The term refugees has become the latest buzzword, causing people to eitherspew hate speech or extend a warm welcome – thereby creating a firmdividing line. There is so much discussion about refugees that peoplesometimes forget the very... more
Sinanović began by introducing IIIT to the diverse audience. He explained that the institute is devoted to the revival of Islamic traditions and the reform of Muslim societies. In addition to affirming that our sources and principles are... more
The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) hosted two consecutivepanels at the annual Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) convention onMay 24, 2015.Ermin Sinanović (director, Research and Academic Programs) openedpanel 1,... more
The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), in partnership with IstanbulUniversity’s Faculty of Theology, organized the Reform of Educationin Muslim Societies conference on March 18-19, 2016, in Istanbul, Turkey.The conference... more
With so much focus on illiteracy, we sometimes forget the dire stateof affairs in our urban centers with regard to education. Educationin the Muslim world has increasingly regressed into an exercise ofrote learning, a mass of discrete... more
This article strives to chart the intellectual history of Muslims and the trans-civilizational, discursive tradition of Islam spanning fourteen centuries. It chronicles the scholarly projects shaping Islamic thought as they developed in... more