Videos by Dr. Tajulashikin Jumahat
Islamic psychology deals primarily with the human psyche that relates to its spiritual aspects u... more Islamic psychology deals primarily with the human psyche that relates to its spiritual aspects underpinned by Islamic metaphysic framework. It develops a term which is called psycho-spiritual framework. There are two salient distinctions of Islamic psychology. Firstly, the conception of Islam is derived from revealed knowledge and secondly, the discourse on the development of psychology and ethics do not merely emanate from the intellectual truths, but rather grounded on spiritual realities which significantly supplemented and guided by religious, ethical and spiritual conduct and exercises 264 views
Publications by Dr. Tajulashikin Jumahat

Global Journal of Educational Research and Management (GERMANE), 2023
Usaha berterusan kerajaan melalui Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) adalah untuk mewujudkan p... more Usaha berterusan kerajaan melalui Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) adalah untuk mewujudkan pendidikan berkualiti tinggi. Dalam hal ini, pasukan pemimpin sekolah (SLT) merupakan tonggak utama kepada Pengetua/Guru Besar (PGB) dalam mengurus tadbir sekolah dengan berkesan bagi menyokong matlamat ini. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk meninjau tahap amalan kepimpinan moral SLT berdasarkan lima dimensi Model Kepimpinan Moral berdasarkan model yang dikemukan oleh Northouse (2004) iaitu (1) Membina Komuniti Sekolah; (2) Menunjukkan Keadilan; (3) Mempamerkan Kejujuran; (4) Menghormati Warga Sekolah; dan (5) Berkhidmat Untuk Warga Sekolah. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kuantitatif berbentuk deskriptif ditadbir secara rawak menggunakan 'google form' melibatkan 60 orang responden yang terdiri daripada SLT sekolah-sekolah di negeri Perak. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa 60% responden mengamalkan gaya kepimpinan moral pada tahap yang agak tinggi. Konstruk memupuk amalan saling hormat-menghormati dalam kalangan warga sekolah mendapat skor min yang tertinggi. Dapatan kajian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi panduan kepada semua pemimpin sekolah untuk menjadikan kepimpinan moral ini sebagai keutamaan dalam pentadbirannya di sekolah. Diharapkan pihak berkepentingan seperti KPM, IAB, JPN, dan PPD memandang serius dalam merangka modul dan latihan yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kredibiliti pemimpin sekolah berprestasi tinggi, khususnya dalam membentuk kecemerlangan akademik murid, kepuasan kerja guru, penglibatan ibu bapa, dan iklim sekolah yang kondusif.

International Journal of Business and Technology Management, 2023
This study aims to examine the content validity of Middle Leadership Competence Model using Lawsh... more This study aims to examine the content validity of Middle Leadership Competence Model using Lawshe's CVR analysis. The study was carried out quantitatively using survey method. The four main competency constructs comprise of Leadership, Instructional, Governance and Self-emotional. A total of 109 items were formed and evaluated by nine field experts. The experts were purposely selected based on their expertise in educational leadership, competency development and psychometric. The results showed that 91 items met the minimum CVR value of 0.78 and were retained. While, 18 items were rejected from the item pool. The mean judgement of 0.89 (CVI) for the retained items shows that the instrument has the potential to be promoted as an effective tool to measure the middle leadership competence in school. Subsequently, in the future, it is recommended to conduct more sophisticated statistical analysis such as exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to scrutinize the factor structure and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) for model development.

