Articles by Didi M.E. Griffioen

Teaching in Higher Education, 2020
Students and lecturers share educational experiences, each in their
role: Students as part of the... more Students and lecturers share educational experiences, each in their
role: Students as part of their learning context and lecturers as part
of their work environment. But how much of their experiences are
similar? A questionnaire was developed to provide insight into the
experiences of research integration of undergraduate students (N
= 2336) and lecturers (N = 379). For measurements, the Research
Attitudes in Vocational Education Questionnaire (RAVE-Q), and
Experience in Research Integration scale were applied to the
student survey design. For lecturers, all items of the student
surveys were rephrased into items related to lecturers’
perceptions of their students’ attitudes and experiences. The
findings show that students and lecturers share perceptions about
the role of research in their related vocational field and about
research integration. However, important cognitive and affective
differences were found between students and lecturers regarding
research practice. Implications for further research and
educational design will be discussed.

Higher Education Journal for Learning and Teaching, 2019
The support for connections between research and education is widespread. This connection yields the promise of educating students for the knowledge society. With the curriculum as the most important carrier of planned higher education, the lack of systematic insight in how research can be integrated into the curriculum is an important omission. This systematic review considers how empirical studies provide input for the integration of research in the higher education curriculum. Moreover, it provides a structured insight into the current body of knowledge on research in the curriculum. Based on a first set of 5815 journal articles, 121 articles were selected for further analysis. The model of Curriculum Aspects by Van den Akker (2003) was used to categorise the articles, which shows a body of knowledge on research in the curriculum with the largest focus on learning aims and learning activities. Furthermore, this review shows how few studies consider the effects of curriculum design on student learning, which calls for more empirical studies to benefit student learning.

Journal of Futher and Higher Education, 2019
Integrating professional research into higher education is supposed to intellectually benefit stu... more Integrating professional research into higher education is supposed to intellectually benefit students. However, the literature suggests that students in different academic disciplines experience differing research opportunities. Previous studies have shown how junior students of natural sciences have less opportunity to engage in research than students in ‘soft’ disciplines. To investigate research involvement, undergraduate students (N = 2192) of all seven faculties of a university filled out a survey that included the Research Experience Scale. This scale provides four types of potential research involvement comprised of passive involvement and three types of active research involvement. The categorisation of disciplines was based on the framework constructed by Anthony Biglan, with its distinction between hard/soft and life/nonlife criteria. All disciplines included in this study were applied, thereby excluding Biglan’s pure/applied distinction. A betweengroup analysis showed that each of the types of research involvement yielded a different pattern for students from different study years. The ‘students-as-researcher’ type in particular showed that students of lower study years in the life disciplines were systematically less involved than more senior students. These findings highlight the importance of more precise definitions of research involvement, as well as clearer distinctions between disciplinary differences in research and curriculum design.

For free read see:
New universities on the European mainland were mostly ... more For free read see:
New universities on the European mainland were mostly teaching oriented until the start of this century. Current national and local management intends to better connect research and teaching through the increase in lecturers’ research capacity, often defined through their master’s degrees or PhDs. However, this strategy is complex due to the
needed combination of didactical expertise, professional practise, and research competencies in lecturers’ professional profiles, which are not captured by the notion of formal degrees. This study considers the professional profiles of new lecturers through a thematic analysis and a correlation analysis of tasks and competencies in job openings (N=126). The findings show that two professional profiles underpin the hiring of new lecturers: the teaching lecturer and the research-active lecturer. These profiles do not imply a better connection between research and teaching. To reach this goal, higher education policy should explicitly define lecturers’ professional profiles beyond their formal degrees.
TH&MA Hoger Onderwijs, 2017
Al zijn er goede voorbeelden, de integratie van onderzoek in het hoger beroepsonderwijs blijkt ve... more Al zijn er goede voorbeelden, de integratie van onderzoek in het hoger beroepsonderwijs blijkt veel minder eenvoudig dan aanvankelijk gedacht. 'Onderzoek blijft in veel opleidingen ernaast, erbij, of erop geplaatst', schrijft Didi Griffioen. Dat moet veranderen.
Docenten zijn de kernspelers in de implementatie van veranderingen in het onderwijs . Docenten vo... more Docenten zijn de kernspelers in de implementatie van veranderingen in het onderwijs . Docenten vormen ook de linking-pin tussen het management en de studenten in de transformatie van instellingen in het hbo naar kennisinstellingen, zowel als het gaat om onderzoekscultuur, als ook voor de kwaliteit van onderzoek in het onderwijs. Deze transformatie is veel ingewikkelder als docenten het idee hebben dat onderzoek niet hoort bij hun identiteit, of wanneer ze geloven dat hun status of werk wordt bedreigd. Ook is het belangrijk dat docenten zich zeker weten van hun eigen kwaliteiten in relatie tot de nieuwe taken .

