'ello, im sarah the mod...im 14(15 soon)an i fucking rock.(haha, not) It's easy to get in...fill out the app below...put it all under an LJ cut please.i dont give a fuck what the lj cut is titled but let me know somewhere that its an application<3 Post Suggestions: ~HOT HXC GUYS KISSING!!!!! ~pics of yourself an friends ~poems an lyrics ~personal problems we can help ya with ~support local bands you know of in neway ya want ~post links to cool sites ~clothing Rules: ~do NOT comment unless you have been ACCEPTED ~if you dont get accepted just fucking leave...dont argue with members ~if you are accepted you are welcome to promote communities as long as you think they would be of interest to us an as long as it dosent get out of hand ~if you are posting more than one picture in an entry PLEASE put it under an lj-cut(if you dont know how to make lj cuts fgo to FAQ to find out) ~put your app under an lj-cut...we dont want your damn face an all the shit you like all over our journal ~apply within 24 hours of joining
*Application* XNameX
XSexualityX(dosent much matter,just for curioustiys sake)
XTop Five MoviesX
XWhat Can You Bring To The CommunityX
XFavorite Concert Attended(if you've never been to one then dont bother applying)X
XTop Five BandsX
XFave LyricsX
XAtleast One PictureX(i want to see just how glamourus you are<3)
If You're Accepted Please Advertise This Community!