Global Journal of Educational Research and Management (GERMANE), 2023
Risk management in educational organizations is an important element that needs to be emphasized ... more Risk management in educational organizations is an important element that needs to be emphasized by educational leadership. This study aims to explore the relevance of initiating a human risk management course among school leaders by implementing a training needs analysis (TNA) using psychometric approaches. Therefore, a TNA instrument which is called Human Risk Management Instrument (INPERISMA) has been developed to measure three relevant dimensions to explore the aspects of human risk management in educational organizations namely Individual Analysis, Organizational Analysis and Leadership Analysis. A total of 150 school leaders were selected to review their level of knowledge, practice and leadership towards the needs of human risk management in educational organizations. The results of the descriptive analysis show that the dimensions of Individual Analysis, Organizational Analysis and Leadership Analysis are at a moderate level which justifies that there is a need to implement human risk management courses among school leaders. Based on psychometric approaches, the evidence of validity and reliability of INPERISMA were obtained through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Rasch analysis. The results of EFA and Rasch analysis have shown that INPERISMA is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the need for human risk management courses in educational organizations. Based on the findings, the human risk management course in educational organizations has the potential to be implemented among school leaders in addition to the development of an authoritative instrument or a measuring tool for the purpose of TNA in this respect.

Kecerdasan spiritual merupakan satu konsep psikologi moden yang sering dikaitkan dengan kepimpina... more Kecerdasan spiritual merupakan satu konsep psikologi moden yang sering dikaitkan dengan kepimpinan. Kajian ini ingin memaparkan kesahan instrumen pengukuran kecerdasan spiritual yang dibina khusus untuk pemimpin sekolah di Malaysia. Kerangka konsep kecerdasan spiritual di dalam kajian ini adalah berasaskan empat dimensi iaitu Kesedaran Spiritual, Akhlak, Amanah dan Pembelajaran Berterusan. Dalam fasa pertama kajian, kesahan awal konstruk Instrumen Kecerdasan Spiritual Pemimpin Sekolah (IKSiPS) diperoleh melalui kaedah Nisbah Kesahan Kandungan atau Content Validity Ratio (CVR) yang melibatkan 31 orang pakar. Kesahan kontruk fasa kedua diperoleh melalui Analisis Faktor Penerokaan atau Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) menggunakan perisian SPSS 22. Seramai 411 pemimpin sekolah yang menghadiri latihan di Institut Aminudin Baki (IAB) telah menjadi sampel kajian. Melalui kaedah analisis faktor ini, lapan faktor telah berjaya dihasilkan. Pemurnian instrumen seterusnya dilakukan menggunakan Analisis Faktor Pengesahan atau Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dengan perisian AMOS 22 melibatkan seramai 413 sampel pemimpin sekolah yang juga menghadiri kursus di IAB. Prosedur CFA telah menunjukkan kesepadanan model IKSiPS dengan data kajian. Ketiga-tiga fasa kesahan telah membuktikan IKSiPS mempunyai ciri-ciri psikometrik yang berwibawa. Oleh itu, kajian ini mencadangkan bahawa IKSiPS berpotensi digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk mengukur atribut kecerdasan spiritual dalam kalangan pemimpin sekolah di Malaysia dan juga memenuhi keperluan latihan kepimpinan dan pengurusan pendidikan di dalam domain afektif. IKSiPS juga boleh digunakan di dalam kajian berbentuk perhubungan sebab-akibat di masa hadapan.

Theological Quarterly, 2021
Current research acknowledges the unprecedented effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)... more Current research acknowledges the unprecedented effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on socioeconomic development, human interpersonal relations, and day-today life. It is worth scrutinising how this shift may cost infrastructural development, economic growth, and human development worldwide, shaping the planet's future. Within the scope of maintaining human's centrality in the era of 4IR, it is critical to draw serious attention to the relevance of spirituality in developing new and existing technologies. This study examines the Muslim framework of spirituality and its proposed pathways for 4IR. This study further concludes that for Muslims, spirituality adds meaning and value to the ethical design, production, and management of 4IR and enables it to better serve the composition of human societies and their emerging needs without harming the well-being of the planet, its resources, or the future of humankind.