Higher professional education in Europe has changed from teaching-only institutes to hybrids of t... more Higher professional education in Europe has changed from teaching-only institutes to hybrids of teaching and research. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence the judgements of lecturers about new organisational goals and perceptions of their new research-related competencies. Lecturers’ judgements of new organisational goals and self-efficacy related to newly expected competencies were modelled in a bio-ecological model. Findings show that lecturers’ perceptions of self-efficacy can be influenced by an open organisational culture, while lecturers’ judgements of new organisational goals can be influenced by decision-making systems. The professional development of lecturers through formal education and participation in research influences both self-efficacy and judgements. Hence, direct executive managers have three steering mechanisms by which they can influence lecturers’ perceptions during the implementation of new organisational activities: a) Educational Policy, b) Management Policy and c) Developmental Policy. Implications are discussed.

In het hoger beroepsonderwijs is onderzoek van toenemend belang. Van docenten wordt verwacht dat ... more In het hoger beroepsonderwijs is onderzoek van toenemend belang. Van docenten wordt verwacht dat zij toegerust zijn onderzoek over te brengen aan studenten. Docenten op hogescholen worden daarom gestimuleerd tot het volgen van een masteropleiding en verschillende hogescholen bieden professionaliseringsactiviteiten aan over onderzoek. Tot zover de wensen van de hogescholen. Maar wat willen de hogeschooldocenten eigenlijk zelf als het gaat om professionalisering op onderzoek? Middels interviews wordt in deze inventarisatie de wens van docenten (N=15) verkend om zich te professionaliseren in onderzoek. De resultaten laten zien dat zowel extrinsieke als intrinsieke motivatie bij de docenten een rol speelt. Voor docenten met een voornamelijk extrinsieke motivatie blijkt de visie van de hogeschool op onderzoek in het onderwijs erg belangrijk om tot deelname aan professionaliseringsactiviteiten over te gaan. De intrinsieke motivaties van de docenten zijn soms gericht op het willen versterken van de docentrol, soms op versterken van de onderzoekersrol. In alle gevallen lijkt tijd de belangrijkste randvoorwaarde om tot professionalisering te komen. De resultaten bieden een eerste richting voor zowel de vormgeving van professionalisering als vervolgonderzoek.

"In the context of a European knowledge economy, the Dutch non-university institutions systematic... more "In the context of a European knowledge economy, the Dutch non-university institutions systematically develop research activities at a higher frequency than before. With this development, they have been accused of academic drift, of striving to receive a status comparable to traditional universities. This study considers the perceptions of both managers and lecturers in non-university higher education concerning the organisational aims for research activities. The intention is to add an empirical base to the debate of academic drift, especially to the potential of academic drift on the staff level. The results show a moderate indication of potential for academic drift on the staff level. In addition, managers have more positive perceptions regarding all aims for research than lecturers, but both groups prioritise that the results of research should, first and foremost, be directed towards improving the quality of education.
Keywords: academic drift; non-university; vocational; innovation; research policy
For more information: [email protected]""

