- Last 7 days
Today we have reached yet another milestone on our journey - we have signed a deal to be acquired by Google. The deal is subject to regulatory review, and Wiz will join Google Cloud after close
The IT security company Wiz was acquired by Google which will result in Wiz will join Google Cloud.
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
optimistic and future-oriented tenets.
I am curious whether money played a sizable factor when it came to the "optimism"
This national network created the fabled cattle drives of the 1860s and 1870s. The first cattle drives across the central Plains began soon after the Civil Wa
I have grown up working with cattle so the old cattle drives interest me.
By 1880, approximately four hundred thousand men—or nearly 2.5 percent of the nation’s entire workforce—labored in the railroad industry
I think this is a very interesting statistic.
stats.libretexts.org stats.libretexts.org
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
N - I would like to know the difference between online and offline work
Quantitative Reasoning: Apply numeric, symbolic and geometric skills to formulate andsolve quantitative problems.
Worrisome. Quantitative reasoning phrase sounds extremely difficult.
due on the Friday of each moduleperiod at 5pm.
N - Im noticing a trend of things due at 5pm, and Im wondering why such a specific time?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
This utilitarian approach to ethnography depends notmerely upon an other onto whom we canfix our anthro-pological gaze, but also, more crucially, upon a bounded,coherent subject whose worldview we can grasp and de-marcate.
Lennon’s critique of the liberal media’s empathetic “ethnographic turn” toward Trump voters is especially striking in this passage. It really made me reflect on how our attempts at understanding the “Other” can actually reinforce boundaries rather than dissolve them. I find this critique compelling because it challenges the assumption that empathy alone can bridge political divides—especially when that empathy is driven by the goal of making the Other more understandable. It raises a deeper question: Are we using empathy as a tool for genuine connection or as a way to domesticate and manage political discomfort? The expectation of coherence in political belief systems may be more about our own comfort than truly engaging with complexity.
www.whio.com www.whio.com
A respiratory virus that causes rashes and fevers
Nine out of 10 people who are not vaccinated and are exposed to the disease will become ill
Easily preventable disease with vaccinations
Measles cases are increasing nationally, including outbreaks in Texas and New Mex
Could be because of the anti-vaccine belief becoming more popular during and after COVID
The most north east county in Ohio
apnews.com apnews.com
In his platform, Trump promised to close the department “and send it back to the states, where it belongs.” Trump has cast the department as a hotbed of “radicals, zealots and Marxists” who overextend their reach through guidance and regulation.
More grandiose comments. Almost anything Trump does or says can be considered news under the news value of prominence.
States and districts already control local schools, including curriculum, but some conservatives have pushed to cut strings attached to federal money and provide it to states as “block grants” to be used at their discretion.
Follow the money - every story is about where money is going. The bigger the amounts the more likely it is to be covered in the news.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called the order a “tyrannical power grab” and “one of the most destructive and devastating steps Donald Trump has ever taken.”
These quotes give a good sense of each side's views but can never portray every member's opinions. More grandiose speech makes for a better read so some other statements won't make the story.
said Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation.
The Heritage Foundation is a right-wing think tank, this is not mentioned by the journalists but hopefully known by the readers.
Education Secretary Linda McMahon said she will remove red tape and empower states to decide what’s best for their schools. But she promised to continue essential services and work with states and Congress “to ensure a lawful and orderly transition.”
The article covers both sides and includes statements from each side. These statements were most likely given in press conferences crafted by Secretary McMahon's PR team.
is being slashed in half, and there have been deep cuts
These link to other AP articles with bold headlines. How likely are people to actually click these or read beyond the headline?
“It’s doing us no good,” he said.
Such a short quote can be interpreted in many ways. Trump is also known for being a victim of "sanewashing" due to the occasionally incoherent nature of his speech.
preserving its responsibilities for Title I funding for low-income schools, Pell grants and money for children with disabilities
Are these the only responsibilities preserved or were others left out for sake of brevity?
It offers no detail on how that work will be carried out or where it will be targeted, though the White House said the agency will retain certain critical functions.
Are executive orders usually written like this? Do they normally detail how work will be carried out? This would be valuable information for a reader to know.
However, completing its dismantling is most likely impossible without an act of Congress, which created the department in 1979.
This is not an assertive fact but a subjective assessment of the outlook of dismantling the department. It is based in fact but cannot be taken as such.
Collin Binkley almost exclusively covers news related to the United States Department of Education and K-12 education policy while Chris Megerian covers White House matters. While they may not be experts in these policies, they have substantial experience covering these topics.
static01.nyt.com static01.nyt.com
Columbia University's continued financial relationship with the United Statesgovernment
This statement raises the question of what the Federal Government's enforcement mechanisms is for violations of Title VI. There is a section of the law — §2000d–1 — that spells out how Federal grants, contracts, and loans can be cancelled for non-compliance. A hearing is first required, although it's unclear from the text the nature of the hearing. It appears that the Federal agency gets to decide if compliance is possible. If not, the following happens:
the head of the Federal department or agency shall file with the committees of the House and Senate having legislative jurisdiction over the program or activity involved a full written report of the circumstances and the grounds for such action. No such action shall become effective until thirty days have elapsed after the filing of such report.
The New York Times elaborates on the process in a recent article:
If the government wants to claim an institution has not complied with anti-discrimination law — after exhausting all attempts to obtain voluntary compliance — it must call a hearing and provide evidence, according to federal statute. Then it is tasked with alerting relevant congressional committees that it is about to terminate funds, allowing legislators 30 days to intervene and seek a remedy.
A letter written by a group of constitutional scholars states similarly:
Under Title VI, the government may not cut off funds until it has
- conducted a program-by-program evaluation of the alleged violations;
- provided recipients with notice and “an opportunity for hearing”;
- limited any funding cutoff “to the particular program, or part thereof, in which…noncompliance has been…found”; and
- submitted a report explaining its actions to the relevant committees in Congress at least thirty days before any funds can be stopped.