It is believed that the spiritual intelligence disposition would help school leaders to cope with... more It is believed that the spiritual intelligence disposition would help school leaders to cope with the challenges that emerge in the VUCA world. Thus, this paper highlights the development of Islamic Spiritual Intelligence for School Leader Instrument (ISISLI) that would fulfil the affective training for school leaders. In this regard, the Islamic worldview underpins the conceptual framework which consists of four theoretical dimensions namely: a) Spiritual Awareness comprises of God Consciousness, Trust in God and Repentance, b) Morality comprises of Patience and Truthfulness, c) Responsibility comprises of Justice and Integrity, d) Continuous Learning comprises of Religious Wisdom and Knowledge Sharing. The preliminary validity evidence of ISISLI was gained via Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). By virtue of the EFA procedure, the study used the Principle Axis Factoring (PAF) extraction and the Promax rotation. The amount of 411 samples were taken from Institut Aminudin Baki (IAB) course participants. The results showed that EFA has converged eight factors except Truthfulness factor. Therefore, this study provides a platform for further empirical inquiry and causal relationship study in the future.

UMRAN-International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 2020
Professional development is crucial for organization's success to improve teaching-learning progr... more Professional development is crucial for organization's success to improve teaching-learning programs at higher learning education institutions. Many countries have developed various programs for lecturer training and development. However, there are barriers preventing them from taking the opportunities, especially finding the right time and the appropriate programs. This study explored the construct of lecturers' professional development in teaching and learning after attending various trainings and workshops. The main objective of this study is to identify the underlying factor of the instrument based on Kirkpatrick's Four Level Evaluation Framework namely reaction, learning, behaviour, and results. Using an 18-item instrument developed for an explorative inquiry, the present study measured and analysed responses from 100 higher education lecturers from randomly selected Public Higher Learning Institution, Private Higher Learning Institution, and Malaysia Technical University Network. Applying Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to identify the underlying dimensions of the instrument, this study suggested that lecturer's professional development in teaching and learning is a one-dimension construct consisting of integrated dimensions of knowledge enhancement, knowledge relevancy, skills improvement, and skills practice.

International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 2020
Previous research has shown consumers to be highly aware towards halal food production in Malaysi... more Previous research has shown consumers to be highly aware towards halal food production in Malaysia. However, little research has tried to investigate determinants of consumer demeanors with regard to halal food. The paper presents the results of a survey which was carried out in Malaysia to investigate the formation of consumer demeanors towards halal food production. This study involved 150 Muslim consumer in Malaysia. All respondents completed a set of self-developed questionnaire. The tools for statistical analysis employed in this study were descriptive, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using IBM SPSS 20.0. Results show that Malaysian consumers turned out to be significantly have positive demeanor towards halal foods. The pattern matrix revealed that 17 items were loaded into four determinants; attitude, perceived behavioural control, subjective norm and religious belief. Overall, the present study has given a meaningful information to all consumers about halal food, therefore it is a
valuable guideline for them to choose the right food in the market.