De opvattingen van docenten over 'goed onderzoek' spelen een belangrijke rol bij de dagelijkse vo... more De opvattingen van docenten over 'goed onderzoek' spelen een belangrijke rol bij de dagelijkse vormgeving van de hogeschool en universiteit. En wanneer docenten ook werken als onderzoekers, beïnvloeden ze ook in die context wat beschouwd wordt als 'goed onderzoek'. Eerder onderzoek richtte zich óf op opvattingen van docenten over onderzoek, óf op criteria voor goed onderzoek. In een focusgroep-en interview studie exploreert deze studie de combinatie door de opvattingen over 'goed onderzoek' van docenten te onderzoeken. Het gaat hierbij om docenten uit hogescholen en docenten uit universiteiten. De resultaten laten zien dat de opvattingen van docenten in beide type instellingen te beschrijven zijn in zes thema's over 'goed onderzoek'. De verschillen tussen docenten in hogeschool en universiteit blijken beperkt. De gecombineerde opvattingen van beide groepen geven een meer volledig overzicht van hoe docenten in het Nederlandse hoger onderwijs redeneren over 'goed onderzoek'. Dit totaalbeeld kan de basis vormen voor context-specifieke debatten over de implementatie van onderzoek in het curriculum, de toetsing van onderzoek in het onderwijs, en in vervolgstudies naar onderzoeksopvattingen van docenten.

"During the last decade, the relationship between university and non-university higher education ... more "During the last decade, the relationship between university and non-university higher education institutions has changed. As a contribution to the knowledge economy, non-university higher education institutions are expected to educate their students in research activities. Previously, teaching was the main responsibility of lecturers in non-university higher education, while research hardly played a role. This paper is about the belief of lecturers in non-university higher education in their own research ability (research self-efficacy). In a survey study conducted among Dutch lecturers (N=790), the research self-efficacy has been measured. A Structural Equation Model shows the effects of personal aspects, mastery experience, and organisational context on the research self-efficacy of lecturers. Research self-efficacy is also modelled in relation to lecturers’ need to work on professional development in research skills. Results show that research self-efficacy is mostly affected by aspects of mastery experience, in which the context is similar to the given task. Implications are discussed.
Key words: lecturers; research efficacy; non-university; higher
vocational education."
Nederlandse hogescholen werken actief aan het integreren van onderzoek in hun onderwijs. Sinds ko... more Nederlandse hogescholen werken actief aan het integreren van onderzoek in hun onderwijs. Sinds kort delen zij in het nieuwe landelijk netwerk Onderzoek in Onderwijs hun kennis over dit proces. Onlangs heeft het in kaart gebracht welke doelen hogescholen nastreven en welke meetinstrumenten zij zoal gebruiken.