Enforce existing disciplinary policies
The letter writers believe they have the authority to dictate requirements to the university. Section §2000d–1 of Title VI does say:
compliance with any requirement adopted pursuant to this section may be effected (1) by the termination ...
I wonder if this phrasing has led the writers to believe they can establish requirements as they see fit to enforce Title VI. However, the requirements that Section §2000d–1 are referring to are Federal rules. The creation of such rules has a specific process as mapped here. If I am reading it correctly, in layman's terms, Section §2000d–1 is saying that the Federal government can cancel grants, etc. when Federal rules have been broken.
The letter writers seem to bring a different understanding of the law. In this section, we would expect the letter writers to issue remedies so that Columbia can become compliant with the Federal rules that it's accused of violating. Much of what's demanded here instead appears to be policy dictations, which is outside the scope of Title VI. As the New York Times explains:
Additionally, the remedies demanded by the Trump administration appear to go far beyond what the law allows, said Ilya Somin, a professor at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School. He cited putting an academic department in receivership and demanding changes to the process of student discipline. “There is no question but that this goes far beyond of the scope of the law,” he said. The internal workings of an academic institution are “not something that should be within the government’s control.”
"We are devastated for the families of the victims, and we hold them in our hearts as they try to process the unimaginable."Our thoughts also go to the loved ones of Canadian citizens whom China is holding on death row or whose whereabouts in the Chinese prison system are unknown."
This sounds like familiar jargon. Probably because there is not much one can say in response to death, but also because it is designed, by PR, to be as polished as possible.
China's foreign ministry said on Thursday that it had acted "in accordance with the law",
Unsurprisingly, China's correspondence discuss the law from a seemingly emotionless standpoint, in contrast to quotes from Canadian ambassadors.
Four Canadians were executed in China on drug-related charges earlier this year, Canadian authorities have confirmed.
This line, and topic of the story, indicate that there will be official statements from both China and Canada.
mutabit.com mutabit.comSmalltalk22
Cuando computamos, son importantes dos cosas:
Y los sujetos y las sujetas?
y mostraremos otra historia de la computación, alejándola de unos orígenes púramente militarista y de postguerra.
Estaría lindo que en otro momento estudiáramos el aporte de Adele Goldberg en esta historia de masculinidades.
familiaridad con los objetos preexistentes
Me parece interesante el como realizar dicho proceso de familiaridad ya que en ocaciones me ha dado la sensación de que para aprender smalltalk hay que saber smalltalk
clases entienden
las clases entienden o los objetos entiende? Creo que soy yo la que no entiendo ;)
¿por qué se retoma objeto y no mensaje?
programación objetual:
Me parece interesante la discusión de la vez pasada en torno al cuestionamiento a la noción de objeto, que se presentaba en el video de Anjana Vakil, que incluso más que verbo lo pensábamos como la emergencia o inter/intra acción de esos "objetos".
Esta es la definición de esto según wikipedia: es en computación aquel que puede representar valores de lógica binaria, esto es 2 valores, que normalmente representan falso o verdadero.
modelar la complejidad
me hace un poco de ruido la idea de "modelar la complejidad", a qué se refiere esta idea de complejidad?
Alan Kay dice que, desafortunadamente, cuando el ayudó a nombrar la Programación Orientada a Objetos, eligió un mal nombre, pues debió ser Programación Orientada a Mensajes, pues los objetos son una idea menor y lo clave son los mensajes.
De acuerdo, así todo sería más claro y con más sentido. Podríamos empezar a nombrarla así.
Esto nos permite incluso ver acciones como descargar páginas desde HedgeDoc como un mensaje que se le envía a un objeto.
Uy me perdí en este salto
la imagen anterior
Valdría la pena empezar a numerar las imágenes
a la biología: pues tenemos un conjunto de entidades, permeables, cerradas y con funcionamiento propio, como las células.
me gusta ésta metáfora porque puede ser graficable, es decir, volviendo sobre la discusión de cómo descomplejizar el lenguaje especializado, y acercar a más personas a este tipo de tecnologías.
discurso del mundo
Cuál mundo?
modelar objetos
Aquí siempre me imagino haciendo una vasija con barro :)
como las células.
Considero que acá hay una idea con mucha potencia en relación a la noción ecosistémica de la célula y de lo vivo en general, como lo concibe Margulis. Acá un video que me gusta mucho en términos visuales para aportar otro lenguaje al texto:
En el paradigma puro de la programación objetual: Todo es un mensaje y todo es un objeto Los objetos pueden comunicarse con otros objetos o consigo mismo. Los objetos tienen características reflexiva o de introspección: saber sobre su propio estado.
Aquí sería también importante una gráfica, así solo con texto me cuesta imaginarlo.
Me gusta la relación de la lectura con el hipervínculo, pero me parecería muy interesante la posibilidad de la marginalia como herramienta que aclara con múltiples posibilidades y le da otra estructura no lineal, ni arborea a los textos. Quizá una posibilidad para cardumem.
Esta página la he reescrito varias veces en la medida en que distintos talleres avanzan y luego de estar en la variante de Fossil de otro proyecto, llamado Holónica, finalmente está en esta última iteración de la Grafoscopedia.
Intenta dar una mirada conceptual de alto nivel, mientras prepara el terreno para el lugar donde explicaremos la sintaxis más en detalle. La idea es llegar a que podamos hacer ejercicios introductorios de para ver cómo estos conceptos o semántica encarnan en dicha sintaxis.
en el caso de Smalltalk, todos los conjutos son disyuntos, debido a una característica llamada herencia simple, en la que, eventualmente, profundizaremos luego.