IIUM Thesis, 2018
The purpose of this study was to develop a valid measure of Islamic spiritual intelligence for sc... more The purpose of this study was to develop a valid measure of Islamic spiritual intelligence for school leaders in Malaysia. Four theoretical dimensions were proposed, namely: a) Spiritual Awareness comprised of God Consciousness, Trust in God, and Repentance, b) Morality comprised of Patience, Truthfulness, and Forgiveness, c) Responsibility comprised of Justice and Integrity, d) Continuous Learning comprised of Religious Wisdom and Knowledge Sharing. Using the iterative technique of factor analytical procedure, the initial instrument was developed as a general scale, namely Islamic Spiritual Intelligence Measure (ISIM) in the pilot study to explore the dimensionality. Items were self-developed encompassing spirituality, religiosity, personality, and leadership aspects of the Islamic worldview. Face and content validity were conducted accordingly, ultimately settling 63 items for ISIM. A total of 380 usable data from Muslim postgraduate students in the pilot study were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The dimensionality of ISIM converged on nine factors with 32 viable items. Subsequently, some of the items in ISIM were adapted into a specific measure called Islamic Spiritual Intelligence for School Leaders Instrument (ISISLI). After further rigorous empirical content validation using Content Validity Ratio (CVR) procedure, 52 items qualified for the final study. There were 824 viable data of school leaders that attended courses at three branches of Institut Aminuddin Baki (IAB) were analyzed in the final study. The data were divided into two random data sets using SPSS 22. As an iterative undertaking, the first data set with 411 samples were subjected another series of EFA. The final exploration of ISISLI end up with 35 items and 60% total variance explained. The eight-factor measurement model of ISISLI was subjected to confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) procedure using AMOS 22 with 413 samples for the second data set. In this confirmatory mode, the measurement model of ISISLI demonstrated adequate fit and parameter estimates with slight model respecification, ending with 28 items. A bootstrapping method was then applied, and recommended that the data for the analysis were tenable. The construct validity evidence via convergent and discriminant validity were also adequate together with the reliability evidences. Two stages of invariance analysis across gender and age, namely factorial and matrix invariance disclosed the robustness of ISISLI. Interestingly, the eight-factor model of ISISLI also gained passable model fit for the second-order factor. Therefore, the preceding psychometric properties via factor analysis procedures have somewhat substantiated the practicality of ISISLI. All in all, the development of ISISLI has contributed to educational implications, research applicability in various fields, theoretical contributions as well as significantly contributing to the Islamization of Human Knowledge.

Prosiding Pengajian Islam dan Isu Kontemporari, 2016
This present study was designed to investigate three main objectives. First, to determine the pre... more This present study was designed to investigate three main objectives. First, to determine the predictive ability of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behaviour control and intention, on halal eating demeanour among youth. Second, estimate the relationship of halal eating demeanour, and psychological aspect of youth. Third, to examine the overall association between constructs purposed in the theoretical model from literature, specifically: perceived halal eating demeanour fit as the exogenous variable psychology features as endogenous variables. The result of this study are contemplate useful not only as the individual Muslim but as the whole Muslim to understand the imperative factor halal food dietary towards their psychology. Above all noteworthy, this study also signify to present the beautiful of halal food in eyes of none Muslim. As result it attract none Muslim discover about halal food indirectly learn Islam in further.

Malaysian Journal of Higher Order Thinking Skills in Education, 2016
This exploratory study developed a measure of classroom assessment called Test of Thinking Skills... more This exploratory study developed a measure of classroom assessment called Test of Thinking Skills in Chemistry (TOTSIC) for secondary school students in Malaysia. The framework used for test specification is based on alternative taxonomy, which derived from Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy. The alternative taxonomy of thinking had been redefined and categorized into lower-order and higher-order thinking skills. Seventy items of the initial version of TOTSIC were assembled and constructed based on this alternative taxonomy, and have been confirmed by the experts in chemistry subject. Apart from that, item analysis procedure has refined the test into forty items in the final version. The internal consistency of the overall scale as well as LOTS and HOTS items were found to be adequate for multiple-choice format. In the field test, the overall attainment of students from the test was found to be slightly below average. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of the students were having a respectable performance in HOTS items. This study suggests that TOTSIC is a viable preliminary measure for thinking skills in chemistry that can be applied as a formative assessment instrument in classroom settings. However, there is a room for improvement to assess students’ level of thinking skills in chemistry primarily for HOTS items. Most importantly, the current study is advocating the immersion of higher-order thinking skills among students as stipulated in the Malaysia Educational Blueprint 2013-2025.