Op de Hogeschool Rotterdam neemt, zoals in het hele hoger beroepsonderwijs, het doen van praktijk... more Op de Hogeschool Rotterdam neemt, zoals in het hele hoger beroepsonderwijs, het doen van praktijkgericht onderzoek een steeds belangrijker plaats in. De ambities zijn stevig: via praktijkgericht onderzoek een bijdrage leveren aan zowel de professionele ontwikkeling van het werkveld in Rotterdam als aan de verdere verbetering van de opleidingen. In het kader van deze ambitie is de pilot van het professionaliseringsprogramma 'Research on the Job' uitgevoerd. De intentie van dit programma is dat docenten zich professionaliseren op onderzoeksvaardigheden door het direct zelf uitvoeren van onderzoek in de beroepspraktijk. Onderzoekers van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam hebben dit programma geëvalueerd, met de focus op de ervaring van de deelnemende docenten. De resultaten van deze mixed-methods studie laten zien dat de motivatie van de docenten om deel te nemen aan het programma is om onderzoeksvaardigheden te ontwikkelen, maar ook om meer te weten over de praktijk van de opdrachtgever, en (tijdelijk) andere werkzaamheden te hebben. De docenten geven aan zich te hebben ontwikkeld als onderzoeker, beter zicht te hebben op het onderzoeksproces, en een groter belang te hechten aan het doen van onderzoek. Ze zien echter geen verandering in hun functioneren als docent.
Het is verbazingwekkend, schrijft Didi Griffioen, dat de ondersteuning voor ontwerpteams van curr... more Het is verbazingwekkend, schrijft Didi Griffioen, dat de ondersteuning voor ontwerpteams van curricula binnen het hbo nog zo beperkt lijkt te zijn. ‘Diverse hogescholen tuigen projecten op om onderzoek verder in het curriculum te verweven. Maar het besef hoe ingewikkeld deze opgave eigenlijk is, wat eigenlijk van opleidingen gevraagd wordt, hoe weinig we hierover eigenlijk weten – dat besef lijkt soms nog ver weg.’
Met de afronding van de periode waarbij er in Nederland onder Sirius financiering sprake was van ... more Met de afronding van de periode waarbij er in Nederland onder Sirius financiering sprake was van een groei van programma’s en enthousiasme voor honours in het hoger onderwijs, zijn we in een volgende fase aangekomen. De financiering is beëindigd, de community bestaat nog en vindt elkaar, maar de positie van honours in de aandacht van bestuurders, managers en docenten is daarmee veranderd. Na de periode van uitproberen, is nu de fase van consolideren gekomen, waarbij de vraag meer centraal staat welke onder Sirius opgedane ervaringen dan leiden tot een goed honoursprogramma. En of dit programma eigenstandig, half-geïntegreerd of volledig geïntegreerd in het reguliere programma mag worden. Tot slot gaan de algemene bezuinigingsrondes die in het land te zien zijn hier vast niet bij helpen.

Within the different faculties of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences several honour pro... more Within the different faculties of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences several honour programs were developed and implemented. A generic intentional curriculum for excellence acted as a framework for developers of the context-specific programs within the different faculties. In this document analysis the context-specific written curriculum of 30 honours programs was analysed with the aim of formulating recommendations for adjustments of the generic intentional curriculum. The central research question was: To what extent is the generic intentional curriculum reflected in the written curricula for honour programs within specific faculties? Results of the study show the importance of a generic framework in realizing a certain degree of transparency and clarity regarding the general objectives pursued in the different trajectories within specific faculties. At the same time, it appears that the 'translation' of the generic intentional curriculum does not always result in unambiguous use of selection criteria, learning objectives, learning activities, teacher roles and assessment methods in the specific written curricula. In part this must be attributed to the lack of an underlying view on the learning of students in the generic intentional curriculum. Based on these results we explore the characteristics required for a generic intentional curriculum to be able to provide effective direction in the development of context-specific written curricula.

As a result of the Sirius Program, a large amount of honors programs were developed and implement... more As a result of the Sirius Program, a large amount of honors programs were developed and implemented in higher education in the Netherlands. These developed programs are diverse and variate between and within universities. The aim of this study is to get a deeper insight in the variety of honors programs developed and implemented at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, as a result of the Sirius Program. For this study 18 lecturers were interviewed about their own developed and/or lectured honor program. Based on the results of this study a taxonomy of honor programs was created within which five types of programs can be distinguished: 1) scientific research, 2) design-thinking, 3) specialization, 4) theory, and 5) free choice. These types could be distinguished based on the characteristics: a) core content, b) students’ self-regulation, c) engagement of field, d) organization, and e) accessibility. The taxonomy offers a guide for the evaluation, adjustments and/or improvements of existing programs as well as a frame for new to develop honor programs.

