance, 2015

A prologue to action Our idea as to the nature of language determines at the outset whatever peda... more A prologue to action Our idea as to the nature of language determines at the outset whatever pedagogy we undertake. We cannot declare naively that theory-free teaching exists—blithely taking up whatever method or course book is lying at hand and thenceforth tailoring a class from these sundry sources does in no wise liberate the teacher from the textbook writers' beliefs nor does it dissipate the unconscious presuppositions of teachers themselves. Recently, in his study The Lexical Approach, Michael Lewis has displayed his considerable acumen and deep-set wisdom through a lengthy critique of current teaching methods. In particular, he has called into question the manifold practices surrounding the present-practice-produce paradigm. The present article makes no pretension of summarising Lewis's succinct and densely argued work. Herein I simply wish to draw upon certain theoretical observations outlined in the Lexical Approach in order to develop a higher-fidelity description ...

Pyramidal Tenancy and Landlord Hierarchies: a mi-cro cosmos of tenants and subtenants in a Parisi... more Pyramidal Tenancy and Landlord Hierarchies: a mi-cro cosmos of tenants and subtenants in a Parisian neighborhood Hidden occupancy and subtenants One fundamental question in urban social history concerns residential occupancy. Historians seek a glimpse into each dwelling to count its inhabitants. Occupation patterns varied according to both the size of buildings, family sizes and obviously the urbanites' economic means. More pertinently, however, the occupation of rental properties – and rental properties predominated in urban contexts during the 18th century in France – has a vast dimension that remains cloaked in mystery. The visible part of the urban world lies largely within the purview of municipal authorities or feudal landlords and more generally those fiscal instances which sought various taxes from the owners; secondly, tenants had to pay various taxes such as the Parisian taxe des boues et lanternes, something kindred to the present day French taxe d'habitation 1. I...
DESCRIPTION Austin's performative theory involving the pragmatic value of utterances holds gr... more DESCRIPTION Austin's performative theory involving the pragmatic value of utterances holds great interest for language teachers and language learners. Especially when coupled to lexical-based teaching methods.
This article depicts the improvement in living conditions for those families of peasants (the “la... more This article depicts the improvement in living conditions for those families of peasants (the “landless peasants”) who have benefited from agrarian reform (termed “assentamentos” i.e. homesteads) through the creation of farming cooperatives. The farming cooperative examined herein was supported by the Petrobas group following the guidelines of the Brazilian National Biofuels Program. This program seeks to foster biofuels production among

International Journal of Sustainable Development, 2014
ABSTRACT With the objective to offer contributions to resolve ecological, social and economic pro... more ABSTRACT With the objective to offer contributions to resolve ecological, social and economic problems in Amazonia, Brazil's sustainable production of palm oil legislation has the specific goal of mobilising public administrations, private business, social aid agencies and family farmers with the following overall objectives: create employment and increase income by means of palm cultivation; reforest degraded lands in the Amazon (Margulis, 2004); contribute to carbon storage with the goal of reducing greenhouse gases; and induce family farmers to participate in the programme and thus favour their social inclusion. The study is based on information from documentary research undertaken to identify and a series of regionally-based interviews. Our research reveals that the national programme has mobilised a range of stakeholders (governments, firms, universities and NGOs) and small farmers' associations.
Alfred Chandler's thesis on the rise of managerial capitalism is viewed from a performative angle... more Alfred Chandler's thesis on the rise of managerial capitalism is viewed from a performative angle : managers find in Chandler's argument persuavive justification for their existence as efficient agents of modernity and thus can reconcile the disappearance or weakening of the Lockean invididual capitalist agent who both owned and managed.
The brief study of a wineseller's shop on the rue Dauphine in the mid 18th century

P r o b l é m a t i q u e La reconstitution sociale des quartiers soulève maintes questions, cert... more P r o b l é m a t i q u e La reconstitution sociale des quartiers soulève maintes questions, certaines sont d'ordre pratique, d'autres d'ordre méthodologique. Parmi les dernières, c'est surtout la définition d'un quartier qui reste l'objet des débats, car ce mot "quartier" recouvre plusieurs acceptions tant administratives que pratiques 1 . Si l'unité administrative est facile à saisir, l'idée d'un espace vécu reste beaucoup plus fugitive 2 . Tenant compte des réserves émises, définissons un quartier comme un espace d'habitat contigu, regroupant à la fois un ou plusieurs îlots d'habitation ainsi que les rues qui séparent ces îlots. D'où la question de la méthodologie destinée à recenser les membres de la société des quartiers d'autrefois. Un moyen existe-il pour connaître les noms et les qualités des individus qui habitaient des ensembles de maisons contiguës. Mieux, exigeons de notre méthodologie de reconstruction sociale qu'elle fournisse des renseignements diachroniques, à savoir, les noms et les qualités successifs de tous les habitants sur une longue durée.
Papers by Preston Perluss