Papers by Jonathan Earthy

Lloyd's Register believes that system dependability can be improved through the widespread us... more Lloyd's Register believes that system dependability can be improved through the widespread use of human centred (HC) methods and activities throughout the lifecycle. In order to achieve this goal HC processes should integrate with the requirements of software engineering quality management. The presentation reviews the relevant quality and process standards and interprets the relevant terms as far as user-centred design processes are concerned, giving examples of appropriate requirements/usability engineering methods at each stage. There are three roles for human computer interaction (HCI) experts (or expertise) in the assessment of usability in the lifecycle: participation as a team member or consultant, acting as a tester/evaluator or acting as an auditor. In order to assure the quality of the resulting system all should be assessed, through examination of products and/or activities. The components of HC design quality systems are presented.
Human Factors in Ship Design & Operation 2009
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2001

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
To date, autonomous shipping appears to primarily have been about a technology push rather than c... more To date, autonomous shipping appears to primarily have been about a technology push rather than considering and providing sociotechnical solutions including re-design of work, capturing knowledge and addressing human factors in modern shipping. Autonomous shipping is frequently claimed to reduce human error, whereas in reality, any issue connected to humans will arguably move with the people from ship to shore in that different people will make different mistakes; with possibly more severe consequences. Furthermore, autonomous shipping is likely to require changes to regulation and increased attention to cyber security and other IT human-centred quality factors if it is to succeed. What the HUMANE project is interested in is how (in certain scenarios) the human collaborates with, hands over to, or takes over from the technology/automation to achieve an overall safe state of the system. The aim is to map and investigate a potential gap between current human skills, training and educa...

Computer and networking technology on board ships is increasing in complexity as the levels of au... more Computer and networking technology on board ships is increasing in complexity as the levels of automation and monitoring at sea evolve. Ships are acknowledged to be a System of systems, including both IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operational technology). A virtual team that includes members of the various on-board departments, shore based technical support staff and vendors perform management of technical equipment, largely in isolation. It is possible to conclude that the technology installation is one of the only operational aspects of a vessel, where no one has the full picture and could drive a coordinated response to a major technology issue. This paper will propose a best practice framework for governance of technology on board ships. This framework will serve as an input to the process of including cyber security in the ISM Safety Management Manual for the 2021 deadline.
IEE Colloquium on Making User-Centred Design Work in Software Development, 1999
Three years ago John Harrison convened the predecessor to this colloquium. At that event one of t... more Three years ago John Harrison convened the predecessor to this colloquium. At that event one of the authors stated: The assurance of quality of use of computer system depends on the quality of implementation and integration of the HCprocesses within the lifecycle. This quality can ...
The Wiley Handbook of Human Computer Interaction
Safety Regulations & Naval Class 2, Nov 23, 2005

The paper presents a systematic re-analysis of the Costa Concordia incident using the domains of ... more The paper presents a systematic re-analysis of the Costa Concordia incident using the domains of Human Factors Integration (HFI) completed by undergraduate naval architects. The importance of the human element in the passenger ship industry, from the design stage of a ship to the end of its operational life, has developed through time. Human element considerations are becoming increasingly significant as a tool for creating efficient and safe working environments in the shipping industry. The area of passenger ships is particularly important in the understanding of the human element, due to the increased level of complexity of human interaction with the ship. The work was carried out in collaboration between Lloyd’s Register and Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute of the University of Southampton. An applicable understanding of the human element topic was developed using textbooks, public bodies of information and EU project HCD training. Methodologies used by investigative bo...

Human-centred design processes for interactive systems are defined in ISO 13407 and the associate... more Human-centred design processes for interactive systems are defined in ISO 13407 and the associated ISO TR 18529. The publication of these standards represents a maturing of the discipline of user-centred design. The systems development community see that (at last) Human Factors has processes which can be managed and integrated with existing project processes. This internationally-agreed set of human-centred design processes provides a definition of the capability that an organisation must possess in order to implement user-centred design effectively. It can also be used to assess the extent to which a particular development project employs user-centred design. As such, it presents a challenge to the Human Factors community, and indeed a definition of good practice may even be regarded by some as an unwelcome constraint. This paper presents the background to the process-level definition of user-centred design and describes how it relates to current practice. The challenges, benefits ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
Several new and revised ISO standards will be published in 2016/17 that define the basic terms an... more Several new and revised ISO standards will be published in 2016/17 that define the basic terms and concepts of usability , give guidance on processes and outcomes of human-centred design , provide examples of measures that can be used in usability evaluation (ISO/IEC 25022 and 25023) and define what should be included in usability evaluation reports for usability tests, inspections and surveys (ISO/IEC 25066). The paper explains some of the new content and how it can be used.
The technical and business background to assurance of usability are summarised. Specific requirem... more The technical and business background to assurance of usability are summarised. Specific requirements for suitable schemes are defined. The process by which the proposed schemes were developed is described. Further work is identified. A scheme for the accreditation of providers of usability services is presented. A scheme for the certification of products against ISO 13407 is presented.
Alarms and alarm lists are common areas of complaint among seafarers. Concerns include: • distrac... more Alarms and alarm lists are common areas of complaint among seafarers. Concerns include: • distraction from nuisance alarms that take them away from the task in hand • excessive workload accepting multiple alarms caused by a single incident • alarm messages that are confusing or unclear in their meaning. They are also a challenge to many design organisations, requiring information flow through the supply chain that is difficult to support technically and contractually.
Human Factors In Ship Design, Safety & Operation
A process model for human-centred activities in the system lifecycle based on ISO 13407, the Brit... more A process model for human-centred activities in the system lifecycle based on ISO 13407, the British HCI Group ISM, the Philips HPI model and Eason and Harker’s human system maturity model. The background to the model is described. The model describes seven processes each defined by a set of base practices. The base practices are defined. A set of work products are given for each process. A summary is provided of the ISO 15504 scale for the assessment of the maturity of processes. The uses of the model are outlined. A recording form is supplied and its use described. Mappings of the base practices to processes in SPICE, CMM and SECMM are provided. The process model is conformant to ISO 15504. This version is prepared for INTERACT’99.
SUMMARY The usability maturity of two organisations was assessed using the model in ISO TR 18529 ... more SUMMARY The usability maturity of two organisations was assessed using the model in ISO TR 18529 to identify the need for usability process improvement. The results were used to select simple user-based methods implementing the recommendations in ISO 13407 and were applied in trial development projects over a 12-month period. A second usability capability assessment at the end of the trial demonstrated an increase in usability maturity. In both cases the results were judged to be highly beneficial and cost effective, and the selected methods are now being formally incorporated into the organisations' development processes.

Human-Computer Interaction. Theories, Methods, and Human Issues
Although much has been published on how to collect user requirements, there is surprisingly littl... more Although much has been published on how to collect user requirements, there is surprisingly little guidance on the specific information that should be included in a user requirements specification, or on the syntax of user requirements statements. An ISO working group that has been developing a series of documents to define good practice for the content of human-centred design deliverables is now working to get consensus on the content of user requirements specifications. Two types of user requirements have been identified: (a) requirements for a user to be able to recognize, select, input or receive physical entities and information, and (b) use-related quality requirements that specify criteria for outcomes such as effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, accessibility, user experience and avoidance of harm from use. A user requirements specification should also contain information about constraints, the context of use, goals and tasks to be supported, design guidelines and any recommendations for design solutions emerging from the user requirements. This paper explains some of the challenges in developing the standard.
Papers by Jonathan Earthy