It is often assumed that students with a higher potential for excellence are less motivated to co... more It is often assumed that students with a higher potential for excellence are less motivated to collaborate. So far, the question remains whether this is actually the case. This survey study investigated the influence of business students’ (N = 389) potential for excellence on their motivation to collaborate on a business-related task. Different aspects of potential for excellence were taken into account, including intelligence, creativity, first-year grade point average (GPA), and personality. A structural equation modeling analysis was applied. The findings demonstrated that only GPA had a negative influence on students’ collaborative values, indicating that the assumption that students with a higher potential for excellence are less motivated to collaborate receives limited support. In addition, the findings showed that different aspects of potential for excellence were related to different aspects of motivation to collaborate. This indicates that the relationship between potential for excellence and motivation is more complex than often considered.

What lecturers do and think are a prerequisite for educational change. It is therefore important ... more What lecturers do and think are a prerequisite for educational change. It is therefore important to gain insight into factors that influence their involvement in educational reform. This study considers the effect of leadership and managerial constructs on lecturers’ commitment to the newly implemented honours programmes in a Dutch University of Applied Sciences, by combining two models: (a) the Excellence Acceptance Model and (b) the Organisational Influence Model. This combination connects two important change factors of content and context included in a combined quantitative measurement framework. A full structural equation analysis on lecturers’ questionnaire data (N = 406) results in insight into the direct influence of executive managers’ leadership style on lecturers’ commitment in a situation of educational change. Especially, visionary leadership and the perceived discussion culture on excellence are of large influence on lecturers’ behaviour towards honours programmes. Based on these findings, directions for future research are suggested.
Articles by Didi M.E. Griffioen
role: Students as part of their learning context and lecturers as part
of their work environment. But how much of their experiences are
similar? A questionnaire was developed to provide insight into the
experiences of research integration of undergraduate students (N
= 2336) and lecturers (N = 379). For measurements, the Research
Attitudes in Vocational Education Questionnaire (RAVE-Q), and
Experience in Research Integration scale were applied to the
student survey design. For lecturers, all items of the student
surveys were rephrased into items related to lecturers’
perceptions of their students’ attitudes and experiences. The
findings show that students and lecturers share perceptions about
the role of research in their related vocational field and about
research integration. However, important cognitive and affective
differences were found between students and lecturers regarding
research practice. Implications for further research and
educational design will be discussed.
The support for connections between research and education is widespread. This connection yields the promise of educating students for the knowledge society. With the curriculum as the most important carrier of planned higher education, the lack of systematic insight in how research can be integrated into the curriculum is an important omission. This systematic review considers how empirical studies provide input for the integration of research in the higher education curriculum. Moreover, it provides a structured insight into the current body of knowledge on research in the curriculum. Based on a first set of 5815 journal articles, 121 articles were selected for further analysis. The model of Curriculum Aspects by Van den Akker (2003) was used to categorise the articles, which shows a body of knowledge on research in the curriculum with the largest focus on learning aims and learning activities. Furthermore, this review shows how few studies consider the effects of curriculum design on student learning, which calls for more empirical studies to benefit student learning.
New universities on the European mainland were mostly teaching oriented until the start of this century. Current national and local management intends to better connect research and teaching through the increase in lecturers’ research capacity, often defined through their master’s degrees or PhDs. However, this strategy is complex due to the
needed combination of didactical expertise, professional practise, and research competencies in lecturers’ professional profiles, which are not captured by the notion of formal degrees. This study considers the professional profiles of new lecturers through a thematic analysis and a correlation analysis of tasks and competencies in job openings (N=126). The findings show that two professional profiles underpin the hiring of new lecturers: the teaching lecturer and the research-active lecturer. These profiles do not imply a better connection between research and teaching. To reach this goal, higher education policy should explicitly define lecturers’ professional profiles beyond their formal degrees.