International Conference on the Application of Asmaul Husna in Innovation (ICAH) , 2015
Spiritual intelligence is spearheaded by the Western scholars loaded, however, with many non-reli... more Spiritual intelligence is spearheaded by the Western scholars loaded, however, with many non-religious and even secular theories, concepts, assumptions, and subjective experiences. This study will highlight the concept of Islamic spiritual intelligence utilizing the empirical approaches to develop a scale namely Islamic Spiritual Intelligence Measure (ISIM). Drawing on the authority of the Qur'an and Sunnah, Muslim scholars laid the building foundations for spiritual intelligence according to the Islamic worldview. Backed by the expert opinion, extant literatures and previous empirical works that utilized Islamic worldview, four theoretical dimensions were proposed, spiritual awareness, morality, responsibility and continuous learning. Each of these dimension was broken down into several components; some of which embrace the essentials of the divine names known as Asmaul Husna. Based on the use of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), the results found eight emerging factors congruent with the theoretical assumptions with respectable psychometric properties. Relevant methodological issues were also discussed pertaining to the dimensionality and preliminary validity of the measure. Further inquiries on the eight factors are required in order to substantiate the construct of Islamic spiritual intelligence as one of the viable areas in the fields of Islamic psychology, while harnessing the significance of Islamic worldview and Asmaul Husna in causal relationship studies.

Prosiding Persidangan Kebangsaan Bahasa Arab (NCAL2015), 2015
Teachers’ sense of efficacy is an essential construct in teaching and learning. Researchers in e... more Teachers’ sense of efficacy is an essential construct in teaching and learning. Researchers in education have recognized that teacher efficacy has strong relationship with various aspects of teaching and learning. This study aims at 1) examining the construct of teachers’ sense of efficacy and 2) evaluating the adequacy of the teachers’ sense of efficacy measure across teachers’ gender. In so doing, this study attempt to develop the extent to which the conceptualized teachers’ sense of efficacy measure reproduces the data. The data were collected from adopted version of Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) by Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy (2001) administered to 236 teachers of National Religious Secondary School in Malaysia. The results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the adequacy of teacher’s sense of efficacy measure and found that teacher’s sense of efficacy is a multidimensional construct with four underlying dimensions namely efficacy for language use, efficacy for classroom management, efficacy for teaching strategies and efficacy for student engagement. The measurement model also found to be applicable across gender.

Advanced Science Letters, 2015
The roles of learning environment in supporting students’ learning were extensively discussed by ... more The roles of learning environment in supporting students’ learning were extensively discussed by previous researchers. The findings of past studies suggested four dimensions that should be taken into account in designing learning environment to optimize student learning, namely; learner-centered, knowledge-centered, assessment-centered, and community-centered learning environments. This paper discusses the validation of learning environment measurement model using factor analysis procedures. A questionnaire consisting of 23 items were distributed to 483 Form 4 students in Malaysian education system. The validity of the instrument was analyzed by employing exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). In EFA mode, four factors were extracted from principal axis factoring procedure with promax rotation. The factors were labeled as learner-centered, knowledge-centered, assessment-centered, and community-centered as suggested by the literature. The results of exploratory factor analysis indicated that 18 items can be retained. These viable factors and items were subjected to CFA procedure in the subsequent analysis. A good fitting model was obtained from the intended 4-factor measurement model of learning environment for both first order and second order factor. Practical implications in relation to application of the learning environment construct are discussed in light of these findings.

Advanced Science Letters , 2015
The emergence of Web 2.0 is pervading higher education and has potentials to trigger enhancement ... more The emergence of Web 2.0 is pervading higher education and has potentials to trigger enhancement in students’ learning. In this digital age, colleges and universities could take advantage of the new ways that students are communicating with one another by adopting Web 2.0 in learning through the lens of connectivism. This paper describes the utility of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis in validating the adoption of Web 2.0 through connectivism questionnaire which consisted of 62 items. This survey-based study explored 195 students’ use of Web 2.0 technologies and tools in learning programming. Five viable factors with 24 items were extracted from the principal component analysis procedure with normalised varimax rotation in which the factors were labeled as diversity, openness, autonomy, interactivity and self-regulated strategies which are consistent with the theory. 22 items were retained and rather substantiated for the construct validity of connectivism measurement model with slight modifications to enhance the integrity of the model. Interestingly, the five-factor model of connectivism suggested that the model was adequate for the second-order factor investigation. The foregoing psychometric properties via both factor analytical procedures somewhat corroborate the practicality of connectivism measurement model for further investigations.

