Welcome to Hyperhidrosis UK
You will find the pages contain information to help you live with hyperhidrosis and the support for you (via the Contact Us) if you can't find the answer you are looking for within these pages. If you sweat more than average or have hyperhidrosis, we are here to help you.
If there is anything you think we have missed or would like added please let us know.
Please note that we are not a treatment provider, just an information service. If you are looking for treatment please see the Treatment Options page.
Sweating is a normal bodily function.
We all sweat to help keep the body at a steady temperature so that all the chemical reactions inside work properly.
We sweat more when it is hot, when we exercise and when we are stressed or anxious.
Some people sweat much more than is needed to control their body temperature and this is known as hyperhidrosis. Some people sweat more than average but might not be diagnosed as having hyperhidrosis by their doctor, if that is the case then you will still find information here to help you.
What causes hyperhidrosis?
We don't know exactly what causes it but it would appear that the nerves that normally make us sweat are more active in patients with hyperhidrosis. Primary Hyperhidrosis tends to start in adolescence or even earlier in childhood, especially when it affects the hands and feet. There are answers to many more questions in our FAQ section.
When excessive sweating begins later in adult life it nearly always Secondary Hyperhidrosis and there will be an underlying medical cause. Often sweating can be a side effect of prescribed medications but can also be a sign of another underlying medical condition. Read more.
Seasonal Opening Hours
Wednesday 22nd Dec | 08:45 - 17:00 |
Thursday 23rd Dec | 08:45 - 17:00 |
Friday 24th Dec | 08:45 - 12:00 |
Monday 27th Dec | CLOSED |
Tuesday 28th Dec | CLOSED |
Wednesday 29th Dec | CLOSED |
Thursday 30th Dec | 08:45 - 17:00 |
Friday 31st Jan | 08:45 - 12:00 |
Monday 3rd Jan | CLOSED |
Monday 4th Jan | 08:45 - 17:00 |
Antiperspirants and cancer risk
There has long been concern that the aluminium in antiperspirants could be linked to breast cancer which had seemingly been …The Patient Voice
The Dermatological Nursing Journal is produced by the British Dermatological Nursing Group, a group of nurses and healthcare professionals that …Can you help with a Survey?
The Hyperhidrosis Research Network was established by the De Montford University out of the Priority Setting Partnership which ranked the …

Most cases of primary hyperhidrosis affect the hands and/or the feet and/or the underarms. Other areas of the body such as the face and scalp, back, neck, chest, groin, legs and buttocks can also be affected. Typically, it affects both sides of the body equally.
People with primary hyperhidrosis do not sweat when asleep which is one way of differentiating it form other casues of sweating.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for primary hyperhidrosis but there are many treatments available that can help to reduce sweating from the affected areas. Some straightforward self-help measures can be of benefit. Your GP can prescribe a strong antiperspirant. many patients are referred to see a dermatologist in hospital where they are likely to try a course of iontophoresis. There are also a number of options that are only available privately.
If you are a healthcare professional you can find more information on our medical staff page.
This website contains information on hyperhidrosis for the benefit of patients and is provided by Limbco Ltd a family run business based in Hereford specialising in treatments for hyperhidrosis and varicose veins.
SweatHelp aims to provide great products that we’ve tested ourselves and along with great customer service.
We have a range of antiperspirants, clothing protectors, t-shirts and iontophoresis machines to suit a wide range of price points if you suffer from hyperhidrosis.