Keywords: academic drift; non-university; vocational; innovation; research policy
For more information: [email protected]""
Key words: lecturers; research efficacy; non-university; higher
vocational education."
role: Students as part of their learning context and lecturers as part
of their work environment. But how much of their experiences are
similar? A questionnaire was developed to provide insight into the
experiences of research integration of undergraduate students (N
= 2336) and lecturers (N = 379). For measurements, the Research
Attitudes in Vocational Education Questionnaire (RAVE-Q), and
Experience in Research Integration scale were applied to the
student survey design. For lecturers, all items of the student
surveys were rephrased into items related to lecturers’
perceptions of their students’ attitudes and experiences. The
findings show that students and lecturers share perceptions about
the role of research in their related vocational field and about
research integration. However, important cognitive and affective
differences were found between students and lecturers regarding
research practice. Implications for further research and
educational design will be discussed.
The support for connections between research and education is widespread. This connection yields the promise of educating students for the knowledge society. With the curriculum as the most important carrier of planned higher education, the lack of systematic insight in how research can be integrated into the curriculum is an important omission. This systematic review considers how empirical studies provide input for the integration of research in the higher education curriculum. Moreover, it provides a structured insight into the current body of knowledge on research in the curriculum. Based on a first set of 5815 journal articles, 121 articles were selected for further analysis. The model of Curriculum Aspects by Van den Akker (2003) was used to categorise the articles, which shows a body of knowledge on research in the curriculum with the largest focus on learning aims and learning activities. Furthermore, this review shows how few studies consider the effects of curriculum design on student learning, which calls for more empirical studies to benefit student learning.
New universities on the European mainland were mostly teaching oriented until the start of this century. Current national and local management intends to better connect research and teaching through the increase in lecturers’ research capacity, often defined through their master’s degrees or PhDs. However, this strategy is complex due to the
needed combination of didactical expertise, professional practise, and research competencies in lecturers’ professional profiles, which are not captured by the notion of formal degrees. This study considers the professional profiles of new lecturers through a thematic analysis and a correlation analysis of tasks and competencies in job openings (N=126). The findings show that two professional profiles underpin the hiring of new lecturers: the teaching lecturer and the research-active lecturer. These profiles do not imply a better connection between research and teaching. To reach this goal, higher education policy should explicitly define lecturers’ professional profiles beyond their formal degrees.
Keywords: academic drift; non-university; vocational; innovation; research policy
For more information: [email protected]""
Key words: lecturers; research efficacy; non-university; higher
vocational education."
intellectual ability (e.g., Preckel, Holling, & Weise, 2006; Robertson, Smeets, Lubinski, & Benbow, 2010). Altman (1999) found a composite divergent thinking score was significantly
correlated to overall GPA; creativity was most associated with grades in early courses and very advanced courses. Despite the correlations between creativity and academic success, less research has focused on the relationship between creativity and educational environments. It would be advantageous to explore the influence of educational settings on creativity and vice versa. Therefore, the proposed symposium will consist of four papers exploring various aspects of creativity (e.g., artistry, divergent thinking, and innovation) and its relation to students in various academic settings. The goal of the symposium is to explore how students’ creativity is related to their perceptions of the educational environment and their perceptions of themselves, on the one hand, and, on the role of creativity in fostering educational development on the other.
Organizer: Didi Griffioen, VU University, Netherlands
Chair: Ana Baptista, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Discussant: Jeroen Huisman, University of Ghent, Belgium
Paul Ashwin, Lancaster University, UK: 'Relations between undergraduate students’ accounts of sociology and their approaches to sociological research'
Didi Griffioen, VU University Amsterdam, NL: 'Conceptions of Truth in Higher Education: A Pillar of Research-Teaching-Nexus'
Isabel Huet, Kingston University London, UK: 'Research and Teaching nexus in post 92 Universities: Tensions and challenges'
Lisa Lucas, University of Bristol, UK: 'The Future of Research and Teaching in UK Universities?'
‘instructional development’, respectively, cf. Gosling, 2009) is an umbrella term to describe
actions and activities undertaken at institutions of higher education in order to enhance teaching