Valdría la pena profundizar más el concepto de conjunto porque siento que aquí no es muy claro. O al menos no para mi :(
hecho computadore
falta la palabra "de"
open.library.okstate.edu open.library.okstate.edu
State the purpose of the document. The purpose of proposals is typically to request time and resources to study a problem, develop a new product, or investigate previously proposed solutions, etc.
This is a good part of the proposal to put all your research to convince the audience why they should approve the proposal.
Another point to keep in mind relates to the audience for different kinds of documents that may be produced for the same project.
This is a good example because you could write the exact same proposal in several different ways for different intended audiences. So, it is always a good idea to keep your audience in mind with any style of writing.
With an external proposal, you will need to not only persuade the reader that you have a solid plan, but establish your credibility with the reader.
The audience may not have prior background knowledge of the specific topic, so for external proposals, it's a good idea to include all the research, facts, and statistics to help convince the reader of your plan.
With internal proposals, you may not have to include certain sections (such as qualifications) or as much information in them.
Internal proposals need less research and facts included because the audience should have prior background knowledge of the specific topic.
elixir.bootlin.com elixir.bootlin.com
int migrate_pages(struct list_head *from, new_folio_t get_new_folio, free_folio_t put_new_folio, unsigned long private, enum migrate_mode mode, int reason, unsigned int *ret_succeeded)
Main function
Source of policies
www.the-sun.com www.the-sun.com
The drink features a lemon-lime soda with a refreshing strawberry and kiwi flavor.But it'll only be available at Walmart in the coming days.
Contains mainly information with facts about the new product as well as other successful Sprite products. Notable language and word choice used to describe the product.
Sprite officially drops brand new flavor to compete with rival brands
Human interest news value
Kate Schaufelberger, brand director for Sprite at The Coca-Cola Company
Bias/ and PR as it involves someone from the company.
Kate Schaufelberger,
Could have been useful to have consumers comment in this type of article, rather than a representative of the company.
Sprite Chill managed to become the top selling innovation for Coca-Cola, which owns Sprite, according to Marketing Drive.The drink delivered $50 million un sales after only 21 weeks.In a 13-week span, it increased the number of Sprite purchases from regular Sprite buyers by 4.4%
PR because all in the self- interest of the organization.
limited edition
Language to appeal to audience.
fans are already anxiously awaiting the moment they can grab a can for themselves.
Influenced by PR; bias; making assumptions about the fans to grab attention.
SPRITE HAS SPRUNG Sprite officially drops brand new flavor to compete with rival brands – but you can only get it a
Appealing language that makes the product seem very special and better than the others.
simonwillison.net simonwillison.net
During the initial assessment use the getTablesAndInstanceInfo, getPerfromanceAndVacuumSettings, and getPostgresExtensions tools. When asked to run a playbook, use the getPlaybook tool to get the playbook contents. Then use the contents of the playbook as an action plan. Execute the plan step by step.
Runbooks vs. system documentation; you don't make the new hire ponder the context of the architecture when he's woken up at 3am, you give him step by step instructions that move from piece to piece. Extra important if LLMs are worse at discarding irrelevancies
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
grievously oppressed
Grievously = serious or severely Oppressed = being controlled or abused by unjust force These words combined basically means to be severely mistreated that caused harm in an unjust way.
www.barrons.com www.barrons.com
Investors would do well to remember that overhauls take time.
I think this is a press release from Nike or at least touched my Nike's PR. Nike sentence summarizes the whole point of the article, Nike wants the investors to trust the process,
wtcs.pressbooks.pub wtcs.pressbooks.pub
13.5-2 Question 9 has the answer as 4587FN, Print shows this as 64587FN
13.5-1 Might be a bit of a reach asking for sheet size. Covered in lesson 1 or 2 but have only used A, B, C,. D since.
www.planalto.gov.br www.planalto.gov.br
§ 1º
não depende da autorização de diretor ou juiz para reservarem um local a cultos religiosos
Art. 14.
MFO e não inclui psicológico.
www.today.com www.today.com
If yall buying Poppi is true, PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE (THE) FORMULA,
As I stated above, there will always be backlash. Poppi representatives are connection with the public and letting them know there is nothing to worry about.
they will honor what makes Poppi so special while supporting our next phase of growth and innovation
This is an important message regarding the viewers and consumers of Poppi. Poppi consumers are loyal, and will be supportive through the next steps. Also gives the consumers a feeling of community and togetherness.
Jake Shane,
Popular influencer this day in age, great marketing move on Poppi
“More than ever, consumers are looking for convenient and great-tasting options that fit their lifestyles and respond to their growing interest in health and wellness,”
This is accurate, which leads to people to stick with Poppi, even though Pepsi products are not "healthy"
PepsiCo CEO and chairman Ramon Laguarta
Valid source
Poppi customers expressed concern that their favorite soda’s recipe might be altered by its new owner.
This is a normal thing that processes through consumers minds once they are given a new owner, or another company they are not used too.
www.whitehouse.gov www.whitehouse.gov
Each agency head shall promptly rescind all guidance documents inconsistent with the requirements of this order
On the surface, this Executive Order claims to be a move to protect women's rights and safety, but it does not only attack their rights within the work space it also attacks those of the Queer community.
Executive Order 13988, officially titled "Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation," required all agencies to implement non-discrimination protections on the basis of sex. Without this measure, individuals within the Queer community may be discriminated against. Will there be a measure to combat discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or will this be left unaddressed?
Executive Order 14075, titled "Advancing Equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Individuals" was meant to combat unlawful discrimination towards the Queer community and provide protected opportunities.
The purpose of this executive order was to guarantee "an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex, including discrimination in the form of sexual harassment, which encompasses sexual violence, and including discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity."
