Plugin Tag: classic widgets
Classic Widgets
(258 total ratings)Enables the previous "classic" widgets settings screens in Appearance — Widgets and the Customizer. Disables the block editor from managing widgets.
Widget Options – The #1 WordPress Widget & Block Control Plugin
(1,511 total ratings)Widget Options gives you super powers to control your site’s sidebar widgets and all Gutenberg blocks on pages, posts & other custom post types.
Custom Sidebars — Dynamic Sidebar Classic Widget Area Manager
(1,028 total ratings)Flexible sidebars for custom classic widget configurations on any page or post. Create custom sidebars with ease!
Content Aware Sidebars — Fastest Widget Area Plugin
(722 total ratings)Display new sidebars on any post, page, category etc. Works with Classic Widgets, Block Widgets, and all themes!
Classic Editor +
(31 total ratings)The "Classic Editor +" plugin disables the block editor, removes enqueued scripts/styles and brings back classic Widgets.
Classic Editor and Classic Widgets
(4 total ratings)Disables Gutenberg editor totally everywhere and enables Classic Editor and Classic Widgets.
Restore and Enable Classic Widgets No Expiration
(19 total ratings)Miss the old widgets? Activate this plugin to restore and enable the previous classic widgets settings screens. No expiration date.
Classic Widgets with Block-based Widgets
(0 total ratings)Restore the classic widgets screen as a new menu item without replacing new block-based widgets.
Disable Blocks Widget Sidebar.
(0 total ratings)Description: Disables Gutenberg Block widgets Sidebar and restores the Classic widgets Sidebar .
WPDevs Classic Editor & Widgets
(1 total ratings)WPDevs Classic Editor & Widgets enables the traditional WordPress classic editor, classic widgets, and the previous version of the Edit Post scree …
Disable Block
(0 total ratings)Disable Block disables Gutenberg editor and Gutenberg Block Library CSS totally everywhere and enables Classic Editor & Classic Widgets.
Restore Classic Editor & Widgets + Dashboard Cleaner
(1 total ratings)Restores the classic editor and widgets, blocks dashboard ads for a smoother, faster experience. FR: Restaure l’éditeur et les widgets classiques, bl …