(cf. for example Amundsen & Wilson, 2012). AD initiatives and programs for a long time were
located wherever they were suitable within institutions of higher education. This reflects in both
the multiple underlying assumptions about the nature of teaching and learning prevalent in AD
as well as in resulting practices of what is considered adequate or helpful in order to facilitate
teaching. As a result AD shares a highly fragmented paradigm, which incorporates multiple
disciplinary approaches (Shay, 2012).
As for the present, AD is rapidly evolving in universities across Europe, especially in countries
where there is not a thick historical tradition, such as Germany, The Netherlands, and Flanders.
This certainly can be attributed to new funding and organizational initiatives, which react to the
notion that excellent teaching besides research is an important part of a university’s profile to
attract further students(Lomas, 2006; D’andrea & Gosling, 2001). In a recent publication Gibbs
(2013) argues for some ‘trends’ of what is changing in AD, which he describes as shifts in focus
such as “from the classroom to the learning environment”, “from individual teachers on course
teams, departments and leadership of teaching”, “from teaching to learning” or “from quality
assurance to quality enhancement”, to name only a few.
But how can these recent developments in AD be brought together and interpreted under a
coherent framework?
One possible approach to solve this question is the discussion of current practices and developments in
the area of AD under the aspect of professionalization. Is what we are doing in AD bound to
professionalize higher education teachers’ teaching? And are we adequately responding to the
professional demands of university staff in the way we administer AD courses or programs? What do
professional trajectories of university teachers tell us about the way they see themselves as professional
teaching staff? And, is there new evidence with respect to the previously disputed question whether AD
in itself can be seen as an emergent ‘field’ or ‘profession’ (Macfarlane & Hughes, 2009)?
This symposium aims at gaining new answers to those questions by following three objectives: First, it
aims to show two examples for current practices in AD and discuss how these add to the
professionalization of higher education teachers; second, it will reflect these ‘trends’ in the light of
research done on the aspect of professionalization in AD, both on the teachers’ side as well as with a
perspective on AD as a profession itself. The third objective, on a meta-level, is to infuse research on AD
as a topic into EERA/ECER and Network 22 in order to make this dynamically evolving sphere more
visible to both educational researchers, and academics in general.
In a large number of universities in many countries, students with different talent profiles are provided with different trajectories (often called ‘honours’) within or as an extension of their general curricula. Based on this model, the first of three fundamental questions to consider what the relation is between excellence and motivation. In this symposium, Pullen, Griffioen, Schoonenboom and Beishuizen present their results on this relation, while taking the notion of ‘excellence’ beyond students’ cognitive potential. In their study they consider intelligence, creativity, and GPA as metrics for Dutch students’ potential excellence, while also including a personality model.
A second question to consider is which students are actually participating in the honours trajectories. The paper of Furtwengler considers US students of high ability who choose to participate in ancillary high profile programs and students who forgo such a learning experience. This study considers if these two groups of students adopt different goal orientations as a foundation for their choice to participate in a post-secondary honors program.
The third study elaborates more on the character of the students who choose to participate in honours trajectories. In her paper, Klebig interviews students in German elitist trajectories to see whether it is mainly their motivation that made them choose for these trajectories, or whether social upbringing and support also plays a role.
The last aspect to consider is the relevance of motivation in the learning environment of honours trajectories. The paper by Wolfensberger and Zubizarreta considers the intrinsic motivation of teachers in honors programs in the US and The Netherlands. The intrinsic motivation of teachers is then combined with their educational strategies to teach talented students in honors education.
Combined, the four studies comprising this symposium provides a first step towards a more comprehensive view on the different motivational aspects to consider in both high-ability students and their learning environments. Based on the knowledge combined, future research can be better positioned to fill the gaps in our knowledge on the function of motivation in honours. As well, it can help to create more optimal educational programs for excellent students, both within and beyond honours trajectories.
Om deze vraag te beantwoorden heeft de HvA een model ontwikkeld voor onderzoek in de alle curricula. Met dit model kunnen opleidingen elkaar verstaan op inhoud en niveau van onderzoek voor studenten. De presentatie omvat het traject en het model."