"Executive Order 14004 called for accommodating 'gender identity' in the military—to the detriment of military readiness and unit cohesion." Quoted from The White House Fact Sheet.
These Executive Orders are hereby rescinded, and the White House Gender Policy Council established by Executive Order 14020 is dissolved
According to Wiki, Executive Order 14020 aimed to achieve gender equality and promote equal rights in the United States and worldwide. Part of it's purpose was "to enhance economic security by eliminating structural obstacles to the involvement of women in the workforce and by reducing the salary and wealth disparity." This article emphasizes how they want to protect women's rights, but are taking away this order that was purposely made to help women and address other related issues.
wtcs.pressbooks.pub wtcs.pressbooks.pub
11.8-2 Max for Item !, the number 2 is the only value left and checks as the correct answer with the minimum being .24485. This answer should be slightly larger than .25"
11.8-1 #1-4 are currently case sensitive. Can lower case only answers be added as acceptable? also, #5 Correct answer shows 2.751/2.752 Print shows Dimension as 2.751-2.750.
juniperpublishers.com juniperpublishers.com
The composition of soil can vary dependingon its location. Different types of soil have specific characteristics,such as texture, colour, and mineral content
"Different soil compositions help identify which geographic areas the suspect traveled through"
the presence of fresh soil ona suspect’s shoes can suggest recent activity at a crime scene.
"helps provide clues about how recently an area was visited"
Soiltrace evidence can also provide information about the origin of aparticular soil sample. Soil composition varies from one locationto another, and the presence of specific minerals or organicmatter can indicate the source of the soil. This information canbe valuable in determining the movement of suspects or objectsbetween different locations
"linking the person to the crime scenes and tracing their travel order"
Different regions can have unique soilcompositions due to variations in geology, climate, and vegetation.
"Since soil composition differs by mineral, organic, and environmental components"
Soil particles can be transferred from one location to anotherthrough various means, such as footwear, vehicles, or tools.
"Soil transfers naturally from a person's clothing and shoes as they move between locations"
The composition and mineralogy ofsoil can be unique to specific regions, allowing forensic scientiststo link suspects or objects to specific locations.
"Using geological maps and analysis... investigators can link soil samples back to potential locations"
Soil samples collected from crime scenes or on suspectscan be compared to samples from other locations to identifysimilarities or differences.
"Soil samples are compared to references"
pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca
Ah specks to pay him
Why does Joe believe he will be able to make changes in this new town?
Already the town had found the strangers.
Joe and Janie had clearly made an impression on the people of the town.
Soon’s we find some place to sleep tonight us menfolks got to call people together and form a committee. Then we can get things movin’ round here.”
Seems like Joe intends to run things in the new Town rather than just living like everyone else
Nobody. Everybody’s grown. And then agin, Ah reckon us just ain’t thought about it. Ah know Ah ain’t
In the new Town they do not have a mayor and Joe is very surprised as this was not something common in towns
I god, Ah ain’t nowhere near old enough to have no grown daughter. This here is mah wife.”
The age difference is big considering that people assumed she was his daughter
A large amount or number of
Barely sufficient or adequate
he bought her the best things the butcher had, like apples and a glass lantern full of candies
Joe shows her he intends to keep the promises he made
Janie took a lot of looks at him and she was proud of what she saw.
Joe treats her better and is not scared the by new places so she takes pride in being with him
blog.vbuckenham.com blog.vbuckenham.com
And yeah fine, maybe a definition is helpful to reach a shared understanding. We could be talking about many things, but here's the one we're actually talking about. Let's get on the same page. Maybe a definition can help with that. It's a useful tool for that – but it's not the best one, generally people understand things better with some examples and some context.
making up concepts at work to bring people along
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
“not been transparent” about what it is doing and not done enough to “convince me that these specific remedies are called for”.
And yet, it is followed with a statement supporting the point that is being made in the article, defending Columbia.
antisemitic incidents on Columbia’s campus during anti-Israel protests, and that the university had mishandled them in a “clear violation” of federal anti-discrimination law.
It is interesting to me that they decided to include a rebuttal as to show a non-partisan viewpoint on the situation.
the first amendment still guarantees universities the right to shape their own expressive communities, and many of the demands that the administration is making would intrude on that right.”
I have been thinking a lot about the First Amendment and how it's being violated so often by government officials. Where do we draw the line with following the constitution and being restricted by the media?
effort to block a US Department of Education ultimatum calling for colleges and universities to cancel campus diversity initiatives or risk losing federal funding.
Bringing up the disembodiment of the Department of Education brings yet another relevant hot topic to the surface, providing more reasoning as to why the government is not protecting the universities through its new policies.
sway.cloud.microsoft sway.cloud.microsoft
Even faculty who teach primarily face-to-face can benefit significantly from these digital tools.
Do you mention somewhere that instructors could keep their own gradebook in Excel and import into Brightspace? Or is that not something we want to promote/too complex to introduce in this medium?
s isn't bold
Quick-start guides addressing gradebook set-up
Link here?