The 9th International Malaysian Studies Conference (MSC9), 2014
Kecerdasan spiritual merupakan konstruk psikologi yang telah dipelopori oleh sarjana Barat dengan... more Kecerdasan spiritual merupakan konstruk psikologi yang telah dipelopori oleh sarjana Barat dengan pelbagai teori dan kerangka konsep. Walau bagaimana pun, asas epistemologi yang dikemukakan oleh sarjana Barat adalah kurang bersesuaian dengan pandangan hidup Islam. Begitu juga dengan instrumen pengukuran kecerdasan spiritual dari Barat yang bertunjangkan prinsip sekularisme dan pluralisme didapati bertentangan dengan prinsip akidah Islam. Oleh yang demikian, penyelidik merasa terpanggil untuk mengutarakan semula konsep kecerdasan spiritual dari perspektif Islam dengan menggunakan pendekatan positivis. Ia berpaksikan paradigma tauhid untuk membangunkan kerangka konsep dan seterusnya membina instrumen pengukuran yang sesuai digunakan untuk penyelidik Islam. Definisi dan kerangka konsep kecerdasan spiritual adalah berdasarkan ilmu wahyu dari sumber Islam yang utama yakni Al-Qur’an dan Hadis serta sandaran teori yang dibina oleh ilmuwan Islam. Asas epistemologi Islam terhadap kecerdasan spiritual adalah merangkumi elemen fitrah kejadian manusia, kerohanian dan kecerdasan manusia. Terdapat lima dimensi kerangka konsep kecerdasan spiritual yang dicadangkan iaitu Kesedaran Ruhaniah, Ibadah, Akhlak, Amanah dan Ilmu. Setiap dimensi dipecahkan kepada beberapa komponen yang diwakili oleh item-item pengukuran. Hasil eksplorasi awal menggunakan kaedah analisis faktor mendapati bahawa terdapat 12 solusi faktor yang memenuhi beberapa andaian ciri-ciri psikometrik dan faktor-faktor ini akur dengan teori yang dicadangkan. Isu metodologi dan teknikal prosedur analisis faktor yang sesuai bagi konstruk psikologi turut dibincangkan. Walau bagaimana pun, kajian ini masih lagi di peringkat permulaan. Analisis statistik lanjutan untuk kajian seterusnya amat diperlukan agar konstruk kecerdasan spiritual menjadi komponen yang penting dalam psikologi Islam dan juga bidang psikologi positif ke arah penyelidikan ilmu Islam yang lebih dinamik di Malaysia dalam mencapai Wawasan 2020.

