Books by Stig A. Eriksson
Fagbokforlaget 2013 (ISBN 978-82-450-1462-4) 194 s.
Papers by Stig A. Eriksson
Applied theatre research, Dec 1, 2022
Intellect Books, Oct 7, 2019

Applied Theatre Research
The article presents and discusses etymological background, cultural adaptations and different pe... more The article presents and discusses etymological background, cultural adaptations and different perspectives to the key concepts in drama and theatre, starting from western and Chinese conceptions. Drama has at least three levels of meaning: (1) as an overarching concept for fictional and non-fictional cultural practices; (2) as an aesthetic learning practice within education; and (3) as a script made for theatre performances. The drama is thus a frame for the actions, and within this frame there might be other frames, marking different roles and perspectives. The meaning and potential for knowing in drama and theatre lie between those layers and differences. This idea is illustrated by a comparison between the British pioneers and partners Dorothy Heathcote and Gavin Bolton, and by exploring how divergent views on theatre and art lead to differences in perspective about a specific approach to educational drama, mantle of the expert.
Applied Theatre Research
In this interview, the Chinese playwright and drama education pioneer Li Yingning (b. 1942) talks... more In this interview, the Chinese playwright and drama education pioneer Li Yingning (b. 1942) talks about her life and way into educational drama. Li and her family’s life is to a remarkably large extent connected to modern Chinese history. Li’s plays focus on women’s issues, social problems and historical productions. Her life seems to include much of China’s modern history – and drama – in many levels of meaning of this word.

Applied Theatre Research
In this article, we present and discuss how traditional Chinese culture is connected to moral edu... more In this article, we present and discuss how traditional Chinese culture is connected to moral education (deyu), current governmental strategies in education and educational drama as an approach to moral education. We argue that the mixture in deyu of moral and ideological education in today’s China is nothing new, and totally consistent with China’s pre-revolutionary periods. Although current government strategies in education emphasize aesthetic subjects such as drama/theatre (Xiju), and include methods and conventions in educational drama, it is hard to perceive whether the policy is open to an explorative learning process, characteristic of educational drama, or rather implies a more classical approach, based on textbooks and memorization, or even pure learning techniques. Nevertheless, processual processes to drama seem to harmonize with ambitions in China’s current school reforms and to be relevant to moral education within a social framework.

Applied Theatre Research
The article is conceived as a survey exploration of significant historic developmental stages of ... more The article is conceived as a survey exploration of significant historic developmental stages of the Norwegian educational drama field. The article first engages in an historical consideration of educational dramatics from traces of performed education in old Norse culture, via school drama organized by the church in the Middle Ages, to a decline of drama and theatre after Pietism in the eighteenth century, with a succeeding narrower view of knowledge and teaching in the following century and scarce information about drama as education. The focus then turns to deliberation of educational reforms in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, offering new possibilities for drama pedagogy through the Progressive Education movement, followed by identifying the position of drama in the six national curriculum reforms from 1939 to 2020 and the changing role of the subject area resulting from policy accentuations underlying curriculum revisions.
Routledge eBooks, Apr 1, 2022
International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education
Beijing International Review of Education, 2022
The article introduces the field of educational drama to new readers by outlining foundational co... more The article introduces the field of educational drama to new readers by outlining foundational concepts and source literature, and some historical roots. Using the well-known folk tale of Hansel and Gretel (Brothers Grimm) as point of departure, the article describes a practical workshop example – with a rationale of the suggested activities.

Education and Theatres, 2019
This chapter explores a theatre mediation research project in the city of Bergen, Norway. It is a... more This chapter explores a theatre mediation research project in the city of Bergen, Norway. It is an outreach project for grade 10 students, aiming at opening the doors to theatre for young people, involving Western Norway University of Applied Sciences in a collaborative venture with the city theatre: Den Nationale Scene, and two other partner institutions. The students were invited during school hours to see a play, Anne Pedersdotter (1908), by the Norwegian dramatist Hans Wiers-Jenssen (1866–1925), based on a witch trial in Bergen in 1590. The authors devised teaching materials and preparatory practical workshops for students, and researched the facilitation of and the responses to the introductory workshops. Following a brief tuning in to the overall project, the chapter first applies a topological reading of parts of the material. Secondly, it takes a quantitative perspective, before the chapter is rounded off.
Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 2011

Education and theatres. Beyond the four walls, 2019
This chapter explores a theatre mediation research project in the city of Bergen, Norway. It is a... more This chapter explores a theatre mediation research project in the city of Bergen, Norway. It is an outreach project for grade 10 students, aiming at opening the doors to theatre for young people, involving Western Norway University of Applied Sciences in a collaborative venture with the city theatre: Den Nationale Scene, and two other partner institutions. The students were invited during school hours to see a play, Anne Pedersdotter (1908), by the Norwegian dramatist Hans Wiers-Jenssen (1866–1925), based on a witch trial in Bergen in 1590. The authors devised teaching materials and preparatory practical workshops for students, and researched the facilitation of and the responses to the introductory workshops. Following a brief tuning in to the overall project, the chapter first applies a topologi- cal reading of parts of the material. Secondly, it takes a quantitative perspective, before the chapter is rounded off.

The article explores some pre-Christian, Christian and post-Christian celebratory rituals that ex... more The article explores some pre-Christian, Christian and post-Christian celebratory rituals that exist in a Nordic tradition of Christmas feasts, with a particular focus on the Norwegian Yule. A key theme is the presentation and discussion of rituals and performative events in the described celebrations, along with observations on the interesting etymology of words and names, as well as myths and legends, associated with Yule celebrations. The article looks at some roots of theatre in early religious ritual and dramatic elements in folk practice, and at beliefs and customs that have shaped present day Christmas – or Yule - traditions in the North. L’article explore quelques rites de celebration pre-chretiens, chretiens et post-chretiens qui existent dans une tradition nordique des fetes de Noel, avec une emphase particuliere sur le Noel norvegien. Un theme clef est la presentation et la discussion des rites et d’evenements performatifs dans les fetes decrites, y compris des observatio...
North West Passage, No. 4, p. 157-166. (ISBN: 978-88-7470-047-9). Bari: Edizioni di Pagina, 2007
Books by Stig A. Eriksson
Papers by Stig A. Eriksson
Drama as education was defined as a field of study concerned with human development through enactment. It refers to a broad area of activities of which the common trait is the use of dramatic play. It covers the whole range from imaginative dramatic doing and representation to the art form of theatre.