...in the course
thinking and
I would delete
epub.letrascriativas.com epub.letrascriativas.com
Capítulo VI Da cidade de Deus
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
30% der Arktis emittieren inzwischen mehr Treibhausgase als sie aufnehmen. Außer dem Schmelzen von Permafrostböden ist dafür auch Zunahme von Waldbränden verantwortlich. Die amerikanische Forschungsbehörde NOAA spricht davon, dass die Arktis „in ein neues Regime“ gekippt ist. 2024 war in der Arktis das zweitwärmste Jahr seit Messbeginn und das Jahr mit den zweihäufigsten Waldbränden. In einem langsamen, aber sich beschleunigenden Prozess wird immer mehr der 1460-1600 Gigatonnen im Arktisboden gespeicherten organischen Kohlenstoffs freigesetzt. Insgesamt entsprechen sie dem Doppelten der in der Erdatmosphäre gespeicherten Menge https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/en-arctique-la-toundra-nest-plus-un-puits-de-carbone-20250122_VZUZXLOHEZESBKJHXGYU7OPYME/
NOAA Arctic Report Card 2024: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-024-02234-5 Studie zu den CO2-Emissionen arktischer Waldbrände: https://arctic.noaa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/ArcticReportCard_full_report2024.pdf
- thermokarsts
- Gerhard Krinner
- 2024
- by: Margaux Lacroux
- Florent Dominé
- 2025-01-22
- Arctic Report Card 2024
- Arctic
- Permafrost melting
- Waldbrände in Kanada 2023
- Tundra
- increasing risk of wildfires
- Wildfires offset the increasing but spatially heterogeneous Arctic–boreal CO2 uptake
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
Unlike the rationalism of Locke, his sermons were designed to appeal to his listeners’ emotions.
Emotions are going to affect people more than just yelling at them. By planning your sermon or discussion around feelings. It will connect more to the audience.
Many colonists came to see their assemblies as having the same jurisdiction over them that Parliament exercised over those in England.
They are engaging in things that they have the power to do. Why not attend something that might change a course of action. Or if it effects a form of payment or when something gets paid.
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die französischen Wälder verliere die Fähigkeit CO2 zuabsorbieren, viermal schneller, als in den Planungen der Regierung angenommen. Diese Veränderungen sind folgende globalen Erhitzung. Sie gefährden die bisherigen Zielsetzungen Frankreichs zur CO2-Neutralität, weil der Wald bei weitem nicht in dem Ausmaß als Senke zur Verfügung steht, wie dort vorgesehen.
- country: France
- institution: Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière
- institution: Institut de l’économie pour le climat
- 2023-05-31
- by: Margaux Lacroux
- process: forest degrading
- NGO: France Nature Environnement
- expert: Nicolas Oddo
- expert: Antoine Colin
- expert: Christophe Plomion
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die Grundschleppnetzfischerei erzeugt jährlich 370 Millionen Tonnen CO<sub>2</sub>-Emissionen, doppelt so viel wie die Fischereiflotte selbst. Die meisten dieser Emissionen erreichen die Atmosphäre. Gut 40% bleiben im Wasser und tragen zur Versauerung bei. Eine neue Studie enthält erstmals genaue Daten zu diesen Emissionen. Im europäischen Parlament wird ein Verbot der Grundschleppnetzfischerei gerade blockiert. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/peche-climaticide-avec-le-chalutage-de-fond-le-co2-enfoui-dans-les-profondeurs-regagne-en-masse-latmosphere-20240118_EPWPRIYWQZEJNK2IOJW3LVGQHM/
www.leboncoin.fr www.leboncoin.fr
169000 le 20/03/2025
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
La Historia digital representa una democratización de la historia en la que cualquier persona con acceso a Internet puede hacer oír su voz, incluidos los grupos marginados que fueron excluidos a menudo en el "grandes narrativas" de la nación y el imperio
democratización de la historia
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die Kryosphäre bricht viel schneller zusammen als bisher angenommen - vom westantarktischen Eisschild bis zum arktischen Permafrost. Die Versauernug der Ozeane hat sich beschleunigt. Zur #Cop27 ist ein umfassendes Update des Berichts zu den Kältezonen erschienen, den der Weltklimarat vor einigen Jahren publiziert hatte. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/fonte-des-glaces-elevation-du-niveau-des-mers-degel-du-permafrost-les-projections-des-scientifiques-sassombrissent-encore-plus-20221111_274JR2UJGVHUZH7EZJV7L3XYSA/?redirected=1
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
Hume and the Buddhists are correct
zijn niet helemaal correct samen gegroepeerd
cvws.icloud-content.com cvws.icloud-content.com
«El primer día de enero de 19.., seré poseedor de 50.000 dólares, que afluirán a mí en diversas sumas detiempo en tiempo durante ese lapso de cinco años.»A cambio de ese dinero daré los servicios más eficientes de que soy capaz, girando la mayor cantidadposible, y proporcionando la mejor calidad de servicios como vendedor de... (describa el servicio o lamercadería que se propone vender).»Confío en que tendré la posesión de ese dinero. Mi fe es tan fuerte que puedo verlo ahora ante mis ojos.Puedo tocarlo con las manos. Ahora está esperando ser de mi propiedad en el momento y en la proporción enque yo proporcione el servicio que estoy dispuesto a dar a cambio de él. Espero un plan con el que acumularese dinero, y lo ejecutaré tan pronto como aparezca.»
Ejemplo de como mentalizarme para magnetizar mi mente
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
www.npr.org www.npr.org
Trump, for his part, has criticized the attacks and efforts to boycott Musk's companies and, last week, said he would purchase a Tesla vehicle to support his advisor.
Instead of doing something constructive about these attacks the only thing he does is buy a Tesla. I don't think that is a great way to deal with these acts of terrorism.
The Justice Department says three people — in Charleston, S.C., Loveland, Colo., and Salem, Ore. — are facing criminal charges that carry a minimum penalty of five years and up to 20 years in prison for a range of violent acts.
I just think it's crazy that companies like Tesla are being targeted with this kind of violence. This comes after Elon has allegations against him for the actions that he has done in the past month. Could this be retribution for the "roman" salute that he gestured after Trump won the election?
blog.ascilite.org blog.ascilite.org
Part 1
accessengineeringlibrary.tec.elogim.com accessengineeringlibrary.tec.elogim.com
abc7ny.com abc7ny.com
Interim President Katrina Armstrong addressed concerns in a letter to the Columbia community Wednesday, saying in part
The mention of Interim President Armstrong's letter suggests an effort to communicate the university's stance directly, which is a common PR tactic to control the message.