Proceeding of the International Conference on Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization (ICASIC) , 2014
Terdapat pelbagai teori kecerdasan telah dikemukakan di Barat termasuk mutakhir ini kecerdasanspi... more Terdapat pelbagai teori kecerdasan telah dikemukakan di Barat termasuk mutakhir ini kecerdasanspiritual atau kecerdasan rohani (SQ atau SI). Teori kecerdasan spiritual yang terawal telahdikemukakan oleh Emmons (2000) dan dipopularkan oleh pasangan Zohar dan Marshall (2000).Kertas ini dikemukakan sebagai satu perbandingan antara teori kecerdasan spiritual oleh ilmuwanBarat dan juga dari sarjana-sarjana Islam. Pemikiran semula terhadap teori kecerdasan spiritualamat diperlukan kerana belum ada satu teori yang konkrit terhadap konstruk psikologi ini. Penyelidikmerasa terpanggil untuk mengutarakan isu ini kerana terdapat dalam kalangan penyelidik- penyelidik Muslim telah mengambil konsep, dimensi-dimensi dan alat pengukuran kecerdasanspiritual dari Barat yang didapati asas epistemologi teori yang digunakan adalah tidak bersesuaiandengan tasawur Islam. Penyelidik mendapati terdapat dua dilema utama yang wujud dalam teorikecerdasan spiritual dari Barat iaitu terdapat elemen-elemen sekularisme dan pluralisme beragamayang boleh menggugat keutuhan akidah Islam. Justeru itu, telah muncul beberapa konsepkecerdasan spiritual yang telah dikemukakan oleh sarjana dan ilmuwan Islam untuk mengatasidilema ini. Hanya segelintir sahaja teori kecerdasan spiritual dari perspektif Islam ini dapatmengambil tempat dalam perbincangan ilmiah disebabkan oleh kekangan tertentu. Walaubagaimana pun, telah wujud usaha yang dilakukan oleh sarjana dalam bidang psikologi Islam danagama yang boleh dijadikan sandaran kepada kerangka teori yang bersesuaian dengan tasawurIslam. Konsep-konsep utama psikologi Islam seperti paradigma tauhid, fitrah kejadian manusia,entiti spiritual seperti roh (ru
h), kalbu, (qalb), jiwa (nafs) dan akal (‘aql) dapat menjadi wadah untukmenzahirkan konsep kecerdasan spiritual dari perspektif Islam. Cadangan dan saranan terhadapkarya-karya ilmiah hasil penulisan sarjana silam dan sarjana moden juga turut dikemukakan agarkonstruk kecerdasan spiritual dapat diterima dan digunakan secara ilmiah oleh penyelidik yang akan datang.
Videos by Dr. Tajulashikin Jumahat
Publications by Dr. Tajulashikin Jumahat
valuable guideline for them to choose the right food in the market.
h), kalbu, (qalb), jiwa (nafs) dan akal (‘aql) dapat menjadi wadah untukmenzahirkan konsep kecerdasan spiritual dari perspektif Islam. Cadangan dan saranan terhadapkarya-karya ilmiah hasil penulisan sarjana silam dan sarjana moden juga turut dikemukakan agarkonstruk kecerdasan spiritual dapat diterima dan digunakan secara ilmiah oleh penyelidik yang akan datang.
valuable guideline for them to choose the right food in the market.
h), kalbu, (qalb), jiwa (nafs) dan akal (‘aql) dapat menjadi wadah untukmenzahirkan konsep kecerdasan spiritual dari perspektif Islam. Cadangan dan saranan terhadapkarya-karya ilmiah hasil penulisan sarjana silam dan sarjana moden juga turut dikemukakan agarkonstruk kecerdasan spiritual dapat diterima dan digunakan secara ilmiah oleh penyelidik yang akan datang.
topik-topik dalam tajuk Sirah SPM. Kajian ini melibatkan seramai 35 orang murid dari
kelas Tingkatan 5 Siber dan Tingkatan 5 Bios di SMK Kuala Kubu Bharu. Secara
umumnya, kelemahan dalam mengingat fakta dalam topik Sirah kerajaan-kerajaan
Islam merupakan punca kepada pencapaian Pendidikan Islam SPM yang kurang
memberangsangkan. Oleh itu, satu jadual berbentuk sarang labah-labah telah
diperkenalkan bagi memperbaiki kemahiran mengingat topik-topik Sirah dalam kalangan
murid. Kaedah ini melibatkan tinjauan masalah dibuat berdasarkan pemerhatian
terhadap jawapan pelajar dalam kertas ujian. Pelaksanaan kajian tindakan ini adalah
untuk melihat keberkesanan teknik mengingat topik-topik dalam tajuk Sirah kerajaan- kerajaan Islam menggunakan Jadual ‘Sarang-Hae-Yo’. Soal selidik awal menunjukkan murid berminat dengan penggunaan Jadual ‘Sarang-Hae-Yo’ sebagai satu cara mereka untuk mengingat fakta-fakta penting dalam topik Sirah. Diharapkan kaedah ini akan dapat diteruskan bagi memastikan pencapaian Pendidikan Islam SPM yang lebih baik pada masa hadapan.