"It's a very, very tough situation," Moran said. "And Columbia really is in some ways exhibit A in this controversy."
The reporter of this article was most likely put into contact with Moran through a Columbia University PR person
But we will never compromise our values of pedagogical independence, our commitment to academic freedom, or our obligation to follow the law."
This quote demonstrates Columbia University's potential self-interest in maintaining its core values such as pedagogical independence and academic freedom, even while considering the Trump administration's demands to restore federal funding.
Columbia's response will set an example for the rest of higher education
This is the impact Columbia's decision will have
Columbia University is reportedly nearing a deal to give into the Trump administration's demands to secure millions in funding.
This is the conflict
templeu.instructure.com templeu.instructure.com
Many subsequent war-related radio shows, Hollywood movies, newsreels, government films, and print media stories similarly used freedom and domestic security to justify American intervention in the war and citizens' extensive wartime sacrifices.
Well, this answers my previous questions. I've consumed war propaganda before (most notably on Netflix series) and not even noticed. Obviously, I assumed that history was being contorted America's side, but I didn't mind, as it fit my worldview. I assume that, especially when there's an active war going on, this would be the case even more-so.
By prompting listeners to interpolate this heart-rending account with their own aspirations for home ownership, this scene reinforces historian Robert West- brook's argument that American wartime propaganda regularly eschewed abstract appeals to the defense of liberal ideology and instead pointed to security of home and family as primary reasons for Americans' wartime sacrifices (Westbrook, 1993).
I wonder if listeners were aware that propagandized messages were being explicitly injected into the media that they were consuming. I also wonder if was necessarily stigmatized.
With this chilling scene still fresh, "America at War" returned to the homefront and advised each of its listeners: "you too are in it, you and your family and your friends and your church" (Corwin, February 14, 1942).
It is crazy to see that these messages were disseminated via an "entertainment" platform. Today, I can't imagine such a serious message being delivered in a way that is manufactured and dramatized. I think people would have a really hard time trusting anything that was co-signed by the government in this way, but that more-so speaks to America's recent erosion of public trust.
Office of War Information
Looking back at history, it is so wild that Americans today are so obsessed with propaganda when it is so engrained in our history. I even think about the government-funded Voice of America international media operation that was recently shut down... which was started by the OWI. Propaganda has always been central to the American mission both domestically and abroad.
Before the United States entered the Second World War, American mass media generally shied away from endorsing either side of the global conflict
Right off the bat, so much has changed. I can't even imagine a mass media outlet not making their position on a conflict fairly obvious through their editorial decisions. I think much of the tradition around reporting and journalism in general has absolutely crumbled in the past 50 years. Now "unbiased" journalism falls behind in comparison to its partisan counterparts.
pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca pressbooks.library.torontomu.caChapter 412
’Tain’t no use in foolin’ round in dat kitchen all day long.”
Clearly makes Janie feel unappreciated and even foolish
The thought put a terrible ache in Logan’s body, but he thought it best to put on scorn.
I feel like he might actually care if she leaves but is too prideful and that's also why he acts so rude
Ah thought you would ’preciate good treatment. Thought Ah’d take and make somethin’ outa yuh. You think youse white folks by de way you act.
Logan considers himself a good husband and believes he treats Janie great
Considerin’ youse born in a carriage ’thout no top to it, and yo’ mama and you bein’ born and raised in de white folks back-yard
Is he upset that Janie grew up like this?
Ah wuz thinkin’ real hard about us; about you and me.”
I feel like Janie hopes t talk with Logan to see if she has a reason to stay but his responses are still very careless and rude
You ain’t never knowed what it was to be treated lak a lady and Ah wants to be de one tuh show yuh
Promises to treat her better then Logan currently treats her to convince her
Janie, if you think Ah aims to tole you off and make a dog outa you, youse wrong. Ah wants to make a wife outa you.
Joe clarifies his intentions with her even though she is already married to someone else
He later decided he needed a rest anyway. It would do him good to rest a week or two.
Does he decide to stay and "rest" because of Janie?
You behind a plow! You ain’t got no mo’ business wid uh plow than uh hog is got wid uh holiday! You ain’t got no business cuttin’ up no seed p’taters neither. A pretty doll-baby lak you is made to sit on de front porch and rock and fan yo’self and eat p’taters dat other folks plant just special for you
Joe is sweet talking Janie, making her feel like she deserves better than what she has now
You married? You ain’t hardly old enough to be weaned. Ah betcha you still craves sugar-tits, doncher
Although marrying at a young age may have been normal, Joe is considerate of how young she is and how hard it may be
Where was Janie’s papa and mama
Joe also seems to take an interest in Janie E finding out things about her
Saved up some money—round three hundred dollars, yes indeed, right here in his pocket.
Joe seemed like a nice E financially responsible man
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
<br /> Las castas. Casta painting showing 16 racial groupings. Anonymous, 18th century, oil on canvas, 148×104 cm, Museo Nacional del Virreinato, Tepotzotlán, Mexico
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Fearing Retribution, Trump Critics Muzzle Themselves by [[Elisabeth Bumiller]]
www.markcoggins.com www.markcoggins.com
Raymond Chandler's Typewriter - Mark Coggins by [[Mark Coggins]]
the lever for later machines was connected with a different sized pin, which makes finding donor machines challenging as pins from the more common newer machines won’t fit the older ones.
It also interesting to note that loss of the carriage return lever is apparently a common problem on Studio 44 Series Is and Series IIs.
Ole Kehlet of Kehlet Typewriter in Sacramento
Sybil Davis—who put the machine up for auction after receiving it from her mother, Jean Vounder-Davis—shared this with me in e-mail correspondence after the auction: He was not a “touch typist.” He preferred the “hunt and peck” system using only his two index fingers I … observed him using it on a daily basis.
Raymond Chandler was not a touch typist.
The machine was produced in four different versions: Series I with a beige body and black round keys borrowed from its more portable sister machine, the Olivetti Lettera 22 Series II with beige body and black ergonomic keys intended to conform better to the user’s fingers Series III with light blue body, grey-blue keys and knobs Studio 44 L with body from former competitor Underwood (Olivetti bought a controlling interest in Underwood in 1959, and completed a full merger in 1963)
variations of the Olivetti Studio 44
The Studio 44 was designed in 1952 by award-winning architect, industrial and graphic designer Marcello Nizzoli in collaboration with engineer Giuseppe Beccio.
- typewriters of authors
- typewriter repair people
- hunt and peck
- Raymond Chandler
- Kehlet Typewriter
- Ole Kehlet
- 1952
- Sacramento, CA
- Jean Vounder-Davis
- touch typing
- Marcello Nizzoli
- Giuseppe Beccio
- typewriter designers
- donor machines
- typewriters
- read
- Olivetti Studio 44
- typewriter restoration
- Mark Coggins
- typewriter repair
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
As railroad construction drove economic development, new means of production spawned new systems of labor.
using this fact in my essay
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Last month, just over a year after his brush with death, Coates and his girlfriend visited Dr. Fajgenbaum in Philadelphia to thank him for his help. A smiling Coates was the picture of health; he had put on muscle since the last time he met the doctor.
I am happy this happened to him and AI was terrific in his case. However, I feel that this article is forgetting about all of the other cases where this doesn't work. These are only told stories because they worked, whereas, the rest that don't work go untold. Because that is not news, and people will not read about it.
“If you use A.I. to come up with a new drug, you can make lots and lots of money off that new drug. If you use A.I. to find a new use for an old, inexpensive drug, no one makes any money off of it,” Dr. Fajgenbaum said.
Coming down to money.
The alcohol “popped to the top of our list,” Dr. Might said, and “it worked instantly.”
They are omitting the part about the risks of testing new medications on people. AI isn't all knowing and it might not provide all of the risk factors. This article is shining a positive light on AI rather than acknowledging all the factors and risks of it. It can be a wonderful tool; however, it needs to be used and recognized with caution. People who read an article like this might think that if they ask AI about their health conditions, then they can listen to it and do what it says without precaution.
Finding Clues in Old Research
This whole section feels like a shameless plug for Dr. Fajgenbaum.
led researchers to ask
What researchers?
In labs around the world, scientists are using A.I. to search among existing medicines for treatments that work for rare diseases. Drug repurposing, as it’s called, is not new, but the use of machine learning is speeding up the process — and could expand the treatment possibilities for people with rare diseases and few options.
This is a relevant matter. AI is becoming more popular by the day, and this shows how it can be used in modern science today. People are interested in the power of AI; therefore, this article would intrigue them and persuade them to click on it.
templeu.instructure.com templeu.instructure.com
Throughout the entire disagreement between the press and the broadcasting industry one fact stands out above all others, and that is that both parties failed to consider the public at all.
This is very sad, and I think it speaks to the effects of falling investments in public media. In its essence, the news should be for the people it is broadcasted to. If it doesn't do them a service, then the product they are producing is essentially junk. While I think that the profit motive has made news media much more entertaining and allowed it to be accessed by an enormous audience, I wonder what the world would be like if most news media was still public.
6. The broadcasters were to bear all costs of the new service.
I wonder why this was the case? Seems like a bad deal for broadcasters. They can't sponsor their broadcasts, but they're also to bear all costs of the service. It's wild to see how strict these rules are. It shows the barriers in front of new mediums before they can become widely adopted.
First, radio broadcasting was not free.
I find this argument hilarious. You can draw a line from any source of news to government infrastructure. Any news online travels through government-invested fiber optics. Television signals on public airwaves are regulated and overseen by the FCC. Newspapers are delivered on government-owned roads. If your attack is that another medium has the "potential" for government intervention, you're probably pretty scared for your job.
They stopped reading the papers and went to other sources which would tell them about radio, and the listings returned
This is very interesting to me. It represents a point in media tension in which one medium is completely powerless. Today, I would equivocate this to linear television vs. streaming. For many young people, the only reason they have access to linear television is because it's bundled with streaming subscriptions. If this no longer were the case, I'd bet linear TV's viewership would get cut in half overnight, and linear TV would have to crawl back into the bundle with their tail between their legs.
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
ndustrial capitalism brought wealth and it brought poverty; it created owners and investors and it created employees. But whether winners or losers in the new economy, all Americans reckoned in some way with their new industrial world.
seems like most Americans became losers in this economy causing serious social issues
Cornelius Vanderbilt, oilmen such as J. D. Rockefeller, steel magnates such as Andrew Carnegie, and bankers such as J. P. Morgan, won fortunes that, adjusted for inflation, are still among the largest the nation has ever seen. According to various measurements, in 1890 the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans owned one fourth of the nation’s assets; the top 10 percent owned over 70 percent. And inequality only accelerated
These barons seem to be the beginning of wealth disparity in the US that has only gotten worse.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
Palm trees are about as L.A. as it gets. But is it time to bid them a frond farewell? by [[Patt Morrison]] - Los Angeles Times
erikwinkowski.substack.com erikwinkowski.substack.com
The Written Image by [[Erik Winkowski]]
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Donald Shoup, 86, Dies; Scholar Saw the Social Costs of Free Parking by [[Michael S. Rosenwald]]
americanreformer.org americanreformer.org
firstthings.com firstthings.com
The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism by [[Aaron M. Renn]] in - First Things, 2022-02-01
www.aaronrenn.com www.aaronrenn.com
[[Newsletter #40: What to Do When Your Wife Divorces You]]
Newsletter #40: What to Do When Your Wife Divorces You by [[Aaron M. Renn]]
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Free speech matters, and so does DEI (opinion) by [[Michael S. Roth]]
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
A transformative education for my trans students and me - Los Angeles Times by [[Michael S. Roth]]
www.sohu.com www.sohu.com
不只是董其昌的生平与艺术作品提供了充分的证据,可以得出结论说他曾于1597年观览过欧洲艺术,董其昌对来自欧洲的艺术有所意识最清楚的征兆之一,更可以在他关于艺术理论、技术与方法的文字中发现。对于了解董其昌理论中最激进最创新之思想,或董其昌理论对初现于中国的崭新艺术形象所提出的挑战与许诺之反应的一贯持续性与力力量,先前的艺术史传统为我们所能提供的准备与帮助,甚为有限。 从对清代中国与日本的影响来判断,董其昌最具影响力的理论乃是大致上历史性的、紧密地符合正统谱系衣钵传承期许的、又最不让清王朝感到威胁的“南宗山水画”理论。
1. 原文核心论点
- 证据链构成:<br /> 作者认为,董其昌(1555-1636)在1597年接触欧洲艺术的假说,不仅可通过其生平轨迹(如交游网络、收藏活动)和存世作品(如疑似受西画影响的构图)得到佐证,更关键的是其艺术理论中暗含对异质视觉经验的回应。
- 理论文本的“征兆”:<br /> 董其昌在《画禅室随笔》《容台集》等著作中提出的革新性技法论述(如“虚实相生”“墨分五色”),可能隐含着对欧洲艺术中透视法、明暗对比等技术的无意识吸收或主动反思。这种跨文化意识超越了传统文人画论的框架。
2. 历史语境支撑
- 耶稣会士的文化中介:<br /> 1597年前后,利玛窦(Matteo Ricci)等传教士已在南京、北京活动,其携带的圣像画、版画(如《程氏墨苑》收录的西洋版画)引起士大夫关注。董其昌作为礼部尚书,极可能通过徐光启等友人接触此类图像。
- 视觉现代性的萌发:<br /> 晚明江南的“物质文化转向”中,西洋镜、望远镜等光学仪器与写实绘画共同构成一种新的视觉认知范式,可能冲击董其昌对“形似”与“神似”关系的思考。
3. 学术争议与局限
- 反方观点:<br /> 传统艺术史认为,董其昌理论根植于禅宗与文人画传统(如“南北宗论”),其创新性源自对王维、董源美学的再诠释,而非外来影响。现无直接文献证明董其昌曾明确论及西洋艺术。
- 研究困境:<br /> 原文指出,传统艺术史方法论(如风格分析、谱系考据)难以解释董其昌理论中某些“激进创新”(如空间处理的平面化倾向)与同期欧洲巴洛克艺术的潜在共振,需引入跨文化视角。
1. 理论内核与政治适配性
- 历史谱系建构:<br /> “南宗论”以王维为鼻祖,串联董源、巨然、元四家直至明代的文徵明,构建出一条“文人画正统”谱系。这种历史叙事既符合儒家“道统”观念,又为清廷文化整合提供合法性依据。
- 去政治化策略:<br /> 南宗美学标榜“以画为寄”“不求形似”,强调个体心性修养而非社会干预,与清初压制遗民思想的政策无冲突,故能被康熙、乾隆朝官方画院吸纳(如“四王”对南宗的推崇)。
2. 跨地域传播机制
- 对日本的影响:<br /> 江户时代(1603-1868),通过黄檗宗僧侣与唐船贸易,董其昌著作传入日本,促成了“南画”(Nanga)流派的形成。日本南画家池大雅、与谢芜村等将南宗理论本土化,发展为具有禅意与诗性的文人画传统。
- 朝鲜半岛的接受:<br /> 朝鲜后期实学派画家如金正喜,通过燕行接触董其昌理论,将其与本土“真景山水”结合,形成独特的东亚文人画互动网络。
3. 理论张力的遮蔽
- 创新性的消解:<br /> 原文暗示,董其昌理论中最具颠覆性的部分(如对“笔墨自主性”的强调)因不符合清代官方意识形态,在传播过程中被简化为技法规范,其原初的“反叛性”被正统谱系叙事掩盖。
- 现代性再发现:<br /> 20世纪学者如方闻、高居翰(James Cahill)重新挖掘董其昌理论的抽象性与现代主义潜质,将其与塞尚、立体主义进行类比,揭示被清代正统化进程压抑的先锋性。
原文的深层诉求在于批判传统艺术史范式的局限性: 1. 单一文化视角的不足:<br /> 传统研究将董其昌置于封闭的文人画传统中,忽视16-17世纪全球化初期欧亚艺术交流的复杂网络。 2. 正统叙事的遮蔽效应:<br /> 清代对“南宗论”的选择性接受,导致董其昌理论中的跨文化实验与形式革新被边缘化。 3. 重估“影响”的概念:<br /> 作者主张以“意识”(awareness)而非“模仿”(imitation)来理解董其昌与欧洲艺术的关系,强调文化接触可能引发理论层面的隐性调适,而非直接风格移植。
董其昌的艺术思想如同一个多棱镜: - 面向传统:通过“南北宗论”建构文人画正统,成为清廷文化治理的工具; - 面向现代:其笔墨实验与空间观念暗含超越时代的抽象性,与全球早期现代性形成隐秘对话; - 面向异域:潜在的对欧洲艺术的意识,提示晚明中国已置身跨文化碰撞的浪潮中。
www.acenet.edu www.acenet.edu
2025-02-25 letter from Ted Mitchell to Craig Trainor
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Trump reportedly set to order dismantling of Education Dept. by [[Jessica Blake]]